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Sacred Pink Lotus Sacred Pink Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) has been known from time immemorial as:

East Indian Lotus, Sacred water lotus.

Sacred Pink Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) The Sacred Pink Lotus is one of the world's most celebrated flowers. All parts of the Sacred Pink Lotus are used for their astringent, cardiotonic, febrifuge, hypotensive, resolvent, stomachic, styptic, tonic and vasodilator, cancer, and miscellany healing properties. The Sacred Pink Lotus contains lotusine, demethyl coclaurine, neferin, and nuciferine. Pink Lotus flowers, pods, or petals are most commonly used, while the flower stamens are reported to be the most potent part of the plant. Nelumbo nucifera may be smoked or made into a tea. "The effects seem primarily cerebral, but are quite noticeable and very enjoyable. There is a feeling of joy that permeates the whole body, emanating from every cell. This is delightfully wonderful and lasts for some time." Though little known in the modern world and difficult to obtain, the Sacred Pink Lotus is non-addictive, non-toxic, and said to be "relatively safe for long-term use", with no known negative side-effects.

Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Pink Lotus) have become etched in folklore because of a fabulous people who supposedly occupied the north coast of Africa and lived on the lotus, which brought forgetfulness and happy indolence. Similar in effect to the Sacred Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerule), the Sacred Pink Lotus is often steeped in wine or tea. Some believe that the lotus came to India from Egypt. Later, Buddhism borrowed the

flower from Hinduism. In Buddhist painting and sculpture, whenever Buddha is shown delivering an important sermon, he is shown sitting on a lotus pedestal. Buddhist scriptures enumerate fragrance, purity, delicateness and beauty as the attributes of lotus. From time immemorial to the present day, it has always been in folklore, religion and the arts in one form or the other.

Pink Lotus Blossom (Nelumbo nucifera) The term lotus is applied in general to several species of plants. About 100 lotus species are found in temperate regions of Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The pink and purple coloured variety found in the country and widely used in religion is called Nelumbo nucifera. Scriptures tell us that it first bloomed with the creation of the universe. Over the centuries it has lost none of its allure. According to Yoga and Tantra there are seven lotus wheels in the human body. The lotus is the object of meditation in Tantrik Buddhism.

The lotus motif has also been extensively used in shrines, art, architecture and sculpture of the Jains. The Ionic order of architecture of the ancient Greeks is an offshoot of the Assyrian and Phoenician forms which have the lotus as their basis. Nelumbo nucifera is a wholly edible species. Its seeds are roasted to make puffs called makhanas. The plant's rhizomes are a source of lotus meal which is rich in starch. In fact is American counterpart, Nelumbo petapetala was source of starchy diet for the American Indians. A number of wild animals feed on the plant. Fish find refuge in its underwater stalks. Indians believe that Brahma, creator and God of the universe, sprang from a lotus

blossom. And the Buddhist prayer "Om! Mani padme hum!" translates as "Oh!, the jewel of the lotus flower!" The Lotus flower was immortalized in Homer's The Odyssey, in which Ulysses and his crew come ashore on the Island of the Lotus-Eaters: "I was driven thence by foul winds for a space of nine days upon the sea, but on the tenth day we reached the land of the Lotus-eater, who live on a food that comes from a kind of flower. Here we landed to take in fresh water, and our crews got their mid-day meal on the shore near the ships. When they had eaten and drunk I sent two of my company to see what manner of men the people of the place might be, and they had a third man under them. They started at once, and went about among the Lotus-eaters, who did them no hurt, but gave them to eat of the lotus, which was so delicious that those who ate of it

Pink Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

left off caring about home, and did not even want to go back and say what had happened to them, but were for staying and munching lotus with the Lotus-eater without thinking further of their return."

Lotus Seeds

Resource :

Egyptian Blue Lotus

Botanical Name : Nymphaea caerulea, Nymphaea nouchali var, Nymphaea stellata Family : Nymphaeaceae Common name : Blue Lotus, Sacred Blue Lotus, Blue Lily of the Nile, Blue Water Lily, Egytian Lotus, Egytian Lily, Blue Lotus of the Nile Caracteristics : Day Blooming, non viviparous, Free flowering. Native to North and Central Africa Petals colour light blue

(Nymphaea caerulea) "Blue Lotus Flowers"

Blue Lotus or Nymphaea caerulea which is actually know today to be a blue water lily, Many people misunderstand that Blue Lotus is Nelumbo nucifera, actually Nelumbo nucifera never found in blue color Blue Lotus flower along with papyrus, A Lotus flower is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth. Because at night the flower closes and sinks under water, at dawn it rises and opens again. Blue Lotus (Nymphae caerulea) flower has for thousand of years symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, this flower essence's purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enchance healing on every level within the system. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) was native to the Nile and used to be abundant.

"Egyptian Blue Lotus" (Nymphaea caerulea)

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) represented in ancient Egytian art. The Blue Lotus was found scattered over Tutankhamen's body when the Phoraoh's tomb was opened in 1922. Many historians thought it was a purly symbolie flower, but there maybe some reason to believe that Egyptians used it to reduce an ecstatic state, stimulation and hallucinations, as well as being widely used as a general remedy against illness. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) provides a relaxing, euphoric sensation, help relieve muscle spasms. It may act as an aphrodisiac. Egyptian Blue Lotus is a sedative. It was used in ancient Egypt as a key to good health, sex and rebirth. The perfume of this flower was not only pleasing to the Egyptians, but they saw it as healing as well, some people today believe that th Egyptian used this flower as a narcotic both for its healing qualities and as a recreation drug when soaked in wine, though this is a hotly debated topic. The Blue Lotus was sacred to the ancient Egyptians, ornamental and sweet smelling.

"Ancient Egyptian used of Blue Lotus Flowers" Many people believe, when Nymphaea caerulea (Blue Lotus Dried Flowers) was smoked or drank after being soaked in water or wind , it acted as an intoxicant. The Blue Lotus contain Aporphine, apomorphine, which is dopamine agonist, nuciferine which is an antispasmodic. The Blue Lotus flower was considered to be a magical, sacred flower and it appears as a common motif in numerous ancient Egyption paintings. The flower was used in order to induce and ecstatic state, stimulation, and hallveinations.

"Ancient Egyptian used of Blue Lotus Flowers" Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) was also know in Egypt as a symbol of the universe, fextilily and sexuality. It was also depicted in many painting as a sacred aphrodisiac, which suggests it may have been used in this way.

"Ancient Egyptian used of Blue Lotus Flowers"

Lotus Farm Our Lotus farm is located in Prajean Buri Province, Nakorn Prathom Province and Ayuthaya Province. Our company also do export live lotus and water lily tubers, Lotus fresh flowers, lotus fresh and dried pods, lotus and waterlilies seeds.




















Growing Lotus From Seeds


Growing Water Lily from Seeds (Nymphaeaceae Family)

We fully realize that growing from seed can be an interesting and inexpensive way for people to get started as compared with buying rhizomes or plants. Seeds can be sprouted in warm water and potted individually, we prefer to plant them before they sprout.

The number of seeds determines container size, everything from small pots to dish pans to small ponds. Put a layer of soil in the bottom, add water to the brim, level and compact the soil once it has settled from filling with water. We then distribute the seeds as evenly as possible over the soil and drizzle a thin layer of white sand through the water over the seeds. This helps to anchor them and to see them as they sprout. Adding water after putting the seeds are put in can dislodge them, as can placing the container in a pond. When seedlings have made several floating leaves in smaller containers, we carefully dig them up and pot them individually. In small ponds designed for seedlings we let plants grow to blooming stage and then remove them, either to propagate or discard, making more space for still developing seedlings.


Growing Water Lily from Seeds (Nelumbo Family); Begin with FRESH VIABLE SEED. These seed must be nicked with a sharp knife ( careful here ) or rubbed with a file or scraped across concrete to break the hard seed coating. You can file top or bottom, just stop when you see the creme colored inner core. This allows water to enter the seed faster. I like to scrape the dimpled end. Take a clean, empty 2 liter soda bottle, put the seeds inside, add hot but not boiling water, and place in an area that you frequently pass during the day. Kitchens are good. When you pass the bottle, give it a brief shake. Change the water daily, use any clean water that is not softened by


chemicals. Once the water is absorbed the floaters may surprise you. Seeds sprout quickly once the water is absorbed inside the seed. But it may take a week or so, don't give up !!! You MUST change the water when it looks cloudy. Remember to add warm water each time. Remove the seeds as they sprout and have grown to about 4 inches long. This usually takes only one or two days in the bottle. Put them in a dishpan or similar container with about 3 inches of sand on the bottom and 3 inches of water covering the sand. Press your finger in the sand and put the seed in the hole ... don't cover with sand. You can sink this in your pond, or just place it in full sun next to the pool. If you sprout in Winter, a sunny window is good, or take the seed container outside on warm days and bring it back inside as the day cools off. CHANGE the WATER if cloudy !!! If something should happen to the first stem, just leave the seed alone and it will fork out and grow another stem. Or you can place it in a slurry of potting media in a 3" pot, cover the surface with pea gravel and place in water to cover over at least 3", and it will continue to grow and produce leaves and form a tuber. If the seed drops off, don't panic, that just shows you that your Baby Lotus is growing up. If you put 8 to 10 inches of water over your Lotus they will have to expand a lot of energy to reach the surface. The water will also be too cold for them. If you put 3 to 4 inches, you will get fat, happy, chunky, plump Baby Lotus that are strong and tough. One suggestion is to treat them like children, and if you do you will be surprised with the growth and bloom you will have in the Spring. Keep them warm and cozy. You might want to talk with them, the Carbon Dioxide in your breath aids in their metabolism. Feel their leaves and check if everything is ok, no insects, or water beetles eating them. If insects are a problem, rinse the pad under water and your fish will love you for the appetizer you just offered them. Feel the water temperature, is it too hot, too cold or just right, they like warm water. Look at the water clarity, can you see the bottom of the pool, pond, or container where they live? The best care is common sense care, example: If the water is cloudy, run some fresh water into the pool. If too hot, add some fresh water with your hose running slowly. And like kids, monitor their food intake. I don't feed my Baby Lotus till the seed drops off and the fourth leaf has developed and opened fully.


The tuber which is now the food for the Baby looks like a darkened colored stem. Carefully sit this in a depression you have made with your finger and snuggle sand around it. Roots are probably already growing out of where the seed used to be. These will grow to hold the Lotus upright as it grows. A happy Baby Lotus produces runners and begins to mature into it's " teenage " stage ... and that's when the growth really begins !!! It will probably be the second growing season before it blooms, but you could get lucky with lots of TLC. Once you fertilize with a water soluble fertilizer when the Lotus has four leaves, you should then feed it every two weeks. Get ready to have a beautiful Lotus Water Garden ... and remember you can't just raise one !!!


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