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Survival English

Making Friends

Expressions to get you started!!!

Nice to meet you! Just call me Marissa. Hows it going? Lets get together sometime for lunch. Are you free this Friday? Would 5 be OK with you? Make yourself at home! Say hello to your friends. Lets keep in touch.

Happy to meet you! , How do you do? My name is How are you? , Whats going on? , Whats

Lets meet sometime. What are you doing? , What are you going to do? Can you make it at 5? Make yourself comfortable here! Give my regards to Catch you later. Take care.

Survival English

Real World Dialogue

To light a cigarette you need matches or a lighter. Each question is like a match to start a conversation. The questions are supposed to START conversations. Otherwise, you are just reading the questions out loud Comments and follow-up questions help keep conversation going. Also, get in habit of saying things like: Really, No kidding, What about you?


1. Its a perfect day for a picnic.

Anthony: Eloisa: Anthony: Eloisa: Anthony: Eloisa: Anthony: Eloisa: Anthony: Eloisa: Anthony: Eloisa: Eloisa: Anthony: Hazel: Anthony: Hi! Hi! Would you mind me sitting here? Of course not. Its such a lovely day, isnt it? Yeah. Its such a perfect day for a picnic. Yeah, and its so peaceful and gorgeous. Yes, its not hot yet and its not a crowded hour either. Do you live around here? Yes, I live in 45th Perimeter St. Thats great. Im Anthony. Im traveling here. Nice to meet you. My name is Eloisa. Anthony, heres someone Id like you to meet. This is my friend, Hazel. Hi, Im glad to meet you finally, Hazel. Me, too. Ive heard a lot about you. Only good things, I hope.

2. Ive heard a lot about you.

Gorgeous- beautiful Either- whichever Crowded- full, packed, jam-packed

Survival English

3. Lets get together sometime for lunch.

Hazel: Eloisa: Hazel: Eloisa: Hazel: Eloisa: Hazel: Andy: Eric: Andy: Eric: Andy: Eric: Andy: Eric: Andy: Haven we met before? You look familiar to me. I only know you by sight. I think, Ive met you in Marissas office. Oh, yeah. And you are Ms.? Eloisa Ramos. Just call me Eloisa. And heres my card. Oh, I remember now! Marissa talked about you all the time. Nice to meet you again. You, too. Hows it going? Pretty good. Lets get together sometime for lunch. Are you free this Saturday? Sure, whats up? Were having a housewarming party in my place. Are you coming? Id love to. Is there anything I should prepare? Itll be a potluck party. Everyone is supposed to bring a dish to share. OK. Can I bring some ice cream for a dessert? Great. Would 5 be Ok with you? Any time in the afternoon will be fine with me. See you then.

4. Are you free this Saturday?

5. Dont be polite! Andy: Eric:


Eric: Andy:
Familiar- common Pretty good- terrific

Oh, Eric. So nice of you to come! Thank you for inviting me. Davids been talking about this barbecue party so long that I wouldnt want to miss it. Heres a little something for you. Thank you. You really shouldnt have. Well, come out to the backyard and make yourself at home! Thank you. Youve really prepared a feast here. Help yourself to whatever youd like. Dont be polite!

Survival English

Try This!!!

Conversation Tasks # 1: Try to meet someone and introduce yourself Conversation Task # 2: Conversation Task # 3: Introduce your friend to your family Try to invite someone out to take a walk and make friends

Have you heard of a party animal?

Talk about the following parties with a friend and make some comparison about it in your country. Dinner party Cocktail party- is a party where cocktails are served. Barbecue party Garden party Potluck party-is a party where people contributes or bring something Get-together party Babys first birthday party Birthday party Wedding anniversary party Christmas party Halloween party Thanksgiving party Home-coming party Baby shower Stag party- bachelor party Hen party- is a party and fundraiser for engaged couple Surprise party Pajama party

Survival English

Youre quite a stranger.

Marissa: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Marissa: Mervin: Look, whos here! Mervin, Im so glad you could make it. Long time no see, Marissa. Youre quite a stranger. How have you been? Not too bad. Here, I brought a bottle of wine. This is a nice house you live in. Cozy, huh? Would you like to take a look around? Id love to. This pie is so delicious. Thats my grandmas favorite recipe. She brought them this morning. Hows your grandma? Say hello to her. I will. Can I get you some more? No, thats all right. Im stuffed. Goodness! Its already after nine. Id better be going. Why so soon? The nights still young. I dont want to overstay my welcome. Besides, I have an early start tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed it. I really did. Thank you for the lovely evening. Let me walk you to the bus stop. OK. Nice meeting you. Lets keep in touch.

Id better be going.

Try this!!!
With a friend, you can get to know each other by asking these questions:

What are your plans for the weekend? What did you do today? Are you enjoying the weather today? What did you do yesterday? What are you going to do tomorrow? See any movies lately? Go anywhere lately?

Cozy- comfortable, warm Stuffed- full Stranger-unfamiliar person, new arrival

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