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Skin, Hair, & Nails rashes itching lesions dryness oiliness Mouth, Oropharynx, Nose > dysphagia? > changes in voice? > lesions? > nagtutoothbrush na? > ask pt. to open close mouth > ask to smile > inspect buccal mucosashould be pink > tongue out (belat) > number of teeth? > kelan first eruption? >thumb sucking? > use of pacifier? > use of bottle feeding? > fluoridated water? > observe dental caries may be due to bottle feeding Nose: ability to smell? nagnosebleed ba recently? Eyes:pain? >difficulty w/ night vision? > blurred? > use of corrective eyeglesses? if yes, when was the last eye exam? > test 6 cardinal fields >PERRLA

location? onset? precipitating factors: aggrevating alleviating allergies? play injuries? exposure to animals/pets? acne: location? onset? treatment? precipitating factors? nail biting? Scalp > lesions? > itching? May history nab a dati? Habits: > every when nagcucut ng nails? > bathing patterns: shampoo? _______ > soap? ___ > lotion? _____ Head & Neck > assess ROM of pts head (turn left,right, up down) > pain? > neck injuries? > fam hx of head&neck cancer? > use of helmet? *head control: 4 months kaya na magmove ng head up side to side head lag beyond 6 mos indicates cerebral injury * fontanelles: posterior: closed after 2 mos anterior closed after 12-18 mos

Ears: > ear drainage > ear pain? occurrence? relief? > dizziness? >trauma? >napa-check na ba yan?> texture? smooth w/o nodules? > position should be aligned w/ eyes > assess mastoid process for tenderness, temp, edema > inspect for cerumen Lungs:dyspnea? > during sleeping? > ilang pillows ang kailangan? > cough: productive? unproductive? > allergies?

> chest pain? location? precipitating factors? location? > kumusta environment? may mga naninigarilyo ba? > vocal fremitus: 99 CV: > use of drugs during pregnancy? > poor weight gain? > difficulty in feeding > inability to play with peers? > squatting behavior > excessive irritability or crying > episodes of cyanosis? Peripheral Vascular:pain in claves, feet, buttock, legs during walking? sitting? > standing for long periods? >to the point that t awakens you? > what relieves the pain? > may coldness? edema? tingling? > may hx of DM? HPN? CAD? > self-care: ill-fitting shoes? tight socks? > what kind of exercise ang ginagawa? Abdominal: >n&v precipitating factors > feeling na di natutunawan > change in appetite? > weight loss? > change in bowel elimination describe ilan ba yung dati? anong pattern? > use of aspirin? anti-inflammatory > usual diet? > anong tubig sa inyo? nag-iigib? mineral water? > color of stools consistency? pattern? > amount of food intake? > color of emesis > abd contour: scaphoid? pot bellied? flat?

Neuro: > numbness? > seizures? > fainting episodes? > headaches? > loss of memory > confusion > visual loss, blurring, pain > speech problems? > dysphagia > loss of urinary/bowel control > recent injury? > prolonged exposure to lead , insecticides, polluntants, or other chemicals? > gait > facial expression Nutritional > describe appetite and feeding habits > frequency of feedings > usual diet > allergies? > vitamins? > weight loss? > mahilig kumain ng gulay and fruits? > mouth problems that make it difficult to eat? > muscle mass sa: temporal areas___ dorsum of hands____ > strength of grasp/voluntary movements > body fat distribution sa: waist__ thighs__ triceps___ > posture > energy level bladder: distended? others capillary refill neck/jugular distention skin turgor dry, chappy lips? nasal discharge? ability to expectorate sputum > activity level assistance

> height___ weight____ > mid-arm circumference____ Head circumference: cm Chest circumference: cm Abdominal circumference: GU: urine color?

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