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Pengarang memulakan ayat pengenalan dengan sangat baik dan dapat menarik minat pembaca untuk terus membaca artikel tersebut. The drivers that are taking us along this journey to determine our future is the government of the day but in fact the ultimate decision on our destination is in all our hands, and it begins with the we vote as I am fond of telling everyone. Walaupun beliau memberikan kritikkan terhadap isu tersebut, beliau juga dapat memberikan cadangan yang bernas untuk permasalahan yang timbul. The prime minister in response has assured that the setting up of the committee is being done to put to rest any suspicion that there is manipulation by the government in the country's electoral process. However, whether this move will restore confidence in the country's electoral Process will depend on whether its terms of reference are substantive and meaningful and whether the BN majority members in the committee will be able to rise above narrow partisan interests. Ayat yang menunjukkan cadangan beliau ialah In my view, the terms of reference of the committee will need to cover a broader range of issues beyond the Bersih proposals which focus on a clean up of the electoral roll, reform of postal voting, use of indelible ink and other electoral-related proposals. Selain itu, beliau juga menggunakan sorotan literatur untuk mengukuhkan huraian artikel tersebut. One school of thought expressed in the except below by blogger, Batsman is that 'although electoral reforms are a necessity for a truly united Malaysia .... [a]ll the institutions of the state have been compromised by racism and narrow Malay nationalism. Without free and fair elections, a free and fair media, a neutral civil service, police and judiciary which have no interest in which political party wins the elections, Malaysia cannot be a truly united country." Seterusnya beliau telah memasukkan beberapa fakta dalam artikel sebagai rujukan dan bukti untuk pembaca contohnya, The announcement by the Prime Minister Najib run Razak on 16 September 2011 of the repeal of the Internal Security Act, abolition of the Emergency ordinance, and amendment of the requirement of annual renewal of press and publication permits are modest steps in the right direction. Akhir sekali, pengarang menutup artikel ini dengan mencadangan beberapa pendapat yang boleh di jadikan rujukan untuk pihak-pihak yang berkaitan sebagai satu langkah mencapai visi 2020. Amongst the principles to be considered for our national mission, I would like to propose the following; No citizen shall suffer unjustified discrimination in economic and educational opportunities on the grounds of ethnicity, religion, gender, class or other social characteristics; The state shall invest sufficiently in education, healthcare and other public services so that the marginalised and poorer groups in society are provided opportunities to improve themselves and the disparities prevailing in the nation can be rapidly reduced; All individuals, groups and communities shall respect one another as equal fellow citizens with constitutionally-enshrined rights and duties; The scourge of corruption, which has taken deep root and is undermining the moral and ethical basis of the nation while rewarding the greedy, unscrupulous and unworthy, shall be eliminated.

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