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Upon returning from Chile in September we decided to have a Bible study in our home on Sunday evenings with Fabian Rodriguez and his girlfriend, Jacqueline Rios. We are studying the Gospel of Mark and each week we are amazed at the way they draw their own conclusions from the Scripture. The Spirit is at
work to convict them.

Volume 3, Number 1

Fabian's family also grows closer to us and to the Gospel message. They are Catholics who thought all non-Catholics
were Mormons or Pentecostal. Now they talk with us and say we are different and tell Fabian that some day they will come to our

January 1986

Bible study. JosC his father, is a policeman, and his mother,

Etelvina, works as a street vendor twice a week. His brother,

Claudio, is twelve years old, and seeks Miguel's friendship also.

There has been a notable change in the degree of confidence our friends have in us. Lalo, a photographer friend, quoted a price to us for photo postcards two months ago. Now, last week, he offered us a 60% discount. Lalo has two photography shops in Florencio Varela but lives in another section of Buenos Aires, so
he comes to our home for lunch once or twice a week with his

helper. This has been valuable in sharing with him our lives and
showing him Jesus.

Another example is Raul, the owner of the newsstand close to our

Buenos Aires

home. Raul knew we were looking for a car for a long time and

finally two weeks ago took us to a friend of his who sells new and used cars. Because Raul is his friend, he treated us special and we bought a car there. We were also the only adults invited to stay at Raul's daughter's birthday party who weren't their

More people are confiding in Miguel and seeking his counsel. We

look forward to the day we will have permission to open a contact center, hold meetings, and work freely. In preparation for that

day we ask you to please begin your contributions earmarked for a contact center. We need to begin saving money to rent or buy. If
we rent, we will need $5000 to sign the contract, and if we buy we will need $20,000 - $25,000. Please share this need with your friends and churches in your area.

Miguel & Debbie Amigo

Veliz Sarsfield 65
1888 Florencio Varela

Buenos Aires. Argentina

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Kay Cottrell
c/o North Terre Haute

Christian Church
3133 Park Avenue

Corner newsstand one-half block from our home where

North Terre Haute, IN 47805

Miguel goes every morning to share with the owner, Raul,

and customers.

(812) 466-3773


Supposedly the only papers lacking for us to turn in all our papers to the immigration department were the police certificates of good conduct from Buenos Aires. They were to be ready to pick up by September 10th. Miguel's was ready but mine wasn't, and I had to go back in one week. I returned and
was sent to two different offices. My police certificate was not ready because my fingerprints weren't

clear enough. The police took my prints again and asked me to return in two weeks to get my police

As soon as we had both of the police certificates we presented our papers to the immigration department
the first of October. Our enthusiasm was short-lived. First, even though the woman at this office knew

we were going to Chile to sell the car, she didn't bother to tell us we would need new police certificates from Chile upon traveling to that country and returning to Argentina. Second, Stephen's birthcertificate had stamps on the wrong side and had to be stamped again in Chile. Wesent Stephen's birthcertificate
to a friend in Chile who does paperwork for a travel agency and asked him to get our police certificates. He wrote back and said he needed a permission from the Chilean consulate in Buenos Aires signed by us

to obtain the police certificates. Ittook three days to get that paper and we immediatelysent it to Chile. We telephoned two weeks ago to see if the papers had been sent and our friend said he would havethem
ready to mail the next day. We are still waiting and meanwhile our police certificates from Buenos Aires are no longer valid and ourtouristvisas will expire the end of Novemberwhen wewill have to renew them.
To make things even more difficult a new immigration law was passed in September which requires a deposit of $30,000 for a foreigner to obtain a resident visa. Even though we entered the country before that law was in effect, the immigration department requires a letter from Dr. Bonfante assuring financial support, which he was willing to give on our behalf.

Preparation began early for the arrival of Roger and Janice Ouarton on October 8th. Since July we had been asking the realtor, from whom we rent, to have a house ready for them when they arrived. The first of October we cleared out our chest of drawers and readied our bedroom for them. October 8th finally
arrived. Fabian was ready to take us in his car to get the Ouartons. We called at 10 A.M. to confirm the

flight arrival at 11:30 A.M. After being told it was on schedule we departed for the airport. We arrived,
entered the terminal, and read on the flight information board that their flight had been cancelled. We checked at the information desk and were told to call after 2 P.M. to see if it would arrive that night or the next day. We came back home, sat down to lunch, and the doorbell rang. Miguel looked at me and said it

was Roger. He was right Roger and Janice did arrive at 11:30 A.M. but on a different airline and rented
a taxi to our house. What a welcome!

Since they've arrived, Miguel has helped them try to find a house to rent or buy, obtain a Spanish teacher, and become acquainted with their surroundings. The Lord willing they will be in their own home the first
of December. It has meant so much to have them here. We don't feel alone anymore and we have someone to share with in English. We pray for their rapid adjustment and language learning.

We spent three weeks in Chile trying to sell our car, a 1978 Volkswagon Brasilia. Although the car was in good shape, we had difficulty finding a buyer. The used car market was full of cars but few buyers because of the dire economic situation there. Finally it sold for $1,400, $400 less than what we had hoped to receive for the car. Nevertheless, we were happy that it was sold at last and left for Argentina on August

When we began to look for a car here in Buenos Aires we encountered quite a surprise. Before we left for

Chile we were aware of the difference in used car prices (in dollars) and knew that we would not be able to buy the same type of car nor the same year for the money we would receive in Chile. But when we
came back we found that used cars had increased 100% in price.

We looked for cars but quickly became discouraged because we couldn't afford anything newer than a '69 Ford Falcon. We continued looking and tried to use as little from our monthly work fund as possible to save up to purchase a car. Two weeks ago we bought a car with an unusually good body and, hopefully, a

good engine. It is a 1976 Fiat 125 station wagon, and cost $3300. We still owe $350 to be paid on
December 1st. We are thankful that God led us to this car. It is spacious, more economical than most, and is in good condition for a used car here.


Weatherwise, this has been the wettest spring in Buenos Aires in 37 years. Much of Buenos Aires is under water and thousands have been evacuated from their homes. We thank God that even though our house leaks everywhere (except in the kitchen) we do not live in a zone of flooding, We are praying about the possibility of moving when another house is available to rent and we have the necessary funds to sign a rental contract (about $1000). The political climate has been very exciting. Argentines recently voted for congressmen on November 3rd. It was wonderful to see all the political fervor in a country where democracy had been suppressed for so many years. President Alfonsin's party won a majority in congress which appears to indicate the nation's general approval of his economic policies. The politics have been positive for the Argentines but not for us who depend on exchanging dollars. With the exchange rate dropping and prices rising around 2% monthly, we have lost about 10% of our purchasing power. We are happy for the Argentines and thankful that we have lacked nothing.


Later we found a

When we returned from Chile we found that neither of our two mixers worked.

marvelous maid but she quit after four weeks because her house was robbed while she was gone. Then the food processor lid decided not to stay in its place. To top that, our washer broke down. We bought it new in April with a one-year guarantee. We have called the company repeatedly but a month has passed and I'm still washing clothes in the bathtub. Later we hope to buy a U.S. washer from an American family leaving Argentina. We are learning to be content in all circumstances -- a hard lesson at times.


Andrea and Stephen -- Stephen in normal pose . , . climbing!

The front of our house

The kids are growing! Andrea is going into a size 6, and is preparing for her dance recital on December
14th. Since the Quarton's arrival she has truly become bilingual in that she speaks both English and

Spanish for the first time. In October we enrolled her in kindergarten for the next school year which

begins in March, 1986. She will be attending a private school three blocks from our house. Stephen is all boy climbs on everything, loves to play with the hammer and screwdriver, and likes to fight. He is talking more but gets a little confused. He learned to say "moon" but now calls everything in the sky, including planes, "moon." He also recently learned to say "balloon" and now calls apples,
oranges, and balls "balloon." He is wearing size 3 clothes now. Many are curious about what we eat and what's available when we grocery shop. Our menu is similar to what it would be in the U.S. except for the inclusion of T-bone steaks which we can afford here. Now we

are beginning to see peaches, strawberries, watermelon, and tomatoes at the produce stores. We also have canned goods and frozen vegetables available. Among other familiar products are Lipton tea, Quaker oats, Kellogg's cereals, Nestle'sQuik, Hellman's mayonnaise, and Johnson &Johnson products.

There are some things we would appreciate receiving in the mail. These can be sent in manilla envelopes which weigh no more than 2.2 pounds and marked for customs "NO VALUE." These are: sour cream mixes, envelopes of tomato soup, mushroom gravy mixes, salad dressing mixes. Dream Whip or other imitation whipped cream in envelopes, and Kool-aid packets.

We have rarely asked for help, but feel the need to do so at this time. Our health insurance company in the U.S. filed bankruptcy. Due to this we had around an $800 debt in the U.S. for two minor operations I underwent while on furlough. The North Terre Haute Christian Church generously gave a gift of $500 to

payoffthe medical bills. Inadditionto the $300debt remaining, wewill not be reimbursedforthe $450 we paid for Stephen's birth last year. Perhaps there is an individual, group, or church who could help us especially in paying offthe $300debt. Wewould also appreciate any gifts to help us buy a washer soon.
We hope you have enjoyed reading our newsletter and sneaking a peak into our lives during these past three months. If you have any questions or are just curious about something write! We invite you to respond in some way and be a part of our ministry ~ send us mixes, begin regular support, or designate a

gift for the contact center. Pray and let us know about it. We would appreciate it so much.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Miguel Amigo Family

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