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Digital g Signal g Processing g

with DSK6713

Session 3 9th Feb 2009 Department of Electrical Engineering

Air University

Todays Agenda

Introduction to DSK6713 Introduction to Code Composer Studio Build and run an existing program on DSP

DSK6713 Overview

225 MHz TMS320C6713 floating point DSP AIC23 stereo codec (ADC and DAC)

Ideal for audio applications 8-96 kHz sample rates 16 MB dynamic RAM 512 kB nonvolatile FLASH memory 4 LEDs 4 DIP switches


General purpose I/O

USB interface to PC

DSK Functional Block Diagarm

DSK Physical Layout

Salient Features of TMS320C6713

Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle 32/64 Bit Data Word 32/64-Bit Rich Peripheral Set, Optimized for Audio Ei ht I Eight Independent d d tF Functional ti lU Units: it

2 ALUs (Fixed-Point) 4 ALUs (Floating-/Fixed-Point) (Floating /Fixed Point) 2 Multipliers (Floating-/Fixed-Point)

Two Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports: Two 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers External Memory Interface

Code Composer Studio

The Code Composer Studio (CCS) application provides all the necessary p y software tools for DSP development. At the heart of CCS youll find the original Code Composer IDE (integrated development environment). In this IDE you can perform all your code development including

writing source code compiling ili and d executing ti programs debuugging

Code Composer Studio

Project window

Main window

Message window

Watch window

CCS Projects

Code Composer works within a project paradigm. Within CCS you create a project for each executable program you wish to create. Projects store all the information required to build the executable. For example it lists things like: example, the source files, the header files, , the target g systems memory-map, and program build options.

Creating CCS Projects

The project information is stored in a .PJT file, which is created and maintained by CCS. To create a new project, you need to select the Project: New menu item.

Working with CCS Projects

In the Project window, you can manage open projects using the right-click popup menu. This menu allows you to Add Files to a project. You can also l d drag-n-drop d files onto the project from Windows Explorer.

Mostly used


Your next lab instructions will be sent to you on your yahoogroup yahoogroup. You must have hardcopies of the lab instructions when you come in the lab. If you face any difficulty in joining the yahoogroup send me an email with subject BEE VIII A or BETE VIII A, A whichever is your class name name. On the webpage of your group all course material including the presentations, lab instructions, tutorials, manuals, etc.

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