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Project Report


Prepared by: Gagan Mahey 2K10/EE/033

It is certified that this project report and project entitled Power Distribution is completed by Mr. Gagan mahey at Bharat Electronics Limited, Bharat Nagar, Ghaziabad under the guidance of undersigned at Bharat Electronics Limited, from July 05, 2011 to August 13, 2011 for the requirement of industrial training as prescribed by the institute.

During the period of the project he worked hard and diligently. All the work is genuine, original and was timely completed.

We wish him all success in his life.

Date: 10/01/2013.

Project Guide:

P.S. Tyagi Manager (CS-Electrical)


I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. R. N. TYAGI, Dy. Manager (HRD), Bharat Electronics, Ghaziabad for accepting my letter and allowing me to complete my training in Bharat Electronics. I would like to thanks Mr. Udit Agrawal, S.E. (CS-Electrical) and Mr. Mohan Lal, S.E. (CSElectrical) for their kind help extended during the entire period of training. I would like to express my deep satisfaction and gratitude for: Mr. P.S. Tyagi, Manager (CS-Electrical) for his time to time guidance and help extended during each stage of my project.

Finally, I would like to thanks each and every member of BEL family for making me feel comfortable and helping me in every possible manner.



Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) was established in 1954 as a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of Ministry of Defense as the fountainhead to manufacture and supply electronics components and equipment. BEL, with a noteworthy history of pioneering achievements, has met the requirement of state-of-art professional electronic equipment for Defense, broadcasting, civil Defense and telecommunications as well as the component requirement of entertainment and medical X-ray industry. Over the years, BEL has grown to a multi-product, multi-unit, and technology driven company with track record of a profit earning PSU. The company has a unique position in India of having dealt with all the generations of electronic component and equipment. Having started with a HF receiver in collaboration with T-CSF of France, the company's equipment designs have had a long voyage through the hybrid, solid state discrete component to the state of art integrated circuit technology. BEL was among the first Indian companies to manufacture computer parts and peripherals under arrangement with International Computers India Limited (ICIL) in 1970s.

Electrical Substation:
First of all let us have an overview of what a substation is? A substation is a high-voltage electric system facility. It is used to switch generators, equipment, and circuits or lines in and out of a system. It is also used to change AC voltages from one level to another or change alternating current to direct current or direct current to alternating current. Some substations are small with little more than a transformer and associated switches and some are large with dozens of transformers and generators. The type of substation at IDT is a step down type of substation. Using the power transformers it converts 11 kilovolts voltage of the transmission lines to 415 volt. Function of Substations: Transmission and Distribution Systems- In large, modern ac power systems, the transmission and distribution systems function to deliver bulk power from generating sources to users at the load centres. Transmission systems generally include generation switchyards, interconnecting transmission lines, autotransformers, switching stations, and step-down transformers. Distribution systems include primary distribution lines or networks, transformer banks, and secondary lines or networks, all of which serve the load area. Design Objectives: As an integral part of the transmission or distribution systems, the substation or switching station functions as a connection and switching point for generation sources, transmission or sub transmission lines,

distribution feeders, and step-up and step-down transformers. The design objective for the substation is to provide as high a level of reliability and flexibility as possible while satisfying system requirements and minimizing total investment costs. Voltage Levels: The selection of optimal system voltage levels depends on the load to be served and the distance between the generation source and the load. Many large power plants are located great distances from the load canters to address energy sources or fuel supplies, cooling methods, site costs and availability, and environmental concerns. Design Considerations: Many factors influence the selection of the proper type of substation for a given application. This selection depends on such factors as voltage level, load capacity, environmental considerations, site space limitations, and transmission-line right-of-way requirements. While also considering the cost of equipment, labour, and land, every effort must be made to select a substation type that will satisfy all requirements at minimum costs. The major substation costs are reflected in the number of power transformers, circuit breakers, and disconnecting switches and their associated structures and foundations. Therefore, the bus layout and switching arrangement selected will determine the number of the devices that are required and in turn the overall cost. The choice of insulation levels and coordination practices also affects cost, especially at EHV. A drop of one level in basic insulation level (BIL) can reduce the cost of major electrical equipment by thousands of dollars. A careful analysis of alternative switching schemes is essential and can result in considerable savings by choosing the minimum equipment necessary to satisfy system requirements. A number of factors must be considered in the selection of bus layouts and switching arrangements for a substation to meet system and station requirements. A substation must be safe, reliable, economical, and as simple in design as possible. The design also should provide for further expansion, flexibility of operation, and low maintenance costs.

The physical orientation of the transmission-line routes often dictates the substations location, orientation, and bus arrangement. This requires that the selected site allow for a convenient arrangement of the lines to be accomplished. For reliability, the substation design should reduce the probability of a total substation outage caused by faults or equipment failure and should permit rapid restoration of service after a fault or failure occur. The layout also should consider how future additions and extensions can be accomplished without interrupting service.

Main components of the substation:

a. Power transformer b. Panels c. Circuit breaker d. Coupling capacitors and capacitor bank e. Lightening arrestors f. Bus bar g. Relays h. Energy meter

SUB STATION IN BHARAT ELECTRONICS LIMITED (Sahibabad) It is 33/11 KV substaion , 33 KV line coming from UPSEB is fed into the 7.5 MVA step down transformer . It steps down this high volatge to 11 KV .

a. POWER TRANSFORMER: It is a static piece of apparatus

with two or more windings which, by electromagnetic induction, transforms a system of alternating voltage and current into another system of voltage and current usually of different values and at the same frequency for the purpose of transmitting electrical power. Power Transformers are a critical and expensive component of the substations.

There are two transformers available at BEL whereas one transformer is on standby . The ratings of transformer is 7.5 MVA (33/11) KV which is provided with many protection relay And VCB ( vaccum circuit breaker ). Isolators are made available for every transformer for there regular maintainence . These two transformers are separated by a concrete wall such that If there is a blast in any of the transformer , the other remains protected .

b. PANELS: Two large panels of metal and insulated with proper

enamel are been placed in substation. One is the High Tension Panel and other is the Low Tension Panel. The High Tension Panel (HTP) as the name suggests it is connected to the main high tension supply lines that is, it is between the supply lines and the step down transformer. It has meters like the voltmeter, ammeter, and frequency meter for measuring the parameters of the high tension side. It has protective components like circuit breaker and other protective relays. The Low Tension Panel (LTP) as the name suggests is housed between the transformer and distribution lines to the institute or the DG sets and the distribution lines. It has different blocks for the the different power sources like the transformers and the DG sets. It has got separate meters for the various supplies.

They include voltmeters, ammeters, power factor meters, frequency meters, energy meters. It also includes protective relays, circuit breakers, bus couplers and control switches for different blocks of IDT.

c. CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Circuit breakers are mechanical

switching devices capable of making and breaking currents under either normal or specified abnormal (short circuit) conditions on the power system. Though circuit breakers are primarily defined by their protective capabilities and ratings under abnormal short circuit conditions, they also perform switching duties under a myriad of other system conditions, each of which has its own set of switching stresses. Circuit breakers are rated primarily by power frequency voltage, insulation levels (BIL, switching impulse, hi-pot voltage), continuous current, short-circuit current, and interrupting time. Circuit breakers employ a variety of media for high voltage insulation and/or current

interruption. The type of media employed in a specific design is often designated as a prefix in the naming of the circuit breaker, for example, vacuum circuit breaker, or sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas circuit breaker. In our substation we have basically used two types of circuit breakers namely Large air or Low voltage circuit breakers and molded case circuit breakers. The Large air circuit breakers are also known as power Circuit breakers as they use the stored energy closing mechanism where the energy is stored in either springs or the solenoids The Moulded case Circuit breakers employ a magnetic thermal breaking system where a bimetallic element is used to respond to the time elapsed for the fault.

d. Coupling Capacitors and Capacitor banks:

Coupling capacitors are used to transmit communication signals to transmission lines. Some are used to measure the voltage in transmission lines. Capacitor banks are serve two purposes in the substation:

Power factor correction For supplying the reactive power

e. Lightning Arresters: They are protective devices for limiting

surge voltages due to lightning strikes or equipment faults or other events, to prevent damage to equipment and disruption of service. Also called surge arresters. Lightning arresters are installed on many different pieces of equipment such as power poles and towers, power transformers, circuit breakers, bus structures, and steel superstructures in substations. If protection fails or is absent, lightning that strikes the electrical system introduces thousands of kilovolts that may damage the transmission lines, and can also cause severe damage to transformers and other electrical or electronic devices. Lightning-produced extreme voltage spikes in incoming power lines can damage the electrical components.

The typical lightning arrester has a high-voltage terminal and a ground terminal. When a lightning surge (or switching surge, which is very

similar) travels along the power line to the arrester, the current from the surge is diverted through the arrestor, in most cases to earth. Lightning arresters built for power substation use are impressive devices, consisting of a porcelain tube several feet long and several inches in diameter, typically filled with disks of zinc oxide. A safety port on the side of the device vents the occasional internal explosion without shattering the porcelain cylinder. Lightning arresters are rated by the peak current they can withstand the amount of energy they can absorb, and the break over voltage that they require to begin conduction. They are applied as part of a lightning protection system, in combination with air terminals and bonding.

f. Bus Bar: In electrical power distribution, a bus bar is a strip of

copper or aluminium that conducts electricity within a switchboard, distribution board, substation or other electrical apparatus.

The size of the bus bar determines the maximum amount of current that can be safely carried. Bus bars can have a cross-sectional area of as little as 10 mm2 but electrical substations may use metal tubes of 50 mm in diameter (1,963 mm2) or more as bus bars. An aluminium smelter will have very large bus bars used to carry tens of thousands of amperes to the electrochemical cells that produce aluminium from molten salts.

Bus bars are typically either flat strips or hollow tubes as these shapes allow heat to dissipate more efficiently due to their high surface area to cross-sectional area ratio. The skin effect makes 5060 Hz AC bus bars more than about 8 mm (1/3 in) thickness inefficient, so hollow or flat shapes are prevalent in higher current applications. A hollow section has higher stiffness than a solid rod of equivalent current-carrying capacity, which allows a greater span between bus-bar supports in outdoor switchyards. A bus bar may either be supported on insulators, or else insulation may completely surround it. Bus bars are protected from accidental contact either by a metal earthed enclosure or by elevation out of normal reach. Neutral bus bars may also be insulated. Earth bus bars are typically bolted directly onto any metal chassis of their enclosure. Bus-bars may be enclosed in a metal housing, in the form of bus duct or bus-way, segregated-phase bus, or isolated-phase bus. Bus bars may be connected to each other and to electrical apparatus by bolted, clamp, or welded connections. Often joints between high-current bus sections have matching surfaces that are silver-plated to reduce the contact resistance. At extra-high voltages (more than 300 kV) in outdoor buses, corona around the connections becomes a source of radiofrequency interference and power loss, so connection fittings designed for these voltages are used. Bus bars are typically contained inside switchgear, panel boards, or busway. Distribution boards split the electrical supply into separate circuits at one location. Bus-ways, or bus ducts, are long bus-bars with a protective cover. Rather than branching the main supply at one location, they allow new circuits to branch off anywhere along the route of the bus-way. The substation design or scheme selected determines the electrical and physical arrangement of the switching equipment. Different bus schemes

can be selected as emphasis is shifted between the factors of safety, reliability, economy, and simplicity dictated by the function and importance of the substation. The substation bus schemes used most often are 1. Single bus 2. Main and transfer bus 3. Double bus, single breaker 4. Double bus, double breaker 5. Ring bus 6. Breaker and a half

g. Relay: The function of a relay is to detect abnormal conditions in

the system and to initiate through appropriate circuit breakers the disconnection of faulty circuits so that interference with the general supply is minimised. Relays are of many types. Some depend on the operation of an armature by some form of electromagnet. A very large number of relays operate on the induction principle. When a relay operates it closes contacts in the trip circuit. Different relays used are: Earth fault relay, Over current relay, Under voltage and over voltage relay, Definite time reverse power relay.

Earth Fault Relay: In the case of a grounded neutral system the vector sum of the current flowing in the three different phases will flow through the neutral conductor. Under healthy condition the resultant current flowing through the secondary grounded neutral current transformer will be zero. In such a three phase system if one of the three phases gets grounded or earthed then unbalancing of current occurs, the vector sum of all the three phases will have certain value. If this value exceeds the set value indicated on the relay, then the relay actuates and trips the main circuit. Further the protection can be achieved using three individual CTs for the three phases, the secondary terminals of the CTs have to be connected in parallel to the sensing circuit of the Earth Fault Relay. In case of unbalancing of current or earth fault the vector sum of these Fault will Relay currents in the Earth three phases have certain value. If the fault level Connection Diagram exceeds the set value on the relay the relay trips the main breaker. Pressing the RESET button after the clearance of the fault can reset the relay. The red LED provided on the front panel will glow in case of a fault. Pressing the TEST button the healthiness of the unit gets checked. The green LED indicates the healthiness of the unit. Over current Relay: The protective relaying which responds to a rise in current flowing through the protected element over a pre-determined

value is called 'over current protection' and the relays used for this purpose are known as over current relays. The over current relay works on the induction principle. The moving system consists of an aluminium disc fixed on a vertical shaft and rotating on two jewelled bearings between the poles of an electromagnet and a damping magnet. The winding of the electromagnet is provided with seven taps, which are brought on the front panel, and the required tap is selected by a push-in type plug. The pick-up current setting can thus be varied by the use of such plug multiplier setting. The operating time of all over current relays tends to become asymptotic to a definite minimum value with increase in the value of current. This is an inherent property of the electromagnetic relays due to saturation of the magnetic circuit.

Over Voltage Relay: The Over Voltage Relay (OVR) protects against sustained fluctuations in the supply voltage. An OVR in conjunction with a surge filter or diverter provides the ultimate level of protection in the substation. Over voltage relays are designed for the protection of equipment against extended over voltages such as line-to-line faults in a three-phase system, and extended voltage sags that may cause excessive current consumption in induction motors. The incoming supply is monitored by the over / under voltage relay where it is compared to user-defined high and low cut-off points. Should the voltage rise or fall outside of these points the relay will de-energizes the main contactor thereby isolating all loads, including the surge protection. When the supply voltage returns to normal the relay will re-energizes the main contactor, restoring power to the surge protector and all connected loads. Because the contactor opens in front of the main surge protection, it also eliminates the risk of MOV overload due to sustained overvoltage.

The over / under voltage relay and its associated circuitry used at the substation can withstand a 415V phase-to neutral fault voltage indefinitely. Even with the surge protection isolated during a fault condition, each sensor input is protected by an auxiliary filter against surge currents of up to 40kA (8/20s). Voltage thresholds are user-adjustable between 180 - 240VAC for under voltage tripping and 240 - 300VAC for over voltage tripping. There is additional provision hysteresis setting up to 15% of the applied voltage, which can be used to prevent nuisance tripping if the measured signal is noisy or unstable.

h. Energy meters: Here at the substation basically two types of

energy meters are used The conventional disk type energy meters and The three phase digital energy meters. Disk type energy meter: In it, the whole electromechanical movement of the energy meter is fixed on a robust one-piece aluminum alloy diecast frame using reamed bolt at strategic points. The driving rotor disk is suspended by the bottom magnetic bearings with easy removal via the pivoted top. The plastic worm & gear assembly of the cyclometric register is precisely guided into its position without needs of further adjustment. On this register assembly, two spring-action fastening points hold the name-plate in place preventing any disturbance to the moving parts. The meters base & cover are made of solid Bakelite Duroplastic with the viewing window of clear acrylic material. Double terminal screws of nickel-plated brass are provided for wiring connection to the meters.

With this unique design, the movement of the meter is sensed by an inductive pulse device mounted directly on the driving rotor and this signal is processed by the measuring assembly comprising of two or three driving elements, a braking element, a two-disc rotor with bearings, a register and a mounting frame where all components are fixed. The driving element of the first phase and the braking element always carry the upper disc, the lower disc is from the front carried by the second driving element (three wire) or from both sides by the second and the third driving elements (four wire). The symmetrical location of the driving elements part and polarity of their coils eliminates the influence of reversed phase sequence on meter errors.balance adjuster (torque regulation) and low-load coarse adjuster (so called 10 %regulation). The upper driving element is provided moreover with a lowload fine adjuster and both lower driving elements of the four wire meters type with devices for balancing the creeping at reversed phase sequence. The full-load adjustment carried out by turning the brake magnet. The die-cast aluminium alloy frame is fixed to the meter's base with two screws and one strong flexible clip, so that distortions that might be caused when tightening the meter to the meter board are not transferred to the measuring assembly. The driving elements consist of current and voltage parts fixed directly onto the frame. The voltage part is equipped with a bridge with an opposite pole representing a part of the magnetic circuit. The voltage and current coils have their frames very resistant to electricity, and in addition to it the voltage coil is protected by a plastic shrink wrap. The precautions improve the resistance to voltage surges. The wide measuring range is achieved by efficient disposition of magnetic flows in the air gap, and by using of the magnetic shunts on the current frames. Three phase Digital energy meter: These meters are provided on the LT panel and one of the DG set. They have completely replaced the conventional disk type energy meters. They are multifunctional meters. The biggest advantage with these type of meters is that they display the per phase quantities.

They give the following readings: Per phase voltages. Per phase currents. Per phase kWh reading. Per phase kVA reading. Per phase power factor. Frequency of the supply. The construction of the digital energy meters involves complex circuitry. Its construction is not similar to that of conventional disk type energy meters. But it also employs the same principles for measuring different the energy but with the help of complex integrated circuitry.

Gang operated Switches or G.O Switches as they are commonly

known are switching devices used in overhead power lines. They are called Gang Operated as they are operated in a Gang, all three switches together, using a single mechanism. They are also called air-break switches as they use air as the breaking medium or G.O.D.(Gang operated Disconnector) switch. These switches do not have any load-breaking capacity. They can only be operated when the transformer is on no-load and only the small magnetizing current flows through them. A substation must be disconnected from the load it is feed and only then can these switches located on the incoming lines of the substation be disconnected.

These switches are used in lines with voltages about 5 kV. They can also be motorized and operated remotely. Gang operated switches can be mounted vertically or horizontally. A thin film of non-oxide grease is usually applied to the contacts of the Gang operated switches. The Gang operated switches should be checked periodically for proper alignment and rigidity.

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