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Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Chapter 1


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Introduction to Gyroscopic Effect Gyroscope Precessional Angular Motion Concept of Gyroscopic Couple Gyroscopic Effect on Aeroplanes Gyroscopic Effect on Ships Gyroscopic Stabilization Stabilization of Ships Stability of Four-wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path

1.10 Stability of Four Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path With Banking 1.11 Stability of Two Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path 1.12 Gyroscopic Effect on Inclined Rotating Disc 1.13 List of Formulae y Exercise

Dynami f achinery P


1.1 y


Whenever a body i  rotating or spinni ng i n a plane (pl ane YZ) about an axis (axis OX) and its axis of rotation or spi n is made to precess i n an another perpendi cular plane (plane XZ), as shown i n F ig. 1.1, the coup l e is i nduced on the rotating or spinni ng body across the axis of rotation or spin in a third mutuall y perpendi cular plane (plane XY).

Fig. 1.1 : Gyroscopic Effect

Conversel y, whenever a body is rotati ng i n a plane (plane YZ) about an axis (axis OX) and a coupl e is applied on the rotati ng body across the axis of rotati on or spin i n an another perpendi cul ar plane (plane XY), the rotati ng or spinni ng body starts processi ng in a third mutuall y perpendi cular plane (plane XZ). The above stated effects are known as gyroscopic effects. The two things are necessary for existence of gyroscopi c effect. 1. 2. Rotating body Force or coupl e tryi ng to change the ori entation of axis of rotation of a rotati ng body.

y y

y y

The gyroscopi c effect is observed i n aeroplanes, ships, two wheel ers, four wheel ers, etc. The gyroscopi c effect finds its application i n instruments like : gyrocompass used in aeroplanes; missil es and space vehi cl es to sense the angular moti on of a body; gyroscopi c flow meter; gyroscopi c altitude i ndi cator, etc.

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1.2 y

GYROSCOPE Gyroscope is a mechani cal system or arrangement havi ng a rotor (usuall y heavy) spinni ng at high speed about its axis and bei ng free to turn in any directi on, as shown i n F ig. 1.2.
It consist of a rotor rotating on an axl e whi ch is supported by a ring call ed inner gimble, with beari ngs. This inner gi mbl e is supported i n one more ri ng call ed outer gimble, with bearings; and this outer gi mbl e is supported i nside a frame, with beari ngs. The frame is supported on a heavy stand as shown in F ig. 1.2. The rotor of gyroscope has three degrees of freedom : 1. Spinni ng about axis XX. 2. Tilting about axis YY. 3. Veeri ng about axis ZZ.

Fig. 1.2 : Gyroscope

1.3 y


Consi der a disc spinning about an axis OX with an angular speed [ as shown i n F ig. 1.3(a). After a short i nterval of ti me dt, let the disc is spinni ng with an angular vel ocity ( [ + H[ ) about the new axis of spin OXd at an angl e HU with an axis OX.

p Usi ng the right hand rul e, the initial angular vel ocity of disc [ is represented by ox and p the final angular vel ocity of the disc ( [ + H[ ) is represented by oxd, as shown in F ig. 1.3(b).

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Fig. 1.3 : Precessional Motion

The vector xxd represents the change of angular vel ocity i n ti me Ht. This change i n p angular velocity can be resolved into two components one : parall el to ox and other p perpendi cular to ox. Correspondingl y there are two components of angular accel eration of the disc :

y 1. 2.

p Component of Angular Acceleration Along ox ( Et ) p Component of Angular Acceleration Perpendicular to ox ( Ec )

p 0 1 2 0 0 21 5 (om )on n of Angul 3 A44 l 3 ion Along o ( E6 ) :


p Component of angular accel eration al ong ox is, Et =

or lim [oa ox] lim [oxd cos HU ox] lim xa = = Ht p 0 Ht p 0 Ht Ht p 0 Ht Ht lim [([ + H[) cos HU [ ] lim [[ cos HU + H[ cos HU [] = Ht p 0 Ht p 0 Ht Ht

Et =

since HU is very small, cos HU  1, hence we get, lim [[ + H[ [] lim H[ Et = = Ht p 0 Ht Ht p 0 Ht or

Et =

d[ dt


Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




C 7mp78e 8t 7



p D ccelerati 78 Perpe 8dicBlar t 7 ox C Ec E

p Component of angular acceleration perpendicular to ox is, lim axd lim oxd sin HU lim ( [ + H[ ) sin HU Ec = = = Ht p 0 Ht Ht p 0 H t p0 Ht Ht

Since HU is very small, sin HU  HU, hence we get, lim [[ HU + H[ HU] lim [([ + H[) HU] = Ec = Ht p 0 Ht p 0 Ht Ht as H[ and HU are very small, H[ HU  0, hence we get, lim [[ H U] dU Ec = =[ dt Ht p 0 Ht or where,
Ec = [ [ p [p =


dU = rate of precession of spin axis dt

= angular velocity of precession (or processional angular velocit y). The precession of spin axis takes place in a plane XOXd and about perpendicular axis passing through O.
3. Total
F GHIlar F

cceleration P E R

The total angular acceleration of the disc is given by,

E = Et + p E c

or or

E = E =

d[ dU +p[ dt dt

d[ + p [ [p dt


Thus, the total angular acceleration of the disc E is the vector sum of : (i)
E t = d[ / dt : Representing the change in magnitude of the angular velocit y of disc [

with respect to time. (ii)

E c = [ [p : Representing the change in direction of the axis of spin with respect to


Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Special Cases of ngular cceleration of Disc T

Case I : Direction of axis of spin is fixed :

y y

In this case, [p =

dU = 0 i.e. Ec = 0 dt

Hence, total angular acceleration of the disc is given by, d[ E = dt d[ = 0 i.e. Et = 0 dt


Case II : Magnitude of angular velocity of disc is constant :

y y

In this case,

Hence, total angular acceleration of the disc is given by, dU E = [ dt or E = [ [p

a c VWXVY` WF b dWeVW`fV VWg`L Y


1 U4

Fig. 1.4(a)

Consider a disc spininning (rotating) with an angular velocity [ about spin axis

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



OX in an anticlockwise direction, as shown in Fig. 1.4(a).

y y y

The plane in which the disc is spinning (rotating) i.e. plane YOZ is called as plane of spin. The axis of spin is precessing in a horizontal plane XOZ about an axis OY with an angular velocity [ p. The horizontal plane XOZ is called as plane of precession and axis OY is called as precession axis.

(b) Fig. 1.4 : Concept of Gyroscopic Couple


I = Mass moment of inertia of the disc about OX, kg-m

[ = angular velocity of the disc, rad/s [p = angular velocity of precession of axis of spin, rad/s

The initial position of the spin axis is OX. Let the spin axis OX is turned through a small angle HU in time Ht in the horizontal plane XOZ about the precession axis OY.


Initial Angular Momentum of Disc :

When the initial position of the spin axis is OX, the magnitude of angular

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



momentum of disc is I[. As the angular momentum is a vector quantit y, using right hand rule it is represented by
p ox, as shown in Fig. 1.4(b). (ii) Final Angular Momentum of Disc :

After time Ht when the final position of the spin axis is OXd, the magnitude of angular momentum of disc remains same i.e. I[. Using right hand rule, it is represented by p oxd , as shown in Fig. 1.4(b). (iii) Change in Angular Momentum of Disc : Change in angular momentum
p p = oxd ox p p = xxd = oxd HU

= I [ HU

p [ ox = I [ ]

(iv) Gyroscopic couple on disc :

HU Ht This rate of change of angular momentum will result due to application of couple to a disc. Therefore, the couple applied to the disc for causing precession is given by,

Rate of change of angular momentum = I [

C = or

lim dU HU =I[ I[ dt Ht p 0 Ht [ dU = [p ] dt ...(1.4)

C = I [ [p

The couple given by Equation (1.4) is known as gyroscopic couple. 1.4.1 ctive and Reactive Gyroscopic Couples
[ University Exam h Dec. 2007 !!! ]

The gyroscopic couples can be categorized into two types :

1. 2.

Active Gyroscopic Couple Reactive Gyroscopic Couple


ctive Gyroscopic Couple p

y y

p The couple of magnitude C = I [ [p which acts in the direction of xxd , represents the rate of change of angular momentum.

This couple, which must be applied to the disc across the axis of spin to cause it to precess in the horizontal plane about the axis of precession, is called the

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



active gyroscopic couple. p p The vector xxd lies in a plane XOZ (plane of precession). In case of small HU, xxd is perpendicular to the vertical plane XOY. Therefore the gyroscopic couple causing change in angular momentum, will be in a plane XOY.
Therefore, the plane XOY is called the plane of gyroscopic couple and axis OZ is called the axis of gyroscopic couple or gyroscopic axis. In short, the active gyroscopic couple is the couple applied to the disc across the axis of spin so as to cause its precession.
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple q

y y

When the axis of spin precess itself or is made to precess with angular velocity [p, the shaft on which the disc is mounted applies reactive gyroscopic couple through support bearings, to the frame. The magnitude of the reactive gyroscopic couple is same as that of the active gyroscopic couple but direction is opposite. Directions of ctive and Reactive Gyroscope Couples The right hand rule is used in deciding the directions of spin vector, precession vector and gyroscopic couple vector, as shown in Fig. 1.5. 1. Curl the fingers of the right hand such that, the direction of curling fingers indicates the direction of spin; then the thumb will indicate the direction of spin vector. 2. Curl the fingers of the right hand such that, the direction of curling fingers indicates the direction of precession; then the thumb will indicate the direction of precession vector. 3. Curl the fingers of the right hand such that, the direction of curling fingers indicates the direction of active gyroscope couple; then the thumb will indicate the direction of active gyroscopic couple vector. The direction of active gyroscopic couple vector is obtain as discussed below :


(i) (ii) (iii)


The spin vector, precession vector and active gyroscope couple vector are mutually perpendicular to each other. Rotate the spin vector by 90r in the direction of precession so as to get the direction of active gyroscope couple vector. The direction of reactive gyroscope couple vector is opposite to the direction of active gyroscopic couple vector.
Consider a disc rotating in an anticlockwise direction when viewed from front, as shown in Fig. 1.5. Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of spin (rotation) of the disc (i.e. anticlockwise direction). The direction of thumb gives the spin vector.

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Fig. 1.5 : Directions of Active, Reactive Gyroscopic Couples

The spin vector is rotated by 90r in the directi on of precession (i.e. in anti clockwise directi on when vi ewed from the top) so as to get the directi on of acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector. Usi ng the right hand, point the thumb in the direction of acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (i.e. along OZ). The curli ng fi ngers give the directi on of acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The directi on of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is opposite to the directi on of active gyroscopi c coupl e, as shown in F ig. 1.5

y y

m l 1.1 :

A uni form disc of 150 mm diameter has a mass of 4 kg. It is mounted centrall y on the hori ontal axl e of 80 mm l ength between the bearings. It spins about an axl e at 800 r.p.m. in counter cl ockwise directi on when vi ewed from the right hand side beari ng. The axl e is made to precess about a vertical axis at 50 r.p.m. in an anticl ockwise directi on when vi ewed from top. Determi ne the resultant reaction at each beari ng due to mass and gyroscop i c effect.
Solu ion :

Given :

Diameter of disc, d = 150 mm = 0.15 m d 0.15 @ Radius of disc, r = = = 0.075 m 2 2 Mass of disc, m = 4 kg; l = 80 mm = 0.08 m N = 800 r.p.m. Np = 50 r.p.m. 2TN 2T v 800 = = 83.77 rad/s 60 60 2TNp 2T v 50 = = = 5.23 rad/s 60 60

Distance between bearings, Speed of disc, Precession speed,

i o oi ou l :

Angular vel ocity,

[ =

Angular precessional velocity, [p

Mass moment of inertia of disc is,

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g ef e
2 2



m r 4 v (0.075) = 2 2 2 I = 0.01125 kg-m I = mk =

y y

The axl e is made to precess. Hence reacti ve gyroscopic coupl e is applied by the disc through the axl e on the support. The gyroscopi c coupl e appli ed by the disc is, C = I [ [p = 0.01125 v 83.77 v 5.23 or C = 4.9347 N-m The directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is shown i n F i g. 1.1.1. The reactive gyroscopi c coupl e tends to raise beari ng B and l ower the bearing A.

Fig. 1.1.1 2. B
ij ij n o king l m ion :

F ig. 1.1.2 shows a loadi ng diagram of an axl e.

The axl e is subjected to : (i ) Reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e, (C) Let, RA = Reacti on at bearing A, N RB = Reacti on at bearing B, N.

(ii) Weight of the disc. (mg)

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Fig. 1.1.2

Taki ng moments about point B, RA v 0.08 mg v 0.04 C = 0 @ RA v 0.08 4 v 9.81 v 0.04 4.9347 = 0

@ RA = 81.3 N (upward) y
Taki ng moments about point A, RB v 0.08 mg v 0.04 + C = 0


RB v 0.08 4 v 9.81 v 0.04 + 4.9347 = 0 @ R B = 42.06 N (upward) or

RB = 42.06 N (downward)


1.5 y


F ig. 1.6 shows an aerop lane taking a turn. Let the propell er or engi ne rotates i n an anti cl ockwise direction when seen from the front end of the aerop lane. Let,

[ = angular vel ocity of propell er or engi ne, rad/s I = mass moment of inertia of propell er and other rotating parts attached 2 to it, about an axis of rotation, kg-m V = linear vel ocity of an aeroplane, m/s R = radius of curvature, m V [p = angular vel ocity of precession = , rad/s R

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.6 : Gyroscopic Effect on Aeroplane

The propeller spins (or rotates) about axis OX. As the aeroplane takes the turn, the spin axis (axis OX) precesses about the precession axis (axis OY).

Due to this, the reactive gyroscopic couple is applied by the propeller shaft on the frame or body of the aeroplane.

The magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is given by,

C = I [ [p

The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple applied by the propeller shaft on the body of the aeroplane is determined by considering following four cases.

Case I

: When propell er rotates in anticlockwise direction and aeroplane takes right turn.

Case II : When propeller rotates in anticlockwise direction and aeroplane takes left turn. Case III : When propeller rotates in clockwise direction and aeroplane takes right turn. Case IV : When propeller rotates in clockwise di rection and aeroplane takes left turn. Case I
y y y

: When propeller rotates in anticlockwise direction and aeroplane takes right turn :

Let us consider the propeller rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the front or nose end of the aeroplane. Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of rotation of propeller i.e. in anticlockwise direction, the direction of thumb gives the spin vector. The aeroplane takes the right turn as shown in Fig. 1.7. Hence, turn the spin vector through 90r in the direction of precession so as to get the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector as shown in Fig. 1.7.

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Fig. 1.7 : When Propeller Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Right Turn

y y

Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the tail and dip the nose of the

aeroplane. Case II : When propeller rotates in anticlockwise direction and aeroplane takes left turn:

y y y

Let us consi der the propell er rotates i n anticl ockwise direction when vi ewed from the front or nose end of the aerop lane. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers along the directi on of rotati on of propell er i.e. in anti cl ockwise direction, the directi on of thumb gi ves the spin vector. The aeroplane takes the l eft turn as shown i n F ig. 1.8. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession so as to get the directi on of i magi nary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing).

y y y

The direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector as shown i n F ig. 1.8. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane.

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Fig. 1.8 : When Propeller Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn

Case III : When propeller rotates in clockwise direction and aeroplane takes right turn: y y y
Let us consider the propell er rotates i n cl ockwise directi on when vi ewed from the front or nose end of the aerop lane. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers along the directi on of rotati on of propell er i.e. in cl ockwise directi on, the directi on of thumb gi ves the sp in vector. The aeroplane takes the ri ght turn as shown i n F ig. 1.9. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession so as to get the directi on of imagi nary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector as shown i n F ig. 1.9. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane.

y y y

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Fig. 1.9 : When Propeller Rotates in Clockwise and Aeroplane Takes Right Turn

Case IV : When propeller rotates in clockwise direction and aeroplane take left turn : y y y
Let us consider the propell er rotates i n cl ockwise directi on when vi ewed from the front or nose end of the aerop lane. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers along the directi on of rotati on of propell er i.e. in cl ockwise directi on, the directi on of thumb gi ves the sp in vector. The aeroplane takes the l eft turn as shown i n F ig. 1.10. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession so as to get the directi on of i magi nary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector as shown i n F ig. 1.10. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curling fi ngers gives the directi on of curli ng fi ngers gi ves the direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the tail and dip the nose of the aeroplane.

y y

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.10 : When Propeller Rotates in Clockwise and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn Example 1.2

An aeroplane makes a half circle of 100 m radius, towards left when flying at 400 km/hr. The engine and propeller of plane weights 500 kg and has a radius of gyration of 30 cm. The engine rotates at 3000 r.p.m. anticlockwise, when viewed from front end. Find the gyroscopic couple and its effect on aeroplane.

Given :

Radius of curvature, R = 100 m Flying speed, V = 400 km / hr = 400 v 1000 60 v 60

= 111.11 m/sec Mass of engine and propeller, m = 500 kg Radius of gyration of engine and propeller, k = 30 cm = 0.3 m Speed of engine, N = 3000 r.p.m.
[ =

2T v 3000 60

= 314.16 rad/s
1 Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Mass moment of inertia of engine and propeller is, I = m k = 500 v (0.3) or I = 45 kg-m
2 2 2

Precessional angular velocit y is,

[p =

V 111.11 = R 100


[p = 1.1111 rad/s

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on aeroplane is, C = I [ [p = 45 v 314.16 v 1.1111 or C = 15707.84 N-m

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Eff of i o o i ou l :

C = 15.707 kN-m


The propell er rotates anticl ockwise when vi ewed from front end. Under this conditi on i f aeroplane takes a l eft turn, then effect of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane. (Refer F ig. 1.2.1).

Fig. 1.2.1 : When Propeller Rotates in Anticlockwise and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn E

m l 1.3

An aeroplane makes a compl ete hal f circl e of 50 m radi us, towards l eft when fl yi ng at 200 km/hr. The rotati ng engi ne and the propell er of the plane have a mass 400 kg with a radi us of gyration of 40 cm. T he engi ne runs at 2400 r.p.m. cl ockwise when vi ewed from the rear. F ind the gyroscopi c coupl e on the plane and state its effect on it. What will be the effect i f the aeroplane turn to its right instead of to the l eft.
Solu ion :

Given :

Radius of curvature, R = 50 m F l yi ng speed, V = 200 km / hr = 200 v 1000 60 v 60

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



= 55.55 m/sec Mass of engine and propeller, m = 400 kg Radius of gyration of engine and propeller, k = 40 cm = 0.4 m

Speed of engine, N = 2400 r.p.m. 2T v 2400 [ = 60 = 251.3216 rad/s

1. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Mass moment of inertia of engine and propeller is, I = mk

2 2

= 400 v (0.4) or

I = 64 kg-m

Precessional angular velocit y is,

[p =

V 55.55 = R 50


[p = 1.1111 rad/s

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on aeroplane is, C = I [ [p = 64 v 251.32 v 1.1111 or or C = 17871.46 N-m

C = 17.87 kN-m



Effect of Gyroscopic Couple when eroplane takes a Left Turn

The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from rear end. Under this condition if aeroplane takes a left turn, then effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane. (Refer Fig. 1.3.1).

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Fig. 1.3.1 : When Propeller Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn 3. Eff of o o i ou l
n A o l n ig u n :

Fig. 1.3.2 : When Propeller Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Right Turn

The propell er rotates clockwise when vi ewed from rear end, under this condition i f aeroplane takes a ri ght turn, then effect of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the tail and dip the nose of the aeroplane (Refer F ig. 1.3.2)



F ig. 1.11 shows three vi ews of ship.

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.11 : Three Views of Ship

y (i)

Terminology Used in Ship

The terms used in connection with ships are as follows : Bow or fore end : It is the front end of the ship. (ii) Stern or aft or rear end : It is the rear end of the ship. (iii) Starboard : It is the right hand side of the ship when seen from the stern. (rear end) (iv) Port : It is the left hand side of the ship when seen from the stern. (rear end) (v) Steering of ship : Steering is the turning of a complete ship in a curve towards the left or right. (vi) Pitching of ship : Pitching is the cyclic up and down motion of the bow and stern in a vertical plane about the transverse axis. (vii) Rolling of ship : Rolling is the cyclic up and down motion of the port and the starboard about the longitudinal axis.

The gyroscopic effect in ships during steering, pitching and rolling are discussed below. Gyroscopic Effect on Ships During Steering

y y

Steering of a ship is the turning of a complete ship in a curve towards the left or right.
The rotor and propeller of the ship is spinning about its own axis. Hence, steering of the ship leads to the precession of the spin axis. Due to this, the reactive gyroscopic couple is applied by the rotor shaft on the ship. The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple is determined by considering following four cases.

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Case I Case II Case III Case IV

: : : :

When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship steers to right. When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship steers to left. When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship steers to right. When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship steers to left.

Case I : When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship steers to right :
y y y

Let the rotor and propeller rotate in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking right turn, as shown in Fig. 1.12. Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of rotation of rotor i.e. in anticlockwise direction, the direction of thumb gives the spin vector. The ship steers to right, as shown in Fig. 1.12. Hence, turn the spin vector through 90r in the direction of precession so as to get the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector, as shown in Fig. 1.12. Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector. The curling fingers gives the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple. The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is the raise the stern or rear end and dip the bow or fore end.

y y y

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Fig. 1.12 : When Rotor Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction and Ship Steers to Right

Case II : When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship steers to left : y y y
Let the rotor and propell er rotate i n anti clockwise directi on when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking left turn as shown in F ig. 1.13. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers along the direction of rotation of rotor i.e. anti cl ockwise direction, the directi on of thumb gi ves the spin vector. The ship steers to l eft, as shown in F ig. 1.13. Hence, turn the sp in vector thorough 90r i n the directi on of precessi on so as to get the directi on of i maginary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector, as shown in F ig. 1.13. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the bow or fore end and dip the stern or rear end.

y y y

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Fig. 1.13 : When Rotor Rotates in Anticlockwise and Ship Steers to Left

Case III : When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship steers to right : y y y
Let the rotor and propell er rotate in cl ockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking right turn, as shown in F ig. 1.14. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers along the direction of ro tation of rotor i.e. cl ockwise directi on, the directi on of thumb gi ves the sp in vector. The ship steers to l eft, as shown in F ig. 1.14. Hence, turn the sp in vector thorough 90r i n the directi on of precessi on so as to get the directi on of i maginary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector, as shown in F ig. 1.14. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to raise the bow or fore end and dip the stern or rear end.

y y y

Dynamics of

achinery P


Fig. 1.14 : When Rotor Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Ship Steers to Right

Case IV : When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship steers to left : y y y
Let the rotor and propell er rotate in cl ockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking left turn, as shown in F ig. 1.15. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers al ong the directi on of rotati on of rotor i.e. in cl ockwise directi on, the directi on of thumb gi ves the sp in vector. The ship steers to l eft, as shown i n F ig. 1.15. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r i n the directi on of processi on so as to get the directi on of i magi nary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector, as shown in F ig. 1.15. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is the raise the stern or rear end and dip

y y y

the bow or fore end.

Dynamics of

achinery P


Fig. 1.15 : When Rotor Rotates in Clockwise and Ship Steers to Left

1. .3

o i Eff

on S i

u ing Pi

ing :

Pitch i of shi is the cyclic up and down motion of bow and stern in a vertical plane about transverse axis, as shown in F ig. 1.16.

Fig. 1.16 : Pitching of Ship

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



The rotor is spinning about its own axis. Hence, the pitching of the ship about the transverse axis is nothing but the precession of the spin axis. The transverse axis of the ship is the axis of precession. Due to this, the reactive gyroscopic couple is applied by the rotor shaft on the ship. The pitching of ship is assumed to take place with simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.)


Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple :

The angular displacement of axis of spin from its mean position at time t is given by, U = J sin [o t ...(a) where, J = amplitude of swing, i.e. maximum angle turned form the mean position, rad. [o = angular velocity of S.H.M, 2T rad/s = TP TP = time period of pitching, s The angular velocity of precession is given by, dU d = (J sin [o t) [p = dt dt or [p = J [o cos [o t. The angular velocity of precession will be maximum when cos [o t = 1. The maximum angular velocity of precession is,
[p (max) = J [o


y y y

The maximum gyroscopic couple is given by, Cmax = I [ [p (max) where, I = moment of inertia of turbine rotor, kg.m
[ = angular velocity of rotor, rad/s.


From Equation (3), the angular acceleration of precession is, d[p Ep = dt d (J [o cos [o t) = dt 2 or EP = J [o sin [ o t Hence, Maximum angular acceleration of precession is,
EP (max) = J [o



Direction of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple :

The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple is determined by considering following four

Dynamics of

achinery P


Case I Case II Case III Case IV

: : : :

When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship pitches upward. When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship pitches downward. When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship pitches upward. When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship pitches downward.

Case I : When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship pitches upward y y y
Let the rotor rotates i n anti clockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship pitches upward, as shown in F ig. 1.17. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers al ong the directi on of rotati on of rotor i.e. in anti cl ockwise direction, the directi on of thumb gi ves the spin vector. The ship pitches upward as shown in F ig. 1.17, Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession, so as to get the direction of i magi nary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing)

Fig. 1.17 : When Rotor Rotates in Anticlockwise and Ship Pitches Upward

The directi on of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the directi on i magi nary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector, as shown in F ig. 1.17.

Dynamics of

achinery P


y y

Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reacti ve gyroscope coup l e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is to turn the ship towards starboard side or right side. Let the rotor rotates i n anti clockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship pitches downward, as shown in F ig. 1.18. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers al ong the directi on of rotati on of rotor i.e. in anti cl ockwise direction, the directi on of thumb gi ves the spin vector. The ship pitches upward as shown in F ig. 1.18. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession, so as to get the direction of i magi nary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing).

Case II : When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship pitches downward : y y y

Fig. 1.18 : When Rotor Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction and Ship Pitches Downward

y y

The directi on of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the directi on i magi nary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector, as shown in F ig. 1.18. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reacti ve gyroscope coup l e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e.

Dynamics of

achinery P


The effect of this reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is to turn the ship towards port side or left side. Let the rotor rotates i n cl ockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship pitches upward, as shown in F ig. 1.19. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers al ong the directi on of rotati on of rotor i.e. in cl ockwise directi on, the directi on of thumb gi ves the sp in vector. The ship pitches upward as shown in F ig. 1.19. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession, so as to get the direction of i magi nary acti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing).

Case III : When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship pitches upwards : y y y

Fig. 1.19 : When Rotor Rotates in Clockwise and Ship Pitches Upward

y y

The directi on of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the directi on i magi nary active gyroscopi c coupe vector, as shown in F ig. 1.19. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reacti ve gyroscope coup l e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e.

Dynamics of

achinery P


The effect of this reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is to turn the ship towards port side or left side.

Case IV : When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship pitches downwards y y y
Let the rotor rotates i n cl ockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow or fore end and ship pitches downward, as shown in F ig. 1.20. Usi ng the right hand, curl the fi ngers al ong the directi on of rotati on of rotor i.e. in cl ockwise directi on, the directi on of thumb gi ves the sp in vector. The ship pitches downward as shown i n F ig. 1.20. Hence, turn the sp in vector through 90r in the directi on of precession, so as to get the direction of i magi nary active gyroscopi c coupl e vector (whi ch is not existing).

Fig. 1.20 : When Rotor Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Ship Pitches Downward

y y y

The directi on of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e vector is opposite to the directi on i magi nary active gyroscopi c coupe vector, as shown in F ig. 1.20. Usi ng ri ght hand, poi nt the thumb i n the directi on of reacti ve gyroscope coup l e vector. The curli ng fi ngers gives the direction of reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e. The effect of this reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is to turn the ship towards star board side or right side.

Dynamics of

achinery P 


1. .4

o i Eff

on S i

u ing

olling :

Rolli"# of ship is the side wise oscillating motion of ship about longitudinal axis i.e. in rolling motion, port and starboard side goes up and do wn alternately as shown i n F ig. 1.21. In case of rolli ng action the axis of rotor and axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no precession of the axis of rotor or axis of spin and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.

Fig. 1.21 : Rolling of Ship

1.7 y y y y y y y

A spi nning body al ways tends to mai ntain the ori entation of its spin axis in space, for exampl e, bull et fired form a ri fl e. The external torque in suitabl e directi on is required to change the ori entati on of spin axis. Thus the basi c property of the gyroscope is, it opposes the precessi on of the axis of spin by appl yi ng the reactive gyroscopi c coupl e. This property is used i n automati c pilot for ships and a ir crafts, in stabili$ ing ri fl e bull et, in stabili$ ing air and sea vehi cl es, etc. However, very little or no success is obtained in stab ili% ation of the si ngl e track land vehi cl es. In air or sea vehi cl es such as, aeroplanes and ships, al ways external disturbing coupl e is acting on the vehi cl e. For the stability of such vehi cl e it is essential to neutrali& e the effect of external disturbi ng coupl e by appl yi ng equal and opposite coup le. This can be achi eved with the help of gyroscope. In such vehi cl es the axis of gyroscope is made to precess by some external means (e.g. el ectri c motor) such that the reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e should be as for as possible equal and opposite to the external disturbi ng coupl e. Of course, the magnitude and direction of disturbing coupl e is not al ways constant.

Dynamics of


achinery P )




Accordi ngl y, to generate equal and opposite reacti ve coupl e, it is essential to vary the magnitude and directions of vel ocity of precessi on.

In order to control the vel ocity of precessi on, the feedback is taken form the disturbi ng coupl e.




78 @ A B 9





8 E F

. 2007


y y

Ships or sea vessels required stabiliI ation when they face heavy sea waves. A disturbing coupl e acts on the ships due to sea waves, hence stab iliI ation of ships is necessary. Due to sea waves, ship will either roll or pitch. The amplitude of rolli ng is much higher than the amplitude of pitchi ng. T he gyroscope can be used for reduci ng the amplitude of rolling and hence, stabiliP ing the ship. The fundamental requirement of the gyroscop i c stabiliQ ation is that, the gyroscope should be made to precess by some external means (e.g. el ectri c motor) in such a way that, the reactive gyroscopi c coupl e exerted by the rotor shoul d oppose any disturbi ng coupl e whi ch may act on the ship. Consi der a rolling of a ship due to disturbing couple, as shown in F ig. 1.22. The disturbi ng coupl e is caused by buoyant forces whi ch are di fferent on the two side of a wave sl ope. To keep the ship on even keel, disturbi ng coupl e has to be opposed by another coupl e of same magnitude and in opposite directi on.

Fig. 1.22 : Rolling of Ship

y y y

This is achi eved by a gyroscope havi ng horiR ontal rotor, as shown in F ig. 1.23. The shaft or axis of the rotor is made to precess by an el ectri c motor in a verti cal plane. Suppose the rotor rotates in an anti clockwise direct ion when vi ewed form the top. Duri ng steering, the spin axis does not precess and will no cause any gyroscop i c effect. Suppose the disturbing coupl e due to rolling acti on is acti ng in cl ockwise directi on when vi ewed from the bow end. In this case, the axis of spi n of rotor is made to precess by an el ectri c motor in clockwise directi on when vi ewed from port side, as shown i n F ig. 1.23.

Dynamics of

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This produces reactive gyroscopi c coupl e, whi ch opposes the disturbi ng coupl e.

Fig. 1.23 : Stabilization of Ship

y y y

If the disturbing coupl e and the reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e are equal, then the ship will remain on the even keel. The rolling amplitude cannot be eli minated totall y but its value can be reduced. It is important to note that, as rolling or disturbi ng couple is peri odi c in nature, reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e should also be peri odi c in nature.
m dl 1.4 :

A rotor of a turbi ne on ship has its axes of rotation parall el to the propell er shaft and is supported in bearings 5 m apart. The rotor has a mass of 350 kg and radius of gyrati on of 600 mm. T he rotor rotates at 1200 r.p.m. i n an anti clockwise sense when vi ewed from the front. If the ship is maki ng ri ght turn at 5 rad/s, determi ne the magnitude and directi on of the bearing reacti ons due to gyroscopi c effect. (PU : Dec. 2007)
Solu ion :

Given :

Length between two beari ngs, l = 5 m Mass of rotor, m = 350 kg Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 600 m = 0.6 m

Dynamics of

achinery P i




Speed of rotor, N = 1200 r.p.m.

wx w v y y

o i y ou l :

y y y

Angular vel ocity of rotor,

[ =

2 T v 1200 = 125.66 rad/s 60

Precessional angular vel ocity, [P = 5 rad/s Mass moment of inertia of rotor is, I = m k = 350 v (0.6) or I = 126 kg-m
2 2 2

Reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e acti ng on ship is, C = I [ [P = 126 v 125.66 v 5 or C = 79168.131 N-m

@ y

C = 79.1681 kN-m


The rotor rotates in anticl ockwise direction when viewed from the front. Hence, the effect of reacti ve gyroscopi c couple is to raise the stern and dip the bow. [F ig. 1.4.1]

Dynamics of

achinery P


Fig. 1.4.1 2. B


f d e

ion :

Due to reactive gyroscopi c coupl e, the force appli ed by the shaft on the bearing A near the bow end is in downward direction and on the bearing B near the stern end is i n upward directi on as shown in F ig. 1.4.1 The bearing reactions are opposite to these forces. F ig. 1.4.2 shows the reactive gyroscopi c coupl e acting on the shaft and bearing reactions.

y y

Fig. 1.4.2

Taki ng moments about B, RA v 5 C = 0

RA v 5 79.1681 = 0

@ RA = 15.83 kN (upward) y
Taki ng moments about A, RB v 5 + C = 0


R B v 5 + 79.1681 = 0

@ R B = 15.83 kN (upward)

RB = 15.83 kN (downward)


m jl 1.5 :

A ship is propell ed by a turbine rotor having a mass of 6000 kg and speed of 2400 r.p.m. The directi on of rotation of rotor is anticl ockwise when vi ewed from the bow end. The radi us of gyrati on of rotor is 450 mm. Determi ne the gyroscopi c effect when : (i ) Ship is steeri ng to the l eft in a curve of 60 m radius at a speed of 18 knots (1 knot = 1860 m/hr). (ii) Ship is pitchi ng in S.H.M. with bow descendi ng (falling) with maxi mum vel ocity. The ti me peri od of pitchi ng is 18 seconds and the ship pitches 7.5r above and 7.5r

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



below the normal position. (iii) (iv) Ship is rolling and at the instant, its angular velocity is 0.035 rad/s counter clockwise when viewed from stern. Also find the maximum angular acceleration during pitching.


Given :

Mass of rotor, m = 6000 kg Speed of rotor, N = 2400 r.p.m. 2T v 2400 @ Angular speed of rotor, [ = 60 = 251.32 rad/s Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 450 mm = 0.45 m Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k = 6000 v (0.45) = 1215 kg-m Radius of rotation of ship, R = 60 m Speed of ship, V = 18 knots = 18 v 1860 m / hr or V = 18 v 1860 = 9.3 m /s 3600
2 2 2


When Ship is Steering to Left

y y

Precessional angular velocit y, Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

[p =

V 9.3 = = 0.155 rad/s. R 60

C = I [ [p C = 1215 v 251.32 v 0.155 or

@ y

C = 47331.23 N-m

C = 47.3312 kN-m


The rotor rotates anticlockwise when viewed from the bow end and ship takes left turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple is to raise the bow and dip the stern of the ship [Fig. 1.5.1].

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Dynamics of

achinery P p




Fig. 1.5.1 2.
w y x

n S xiz i Pi


ing n  Bo

y{ y }

n ing (i.e. Pi


ing i

o n


Amplitude of swi ng is,

J = 7.5r = 7.5 v y
Angular vel ocity of S.H.M. is,

T = 0.13089 radians 180

[o = y
Angular vel ocity of precessi on is,

2T 2T = = 0.3490 rad / sec Tp 18

[p = J [o cos [o t
Angular vel ocity of precessi on will be maxi mum, if cos [o t = 1. Therefore, the maxi mum angular vel ocity of precession is,

[p (max) = [o J = 0.3490 v 0.13089


[p (max) = 0.04569 rad/sec

Maxi mum reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is, C max = I [ [p (max) = 1215 v 251.32 v 0.04569 or C max = 13952.02 N-m Cmax = 13.9520 kN-m

@ y


The rotor rotates in anti clockwise direction when vi ewed from the bow end and p itchi ng is downward. Hence, the effect of reacti ve gyroscopic coupl e is to move the ship

Dynamics of

achinery P


towards port side.

Fig. 1.5.2 3.

en S i i

olling :

In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no precession of the axis of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopi c effect during rolling of the ship.


imum Angul


u ring Pitch ing :

Angular displacement at any i nstant during pitchi ng is,

U = J s in [ o t y
Angular precessional velocity during pitchi ng is, dU dt = J [o cos [o t.

Angular accel eration duri ng pitchi ng is,

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



dU 2 dt

= J [o sin [o t

Angular acceleration is maximum when sin [o t = 1 Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,
Ep (max) = J [o
2 2

= 0.13089 v (0.3490) or
y EP (max) = 0.015949 rad/sec


Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.

Example 1.6

The turbine rotor of ship has a mass of 2000 kg and it rotates at a speed of 3000 r.p.m clockwise when seen from the rear. The radius of gyration of rotor is 500 mm (i) Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect if the ship is steering to right in a curve of 100 m radius at a speed of 30 km/hr (ii) Calculate the gyroscopic torque and its effect when the ship is pitching in SHM, with bow falling with its maximum velocit y. The period of pitching is 50 sec and the total angular displacement between the two extreme positions is 12r. (iii) What is the effect of rolling in this case. (PU : May 2006)

Mass of rotor, m = 2000 kg Speed of rotor, N = 3000 r.p.m.

@ Angular speed of rotor, [ =

2T v 3000 = 314.15 rad / s 60

2 2 2

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 500 mm = 0.5 m Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k = 2000 v (0.5) = 500 kg-m Radius of rotation of ship, R = 100 m Speed of ship, V = 30 km/hr or V =
1. When Ship Steer To Left

30 v 1000 = 8.3333 m/s 3600

y y

Precessional angular velocit y, Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

[p =

V 8.333 = = 8.083333 rad/s. R 100

Dynamics of

achinery P


C = I [ [p = 500 v 314.15 v 0.08333 or C = 13089.58 N-m

@ y

C = 13.08 kN-m


The rotor rotates anti clockwise when vi ewed from the rear end and ship takes ri ght turn, then effect of gyroscop i c coupl e is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer F ig. 1.6.1].

Fig. 1.6.1 2.

hen Sh i i Pitch ing an Bo

i Falling (i.e. Pitch ing i

o n ard) :

Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is, 2J = 12r

J = 6r = 6 v

T 180

= 0.1047 radians

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,

[o =

2T 2T = Tp 18

= 0.12566 rad / sec


Angular velocity of precession is,

[p = J [o cos [o t

Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos [o t = 1. Therefore, the maximum angular velocit y of precession is,
[p (max) = [o J

= 0.12566 v 0.1047 or
y [p (max) = 0.01315 rad/s

Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is, Cmax = I [ [p (max) = 500 v 314.15 v 0.01315 or or Cmax = 2066.63 N-m Cmax = 2.066 kN-m


The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side [Refer Fig. 1.6.2].

Dynamics of

achinery P


Fig. 1.6.2 3.

hen Sh i i

olling :

In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no precession of the axis of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopi c effect during rolling of the ship.

1.9 y y


Consi der a four-wheel vehi cl e taki ng a l eft turn as shown i n Fig. 1.24. The four wheels are : A, B, C and D. The wheels C and D are call ed inner wheels and wheels A and B are call ed outer wheels. M = total mass of the vehi cl e, kg R = radius of curvature of curved path or track, m r = radius of the wheels, m h = hei ght of C.G. of the vehi cl e above the road surface, m a = wi dth of track, m Iw = mass moment of inertia of each wheel, kg-m
2 2

IE = mass moment of inertia of rotating parts of the engi ne, kg-m V = linear vel ocity of the vehi cl e, m/s

[E = angular vel ocity of the rotati ng parts of the engine, rad/ s

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



[w = angular velocity of the rotating parts of the wheel, rad/s [p = precessional angular velocity of the wheel axis =

V , rad/s R

G = gear ratio = 1.9.1


[E [w

Reactions of Ground on our Wheels of Vehicle When the vehicle is taking the turn, the following three loads (forces and couples) are acting on the vehicle [Fig. 1.24] :

1. 2. 3.

Weight of vehicle (Mg) Centrifugal force ( Fc ) Reactive gyroscopic couple (C)

Weight of vehicle


The weight of vehicle Mg acts vertically downwards through the C.G. of the vehicle. If the C.G. of the vehicle is at the center of vehicle, the total weight of the vehicle will be equally distributed over the four wheels, which acts vertically downwards. If the C.G. of the vehicle is not at the center of vehicle, the total weight of vehicle will not be equally distributed over the four wheels.

Dynamics of

achinery P


Fig. 1.24 : Forces and Couple Acting on Four-Wheels of Vehicle Moving in Curved Path 2.

en trifug al Fo rce ( Fc ) :

S ince the vehi cl e moves al ong a curved path having radi us R whil e taki ng a turn, the centri fugal force Fcacts radiall y outward through the C.G. of the vehi cl e. T he effect of this centri fugal force is to overturn the vehi cl e. The centri fugal force acting through the C.G. of the vehi cl e is, Fc = M [P R = M or

V 2 R R ...(1.7)

Fc =



eacti e

ro co ic ou le ( ) :

y y

In vehi cl e, the four wheels and rotating parts of engine are spinning about their own axis. When the vehi cl e is moving al ong the curved path, the precessi on of axis of rotation take place. Due to this, the reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is applied by the axl e and wheels, as shown in F ig. 1.24. The four wheels and engi ne are considered two di fferent sets of rotors si nce they are rotati ng with di fferent speed and may be i n di fferent directi ons. Hence, we have to consi der the reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e due to four wheels as well as engi ne separatel y. The reactive gyroscopi c coupl et due to four wheels is, C w = 4 [ Iw [ w [ p ]

The reactive gyroscopi c coupl e due to rotati ng parts of engi ne is, C E = I E [E [p = IE G [w [p ... G =

[E [w

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



The total reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is, C = Cw s CE or or C = 4 [ Iw [w [p ] s IE G [w [p

C = ( 4 Iw s G IE ) [w [p


In Equation (1.8), the positive sign is used when the wheels and engine rotate in same direction, since reactive gyroscopic couples due to wheels and engine will act in same direction. If the wheels and engine rotate in opposite direction then the negative sign is used, since the reactive gyroscopic couples due to wheels and engine will act in opposite direction. If the mass moment of inertia of the rotating parts of engine is negligible, then the term G IE in Equation (1.8) is neglected. It is important to note that, only engine parts which are rotating in a plane parallel to plane of wheels are taken into account.
Reactions of Ground on Wheels R i and Ro )

y y y


Ro = reaction of ground on each outer wheel ,N Ri = reaction of ground on each inner wheel, N Fig. 1.25 shows loading diagram of four wheels.

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.25 : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving in Curved path

Taking moments about C and D, 2 Ro v a Mg v

@ @ @ @ @

a Fc v h C = 0 2 Mg a + Fc h + C 2 Ro a = 2 Ro = Ro = Ro = Mg Fc h C + + 4 2a 2a Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE) [w [p + + R 2a 2a 4
2 Mg M V h (4 Iw s G IE) V V + + 2a 4 2Ra r R 2 2 2


Mg M V h (4 Iw s G IE) V = + + 4 2Ra 2Rra


Taking moments about A and B, 2 Ri v a + Mg v

@ @

a Fc v h C = 0 2 Mg a 2 Ri a = Fc h C 2 Ri = Mg Fc h C 2a 2a 4

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



@ @

Ri =

Mg MV h (4 IW s G IE) [W [p 2a R 2a 4

2 Mg M V h (4 IW s G IE) V V Ri = 4 2Ra 2a r R

or 1.9.2
y y

Mg M V h (4 IW s G IE) V Ri = 4 2Rra 2Ra


Condition for Stability of our Wheel Vehicle For the stability of the four-wheel vehicle moving in a curved path, it is essential that no wheel should be lifted off the ground while the vehicle takes the turn. To fulfill this condition, the net vertical force applied by the wheel on the ground should be downwards i.e. the net force applied by the ground on the wheels (reaction of th e ground on the wheels) should be upwards. In above analysis, it is assumed that the reaction of ground on the wheel is positive, if it is in upward direction. Hence, the conditions for the stability of vehicle are :

y y

Ro u 0
y y

...(a) ...(b)

Ri u 0

From Equation (1.9), it is seen that the reaction of ground on each outer wheel i.e. Ro can not be zero or negative. However, from Equation (1.10) it is seen that, the reaction of ground on each inner wheel i.e. R i may be zero or negative. Therefore the inner wheels may lift from the ground and vehicle may overturn. Hence, the condition for stability is,

Ri u 0
2 Mg M V h (4 IW s G IE) V 2Rra 2Ra 4 2


u 0

@ @

Mg 4

2 (4 Iw s G IE) V M h + r 2 Ra

MgR a 2 u V (4 I s G I ) w E 2 M h + r

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




V e

MgR a (4 Iw s G IE) 2 M h + r


Example 1.7

An automobile is traversing along a curved track of 200 m mean radius. Each of the four road wheels has a mass of 125 kg with radius of gyration of 0.32 m. The effective diameter of each 2 wheel is 0.8 m. The rotating parts of the engine have a mass moment of inertia of 10 kg-m . The engine axis is parallel to the front axle and the crankshaft rotates in the same direction as the road wheels. The gear ratio between the engine and the back wheels is 5. The vehicle has a mass of 3000 kg and its centre of gravity is 0.5 m above the road level. The wheel track is 1.5 m. Calculate the limiting speed of the vehicle around the curve for all four wheels to maintain contact with the road surface.

Given :
Radius of curvature of path, R = 200 m. Mass of each wheel, mW = 125 kg Radius of gyration of wheel, kW = 0.32 m

Mass moment of inertia of wheel, Iw = mW k = 125 v (0.32) = 12.8 kg-m


Diameter of each wheel, D = 0.8 m

@ Radius of each wheel, r = @ Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE Gear ratio, G Mass of vehicle, M Height of C.G. above the road surface, h Wheel track, a

= = = = =

0.8 = 0.4 m 2 2 10 kg-m 5 3000 kg 0.5 m 1.5 m

Centrifugal orce and Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Weight of the vehicle is, Mg = 3000 v 9.81 or Mg = 29430 N V V = = 2.5 V rad / s r 0.4

Angular velocity of the wheels is,

[W =

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Precessional angular velocit y of the wheels is, V V = = 0.005 V rad / s [p = R 200 Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, Fc = or M V 3000 V = R 200
2 2 2

Fc = 15 V , N
C = (4 Iw s G IE) [w [p

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is,

@ or

C = (4 v 12.8 + 5 v 10) 2.5 V v 0.005 V 2 C = 1.265 V , N-m.


Reactions of Ground on Wheels

y y

Fig. 1.7.1 shows forces and couple acting on fours wheel and Fig. 1.7.2 shows loading diagram of wheels. Taking moments about A and B, 2 Ri v a + Mg v
@ @

a Fc v h C = 0 2 Mg a Fc v h C 2 Ri a = 2 Ri = Mg Fc h C 2 2a 2a
2 2

29430 15 V v 0.5 1.265 V = 4 2 v 1.5 2 v 1.5 or


Ri = 7357.5 2.92167 V , N

Taking moments about C and D, 2 v Ro v a Mg v

@ @

a Fc v h C = 0 2 Mg a 2 Ro a = + Fc v h + C 2 Ro = = Mg Fc v h C + + 2a 2a 4 29430 15 V v 0.5 1.265 V 4 2 v 1.5 2 v 1.5

2 2 2


Ro = 7357.5 + 2.92167 V , N

Dynamics of

achinery P


Fig. 1.7.1 : Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle

Fig. 1.7.2 : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels 3.

ond ition fo r Stab ility of Vehicle :

For stability of vehi cl e Ri u 0 7357.5 2.92167 V

2 2

u 0

@ @ @

2.92167 V

7357.5 7357.5 2.92167 50.182 m/s 50.182 v 3600 km/ hr. 1000


E am le 1.8 :

V e 180.6558 km/hr.


A four wheel car has a total mass of 3000 kg. Each wheel is of 450 mm radi us. The center distance between two wheels on an axl e is 1.5 m and wheel base is 2.5 m. T he hei ght of C.G.

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



is 0.5 m above the road surface and located at 1 m from front axle. Each wheel has moment of 2 inertia of 32 kg-m . The engine axis is along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The engine rotates 4 times the speed of wheels in clockwise direction when viewed from front. The mass of rotating parts of engine is 70 kg having radius of gyration of 100 mm. If the car is taking a left turn of 70 m radius at 50 km/hr, find the ground reaction on each wheel. (PU : May 2007)

Given :

Total mass of car, M = 3000 kg Radius of wheel, r = 450 mm = 0.45 m Wheel track, a = 1.5 m Wheel base, b = 2.5 m Height of CG above the road surface, h = 0.5 m Distance of C.G. from front axle, l = 1 m Mass moment of inertia of each wheel, IW = 32 kg-m Gear ratio, G = 4 Mass of engine, mE = 70 kg Radius of gyration of engine parts, kE = 100 mm = 0.1 m

Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = mE ( kE ) = 70 v (0.1) = 0.7 kg-m Radius of curvature of path, R = 70 m Speed of the vehicle, V = 50 km / hr =

50 v 1000 = 13.88 m/sec 3600


Centrifugal orce and Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Weight of the vehicle is, Mg = 3000 v 9.81


Mg = 29430 N V 13.88 = = 30.84 rad/s r 0.45

Angular velocity of the wheels is,

[W =

Precessional angular velocit y of the vehicle is, V 13.88 = [p = 70 R or

[p = 0.1982 rad/s

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, Fc = or MV 3000 v (13.88) = R 70

2 2

Fc = 8256.61 N

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels is, or C w = 4 Iw [w [p = 4 v 32 v 30.84 v 0.1982 Cw = 782.73 N-m

Reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine is, CE = IE [E [p = IE G [E [p = 0.7 v 4 v 30.84 v 0.1982 or

CE = 17.11 N-m

Since the position of engine axis and wheel axis are perpendicular to each other the reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels and reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine act perpendicular to each other, as shown in Fig. 1.8.1.

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Reactions of Ground on Wheels Due to Loading Vehicle

long Transverse Plane of

Fig. 1.8.2 shows the loading diagram considering reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels (CW) and centrifugal force (Fc)

Fig. 1.8.2 : Loading Diagram Considering Reactive Gyroscopic Couple Due to Four Wheels and Centrifugal Force

Taking moments about A and B, 2 Ri v 1.5 Fc v 0.5 Cw = 0


2 Ri v 1.5 8256.61 v 0.5 782.73 = 0

@ Ri = 1636.99 N

Taking moments about C and D, 2 Ro v 1.5 Fc v 0.5 Cw = 0 2 Ro v 1.5 8256.61 v 0.5 782.73 = 0
@ Ro = 1637.01 N


Reactions of Ground on Wheels Due to Loading Vehicle

long Longitudinal Plane of

Fig. 1.8.3 shows the loading diagram considering reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine (CE) and weight of vehicle (Mg).

Dynamics of

achinery P


Taki ng moments about A and C, 2 R R v 2.5 + Mg v 1 CE = 0 RR v 2.5 + 29430 v 1 17.11 = 0

@ RR = 5882.57 N

Fig. 1.8.3 : Loading Diagram Considering Reactive Gyroscopic Couple Due to Engine and Weight of Vehicle

Taki ng moments about B and D, 2 RF v 2.5 Mg v 1.5 CE = 0 2 RF v 2.5 29430 v 1.5 17.11 = 0

@ RF = 8832.42 N

esultan t eaction s of

round on

heels :

From F ig 1.8.3 ;

Resultant reaction of ground on wheel A is, R A = R o + RF = 1637.01 + 8832.42 or

RA = 10469.43 N

...Ans .

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Resultant reaction of ground on wheel B is, RB = Ro + R R = 1637.01 + 5882.57 or

RB = 7519.58 N


Resultant reaction of ground on wheel C is, RC = Ri + R F = 1636.99 + 8832.42 or

RC = 7195.43 N
R D = Ri + R R = 1636.99 + 5882.57


Resultant reaction of ground on wheel D is,

1 10

RD = 4245.58 N


Fig. 1.26 shows a four-wheel vehicle moving along a curved path with banking and taking a left-turn. Let, M = total mass of the vehicle, kg R = radius of curvature of curved path or track, m r = radius of the wheels, m h = height of C.G. of the vehicle above the road surface, m a = width of track, m Iw = mass moment of inertia of each wheel, kg-m
2 2

IE = mass moment of inertia of rotating parts of the engine, kg-m V = linear velocity of the vehicle, m/s
[w = angular velocity of the rotating parts of the engine, rad/s V [p = precessional angular velocity of the wheel axis = , rad/s R

G = gear ratio =

[E [w

U = banking angle of the track

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.26(a) : Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving in Curved Path With Banking

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Reactions of Ground on Wheels of Vehicle

When the vehicle is taking the turn, the following loads (forces and couple) are acting on vehicle, as shown in Fig. 1.26.

1. 2. 3.

Weight of the vehicle (Mg) Centrifugal force ( Fc ) Reactive gyroscopic couple (C)
Weight of the Vehicle

The weight of vehicle Mg which acts vertically downwards through the C.G. of the vehicle is resolved into two components : (i) (ii)

Mg cos U : In the plane parallel to the planes of rotation of wheels. Mg sin U : In the plane perpendicular to the planes of rotation of wheels.
Centrifugal orce
c )

Since the vehicle moves along a curved path having radius R while taking a turn, the centrifugal force acts radially outward though the C.G. of the vehicle. The effect of the centrifugal force is to overturn the vehicle. The centrifugal force acting through the C.G. of the vehicle is, 2 MV Fc = M [ p R = 2 R R 2 MV or Fc = R This centrifugal force is also resolved into two components :


(i) (ii)

Fc sin U : In the plane parallel to the planes rotation of wheels. Fc cos U : In the plane perpendicular to the planes of rotation of wheels.
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple C)

The precession of the spin axis is about the vertical axis OY. However, the angular momentum vector OX1is perpendicular to the plane of rotation of wheels. Hence, only the component of angular momentum vector perpendicular to the precession axis (vector I[ cos U) is responsible for producing the reactive gyroscopic couple. Reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = I [ cos [p = (4 Iw [w s IE [E) cos U [p

Dynamics of

achinery P 



= (4 Iw [w s IE G [E) cos U [p or
eaction s

C = ( 4 Iw s G IE ) [w [p cos U




heels (


an d



Ro = reacti on of ground on each outer wheel, N R i = reacti on of ground on each inner wheel, N

Fig. 1.26 (b) : Components of Forces Parallel and Perpendicular to Axis

From F ig. 1.26 (b) ;

Taki ng moments about C and D, 2 Ro a (Mg cos U + Fc sin U) a Fc cos U h + Mg sin U h C = 0 2

2 Ro a =

Fc a Mg a cos U + sin U + Fc h cos U M g h sin U + (4 Iw s G IE) [w [p cos U 2 2

2 2 (4 Iw s G IE) V V MV a MV h Mg h Mg a cos U + s in U + cos U s in U + cos U R 4a 2a R 2a 2a r R 4a 2 2 2

@ Ro =

Mg h M V Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U or Ro = 2 R ra 4 + 2 Ra + 2a 4R sin U y

Taki ng moments about A and B, 2 Ri a + (Mg Cos U + Fc sin U) 2 Ria = a F c cos U h + Mg sin U h C = 0 2


Fc a Mg a cos U + sin U Fc cos U + Mg h sin U (4 Iw s G IE) [w [p cos U 2 2

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



@ Ri =

2 2 (4 Iw s G IE) V V MV a MV h Mg h Mg a cos U + sin U cos U + sin U cos U R 4a R 2a 2a 2a r R 4a 2 2 2 Mg h M V Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U + sin U + 4R 2 Ra 2 R ra 4 2a

or Ri =


1.10.2 Condition for Stability of our Wheel Vehicle With anking


Conditions for the stability of vehicle are : Ri u 0 and Ro u 0 ...(a) ...(b)

(i )


Condition [ Ri u 0]

Mg h M V Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U sin U u 0 2a + 4R 2 Ra 2 R ra 4 Mg h M V M V h (4 Iw s G IE)V Mg cos U sin U u 2Ra + 2a + 4R 4 2 R ra

2 M V h (4 Iw s G IE)V Mg + 4 2 R ra 2Ra tan U u 2 Mgh MV + 4R 2a




Second Condition [ Ro u 0]

Mg h M V Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U sin U u 0 + + 4R 2 Ra 2 R ra 4 2a Mg h M V Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U u + + 2a 4R sin U 2 Ra 2 R ra 4

2 2 Mg M V h (4 Iw s G IE)V + + 4 2Ra 2 R ra tan U e 2 Mgh M V 2a 4R 2 2 2



Hence for avoiding the toppling of the vehicle, tan U should be within the limits given by Equation (1.16) and (1.17).

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Example 1.9


A four wheel automobile of mass 1500 Kg is traveling along a track of 100 m mean radius, which is banked at 15r. The center of gravity of automobile is 0.5 m above the road level. The width of the track of the vehicle is 1.5 m. Each of the four wheels has a mass moment of 2 inertia of 2 kg-m and effective diameter of 0.6 m. The rotating parts of the engine have a mass 2 moment of inertia of 1.25 kg-m . The engine axis is parallel to the rear axle and the crank shaft rotates in the same direction as the wheels. The gear ratio of engine to back axle is 3. Determine the maximum and minimum limiting speeds of the automobile around the curve for all four wheels to maintain contact with the road surface. (PU : Dec. 2007)

Given :

Total mass of automobile, M = 1500 Kg Mean radius of track, R = 100 m Banking angle of track, U = 15r Height of C.G. above road level, h = 0.5 m Width of track, a = 1.5 m Mass moment of inertia of each wheel, Iw = 2 Kg-m

Radius of wheel, r = 0.6/2 = 0.3 m Mass moment of inertia of engine rotating parts, IE = 1.25 kg-m
1. Centrifugal $orce and Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Gear ratio, G = [E / [w = 3
y y

Weight of the automobile is, Mg = 1500 v 9.81 = 14715 N Angular velocity of wheels is,
[w =

V V = = 3.33 V rad/s r 0.3

Precessional angular velocit y of the vehicle is, V V [p = = = 0.01 V, rad/s R 100 Centrifugal force acting on the vehicle is, 2 2 MV 1500 V = Fc = 100 R or

Fc = 15 V , N

Dynamics of


achinery P (





Reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e acti ng on the vehi cl e is, C = I [ cos U [p = (4 Iw [w + IE [E ) cos U [p = (4 Iw [w + GIE [w ) cos U [p = (4 Iw + GIE ) [w [p cos U = ( 4 v 2 + 3 v 1.25) v 3.33 V v 0.01 V v cos 15r or

C = 0.378 V , N-m

Fig. 1.9.1 : Loading Diagram

Fig. 1.9.2 : Components of Forces and Couple

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Reactions of Ground on Wheels

y y

Fig. 1.9.1 shows the loading diagram of wheels and Fig. 1.9.2 shows the components of forces Taking moments about C and B, a 2 Ro v a (Mg cos U + Fc sin U) Fc cos U v h + Mg sin U v h C = 0 2

@ Ro =

(Mg cos U + Fc sin U) (Fc cos U Mg sin U) h C + + 2a 2a 4

2 2 2 (14715 cos 15r + 15 V sin 15r) (15 V cos 15r 14715 sin 15r) v 0.5 0.378 V = + + 4 2 v 1.5 2 v 1.5

14213.6 + 3.88V (14.489 V 3808.52) 0.378 V + + 3 6 4

2 2 2 2

= 3553.4 + 0.97 V + 2.415 V 634.75 + 0.126 V or Ro = (2918.65 + 3.511 V ), N


Taking moments about A and B, a 2 Ri v a + (Mg cos U + F c sin U) v Fc cos U v h + Mg sin U v h C = 0 2

@ Ri =

Mg cos U + Fc sin U (Fc cos U Mg sin U) h C 4 2a 2a

2 2 2 (14715 cos 15r + 15 V sin 15r) (15 V cos 15r 14715 sin 15r) v 0.5 0.378 V 4 2 v 1.5 2 v 1.5

= =

(14213.6 + 3.88V ) (14.489 V 3808.52) 0.378 V 4 6 3

2 2 2

= 3553.4 + 0.97 V 2.415 V + 634.75 0.126 V or Ri = (4188.15 1.571 V ), N

3. Conditions for Stability of Vehicle

First condition :
Ri u 0

4188.15 1.571 V

u 0 e 4188.15

1.571 V

@ V e

4188.15 1.571

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



V e 51.63 m/s V e 51.63 v 3600 km / hr 1000

V e 185.876 km/hr or

Vmin = 185.876 km/hr


Second condition :
Ro u 0

2918.65 + 3.511 V

u 0

Example 1.10

Vmin = 0 km/hr


The total mass of a four-wheel trolley car is 1800 kg. The car runs on rails of 1.6 m gauge and round a curve of 24 m mean radius at 36 km/hr. The track is banked at 10r. The diameter of the wheels is 600 mm. Each pair of wheels with axle has a mass of 180 kg and radius of gyration of 240 mm. The height of the C.G of car above the wheel base is 950 mm. Determine the pressure on each rail.

Given :

Mass of car, M = 1800 kg Track width, a = 1.6 m Mean radius of path, R = 24 m Linear speed of car, V = 36 km/hr = 36 v 1000 = 10 m/s 3600

Banking angle of track, U = 10r Radius of wheel r = 0.6/2 = 0.3 m Mass moment of inertia of pair of wheels, Iw = mw kw = 180 v (0.24) Height of C.G. above road surface, h = 0.95 m
2 2

= 10.368 kg-m

Dynamics of

achinery P A




Fig. 1.10.1 : Loading Diagram

Fig. 1.10.2 : Components of Forces and Couple 1.

Hen trifug al

Fo rce an d

P ou Rle Ieacti e Qyro sco Ric H

y y

Weight of the car is, M g = 1800 v 9.81 = 17658 N Angular vel ocity of the wheels is, V 10 [w = = = 33.33 rad/s r 0.3 Precessional angular vel ocity of the vehi cl e is, V 10 [p = = = 0.4166 rad/s R 24 Centri fugal force acti ng on the vehi cl e is, Fc = or MV 1800 v 10 = 24 R
2 2

Fc = 7500 N

Reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e acti ng on the vehi cl e is,

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



@ @

= = =

I [ cos U [p 2 Iw [ w [p cos U [ mass of each pair of wheels is given] 2 v 10.368 v 33.33 v 0.4166 cos 10 (c)



C = 283.62 N-m

Reactions of Ground on Wheels

y y

Fig. 1.10.1 shows the loading diagram of wheels and Fig. 1.10.2 shows the components of forces and couple. Taking moments about A and B, a 2 Ro a (Mg cos U + Fc sin U) Fc cos U h + Mg sin U h C = 0 2

@ Ro =

(Mg cos U + Fc sin U) (Fc cos U Mg sin U) h C + + 2a 2a 4 (17658 cos 10r + 7500 sin 10r) (7500 cos 10r 17658 sin 10r) v 0.95 283.62 + + 4 2 v 1.6 2 v 1.6

= 4673.02 + 1282.43 + 88.63 or Ro = 6044.08 N



Taking moments about C and D, 2 Ri a + (Mg cos U + Fc sin U) a Fc cos U h + Mg sin U h C = 0 2

@ Ri =

Mg cos U + Fc sin U (Fc cos U Mg sin U h) C 2a 2a 4 (17658 cos 10r + 7500 sin 10r) (7500 cos 10r 17658 sin 10r) v 0.95 283.62 4 2 v 1.6 2 v 1.6

= 4673.02 1282.43 88.63 or Ri = 3301.96 N


Dynamics of Machinery (PU)


e dcYf

1 T11

VW U XY WV s c






e ga Yhi


e fpq dr

Consider a two wheel vehicle (e.g. motor cycle or scooter) taking a left turn, as shown in Fig. 1.27. M = mass of the vehicle and rider, kg Iw = mass moment of inertia of each wheel, kg-m
2 2


IE = mass moment of inertia of rotating parts of the engine, kg-m r = radius of the wheels, m R = radius of curvature of curved path or track, m V = linear velocity of the vehicle, m/s V [w = angular velocity of the wheels = , rad/s r
[E = angular velocity of engine, rad/s [p = precessional angular velocity of vehicle =

V , rad/s R

G = gear ratio =

[E [w

U = angle of inclination of vehicle with vertical in equilibrium condition. y y

When the vehicle is taking a turn over the curved path it is observed that, the vehicle will tilt inward and is inclined at an angle U with the vertical plane. This angle made by the plane of vehicle with the vertical plane, while moving along the curved path, is known as angle of heel or angle of tilt. orces and Couple Path cting on Tw o Wheel Vehicle oving in Curved


When the vehicle is moving along the curved path, the following loads (forces and couple) are acting on the vehicle :

1. 2. 3.

Weight of vehicle, (Mg) Centrifugal force (Fc) Reactive gyroscopic couple (C)
Weight of Vehicle (Mg)

The weight of vehicle with rider Mg acts vertically downwards through the C.G. of the vehicle, as shown in Fig. 1.27.

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.27 : Stability of Two Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path 2. Centrifugal uorce (F c)

Since the vehicle moves along a curved path having radius R while taking a turn, the centrifugal force will act radially outward through the C.G of the vehicle. The centrifugal force tends to overturn the vehicle The centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,

Fc =
3. Gyroscopic Couple (C)



The precession of the spin axis is about the vertical axis OY. However, the angular momentum vector OX1 is perpendicular to the plane of rotation of wheels. Hence, only the component of angular momentum vector OX perpendicular to the precession axis (vector I[ cos U) is responsible for producing the reactives gyroscopic couple. Reactive gyroscopic couple due to two wheels is, C w = 2 Iw [w cos U [p

Reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine is, CE = IE [E cos U [p

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Total reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is, C = Cw s CE = 2 Iw [w cos U [p s IE [E cos U [p = (2 Iw [w s IE [E ) [p cos U = (2 Iw s IE [E ) [p cos U or

C = (2 Iw s G IE ) [w [p cos U


Positives sign is used when wheels and rotates in same direction and engine and negative sign is used when wheels and engine rotates in opposite direction. Condition for Stability of Tw o Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path


For stability of vehicle ;

7 Moments about Od
@ @ @ @ @ @

= 0

Mg h sin U Fc h cos U C = 0 Mg h sin U = Fc h cos U + C Mg h sin U = Mg h sin U = MV h cos U + (2 Iw s G IE ) [E [p cos U R MV h V V cos U + (2 Iw s G IE ) cos U R r R
2 2 2 2

V MV h cos U + (2 Iw s G IE ) cos U Mg h sin U = Rr R Mg h sin U = Mh +

(2 Iw s G IE) V2 cos U r R ...(1.20)

(2 Iw s G IE) V2 tan U = Mh + r Mgh R

From Equation (1.20), the value of angle of heel U may be determined so that the vehicle do not skid while taking the turn.
Example 1.11

A motor cycle with rider has a mass of 250 kg. The centre of gravity of the motor cycle and the rider falls 60 cm above the ground when running straight in vertical position. Each road 2 wheel diameter is 60 cm with mass moment of inertia of 1 kg-m . The engine rotates 6 times faster than the wheel in the same direction and the rotating parts of the engine have a mass 2 moment of inertia of 0.175 kg-m . Determine the angle of inclination of the motor cycle or the

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



angle of heel required, if it is speeding at 80 km/hr and rounding a curve of radius 50 m. Also find the magnitude of gyroscopic couple.

Given :

Mass of motor cycle with rider, M = 250 kg.

Height of C.G. of motor cycle and rider above ground, h = 60 cm = 0.6 m Diameter of wheel, D = 60 cm = 0.6 m Radius of wheel, r = D 0.6 = = 0.3 m 2 2

Mass moment of inertia of wheel, Iw = 1 kg-m Gear ratio, G =

[E [w


Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = 0.175 kg-m Speed of motor cycle, V = 80 km / hr =

80 v 1000 22.22 m / s 3600

Radius of curvature, R = 50 m

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Fig. 1.11.1 1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple

Angular velocity of wheel is,

[w =

V 22.22 = = 74.074 rad / s r 0.3

Angular velocity of engine is,

[E = G [w = 6 v 74.074


[E = 444.44 rad / s

Precessional angular velocit y is,

[p =

V 22.22 = = 0.4444 rad / s. R 50

Weight of vehicle is, Mg = 250 v 9.81 or

Mg = 2452.5 N

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, Fc = or MV (250 v 22.22) = 50 R

2 2

Fc = 2469.13 N

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is, C = (2 Iw + GIE ) [w [p cos U [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels] = (2 v 1 + 6 v 0.175) v 74.074 v 0.444 cos U C = 100.41 cos U, N-m


ngle of Heel

Taking moments about Od Mgh sin U Fc h cos U C = 0 2452.5 v 0.6 sin U 2469.13 v 0.6 cos U 100.41 cos U = 0 1471.5 sin U = 1581.89 cos U

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



tan U = 1.075 or

U = tan [1.075] U = 47.07r


Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = 100.41 cos U = 100.41 cos (47.07)r or

C = 68.39 N-m


Example 1.12

A two wheeler motor vehicle and its rider weigh 130 kg and their combined centre of gravit y is 750 mm above the ground level when the vehicle is upright. Each road wheel is 600 mm 2 diameter and has M.I. of 1.2 kg-m about its axis of rotation. The rotating parts of the engine 2 have M.I. of 0.4 kg-m . The engine rotates at 5 times the speed of the road wheels and in the same sense. When the vehicle is rounding the curve of 130 m radius at a speed if 60 km/hr. Determine : (i) Magnitude of total gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle. (ii) Angle of banking so that there will be no tendency of side slip. (PU: May 2005)

Given :

Mass of motor cycle with rider, M = 130 kg.

Height of C.G. of motor cycle and rider above ground, h = 750 mm = 0.75 m Diameter of wheel, D = 600 mm = 0.6 m D 0.6 Radius of wheel, r = = = 0.3 m 2 2 Mass moment of inertia of wheel, Iw = 1.2 kg-m Gear ratio, G =
[E =5 [w
2 2

Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = 0.4 kg-m Speed of motor cycle, V = 60 km / hr =

60 v 1000 16.66 m / s 3600 Radius of curvature, R = 130 m


Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple

Angular velocity of wheel is,

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



[w = y

V 16.66 = = 55.53 rad / s 0.3 r

Angular velocity of engine is,

[E = G [w = 5 v 55.53


[E = 277.66 rad / s

Precessional angular velocit y is,

[p =

V 16.66 = = 0.1281 rad / s. R 130

Weight of vehicle is, Mg = 130 v 9.81 or

Mg = 1275.3 N
MV (130 v 16.66) = R 130
2 2

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, Fc = or

Fc = 277.55 N
C = (2 Iw + GIE ) [w [p cos U [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,


= (2 v 1.2 + 5 v 0.4) v 55.53 v 0.1281 cos U C = 31.29 cos U, N-m

ngle of an king

Taking moments about Od Mg h sin U Fc h cos U C = 0 1275.3 v 0.75 sin U 277.55 v 0.75 cos U 31.29 cos U = 0 956.47 sin U = 239.41 cos U tan U = 0.25 or
U = tan [0.25] U = 14.05r



Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = 31.29 cos U = 31.29 cos (14.05)r

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




C = 30.35 N-m


Dynamics of

achinery P



In many appli cations rotating el ements like : gears, pull eys, fl ywheels, coupli ngs, etc, are mounted on the shaft. While mounti ng, due to manufacturi ng and assembl y errors, these el ements may be inclined to the axis of the shaft as shown i n F ig. 1.25. This produces gyroscopi c effect and rotating disc appli es reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e on the supporti ng frame. Consi der a disc of uni form thi ckness ri gi dl y fi xed to a rotati ng shaft such that the polar axis of the disc makes an angl e U with the shaft axis, as shown in F ig. 1.28. The disc rotates in an anticl ockwise directi on when vi ewed form the l eft side.

y y

Fig. 1.28 : Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Disc Fixed at Certain Angle to Rotating Shaft

Let, OX = shaft axis or axis of rotation OP = polar axis of the disc OD = diametral or equatorial axis of the disc

U = angl e of incli nation of the polar axis of disc with shaft axis [ = angular vel ocity of the shaft about axis OX, rad/s
m = mass of the disc, kg r = radius of disc, m b = wi dth of the disc, m Ip = mass moment of inertia of the disc about the polar axis OP, kg-m = mr /2
2 2

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



ID = mass moment of inertia of the disc about the diametral or equatorial axis OD, kg-m = m

b r + , 12 4

The angular velocity [ of the disc is resolved into two components :

[ cos U [ sin U [ cos U : This is the component of the angular velocit y vector along the polar axis of the disc. Hence, this is the spin velocit y of the disc about the polar axis (axis OP) [ sin U : This is the component of the angular velocit y vector along the diametral or equatorial axis of the disc. Hence, this is the spin velocity of the disc about the diametral axis (axis OD).

1. 2.


The gyroscopic effect is determined separately due to

1. 2.

Component of spin velocity [ cos U about polar axis, and Component of spin velocity [ sin U about diametral axis.
Gyroscopic Effect due to Component of Spin Velocity [ cos U

y y y y

The rotation of the shaft about axis OX causes the polar axis OP to rotate with point P moving in such a way that OP generates a cone with O as vertex. Hence the precession motion is produced about the diametral axis OD and vector OD indicates the precerssion velocit y vector. Angular velocity of spin of disc about OP = [ cos U, and Angular velocit y of precession of disc about diametral axis OD = [ sin U Hence reactive gyroscopic couple is, Cp = Ip [ cos U [ sin U = Ip [ sin U [ cos U

Ip [ sin 2 U
y y

Cp =


The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple Cp is determined as shown in Fig. 1.29. The reactive gyroscopic couple Cp acts in an anticlockwise direction when viewed from the top, about perpendicular axis passing though O.

Dynamics of

achinery P f




Fig. 1.29 : Gyroscopic Effect Due to Component of Spin Velocity [ cos U 2.

myro sco nic

Effect du e to

oom non en t

of S nin Velocity [ sin U :

y y y y

The rotati on of the shaft about axis OX causes the diametral axis OD to rotate with point D movi ng in such a way that OD generates a cone with O as vortex. Hence the precessi on moti on is produced about the polar axis OP and vector OP indi cates the precession vel ocity vector. Angular vel ocity of spin of disc about diametral axis OD = [ sin U, and Angular vel ocity of precession of disc about polar axis OP = [ cos U Hence reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e is, CD = ID [ sin U [ cos U = ID [ sin U cos U or


ID [ sin 2 U = 2


y y

The directi on of reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is determi ned as shown in F ig. 1.30.

The reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e CD acts i n cl ockwise directi on when vi ewed from the top, about perpendi cular axis passing through O.

Dynamics of

achinery P r




Fig. 1.30 : Gyroscopic Effect Due to Component of Spin Velocity [ sin U 3.

z yesultan t yeacti e {yro sco |ic }ou |le ( })

The reacti ve gyroscopi c coupl e CD due to component of sp i n vel ocity [ sin U is in opposite directi on to that of reacti ve gyroscopi c couple Cp due to component of sp i n vel ocity [ cos U. Hence, the resultant reactive gyroscopi c coupl e is, C = Cp C D = or Ip [ sin 2 U ID [ sin 2 U 2 2
2 2

C =

[Ip ID]

[ sin 2 U 2
2 2 2


mr b r [ sin 2 U = m + 2 2 12 4

m [ r b sin 2 U C = 2 4 12


If b is small, b can be negl ected. Hence or

C =

mr [ sin 2 U 8


E am le 1.13 :

A thi n disc is fitted to a shaft in such a way that it makes an angl e of one degree with a plane at right angl es to the axis of the shaft. The mass of disc is 30 kg and it has a diameter of 0.6 m. I f the shaft rotates at 1200 r.p.m. F ind the gyroscopi c couple acting on the beari ngs.
Solu tion :

Given :

Angl e of disc with axis of shaft, U = 1r Mass of disc, m = 30 kg

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Diameter of disc, D = 0.6 m


Radius of disc, r =

D 0.6 = = 0.3 m 2 2

Speed of shaft or disc, N = 1200 r.p.m.


Angular velocity of disc, [ =

2 T v 1200 = 125.66 rad/sec. 60

Mass Moment of Inertia

Mass moment of inertia of disc about polar axis is, Ip = mr 30 v (0.3) 2 = = 1.35 kg-m 2 2
2 2

Mass moment of inertia of disc about diametral axis is, 2 mr ...[Neglecting thickness of disc, ID = 4 since it is not given] 2 30 v (0.3) 2 = 0.675 kg-m @ ID = 4
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple


The reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = Cp CD = (Ip ID)

[ sin 2 U 2
2 2

= (1.35 0.675) (125.66) or

sin (2 v 1) 2

C = 185.98 N-m


Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



Example 1.14

A disc having thickness 30 mm is fitted to a shaft in such a way that it makes an angle of 1.5 degree with a plane at right angles to the axis of the shaft. The mass of disc is 25 kg and it has a diameter of 800 mm. If the shaft rotates at 740 r.p.m. Determine the magnitude gyroscopic couple acting on the bearings.

Given :
Thickness of disc, b = 30 mm = 0.03m Angle of disc with axis of shaft U = 1.5r Mass of disc, m = 25 kg Diameter of disc, D = 800 mm = 0.8 m Diameter of disc, r = D 0.8 = = 0.4 m 2 2

Speed of shaft or disc, N = 740 r.p.m.


Angular velocity of disc, [ =

2 T v 740 = 77.49 rad/sec. 60

Mass Moment of Interia

Mass moment of inertia of disc about polar axis is, Ip mr 25 v (0.4) 2 = = 2 kg-m = 2 2
2 2

Mass moment of inertia of disc about diametral axis is, ID = m


b r + 12 4

[Considering thickness of disc]


ID = 25

(0.03) (0.4) 2 = 1 kg-m + 4 12


Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Reactive gyroscopic couple is C = Cp CD = (Ip ID) = (2 1) (77.49) or


[ sin 2 U 2

sin (2 v 1.5) 2

C = 157.13 N-m


Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



1 13 L


Gyroscopic Couple

C = I [ [p N-m Where,

[p = [p =

dU , rad/s dt V , rad/s R
2 2

I = m k , kg-m


Pitching of Ship


Reactive gyroscopic couple :

C = I [ [p, N-m


[p = J [o cos [o t, rad/s [o =

2T , rad/s Tp


Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple :

Cmax = I [ [p (max), N-m


[p (max) = J [o, rad/s [o =

2T , rad/s TP

(iii) Maximum angular acceleration of precession :

Ep (max) = J[o , rad / s
2 2

Four Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path


Centrifugal force :

Fc = m [ p R , N Fc = mV ,N R V , rad/s R


[P =

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Reactive gyroscopic couple :

C = (4 Iw s G IE) [w [p, N-m


G =
[P =

[E [W

V , rad/s R

(iii) Wheel reactions :


Ri = Ro

2 Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V + + ,N 2Ra 2Rra 4 2 2

Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V + + ,N = 2Ra 2Rra 4

(iv) Condition for stability :


Ri u 0 V e mg R a (4 Iw s G IE) 2 mh + r , m/s


Four Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path with



Centrifugal force :

F c = m [ p R, N Fc =
[p =


mV ,N R V , rad/s R



Reactive gyroscopic couple :

C = (4 Iw s 4 IE) [w [p cos U, N-m


G =
[P =

[E [P

V , rad/s R

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



(iii) Wheel reactions :


Mgh MV Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U + 2a + 4R sin U, N Ri = 2 Ra 2Rra 4

2 2 Mgh MV Mg MV h (4 Iw s G IE)V cos U sin U, N Ro = + + + 4R 2Ra 2 R ra 4 2a 2

(iv) Conditions for stability :


Ri u 0 or

Mg M V h (4 Iw s G IE)V + + 2 Ra 2 R ra 4 tan U u 2 Mgh MV 2a + 4 R

R o u 0 or

Mg M V h (4 Iw s G IE) + + 2 R ra 2 Ra 4 tan U e 2 Mgh MV 2a 4 R


Two Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path


Centrifugal force :
F c = M [p R , N

Fc =



Reactive gyroscopic couple :

C = (2 Iw s G IE) [w [p cos U, N-m


C =
[p =

[E [w

V , rad/s R

(iii) Condition for stability :

tan U = Mh +

(2 Iw s G IE) V2 r Mg h R

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Inclined Rotating Disc

C = (C p CD), N-m Where,


Cp = CD = Ip =

Ip [ sin 2 U , N-m 2 ID [ sin 2 U , N-m 2 mr 2 , kg-m 2

2 2 2 2

b r 2 ID = m + kg-m 12 4
ID } mr 2 , kg-m 4 EXERCISE 

1. 2.

What is gyroscopic effect ? Define the terms : (i) Spin axis,

(ii) Gyroscopic couple axis, and (iii) Precession axis 3. 4. 5. Explain gyroscopic acceleration and gyroscopic couple. Derive an expression for gyroscopic couple. Explain gyroscopic couple and establish the relation :

C = I [ [p
6. 7.

Discuss the gyroscopic effect an aeroplanes. Discuss the gyroscopic effect on a ship. What is stabilisation of ship ? Why is it necessary ? How it is achieved ? Derive an expression for angle of heel of a two wheeler taking turn. State the various couples acting on the two wheeler. An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of 50 meters towards right when flying at a speed of 200 km/hr. The mass of engine and propeller is 400 kg with radius of gyration of 30 cm. The engine runs at 2400 rpm clockwise when viewed from



Dynamics of Machinery (PU)



tail end. Find the magnitude of gyroscopic couple on aeroplane and its effect on it. What will be the effect if aeroplanes takes a left turn instead of right turn. [ Ans. C = 10 kN.m ] 11. The rotor of a turbine on a ship has its axis of rotation parallel to the propeller shaft and is supported in bearings 4m apart. The rotor has a mass of 300 kg, radius of gyration of 60 cm and rotates at 1000 r.p.m. in the clockwise sense when viewed from front. The ship is making a left turn at 6 rad/s. Determine the magnitude and direction of the forces exerted by the bearing on the shaft due to the gyroscopic effect alone. [ Ans. RA = RB = F = 16964.6N ] 12. A four wheeled motor car of mass 2000 kg has a wheel base 2.5 m, track width 1.5 m and height of centre of gravity 500 mm above the ground level. The C. G. lies at 1m from the front axis. Each wheel has effective diameter of 0.8 m and moment of inertia 2 of 0.8 kg-m . The engine axis is at right angles to the wheel axes. The drive shaft, engine flywheel and transmission are rotating at 4 times the speed of road wheel, in clockwise direction when viewed from front and is equivalent to a mass of 75 kg having a radius of gyration of 100mm. If the car is taking a right turn of 60m radius at 60km/hr, find load on each wheel. [Ans. load on front wheel load on front wheel load on rear wheel load rear wheel 13. (1) = 4322.8 N (2) = 7435.2 N (3) = 2374.74 N (4) = 5487.14 N]

Each road wheel of a motor cycle has a moment of inertia of 2 kg-m . The rotating 2 parts of engine of motor cycle have moment of inertia of 0.5 kg-m . The speed of the engine is 5 times the speed of the wheels and is in the same sense. The mass of the motor cycle together with its rider is 240 kg and its c.g. is 55cm above the ground level when standing upright. Find the angle of heel, if the motor cycle is travelling at a speed of 50 kmph and taking a turn of 35 m radius. Wheel diameter is 60 cm. [ Ans. U = 48.079r ]


Each road wheel of motor cycle has a moment of inertia of 1.5 kg-m . The rotating 2 parts of engine of a motor cycle have a moment of inertia of 0.25 kg-m . The speed of engine is 6 times the speed of wheels and is in the same sense. The weight of motor cycle together with rider is 250 kg and its c.g. is 60 cm above the ground level when the cycle is standing upright and the rider is sitting on it. Find the angle of heel, if the motor cycle is travelling at 60 kilometers per hour and taking a turn of 30 m radius, Wheel diameter is 60 cm. [ Ans.

U = 46.069r ]

Dynamics of Machinery (PU)




Each road wheel of motor cycle has a moment of inertia of 1.8 kg-m and a diameter of 60 cm. The rotating parts of the engine of the motor cycle have moment of inertia of 2 0.5 kg-m .The speed of the engine is 5 times the speed of the wheels and in the same sense. The mass of the motor cycle along with the rider is 260 kg and its C.G. is 60 cm above the ground level when it is standing upright with the rider. Find the angle of heel of the motor cycle if it is travelling at 65 kmph and taking a turn of 40 m radius. [ Ans. U = 43.2r ]

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