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What Makes a Genre? A thesis is a genre: a kind of writing Whats in common?

Structure Formality Responsibilities of writer and reader What can be different? The Job of a Genre Genre: kind of writing that does a particular job within a particular community of readers Job of the thesis is to show that you know: The nature of enquiry in your discipline What is worth inquiring into What methods are sound and why How to behave! These are ideas about scope, methods, and values the thesis is like an audition for a role, a demonstration that you know what the part entails and how to do it.

Requirement for a Research Degree The requirements for the degree of Masters by research are the completion of all coursework components (should any be specified for the degree) at a satisfactory level and submission of a thesis which demonstrates: (i) competence in the design and conduct of a research project that incorporates methodological skills appropriate to the discipline and makes a contribution to knowledge; (ii) the candidates ability to provide a critical appraisal of relevant literature and available research, to appreciate and understand the relationship of the investigations undertaken by the candidate to the wider field of knowledge in which these investigations are located, and to draw out the contribution to knowledge made by these investigations; (iii) the candidates knowledge and understanding of the methodological techniques used in the research and any shortcomings associated with these techniques; (iv) a satisfactory level of literary presentation reflecting an ability to communicate in a clear, concise and authoritative manner appropriate to the discipline and to the professional arena to which it is addressed.

[And the criteria for a PhD thesis are the same, except for the first one, that requires the thesis to be:] (i) a substantial and original contribution to knowledge

Handbook for Candidates and Supervisors for Masters Degrees by Research and Doctoral Degrees (La Trobe University Research and Graduate Studies Office

Presentation of the Thesis Click on forms for current students and get the form called NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SUBMIT A HIGHER DEGREE THESIS FOR EXAMINATION. (La Trobe University Research and Graduate Studies Office Handbook for Candidates and Supervisors for Masters Degrees by Research and Doctoral Degrees (La Trobe University Research and Graduate Studies Office It is not possible to lay down general rules on the preparation, form and content which apply to all disciplines. Candidates should acquaint themselves with the appropriate scholarly conventions in their discipline for the presentation of references, accuracy of quotation and construction of bibliographies. Candidates should also consult School or Department handbooks for higher degree candidates where guidance should be offered about appropriate format and presentation for the discipline. Candidates may find it of value to read recent examples of successfully completed theses in their discipline area as a guide to format. Supervisors should be able to guide candidates to read quality theses.

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