Constraints of Circumstance

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Generally, many people are influenced by their circumstances whether they are wealthy or poor.

One who lives in deprived life would be depressed and they mostly are helpless for what they do not have. These people are living with despair so they usually hate their surroundings and the person who cause the conflict. In many occasions, they refuse to be constrained by those circumstances, so they work hard to get out of it. Circumstance is a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action. In the poem, Diary of a Piano-Tuners Wife, Wilmer Miller, the speaker expresses her refusal to be constrained by her circumstances. She will go to her last resort to get out of her circumstance. In my own experience, I understand the feeling of refusal to be constrained by circumstance. But there are circumstances that, no matter how hard we try to get out of it, we can never get out of it. People do not want any kind of constraints due to their circumstance. In Diary of a Piano-Tuners Wife, the speaker wants to get out of her circumstance. She is not happy with the situation that she is stuck in. Firstly, she is not happy with her family. Her daughter does not call her, because she has been victim of abuse in the household. Secondly, there are major indications that her husband is cheating on her. Hes out there now in someone elses house. Theyll serve him cake and coffee. I can see it. This indicates that her husband is at someone elses house, tuning their piano as described but assumes to be having an affair. The speaker wants to get out of all these circumstance but she cannot. One way to get out of it would be to divorce her husband. But this poem was written in 1956, this was when women were minorities compared to man so they almost had no power. If she divorces her husband, she would have no status so she would not be able to work or remarry. In the poem, she shows us how much she wants to get out of this consequence. Since divorce is not an option, she wants to kill her husband to get out of her circumstance. From this expression, we can see how much pain she is in due to her circumstance and how she does not want any constraints due to her circumstance. In my own experience, my circumstance has constrained me. I am from Asia. In my culture, my parents have great maybe excessive interventions in my life. My parents would tell me what to study, what to eat and what career to purse in the future. I fought with my parents a lot because their opinion and my opinion differed greatly. My parents would want me to do this, but I would want to do that. For example, my parents told me that I should learn guitar, but I had more interest in piano than guitar so I argued with them that I should learn piano instead of guitar. I would always argue and try to pursue what I want to do instead of what they would like for me to do. Sometimes I wished that I could make all my decisions by myself without having to deal with my parents intervening with it. If I were to make my own decisions, I will not be constrained from my circumstance. Apart from me being born into an Asian family, I am not an adult. Since I am not an adult, I cannot make any major decisions without my parents approval. I would always have to ask them if I am allowed to do this or to do that. For example, I will need my parents\ approval to go on a school field trip. This is my circumstance that I cannot get out by trying; instead I will have to wait till the time passes by.

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