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Dan Marcus

From: Monheim, Thomas A. [Thomas_A._Monheim@]

Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 1:21 PM
To: Dan Marcus
Subject: RE: Letter regarding DCI meeting with POTUS in TX on August 17, 2001

Correct. I did check with Secret Service; they advised me that they do not maintain logs from 2001 about who
was present in Crawford.

—Original Message—
From: Dan Marcus []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:10 PM
To: Monheim, Thomas A.
Subject: RE: Letter regarding DCI meeting with POTUS in TX on August 17, 2001

Does this mean that it does not indicate whether Tenet was there? If it does not, I wonder whether you
ought to check Secret Service logs.

—Original Message—
From: Monheim, Thomas A. []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 4:54 PM
To: Dan Marcus
Subject: Letter regarding DCI meeting with POTUS in TX on August 17, 2001


In response to your June 15,2004 letter to me, please be advised that the President's Daily Diary
reflects that the President was in Crawford, Texas, on August 17, 2001, and reflects his daily
intelligence briefing, but it does not specifically identify the briefer(s). Please let me know if you
have any additional questions. Thanks.


Thomas H. Kean
CHAIR June 15, 2004

Lee H. Hamilton
Thomas A. Monheim, Esquire
Richard Ben-Veniste Special Assistant to the President
and Associate Counsel to the President
Fred F. Fielding
The White House
Jamie S. Gorelick Washington, DC 20500

Slade Gorton Dear Tom:

Bob Kerrey
As you know, we learned from the CIA, after a question was raised at our
John F. Lehman April hearing, that CIA records indicate that Director Tenet met with the
President in Crawford, Texas, on August 17,2001. However, as you and I
Timothy J. Roemer
have discussed, CIA records do not indicate the subject or nature of that
James R. Thompson meeting, and neither Director Tenet nor the President recalls the meeting.

Philip D. Zelikow
While the Commission filed no formal request, I did ask you, on behalf of the
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Commission, if the White House has any records for August 17, 2001 that
would shed light on the subject or nature of this meeting. I appreciate your
cooperation and responsiveness on this matter.

The purpose of this letter is to memorialize what you have reported to me, to
make sure we have an accurate understanding for the record. Please respond
by confirming the accuracy of what follows, or correct in any way necessary.

Records of the President's Daily Diarist confirm that Director Tenet did meet
with the President at Crawford on August 17,2001. But they do not indicate
the time, duration, subject matter or purpose of the meeting.


Daniel Marcus
General Counsel

301 7* Street SW, Room 5125 26 Federal Plaza

Washington, DC 20407 Suite 13-100
T 202.331.4060 f 202.296.5545 New York, NY 10278 T 212.264.1505 F 212.264.1595

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