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MCB Honors Project

Task 1 Getting to know your protein

1. The name of your protein; if the protein you were given is the name for a class of proteins indicate that Tubulin is a protein that is found in microtubules. Tubulin is a globular protein which is heterodimer for alpha and beta forms.

2. The primary function of your protein -- where in a cell is it found and what does it do? If you have an enzyme, what is its substrate? You will need to document this information. Tubulin is a binding protein. When in the alpha form it is lethal to a yeast cell. Tubulin is the basic building block for microtubules. Tubulin is plays a major role in the process of making a cell, especially in the cytoskeleton.

3. Find an image of your protein. Paste it to your product. Document this! k/deerinckimage11.html 4. List the scientific and common names of 3-5 organisms that use this protein; try to find examples from more than one kingdom. You will need to document this information. Tubulin is found in eukaryotic cells. Tubulin is also found in prokaryotic cells such as: bacteria and fungi. Also in metazoan, chrodata, primates and mammalia. 5. Find 5 6 reputable web sites with information about your protein. For each web site:

MCB Honors Project

a. List the URL and name of the web site b. Give a paragraph summary of the type(s) of information specific to your protein that is found at this site Wikipedia,, and other such sites are NOT going to work here. You may use them to get started, but they will not count for the grade. If you arent sure what works just ask.

Your documentation needs to be in MLA format. There are a variety of websites that can help you with this.

Future tasks . . . finding the amino acid sequence finding the nucleotide sequence comparing the sequences to other organisms reading a primary research article about your protein

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