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Today i was searching about celebrity worship syndrome which is mentioned in a b ook and i found many interesting stories

about Obsessed fans.I read that there a re lot of guys and girls who payed thousands of dollars to plastic surgeons to m ake them look like their favorite celebrities ,like people want nose jobs ,chin implants and so on.I also read that a woman was arrested for breaking in house o f Brad Pitt and a book of witchcraft was found in her possession, then a guy was arrested fr stalking Steven Spielberg and he had a rape kit with him.There are lots of stories like these ,i wonder what can be the causes of such obsession, y es the celebrities are famous but they are not gods.So is it a mental disorder o r people do it purposely for publicity. There is an article i was reading in Guardian about Whips in the parliament.Here the writer has mentioned that although whips are essential for a political syst em to run smoothly it has the disadvantages like lack of meaningful discussions in Parliament.That reminded me of the system in Parliament of my country,here th e government and the opposition parties issue whips while voting happens in Parl iament over key policies and Mps vote according to those whips rather than makin g their on decisions based on their research.If i am not wrong same thing happen s in other countries too including the developed countries. What reforms should be done in this whip system ? apologies if someone made the topic about this,i t ried to search it but was unable to find,thanks and best wishes. I would not say that Harry Potter`s books are fairy tales, even if there is magi c. They are very similar to the Enyd Blyton books about children going to school that we read some years ago. The author here mixed the plot from those books wi th the interest that children have for monsters. Bad people are in all books to make a good plot. If there were more books about Harry Potter`s children, anothe r bad guy has to appear. It`s a pity, though, that we can`t use magic in the rea l world. I still remember Bewitched`s nose and I`d love to clean up my house usi ng magic I did not say it is just like fairy tales. I think that fairy tales are stories full of metaphores and they don`t end when the plot ends. For instance, Little R ed Ridding Hood is about a girl who is daring enough to follow her own path to t he future. This is what human beings have been doing since the caves and that`s why we are not in caves anymore. I was reading about different kinds of mental problems which are hard to detect and found this disorder called Love Shyness.In this problem the person loses his /her confidence and become extremely anxious while having conversation with or w hile approaching the person of opposite gender to whom he/she is attracted to.Th ese people want to get into relationships and dating but they just cant do it.Th is disorder is hard to detect, as there are many people who don't approach someo ne whom they are attracted to ,but all of them do not have this disorder.Such pe ople normally have a phobia of being seen as physically unattractive.Normally pe ople make fun of such guys and girls in social circles and that just deteriorate the problem.However mostly men suffer from this problem.Some of the reason of s uch a problem is troubled past of the person and bullying.These people have pess imistic thinking and are quite cynical ,they also have violent fantasies.May be some of our friends or family suffers from this problem and we don't know it.How ever whatever i have posted is based on the study material i read on this issue, i might be wrong so feel free to make corrections .Best wishes. that's right grvdubey...early detection of autism or Asperger's syndrome in kids would be a big help in their rehabilitation and therapy. hello grvdubey11! i just want to add this information about love-shyness. accord

ing to "Love Shyness" is a which can be generally traced from autism or Asperger's syndrome. its members of the sufferer's preferred

socially crippling phobia of sex and romance childhood and is often found in persons with symptoms include extreme nervousness around sex

I am a big fan of Alfred Hitchcock, i love Grace Kelly ,so i had lot of expectat ions from Dial M for Murder.Its has a reputation of being a classic thriller,how ever i think its the weakest Alfred Hitchcock movie.Its hard to believe that its from same director who made movies like Rear window Psycho ,North by Northwest and Notorious.In this movie Grace Kelly is cheating on his husband and she is sh own as a victim , why should someone sympathize with her?The so called husband w ho feels bad after he has been cheated makes a plan to kill his wife.The way thi s movie has been presented that its nothing wrong in infidelity and husband is r eal villain.I know that its wrong to murder someone ,but showing an unfaithful w ife as victim spoils the theme of the movie completely.Its my personal opinion t hough,share your views kindly. I wouldn't call myself a massive fan of Hitchcock; for example, I find "Psycho" intensely disturbing, although for one reason or another with reservations I do admire "The Birds"; "Vertigo"; and...strangely enough, "Dial M for Murder". I'm not sure why; it's stagy; and of course dated. But I think it may have something to do with Ray Milland's mesmerising performance as Tony Wendice, who is handso me, witty and charming, and yet devious and ruthless at the same time. I think i t does have the Hitchcock touch, because it grabs your attention from the get-go and refuses to let go...I don't know how, but in his best movies, he succeeds i n doing this in spades. The dialogue is witty; the plot torturous and ingenious; the performances, especially those of Milland, and Anthony Dawson as the haples s private school black sheep Swann, compelling, after a blood-chilling fashion. I do agree with you about Margot Wendice - played by Grace Kelly at her lovelies t - though; strange isn't it that she is portrayed as a sympathe tic character, when after all she has been cheating on her husband...I mean stra nge for 1954, a far less permissive era than our own. I don't find her sympathet ic at all. I think it all comes down to is one of his great perform ances (another would be "The Lost Weekend"); and he is riveting throughout. Desp ite the darkness of the theme, it's very sophisticated, very upper middle class London in the mid '50s, and the colour as I recall is almost cloyingly vivid, is it not? Yesterday i watched Twilight Saga series,these movie were in my DVD collection f or a while but i didnt watch it as the reviews and ratings of the movies were no t good.But i decided to watch it as i liked Kristen Stewart in Speak and Into th e Wild.The movies were ok but in third part really some things just didnt get in to my head.A sweet girl is in love with a Vampire and her best friend who is a w erewolf has one sided love towards her.In second part she is quite faithful to h er true love and she has no feelings for her best friend.But in third part she s uddenly realizes that she love her best friend too.There is a scene where her be st friend , the werewolf comes to know that she is going to marry her vampire bo yfriend and he becomes upset and he wants to leave but she stops him and asks hi m to kiss her.After kissing she says to her boyfriend that she loves her best fr iend but she loves him more.I was like what is all this ,this vampire guy is her true love and along with him she falls in love with her werewolf friend too.Its ok that movies should not be taken seriously but is it possible for a girl or b oy to fall in love with two people at same time, i mean you love someone truly t hen you should be faithful towards him or her isnt it.I wonder what they were tr ying to prove in the movie , please share your views. Yes it is possible. You see sometimes you might really care and love someone but

you are conscious about it until something happen or you are about to loose tha t person, and that is when you really realize that you care for and love that pe rson. Also what might cause you to not realize that you love the person is if yo u are caught up in someone else, just as how you describe the movie. And lastly it is possible that you do know that you love the person but you are trying to b lock that person out as you know the possible outcomes might only cause problems . But it is possible to love more than one person at the same time. I know that when you love someone you are suppose to be faithful. But she loving someone els e isnt making her unfaithful. She only became unfaithful when she share herself with someone else when only the lover deserve it. You see love is one hell of a thing and sometimes it is very difficult to understand. True love is hard to get over and sometimes even impossible. But even when you have true love it is stil l possible to love someone else and that is when you will start to get confuse. Then you might stick with the person you are with because maybe switching to the other person that you love might just caused problems. But then again if that o ther person that you love is being hurt by you not paying him any attention. You might also start to feel hurt inside. So right there and then you will see that you really love both persons. And to make bot you and the other feel a bit bett er, you might do something a bit unfaithful. All this is natural and this is how we were created. The mind doesnt have that much ability to block out others aft er you have already find your true love. That's why you might find people saying when they are being approached by a gentleman that "You know I really love you and I see a good future with you, but it is just that I am already taken and I w ont cheat on my special person". Hope you understand what I mean and happy mylot ting. It may not be fair but sometimes it couldn't be helped. We were designed to allo w people into our lives as much as our hearts can handle. It happened to me and I think on my part that is selfishness because I was suppose to love only one wh en I committed. Movies like Twilight contained what was real in how we handle ou r relationships with other people. Your welcome but then again if I am not mistaken i think that jacob was really u pset and heartbroken. And the first time jacob tried kiss her, she really defend ed herself. Now when jacob couldnt ake it anymore and she cudnt stand to see her friend like that. She did the one thing that jacob always wanted to do. Maybe s he believed that jacob wouldnt believe that she care about him if she only said words. And to prove that she really care she gave him a kiss. But then again it could have been like how you said, about the directors wanting it like that so a s to catch the attention of the audience. As that just make the whole movie a ho tter scoope. I really loved that movie. I dont really remember it that much thou gh as that wasnt really my best movie or my best type of movie. I really prefer action movies. And I only love watching romance movies when I have a girl with m e watching it as well. But (correct me if I am wrong) didn't Jacob Love BELLA before Edward came along? It must have really touched JACOB when he knew that Edward came and took his ch ance of getting his love. Also I believe Jacob found Edward for suspicious then he found out about the vampire thing. And he just didnt want Bella to be caught up in those stuff. So I guess you could see the love right there and then as Jac ob didnt want her to get hurt in the vampire thing and he knew if she continued in that path she would end up getting hurt maybe even killed. I think Jacob trul y loves her. I really dont know why I am picking up for Jacob that much maybe be cause Jacob is one of my favourite actors. I really love how he progressed from doing martial arts, to doing the movie shark tale and lava girl and then getting professional in the movie business. Up to this moment I really cant see how Edw ard became the star of that movie and to me Jacob is a overall better actor, hav

ing better personailities, better skills as well as much more strength over Edwa rd. Its hard to understand the so called 2.5 m rule about which ICC is so proud of, that they issued a letter to Dhoni.I dont care if this decision was in favor of India or not but it certainly is quite confusing if not completely wrong.This ca n easily be used as a tactic by teams .A Batsman can stand 2.5 m from the stumps espeically against fast bowlers and to an extent against spinners too.That cert ainly will erase LBW out of the equation.Even if umpire gives that out it will b e referred for sure and Hawk eye will show that yes its hitting middle stump but that's not certain and there is enough DOUBT, benefit of doubt goes to batsman and he will be given not out.So things will be easy for batsman as now they can stand 2.5 m from the stumps against fast bowlers and take their front foot forwa rd and they wont be out as neither the umpire or hawk eye will be certain that b all is hitting the stumps even if they will show on tv screen that its hitting m iddle.Against spinners they cant stand so far from stumps as they may be stumped but they certainly can take a big stride forward like Bell did in match against India and they wont be given out.Also this rule will be taken by different umpi res in different ways for example Billy was not certain that bowl is going to hi t because of this 2.5 m rule but some other umpire may think that its out so bas ically players have to count on their luck more than anything else.I am sure som e other player will be given out despite of UDRS showing that impact is 2.5 m aw ay because that umpire at that moment may have different opinion.UDRS is made to make game fair and easy or to make it controversial and confusing? and if its t hat confusing why Dhoni is being blamed if he raises questions , even former Eng lish captain Naseer Hussian while doing commentary said that Billy Bowden is wro ng in not giving this out.Please share your views. You seem to be very critical of this 2.5 m rule. The rule, as is cleared by I.C. C., does not ask the field umpires to rule in favor of batsman but ask to use th eir own discretion in decision making when the point of impact is more than 2.5 m from the stumps. This is because the accuracy of tracking system falters when the distance is as large as this. I don't find any thing wrong in this. Most of the umpires would have given Bell out that day but Billy Bowden didn't because h e is too conservative in believing that ball could do anything from that distanc e so it is not the fault of the rule but the fault of the umpire which would be there even in absence of U.D.R.S.. As about standing 2.5 m from the stumps or ab out 1.2 m from the crease, many batsmen including Sachin Tendulkar tried to do t hat, though not that far, many times but could not persist with it because it is not easy batting from that distance and never against the slow ballers Best time travel movies- The Twelve Monkeys - a felon was sent back in time to f ind out what causes the spread of the deadly virus that almost wiped-out humanit y. He found out the culprit and tries to take matters in his own hands. 2. Butte rfly Effect - a man found out he can travel back in time and tries to correct hi s mistakes and offenses done against him. But each time he goes back, it changes the present radically. 3. Philadelhia Experiment - as WW2 ends, USA conducted a top secret experiment on teleportation. A navy ship was used together with hund reds of sailors. The experiment was deemed a failure and deadly. The ship disapp eared for a few minutes, then reappeared again on same place, but most of the cr ews are either severely injured or mentally ill. Two of the crewmen managed to j umped off the ship before it reappeared though, and was transported into the fut ure Philadelphia. But time is running out as they seemed to have opened a time-s pace rift threatening to destroy the world that will only be stopped if they go back I'd have seen and enjoyed most of these movies already mentioned here..(Was goin g to put a word in for "Millenium",but somebody beat me to it..)it'd be tough fo

r Me to call on the best one,though,with the Daddy of time travel Movies being H .G.Wells' "The Time Machine" story being a contender,as well as the "Terminator" Series..I enjoy "12 Monkeys",though,and it would be one of my favourites..I wou ldn't say it's one of the best,but nobody has mentioned Van Damme's "Timecop"..I think it went in a few interesting directions with time travel being policed,an d criminals taking advantage of future knowledge to go back and manipulate thing s in the pas My favorite "time travel" movie is called "Somewhere in Time". It starred the la te Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Here's a link so you can see: http://www. What I love about this movie is that the main characte r played by Christopher Reeve actually traveled back through time by using his o wn "power of suggestion". He was obsessed by a woman he saw in a picture from th e 1800's and wanted to meet her so desperately that he "willed" himself into tha t era. He bought clothes, decorated his hotel room to reflect the time and used the power of suggested, or hypnosis, to get himself to that time to be with the woman. An awesome story. As far as any particular director.....hmmm....any direc tor that is a good storyteller. Stephen Spielberg would do well with the subject . It would also be nice to see a female director tackle the subject. Someone lik e Penny Marshall or Nora Ephron for a lighter, romantic film. The thing is more that there are few well-written scripts that would make a director WANT to do it . The Back to the Future trilogy are some of my favourites, I would love them to d o another one. The second one being my favourite. The best film that I have seen regarding time travel is Timecrimes, it s a Spanish film that is very clever and the continuity and the story is just amazing. It deals with the grandfather para dox, multiple universes, time reversibility and all that kind of cool stuff . It is one of the most intelligent time travel films that I have seen and the main character only goes back in time by an hour! It is being remade with a Hollywood big budget and Tom Cruise is said to be attached, this could be one of the big blockbusters as long as they don t mess it up, like they have done with so many ot her remakes of foreign films. I would highly recommend this film to you if you l ike time travel and it s effect, even if it does have one major plot hole but then that is the nature of time travel and paradoxes Primer is another one that I en joyed but it is one you would have to watch a few times before everything clicks into place. It made my brain hurt on the first watch, the lingo and the theorie s in it can be a bit complicated and hard to follow. The Butterfly Effect is als o another good one that I enjoyed , I love the theme of trying to make things ri ght can sometimes make them worse. Also H.G. Wells The Time Machine is also wort h a mention and I think the original one a good job translating the book to the screen. Oh and Donnie Darko would also be in my favourite list too. I think if a director such as James Cameron or Christoper Nolan got their teeth into a time travel film I think they would do an excellent job. I would like to see Guillerm o del Toro have a stab at one too or dare I say it M. Night Shyamalan Ther are four films that come to mind, two are sci fi,one is a murder mystery, a nd one is a romance.the 1989 movie Millenium is a good time travel film. It deal s with what you can cause By traveling through time.And then there is Star Trek 4 where the crew go back in time to save the prsent. And then there was Time Mac hine where a man goes to the futrue to find Jack the Ripper.And last but niot le ast is Somewhere In Time where a guy goes back in time to meet the love of his l ife

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All the people and Organizations (After all, companies are made of people) go th rough three biases. They are 'Status Quo Bias', which can also be called as Iner tia Bias, Action Bias and Closure Bias. What are these? Inertia Bias or Status Quo Bias is the tendency to stick to the Current situatio n, however bad it may be. Despite knowing that Inertia bias always hurts (withou t exceptions), people are content to maintain Status Quo. A smoker, who knows he has to quit, but continue to smoke, is a victim of Status Quo Bias. So is a per son who hates the job that he is doing, but is doing nothing to change the envir onment, a victim of Status Quo Bias. A company, which knows that the current processes are hurting, but is not doing anything to change is a victim of Status Quo Bias. For example is company which, after having implemented technology solutions, still continues with the paper b ased approval systems. There are many other examples. People who suffer from Status Quo bias is living life like a dream. In a dream, you see and feel things that need to change, but you don't (or Can't) change any thing. Or it may be that you are a superman doing exceptional things in a dream, and wake up and realize that nothing has changed and nothing was done. Similarl y people with Status Quo bias might continue to go on as if they are doing stuff . They go through life as if it is a ritual. They get up in the morning, go to o ffice, come back, watch TV, eat dinner, go to sleep, get up in the morning and s o on. Just like in a dream, they are taking action but nothing has changed. They have not become better individuals, they have not learned anything new, they ha ve not quit a bad habit, nothing. The whole thing was a dream. That is why, when people who suddenly realize the impact of Status Quo Bias tell you that they 'W oke Up'.. Some people realize that they are in a status quo bias and need to take action. So they move to the next bias, the action bias. The action bias, is a tendency to take action and continue taking action without a focus on closure. A software engineer who keeps modifying his code adding bel ls and whistles to the code is a victim of action bias. People who are victims o f action bias think that taking action is all that they have to do. So just like Forrest Gump, who kept running without any aim or objective, these people are a lways busy, always working. Still nothing seems to happen. They will provide temporary solutions to the problems without going for a long t erm solution. They will not spend the time in doing the 'Root Cause Analysis'. T hey will not spend time in training and education. They are like 'Problem Magnet s'. All the problems come to them. They are flooded with problems. They are alwa ys busy solving multiple problems at the same time. There is no time to step back and reflect on what is happening. Why are all thes e problems coming up? How do I resolve them permanently? That thought process leads me to the third bias, the 'Closure Bias'. This is where you should be. One can only grow if one develops 'Closure Bias'. O ne should be able to identify problems, identify why they are happening and take action to close the problems completely. People tend to confuse 'Action Bias' w ith 'Closure Bias'. "I regularly go to Gym", they will say, "But my weight is re maining the same". It is possible that while they go to Gym and do exercises reg ularly, they are not scientifically following a weight reduction regimen. Probab ly they do not control their diet. Probably they only do one kind of exercise an d the body has got adjusted to the regimen. People with Closure Bias will clinic ally analyse the issue, seek help if necessary and take a structured approach to close the issue. So there we are. What type of biases do you have? If you have a status quo bias, at least move on to the action bias. And then str ive to move to Closure Bias. That is how you grow Well i watched Silver Linings Playbook once again yesterday,its about a guy who had a stint in mental institution and returns home to his parents.He is trying t

o patch up with his wife and he makes lot of efforts to make himself perfect so that he can be with his wife again .Then he meets a girl who is going through a tough time too and things get interesting.I am not a very emotional person mysel f and i have not seen many people like characters in the movie, especially the m ain characters like Pat and Tiffany.Pragmatic approach would be if you lose a lo ve interest you move on but these two are on verge of self destruction after los ing their partners.However looking at the end of the movie you wonder that main message is you should move on in life ,may be better opportunities are waiting f or you,that's what Pat and Tiffany learned i think.

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