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Parks Vector Approach for Online Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor

Abitha Memala.W
Research Scholar, Department of EEE, Anna University, Chennai

Professor, Department of EEE, SSNCE, Kalavakkam, Chennai

Abstract In this paper, the induction motor is modelled in stationary reference frame using the equations derived from the equivalent circuit model of the stationary reference frame. After implementing the model, it is analysed under healthy and faulty condition. The considered faulty conditions of the induction motor include the stator and rotor fault. Any single phasing situation creates the stator fault that may result in opening and shorting of one or more phase winding. In this work the modelled induction motor is modified for analysing the open circuit fault of the stator phase windings and the result are compared using the using the voltage pattern and the current pattern obtained using Parks vector approach. The results are compared to give the best solution in stator fault diagnosis. The broken bar fault is introduced in the rotor by making some modifications in the model and the current pattern obtained using Parks vector approach is analysed with the difference in the pattern produced during the healthy condition. Finally, both the faults are introduced in the model and the result is analysed using Parks vector approach. Keywords - Broken bar, Current pattern and voltage pattern, fault diagnosis, Parks vector approach, rotor fault, stationary reference frame, rotor fault, stator fault.

Stator fault includes any one or more stator phase winding opening or shorting and stator core insulation failures [3]. The stator fault is created by creating the single phasing situation in the model, which results in open circuit fault in any one phase of the stator winding and the fault is diagnosed using voltage pattern and current pattern obtained in Parks vector approach. Every change in the operating condition of the induction motor appears at the supply side as transient phenomena and sudden variations of the load power and therefore of the current [4]. The spectrum of line current is analysed to show the modulation effect due to rotor fault [4]. In our paper, the broken bar fault is created in the rotor and it can be analysed by analysing the stator current pattern obtained using Parks vector approach, which is giving the best results compared to the spectrum analysis. The induction motor has been analysed and the various faults are diagnosed using Fractional Fourier domain[6], current signature analysis[7], high frequency signal injection[8], dq current trajectory mass centre[9] and AI [10]. In current signature analysis, the frequency components of the current spectrum of the faulted rotor is closer to the power frequency component, which is very difficult to diagnose the faulty condition. Parks vector approach has been used by different authors for analysing different types of individual faults[12],[14],[15] and [17]. Bonett has analysed the winding failures [18] and given the report about that. In our paper the induction motor is modelled in stationary reference frame as well as it is modified to produce stator open circuit and rotor broken bar fault and the results are analysed using Parks vector approach. The selected reference frame is a convenient choice of reference frame, when the supply network is large or complex. Though the induction motor model is readily available in simulation software, for fault diagnosis of induction motor, it is more convenient to model the induction motor and simulate it in stationary reference frame. The stator and rotor fault are diagnosed using Parks vector approach. The important feature of this paper is, the combined effect of stator and rotor is modelled in induction motor and the result is obtained using Parks vector approach. This method can be implemented for online diagnosis in industrial applications. The software is simpler.



Induction motor is the most commonly used, robust and fault tolerance motor in industries. The induction motor can be modelled in different reference frames, namely stationary reference frame, arbitrary reference frame and synchronously rotating reference frame. In this work the induction motor is modelled in stationary reference frame. The failure of the induction motor may be caused because of many reasons like manufacturing fault, designing fault of the engineer, overloading, environment and poor technical knowledge of the labour in handling the machine[1]. It is necessary to diagnose the fault at the preliminary stage. Because any fault left without finding at the early stage may lead to large losses in man power, profit and the precious time. By modelling an induction motor, the analysis of the machine in faulty and healthy condition is possible, also it gives a choice of creating various faults to analyse the motor under various conditions. Major faults occur in induction motor is stator, rotor , bearing and eccentricity faults. The statistics gives the results that 30% to 40% of failure may because of stator fault and 5 to 10% of the failure may because of rotor fault [2].



A simulation of qdo model of a three phase induction motor is implemented in stationary reference frame[5]. The equivalent circuit of an induction machine is shown in fig1.

b is the base or rated value of angular frequency. rs is the stator resistance, rr1 is the rotor resistance. Lls and Llr1 are stator and rotor leakage inductances respectively. r/b is the per unit speed needed for building speed voltage terms in rotor voltage equations. In all the equations, superscript s indicates stationary reference frame. The subscript q and d indicates the parameter in stationary q and d axis respectively. Calculation of torque and motion of rotor: The electromagnetic torque is calculated using the following equation. (12) Equation of motion of rotor: (13) Where (14)

H is the ratio of kinetic energy of rotating mass at base speed to the rated power. Tmech is externally applied mechanical torque in the direction of rotor speed. Tdamp is the damping torque in the direction opposite to rotation. III. IMPLEMENTATION

Fig1. Equivalent circuit of an Induction motor in stationary reference frame

According to this equivalent circuit the equations of stationary reference frame can be derived and modified to find the parameters like stator and rotor q-axis and d-axis flux linkages and currents. Stator and rotor flux linkages in stationary q axis and d axis )are as followed. (( (1) (2) (3) (4) Stator and rotor currents in stationary q axis and d axis are referred as ,idss,iqr1s & idr1s respectively. (5) (6) (7) (8)

The overall diagram of induction motor model in stationary reference frame is shown in fig2.The inputs of the motor are the maximum input voltage, the frequency and the induction motor parameters. It has the following 7 subsystems blocks: 3phase ac generator, abc to dq conversion, q axis block, d axis block, rotor, dq to abc conversion and zero sequence voltage to current conversion blocks. Each block is explained below .

Fig2. Induction motor model in stationary reference frame

A. Three phase ac voltage generation The ac supply applied to stator terminals are Vas,Vbs and Vcs. (10) Where (11) mqs and mds are stator mutual flux linkages in stationary q and d axis respectively. xls and xlr1 are stator and rotor leakage reactance respectively. Vqr1 and Vdr1 are slip frequency voltages which is taken as zero for squirrel cage induction motor model. (15) (16) (17) Vm is the maximum voltages in a,b and c phase of the supply voltage. Vas, Vbs and Vcs will be zero for balanced operation.

ias,ibs and ics are stator phase currents.The zero sequence current, (18) The 3 supply is given to the stator terminals of the induction motor. Whether the three phase currents are balanced or not, the zero sequence current, ios is zero with 3 wire connection of supply. In this simulation block three phase ac supply is generated. B. Transformation of abc to qdo axis The stator phase voltages Vas, Vbs and Vcs are transformed into qdo stationary voltages Vqs, Vds and Vos. The q-axis of stationary voltages aligns with stator a phase axis. The following are the transformation equations: (19) (20) (21) Where ; (22)

D. Rotor The In rotor model the torque and the per unit speed of the motor are calculated. The input parameters for calculating electromagnetic torque Tem are and per unit speed are the stator flux linkages in stationary q axis and d axis (ds&qs), currents in stationary q axis and d axis (ids&iqs) and mechanical torque(Tmech). The rotor block is shown in fig6.

Fig5. Flow of variables in d-axis circuit

Csg takes very very small value. In this simulation the transformation of abc to qd is processed in abc to qdo block and it is shown in fig3.

Fig6. Rotor block

E. Inverse transformation qdo to abc The stator qdo currents are transformed to abc phase currents using inverse transformation. (23)
Fig3. abc to dqo model

C. q-axis and d-axis In q-axis and d-axis blocks of the induction motor model, the flux linkages and the currents in stationary reference are calculated using the stationary qdo stator and rotor voltages. The equations for calculating the flux linkages and stationary qd currents are given in the equivalent circuit equations 1 to 11. The q-axis and d-axis blocks are shown in fig4 and fig 5 respectively.

(24) (25) The model of qdo to abc block is shown in fig7.

Fig7. qdo to abc model

Fig4. Flow of variables in q-axis circuit

F. Zero sequence The zero sequence block is shown in fig8. In this block, the zero sequence current(ios) is calculated from the zero sequence voltage(Vos) using the following formula: (26)

B. Torque and speed characteristics for the induction motor model The characteristics of the induction motor modelled in stationary reference frame are analyzed by varying the load. Initially the induction motor is in no load condition. When the load is increased to 70% of the full load, the slip is increased and the speed is decreased. When the load is decreased to 40% of the full load, slip is decreased and the speed is increased from the 70% of the loading condition. The induction motor torque, slip and speed characteristics are shown in fig10.

Fi g8. Zero sequence block Fig 10. Torque and slip characteristics in p.u with respect to time in sec



To run the induction motor model in stationary reference frame, all the parameters like stator and rotor resistance, stator, rotor and mutual leakage inductance are to be initialized. The machine parameters of the 1hp, three phase, maximum per phase voltage 200V, 50 Hz, 4 pole, induction motor are: rs=3.35, rr1=1.99, Lls=Llr1=6.94mH,Lm=163.73mH & Jrotor = 0.1kgm2. Using Parks vector approach the healthy condition, stator and rotor fault conditions of the induction motor is analysed. A. Initialization parameters in simulink The initialization parameters are stator and rotor resistance, stator, rotor, leakage inductance and frequency. The simulated parameters can be modified by double clicking the Double click here to view and edit machine parameters block. The machine parameters can be modified by entering the corresponding values in the m-file. The simulation can be simulated by double clicking the Double click here to initialize block. Now the simulation results can be viewed using the scope connected to the output parameters like, torque, speed and so on. The overall induction motor model is shown in fig 9.

C. Parks vector approach The Parks vector approach gives two dimensional representations of three phase voltage and currents. Using parks vector approach, the stator three phase quantities can be transferred to two phase quantities and the voltage & current pattern can be drawn using parks vector. In this induction motor model the Parks voltage vector components are Vqs & Vds and the Parks current vector components are iqs and ids. The formulae to find Parks voltage and current vector components are given in equations 19 to 25. The qdo stationary voltages Vqs, Vds are given as input for XY model in MATLAB. From the Parks voltage vector the healthy and faulty condition of the induction motor model is analyzed. In the same way, the Parks current vector components can be used to draw current pattern for analyzing the induction motor model. Stator fault: The stator fault is created by single phasing situation, in which any one of the phase is open, so that the phase currents may be un balanced, indicating the open circuiting fault in induction motor model. The induction motor model with stator winding single phasing situation (i.e. any one of the phase winding open) fault condition is simulated in MATLAB and is shown in fig11.

The healthy condition of the induction motor model is having a circular pattern, which is centred at the origin of the coordinates, as shown in fig12. Any deviation in the pattern shows the result of faulty condition in induction motor. For the stator open circuit fault of the induction motor model, the

Fig9. Overall block diagram of the induction motor model

Fig11. Single phasing stator fault in induction motor model

voltage pattern of the Parks vector obtained was an elliptic pattern, shown in fig 13.

opened, the axis of ellipse is shifting 45 deg in counter clockwise direction from Y axis; when B phase is opened the axis of ellipse is shifting 45 deg in clockwise direction from Y axis. The qdo stationary currents iqs, ids are given as input for XY model in MATLAB. From the current pattern of the Parks vector the healthy and faulty condition of the induction motor model is analyzed. The healthy condition of the induction motor model is having a circular pattern, which is centred at the origin of the coordinates, as shown in fig14.
Park's current vector for healthy induction motor 80 60 40 20

Fig12. Voltage pattern of Parks Vector for healthy induction motor

I q s in A

-20 -40 -60 -80 -100


0 Ids in A




Fig14. Current pattern using Parks vector approach for healthy induction motor


(a) (b)

(b) (c) Fig13. Parks voltage vector for induction motor with single phasing stator fault in (a)R phase (b) Y phase (c) B phase

The observed results from the healthy and faulty motor model are as follows: The elliptical pattern has the axis length as same as diameter of the circular pattern obtained in healthy condition. But the angle of the axis of the ellipse is changing as the single phasing occurs in various phases. The pattern obtained when single phasing the R phase, Y phase and B phase are shown in the following fig13. When R phase is opened the ellipse has the axis along x axis; when Y phase is

(c) Fig15. Parks current vector for faulty induction motor with single phasing stator fault using Parks Vector approach(Single phasing situation in (a)R phase (b) Y phase (c) B phase

Any deviation in the pattern shows the result of faulty condition in induction motor. The observed results from the healthy and faulty motor model are as follows: The elliptical pattern has the axis length as same as diameter of the circular pattern obtained in healthy condition. But the angle of the axis of the ellipse is changing as the single phasing occurs in various phases. The current pattern obtained when single phasing the R phase, Y phase and B phase are shown in the following fig15. The explanation of result given in voltage pattern obtained from the Parks vector approach is applicable for current pattern. Rotor fault: The induction motor rotor fault is created in the model by making the modification in the input of the rotor. The q axis and d axis voltage components Vqr1 and Vdr1 of rotor is zero for healthy squirrel cage induction motor. If any rotor bar is broken, the q axis component of the voltage is varied. This concept is used for introducing the broken bar rotor fault. The results are shown in fig16. When some slip voltage is introduced in the rotor circuit, the circle obtained at healthy condition slightly changes to elliptic shape and its axis is nearly shifted 20% counter clockwise direction from Y axis. When some more slip voltage is introduced in rotor as indication of rotor fault, ellipse nearly shifted 40% counter clockwise direction from Y axis.



(c) Fig. Parks current vector with stator (a) R phase (b) Y phase (c) B phase fault and broken bar rotor fault

CONCLUSION The induction motor is modelled in stationary reference frame. The model is analysed for healthy and faulty conditions using the stator signatures with the help of Parks vector . The various faults analysed are stator, rotor faults and both. The Parks vector approach is a powerful method in fault diagnosis of the induction motor model. Both the voltage and current pattern obtained using Parks vector approach, is able to diagnose the condition of the motor. For all the types of faults considered, the current parks vector gives a clear indication and idea about the type of fault in the motor compared to the voltage parks vector. REFERENCES
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