In The Loop: July 2013

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In the Loop

July 2013

Please keep in mind that submissions which contain negative or slanderous comments and non-factual information will not be printed. It will be our practice to have articles be clear, concise, neutral and factual.

Thank you David Poluck Newsletter of the Sault Ste Marie Association of Ratepayers Volunteer Organizer SSMAR Events/Communications

Thank you for taking the time to read this first edition of In the Loop The Sault Ste Marie Association of Ratepayers has started this monthly news letter with the intent of keeping ratepayers of our community informed of group collective activities and municipal affairs. Active involvement of volunteer ratepayers makes it possible to do what individually may seem impossible. The Sault Ste. Marie Association of Ratepayers is an informal and organized gathering of volunteer citizens who share a common interest in engaging themselves in municipal affairs, constructively working together as shareholders to better communicate with our elected officials on a variety of topics including; Communication Municipal process and procedures Taxation

Associating and learning together in a system with improved communications and a focus on education of Role of Ratepayers Groups as outlined by Ministry how we as ratepayers fit into the municipal system we of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Ratepayers Groups and Municipal Governance) as ratepayers can look towards betterment of our community. No specific legislated role, generally act to: It is our hope that this monthly news letter will lead to Lobby local government on issues of concern the better communications and improvements we all to their members; or, seek for our community. Please feel free to share this news letter with your family, friends and neighbours and encourage you to submit material for the monthly issues. Send submissions to
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Disseminate information on local government issues to their members to ensure awareness May be incorporated or unincorporated

Basic Structure Sault Ste Marie Association of Ratepayers: SSMAR is a collection of citizen ratepayers from all city wards that meet from time to time to discuss pertinent issues of municipal concern. Currently monthly general meetings are held at city hall in addition to individual focus groups convening meetings as topics and needs arise. Volunteer coordinators lead general focus groups where all participants are equal. Communications Comprised of people from all wards Coordination of events pertaining to Ward Group activities Planning meetings (at various levels) Media Communications

City salary structure (who is paid what, increases, performance revues) Produce a taxation report card (similar to an Auditor General -hits and misses) Monitor Council meetings where taxation and spending are voted on, record votes Look for innovative ways to acquire funds, improve efficiency and remove waste Network with other regional Partner groups to share information

Why is it important that we as a community need more ratepayer Active involvement of volunteer ratepayers makes it possible to do what individually may seem impossible. Associating and learning together in a system with improved communications and a focus on education of how we as ratepayers fit into the municipal system. We as ratepayers can look towards betterment of our community. Take a minute and find out more on how easy it is to be an active Ratepayer If you have been looking to improve your community, be involved and make a difference we as fellow Ratepayers urge you to contact SSMAR Email: Or by phone at 705-253-8853

Procedural This group will need people willing to learn and able to spend time required acting in a clear concise and neutral manner, study and research all aspects of the Municipal Act and other Municipal legislation and assist other ratepayers by teaching the procedures of council and applicable city by-laws Develop a working relationship with head of Council, city legal and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and City Staff. Monitor and question procedural conduct and alert head of Council and Citizen groups of procedural discrepancies. Network with regional Partner groups to share information

Minutes from the June meeting

We presently have a challenge on how to expand our newsletter circulation. The ratepayer who collects the most contacts by the September meeting for the newsletter has an opportunity to receive Dinner for

Financial Monitor the City budget (transfer payments, revenue, distribution, process for developing)

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Two at Frescos Restaurant. If you are HUNGRY contact SSMAR at or drop by Northern Jewellers & Crafts at 357 Northern Avenue. Newsletter: The committee will consist of Kelly Marshall, David Walker with assistance from George Browne of the LSARC. Our phone committee and email list are up and running to provide up-to-date information along with the Facebook page. Recruitment is on-going. To date we have made presentations to LClub LAge DOr, CARP and SOAR. We will have an update at our September meeting. We made a presentation to SOAR and this has led to our joining their Seniors Council, which is modelled after the Western Seniors council created by Art Kube. Attendance at council meetings Information will be gathered from Sudbury on the on blog system they are presently using, as well as contacting Shaw Cable to see if it is possible to live stream the meeting. Check with the Clerks Office to find out who is responsible for informing the public, along with the timeline if any for the Open Houses. Review any documentation and make written presentations with constructive questions and suggestions. The financial committee will begin reviewing the agendas looking at expenses that were not included in the budget, and begin compiling a written presentation for the public budget input sessions. Regional Association: Motion: to proceed with a letter to all associations of ratepayers that the SSMAR & RRAR that will host the first NERAR meeting in Sault Ste. Marie in late September, to further the ideas discussed in April. Next General Meeting: Due to summer vacations the next meeting will be held in August.

Red Rock Ratepayers Association Report

Red Rock is a small community situated on the shore of Lake Superior about 5 km outside the city limits of Sault Ste. Marie. Back in the 50s and 60s this area was opened as a logging operation. Once the logging ceased (for the most part), the area was settled by cottage owners. Red Rock now has paved roads, good ditching and snow plowing in addition to electricity and telephone. These positive changes were effected through the efforts of several of the landowners and ad-hoc groups. Not only has Red Rock attracted the Brookfield Wind Farm and Generation Plant, it is home to about 100 or more seasonal residents and 50 full time residents. The majority of seasonal residents live in Sault Ste. Marie. The number of full time homes is growing yearly at an impressive rate. Red Rock is advertised on tourism web sites for the Trans Canada Trail, swimming, bird watching (since we are located on a migratory flyway), canoeing and kayaking in summer and snowmobiling, skiing and snowshoeing in winter. Currently, the problem is not with Red Rock but with the connecting road between Sault Ste. Marie and Red Rock. This connecting road belongs to the City. Despite the revenue payments from the Wind Farm, Sault Ste. Marie is reluctant to spend funds on this road. There are only three unpaved roads in Sault Ste. Marie and this one (Maki Road) is by far in the worst condition and has the most traffic. By most standards, the road does not meet any reasonable safety guidelines and in the Spring and Fall, because there are no longer any ditches, the road becomes a mire of mud and potholes. The City is adamant that this section of road is seasonal use only. Strangely, this seasonal road
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must permit year round passage of maintenance vehicles for the Wind Farm, emergency vehicles when requested and regular school bus routes. We suspect Seasonal Use Only is only a coined term to mean we aint spending a dime sucks to be you. Many attempts to approach city council were denied until 2005 when The Dennis Township Landowners Committee was able to procure $160,000.00 worth of gravel and culverts. Because the grant did not include paving, within a short period of time most of the gravel had been ploughed to the edges of the road and filled in any ditches. Over the past 50 years the Dennis township residents, Dennis Township Landowners Committee, and now the Red Rock Ratepayers Association have contacted every level of government, many MPs, MPPs and city councillors pleading for the road to be maintained so that it is safe for all who travel it. All attempts, with the exception of the 2005 one time grant for gravel and culverts, have fallen on deaf ears, or met with road blocks, with higher levels of government passing responsibility down to the city. We hope, someday, to find a way around their indifference and inaction. In the meantime, a strong association with the other Rate Payer groups has increased our numbers and our influence. Currently, we are cautiously optimistic that our MPP Mike Mantha (who has recently taken up the torch) can promote a strong coalition between private business, municipal and provincial government to obtain a satisfactory conclusion to this dilemma.

Hello everyone, my name is Pat and I have been part of the Association's Finance Group for the past two years. I see potential as this group grows in numbers and has a positive impact on issues that arise and impact all residents of our community. My main objective is to raise the level of awareness of council and community to the need to curb municipal spending, focus on decreasing city taxes and work with others with the same interests to offer suggestions both in practical terms and in process as to how we can curb this trend and deliver our services in a more cost effective way. Increased spending leads to increased property taxes... should we not be working together to save ourselves as ratepayers our hard earned monies? As you may be aware, there are initiatives at the federal level to curb in spending and there is talk at the provincial level however at the municipal level in our fair city spending goes unabated and tax increases are on autopilot. Have you done your math on your property tax increases? I'll use my own for an example over the period 2004 to 2012. After tabulating the figures my taxes have gone up 55.5% or 6.2% per year.... and all this over a relatively low inflation period. Over the period 2004-2010 property tax revenues to the city have gone up 25.8% or 3.7% per year while at the same time payroll has increased by 35.8% or 5.1% per year. Are you aware that for each and every dollar we pay in property taxes 98.7 cents of it goes to payroll (2010)? I, like you have been watching municipal tax increases occur each and every year with no end in site...look at your own tax bill and the dint it will place on you and other peoples disposable income if this trend continues?

Report from the Finance Group

The Sault Ste Marie Association of Ratepayers is an informal and organized group of volunteers who share a common interest in engaging themselves in municipal affairs to better communicate with our elected officials on topics affecting all of us such as taxation, municipal process and procedures and communications.

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Why do we keep accepting that this is how it is supposed to be? Where do others and I fit into the budgetary process? Is the three public input meetings to the preliminary budget my only chance to have my say? Why is there no discussion after the budget is released to both council and community? Is it just me or is there room for improvement?

local level think about contacting me Pat Salituri at I and others in the Association's Finance Group would be only to glad to discuss the subject. And how we together can raise awareness and move forward with positive solutions.

Our meeting with the Mayor:

We need to be pro-active and engage council with th community to take a leadership role in establishing the On May 8 organizers from Communications, Procedural and Financial groups met with Mayor parameters of the budget process. Debbie Amarosso in her office at City Hall to discuss and review the last years ratepayer developments Currently the budget process works as a re-active including; mutual thoughts on how we continue to mode to the needs of the staff. build better relationships, regional association formation, performance review, format and budget Here are some facts at the National level that have been provided by The Canadian Consumer Tax Index information process reform. that may raise your eyebrows... From 1961 to 2012 the TOTAL tax bill including all types of taxes on the average Canadian has increased by 1787% In contrast to taxes expenditures on shelter increased by 1290%, clothing 607% and food by 578%. Inflation over this period was 675% The average Canadian family spends more of it's income on taxes than it does on basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. This figure in 2012 was 42.7% for taxes and 36.9% on the necessities while in 1961 it was 33.5% and 56.5%. In 1961 the average family income was $5,000 and paid a total tax bill of $1,675 or 2012 those figures were $74,113 with taxes of $31,615 or 42.7% Budget Input and process ...Is there room to improve? The City sought public input for its Municipal Budget Tuesday, October 23 and Tuesday, October 30, 2012 including soliciting and encouraged residents to email budget comments and suggestions to until Friday, December 14, 2012 Volunteers from the Finance Group attended those meetings to gather information and give input for the Municipal Budget. The following is a consensus of opinion in regards to what those that attended experienced and what was felt could be improved. Those from the Association that attended found the meeting to be both pleasant and informative promising further discussion in the future.

If one factors in the deficits at the federal and provincial level it means that the tax bill of the average Canadian family over this period has increased by At the time of the meetings there was a lack of any 1,932% figures or relevant materials as to expenses or efficiencies within the system. If this topic of finance and figures raise some concern for you and youd like to know more especially at the
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This year the budget was released February 8th to the Mayor and Councillors as a courtesy by the City Finance Department to be followed by a release to the media and general public March 15th which is the Friday before the Monday evening council meeting. The Procedural Group on behalf of Finance submitted a request to appear before council to discuss and bring forward questions arising from the budget. The following response was received; This request was discussed with the Mayor and CAO. In keeping with past practice there will be no delegations at the budget meetings. It was noted that there had been opportunities to prove input previously at budget information sessions. If you have any written submissions I can forward those to Council. The copy of budget material will be available this Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. To which Procedural responded: We recognize the point that there had been opportunities to provide input previously at budget information sessions" we agree that those sessions are a value to the conversation in the budgetary process but recognizes that it is not the only input that comes from the public. It has been our practice in order to have and give any meaningful input research is required with all available material pertaining to a topic. What in your estimation will be the time line and procedures on the process of budget following Mondays council meeting? Response: You can pick up the meeting material at our office. Mondays meeting will be primarily an informational meeting, with the approval of the budget and setting of tax rates to occur on April 8th. The Procedural Group submitted two requests as per by-law 99-100 to make a presentation on the budget March 18th for the March 25th meeting along with a list of 15 questions as a written submission which to date have had no response.

The other was placed on April 2nd for the April 8 budget meeting: The Agenda Review committee considered your request the decision was not to have a presentation but, as we did for the previous budget meeting, accept and circulate any written material you may wish Council to have. I am circulating the letter you e-mailed to me today in the courier delivery they will get tonight. If there is anything else just forward it to me and I will see that Council receives it. On April 3rd in the Russ Ramsay Room at city hall an open public meeting of the Sault Ste Marie Association of Ratepayers hosted by the SSMAR Financial Group was held. There was a very good turnout which included Councillor Fata leading to a very productive discussion on the topic of the 2013 budget with the following motion to council being drafted. "Whereas City Council, along with the CAO and City staff will be discussing the City Budget with the eventual decision to come up with a tax rate for the 2013 tax year, and Whereas it is prudent upon us that we do everything in our power to bring about a tax rate that is both reasonable and realistic, Now therefore, be it resolved that City Council reject the 2013 City Budget as presented, and direct staff to reassess all Department budgets and find maximum efficiencies within the Corporation, and Further, be it resolved that City Council arrive at a decision to cut the tax levy increase for 2013 at or below the Rate of Inflation, and Further, be it resolved that City Council begins the process to explore and implement a continuous improvement plan in an effort to rein in costs and improve efficiencies within the Corporation".

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A possible improvement: release the budget to the mayor and councillors; two weeks after they have had time to review the budget, release it to the general public, media etc. followed by public input sessions.

election time, many candidates make their promises about "working with the people, working closely with the Constituents; willing to always listen to the peopleI'm only a phone call away". Well, here is a very large group of local Ratepayers who are speaking up; they have something to say and I, for one, am doing exactly what I promised to do at the door; I'm listening to the people and this, I know and believe, is the right thing to do. Thank you very much.

Councillor's Corner

My name is Frank Fata and I am proud to say that I am a 2nd term member of our Sault Ste. Marie City Frank Fata, Ward 5 Councillor Council. I have always been a believer that as a City Councillor, I am a public servant. I am proud to represent the fine people of Ward 5 and I believe that it is my duty to do so keeping in mind, always, to conduct myself in what I believe to be in the best In May LOLDOGS had 2 fundraisers. interests of the Taxpayers of this City. One was Tropical Pet Pictures Day at Rome's Independent Grocer. I sincerely believe I have done that, to the best of my ability, and will continue to do so with the support of We had 105 dogs come with their owners to take the wonderful people of Ward 5. pictures! I have had the opportunity to work closely with It was $10 per picture. We raised $1100 in 2 days. members of the Sault Ste. Marie Association of Ratepayers and have generally found this to be a very On May 23th, LOLDOGS hosted a Pasta Dinner at the respectful and worthwhile experience. Moose Lodge along with a Silent Auction. This event was very successful thanks to the local businesses who It's understood that City Council has the final say on generously donated items for the Silent Auction. everything from new by-laws, zoning issues and tax We raised close to $3000 from this event. rates, but, as a member of this Council, I am of the opinion, that when citizens have the opportunity to speak up and participate, this, folks, is democracy in its We presently have donation jars set up at local participating businesses. truest and clearest sense of the word. The SSM Association has conducted itself in a way that is constructive, certainly not confrontational, respectful of the municipal process, always, and I know and believe to be, in the best interest of this City. And, for that reason, I will continue to work closely with the SSM Association; I will continue to listen to their views and opinions and I will do so simply because it will make me a more informed representative and thus, a better decision maker on this City Council. And you know something, they've put forth some very good ideas and for this, we will all benefit as a Community. In closing, I would like to add this point; during We can be reached either through our website: or through our Facebook page at LOLDOGS. Like us on Facebook where all current events and information is posted. You can also donate through Facebook or our website. Our goal is to reach $25,000. We are presently at $6000.

Once the $25,000 is raised, the City will begin plans to develop Sault Ste Marie's first off leash dog park. It will be located beside the Humane Society.

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