Cold Mountain Deaths

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Throughout the novel death is a frequent occurrence that quickly becomes familiar to the remaining characters.

Death visits small characters and big characters alike. Characters such as Monroe, Veasey, Blount, Pangle, and even Inman meet their demise in ways that reect who they are as a person in life and in death. Ada's father, a preacher named Monroe, considers himself extremely righteous, perhaps more so than anyone else. However this view of himself as "holier than thou" comes back to bite him in the butt when he mistakenly assumes that his neighbors are not believers and attempts to convert them only to nd that they actually are religious and slightly offended by Monroe's assumptions. This same demonstration of false self righteousness is displayed through death by a bullet through the head, and even though he is so incredibly righteous, he is not immune to death. Pangle is a soft kind character who displays purity and innocence through his character. When he and Strobrud are caught by the home guard, Teague and his men line them up to shoot them expecting to see them shivering in fear like all of their past victims. However Pangle does not show fear but rather a content peacefulness spreads over his face, enraging Teague. Despite his annoyance however, Teague still shoots the two displaying the absolute lack of limitation toward how far the evilness of Teague will stretch and how disposable lives were during the civil war. More importantly, the innocence of Pangle's character is mirrored in the innocence of his death. Ada's suitor, a soldier named Blount, explains to her one night that he fears the war, however Ada could not show him comfort because it would not be genuine. In all truth Ada was displeased with his views on the war. Nevertheless, Blount meets his death by the hands of a bullet through the face. However it is not his death that reects upon his character but it is how he reacts when looking death in the eye. Blount once again displays his fear by refusing to turn around because he was afraid of being shot in the back of the head. It is his fear that represents his character in life and in death. During his travels, Inman comes across a slimy, evil, joke of a preacher who was attempting to murder his impregnated lover in order to save his reputation. Inman saves the woman and ties up the preacher, thinking he's seen the last of him, however shortly down the road, they meet again and soon become travel companions. Despite claiming to be a changed man, Veasey continues his slimy ways and even sleeps with a whore named Big Tildy right after holding a cashier at gun point. As if his sins aren't bad enough, he unrightfully distorts religion to justify them. Veasey's character represents false faith and selshness which, in the end leaves him to the hogs quite literally. It is obvious that a man who only does for himself will only have himself to care for himself. After being executed by the home guard, not even Inman, his travel companion and likely the closest thing Veasey could call a friend, could nd it within himself to morn Veasey's death, and he leaves his body to the mercy of the pigs and vultures. Despite the supple amount of deaths featured in this story, it is the last that shines to the forefront; the death of the male protagonist, Inman. Throughout the story, Inman searches for a purpose, a home, and a place where he can just "be". After crossing paths with strangers and learning their stories, Inman realizes the answer to all these questions is simple, it is Ada. Inman is a wise, just character who strives for peacefulness yet settles for justice. When he is nally reunited with his love, all his struggles are put to rest and he has nally reechoed the end of his journey which is reected again when he dies in the most tting way for his character; peaceful. Even Ada sees his death in a peaceful way because he she's happy to just have known such a pure love like the one Inman gave her.

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