MSSB No. 37

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Volume 1, Issue # 37
May 25 to May 29, 2009
Student Bulletin
May 25 to 29, 2009 Monday, May 25 Special Schedule
Monday, May 25 Special Schedule Time Period / Block
7:30 A.M. – 8:20 A.M. Period 1 / Block A
Tuesday, May 26 Regular Schedule 8:20 A.M. – 9:10 A.M. Period 2 / Block B
9:10 A.M. – 9:25 A.M. Snack Break
Wednesday, May 27 Student Late Start 9:30 A.M. – 10:20 A.M. Period 3 / Block C
Grade Level Assembly, 11:40 A.M.: 10:25 A.M. – 11:15 A.M. Period 4 / Block D
Gr. 6 - MS Gym, Gr. 7 - HB; Gr. 8 - FAT 11:20 A.M. – 12:10 P.M. Period 5 / Block E
12:10 P.M. – 12:45 P.M. Activity/Performances— MS Gym
Thursday, May 28 Regular Schedule 12:45 P.M. – 1:20 P.M. Lunch
1:25 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Farewell Assembly— MS Gym
Friday, May 29 Regular Schedule
2:30 P.M. – 2:50 P.M. Homebase

Dear Students:

Congratulations to the Grade 8 students for making it to your last week of classes in Middle School. Enjoy the final activities
you have planned this week and next.

This is the last week of after-school activities. So take advantage of the opportunity to work hard in these last practices.

Students are also reminded to return all check-out materials this week.

A big THANK YOU to all students who brought in rice during the CCV rice drive. Well done to the Homebases of Ms.
Stannard, Mrs. Chen, and Ms. Vogt who have earned a free dress day on Friday.

Enjoy the week!

Ms. Fredericks and Ms. Sayson

Upcoming Events PowerSchool

in the Middle School Grade Update

May 26 Global Issues Network (G.I.N.) May 27 - PowerSchool closes

June 05 - PowerSchool opens for
29 Grade 8 Dinner Dance (7:00 P.M., LT)
2nd semester reports
June 01 Grade 8 Trip Day

03 Grade 8 Moving On (3:00 P.M., FAT)

04 Last Day of School (Early Release)

08 Fourth Quarter Report Card Distribution (via courier)

GREEN PATCH May 29, 2009 – Last
Plastic bags cause
harmful pollution!
day of After School
Please deposit Activities
used plastic bags in
the MS Office.

Cross Country 2009-2010 Congratulations to the MS touch
rugby team for a fantastic weekend
in Jakarta. The MS touch team
Be ready! Cross country! August 2009!
attended an annual tournament
against JIS and ISKL, playing for
ISM Cross Country team had a very successful year in 2008-
most of Friday and all day Saturday in the sweltering
2009, winning two silver medals at IASAS, in Manila. Next year
heat. Students were hosted by families from the
we plan to train and race as hard and prepare for the big IASAS
school and everyone had a great time. The students
event in Taipei.
showed amazing team spirit and were an asset to the
school. Well done everyone!
Trainings will start the first day of school for the 2009-2010 school
year. If you would like to be a part of this fantastic team, please
- Coaches Stannard, Van der Merwe and Conte
contact Coach Forgie at or see me in the
PE department. Runners must register to get the summer training
Important information: Trainings will run 4 afternoons a week. GRADE 8 GOLFERS
The Pre-IASAS team needs to be decided on within 4 weeks of
If you are interested in joining the
school starting, attendance is compulsory to have a chance for
ISM Golf Team for 2009-10 with a
selection for either Pre-IASAS or the IASAS team.
view to making the HS IASAS Golf
Pre-IASAS will be held in Bangkok and IASAS in Taipei. We
Exchange team please send an
would like to take full teams to both of these events.
email to to
register your interest.
The IASAS Golf Exchange will be
played in Jakarta in November 2009 and we are inter-
Congratulations to ested in having some new freshman players join the
Miguel Tabuena program and tryout for one of the 6 male and 4 female
positions. If you are going into Grade 9 next year and
for his achievements in the
30th Asia-Pacific Junior Golf Championship are a keen golfer who plays golf on a regular basis,

held in Thailand. please get in contact with me.

• 2nd Place in his age group (boys’ 13-14 years old division)
• 3rd Place Over-all ages Mr. Pekin
ATAC Director

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