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Provincial Quickstat Index


May 2004
A monthly update of NSO's most requested statistics INDICATOR PRICE INDICES REFERENCE PERIOD and DATA (2000=100) Apr 2004 Consumer Price Index (1994=100) Inflation rate Purchasing power of the peso PRIVATE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (Floor area in square meters; value in P1,000) Total number of buildings Total floor area (square meter) Value (P'000) Residential (number) Total floor area (square meter) Value (P'000) Nonresidential (number) Total floor area (square meter) Value (P'000) BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY (Source: Listing of Establishments) Type of establishment Micro (1-9 establishments) Small (10-99 establishments) Medium (100-199 establishments) Large (200 and over establishments) FAMILY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE (at current prices) (Source: FIES 2000) Total number of families Annual average family income (in peso) Annual average family expenditure (in peso) Annual average family saving (in peso) Annual per capita income (in peso) 3,991 176 4 3 3,999 175 4 3 4,009 184 5 3 120.80 7.60 0.83 Mar 2004 118.10 4.50 0.85 Apr 2004 169.00 6.70 0.59 4th Qtr 2003 37 3,719 15,086 24 1,902 7,168 11 1,676 6,345 2002 (1994=100) Mar 2004 Apr 2003 165.10 4.20 0.61 3rd Qtr 2003 48 5,532 21,371 34 3,370 16,048 12 2,162 4,323 2001 158.40 4.30 0.63 4th Qtr 2002 48 5,751 16,693 38 3,375 11,192 9 2,352 5,396 2000

2000 118,431 75,756 63,773 11,983 16,201

1997 103,654 81,928 66,622 15,306 17,066

1994 86,876 61,134 49,107 12,027 11,557

Average per capita expenditure (in peso) DEMOGRAPHY Total population Male Female Household population Number of households Average household size Annual growth rate (1995-2000) Sex ratio (Number of males for every 100 females) Density (Persons per square kilometer) VITAL STATISTICS REPORT (Source: VSR) Births (Based on civil registration. Not adjusted for underregistration) Male Female Marriages (Based on civil registration. Not adjusted for underregistration) Deaths (Based on civil registration. Not adjusted for underregistration) Male Female MINIMUM BASIC NEEDS (MBN)*** INDICATORS (Source: APIS) On Survival Percentage of families with access to safe drinking water National ranking Percentage of families with sanitary toilet National ranking On Enabling Percentage of families with children 6-12 years in elem. school National ranking Percentage of families with children 13-16 years in high school National ranking

13,544 2000 586,505 300,716 285,789 585,768 114,461 5.12 2.52 105.22 112.00 2000 8,392 4,343 4,049 2,703

13,885 1995 522,187

9,383 1990 -

271,732 a/ 223,905 250,455 a/ 211,549 521,243 104,311 5.00 3.44 108.50 109.30 1999 7,624 3,957 3,667 2,580 435,454 78,994 5.50 3.68 105.80 91.20 1998 7,245 3,793 3,452 2,457

1,542 1,005 537 2002

1,472 940 532 1998

1,512 976 536 1999

91.01 23 97.01 7

82.00 29 93.00 4

91.00 28 98.70 2

91.68 45 78.16 42

96.90 6 64.20 29

97.50 1 79.90 12

EDUCATION (Source: 2000, 1990 CPH/1994 FLEMMS) Literate (Simple literacy in 1,000) Literacy rate (Simple literacy) CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE (Source: 1991 CA Vol. I) Number of farms by land use b/ Area of farms by land use (in hectares) Arable lands Land planted to temporary crops Lands lying idle c/ Land planted to permanent crops Land under permanent meadows and pasture Lands covered with forest growth All other lands d/
a/ b/ c/ d/ ***

2000 357 83.96 1991 51,831 155,411

1994 327 94.52 1980 120,950 76,910

1990 259 85.88 1971 17,600 87,843

112,670 2,349 37,724 147 1,427 1,095

76,910 15,108 21,401 1,891 4,215 1,425

51,249 9,984 14,809 5,805 4,273 1,724

Household population A farm was counted once under "ALL CLASSES" but maybe counted under each of the reported land utilization. Included homelot Included lands temporary fallowed and lands under temporary meadows/pastures MBN - are the minimum criteria for attaining a decent quality of life, which are the basic needs of Filipino family for survival, security and empowerment (enabling).

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