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Nevada corporation,
a resident of
Kreis, Enderle, Hudgins & Borsos, P.C.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
40 Pearl Street NW, 5
" Floor
Grand Rapids, Ml 49503
(616) 254-8400
Case No. 13-01094-NZ
Han. Dennis B. Leiber
Jeffrey P. Ray, P. C.
Attorneys for Defendant
2500 Lake Lansing Road, Suite A
Lansing, Ml 48912
(517) 372-5700
I. Background and Factual Summary
Plaintiff filed a complaint on February 1, 2013 for alleged defamation per se regarding
an internet posting on the website The statement (Exhibit A) cited in the
complaint does not have an actual name attached to the posting, and the poster has signed
their name as simply "Marie." In total, Plaintiff has filed seven lawsuits against anonymous
posters to the website All seven lawsuits were filed in Kent County during the
month of February 2013.
The statement, if made by Defendant, is protected speech. Furthermore the
statements, if false, are not defamatory because they are clearly opinionated reviews and a
plea for help. Strict liability does not exist for defamation cases and the statements, if made,
were not made with actual malice or reckless disregard for the facts. Pursuant to MCR 2.116

(C) (8) and (10) Plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted and this
frivolous lawsuit is an attempt to quiet public discourse with regards to Plaintiff's business
This lawsuit is also a means to harass Defendant, who resides in another state and does
not have the means to appear in this court to defend her alleged actions. Plaintiff has filed its
suit in Kent County, even though Best Drug Rehabilitation (BDR) is a Nevada corporation with a
facility in Manistee, Michigan. Defendant- resides in Ohio. Plaintiff claims since the
information was accessible in Kent County, this court should therefore have jurisdiction simply
because it was broadcast there.
The website Ripoff Report, where the statements were posted, is a site where any
person can post reviews of a business anonymously. Ripoff claims to have never taken down a
review and they are owned by consumer activist Ed Madgeson. Madgeson's company is for-
profit and he has won several lawsuits in the past, using the Communications Decency Act to
show that third parties who publish information are not responsible for its content. Filing suit
directly against the Ripoff Report has been proven unfruitful. Madgeson's site offers
arbitration services for companies who wish to remove content, but there are no guarantees
that a retraction or modification will be awarded.
B. Ripoff Report and Google 'M
Plaintiff's lawsuit is nothing more than an attempt to remove negative public opinion
from Google 'M search engines. Doing a search for "Best Drug Rehabilitation Manistee" results
in the Ripoff Report postings displayed in the top results. (Exhibit B.)
There are some allegations by business owners that Ripoff Report has had nefarious
behavior in regards to getting reviews in the stop search results. Ripoff Report denies such
accusations, claiming that their site is very active resulting in a higher ranking. Regardless, a

whole industry has erupted for how to "remove" reviews which have been posted on Ripoff
Reports. It is likely that Plaintiff has visited a website similar to
65173. The website states:
'There is a far lesser-known option that I have found that works wonders (which is
probably why Ripoff Report makes no mention of it on their site). You may not be able
to get the damning listing removed from Ripoff Report, but in my experience,
you can get it removed from Google, which is almost just as good.
Here's what you need to do, in three steps:
First, file a lawsuit against the original author of the report for defamation, business
disparagement, false light, or any other claim that is legally appropriate. The big point
here is that you have to prove your case in a court of law - you have the burden to
prove the report made about you is false.
Be honest with yourself here (otherwise, you're just wasting time and money). If the
report about you is true (or if you can't prove your case), you do not have a valid claim
for defamation, and this option will not work for you. Again, the key here is being
able to prove your case in a court of law. If you can't do that, game over. You're stuck
with one of the other options above.
Also, you should only sue the author of the report-do not sue Google. Your lawsuit
will cost a fortune (Google has plenty of good lawyers), fail very quickly, and you will
only serve to anger the one company that can help you the most.
Second, obtain a court order declaring the offending report to be false and
defamatory (this of course assumes you win your case). The specific content of this
order can take various forms, but you should make sure to seek an order that refers to
the offending report specifically.
Third, pre,ent the Lour! order to Google.
In my experience, Google will honor the court order and completely remove the
offending webpage from its search index."

Ultimately, Plaintiff is not interested in removing the report itself. Plaintiff seems solely
interested in obtaining injunctive relief against Defendant and sending the (Order) to Google '"
itself, and having any and all reviews from Ripoff Report de-indexed. Should BDR succeed, a
person doing a search for "Best Drug Rehabilitation Manistee" would not see any of the
negative posts on Ripoff in the search results. In essence, if the reviews disappear from
Google'" they will cease to exist.
C. Scientology-Related Rehabs & the Internet
Given that the owners of these rehabs often own lOO's of website domains, their focal
marketing strategy seems to be finding people searching for drug addiction treatment on
Google '". A search for "meth addiction withdrawal," for instance, would take a person to a
website similar to or within the top 5 results. These
are generic sites which list textbook information on the stages of various drugs, a digital
pamphlet of sorts. At the top is listed a 1-800 number which individuals can call and poses as a
seemingly nonprofit informational hotline. This number is, in fact, a link to Narconon or
Narconon affiliates. Instead of a non-profit volunteer, the unknowing caller talks to a
Narconon-staff or contracted salesperson who pitches placing a person in one of their
expensive rehabs around the country.
Narconon is a drug rehabilitation program based solely on the teachings of L. Ron
Hubbard and Scientology. The Church of Scientology's website claims that Narconon's success
rate "is not merely the world's highest, it is four times better than international averages."
(Exhibit C) The program is not accepted by mainstream science, and is based on L. Ron
Hubbard's "purification rundown" where participants undergo sauna, vitamin regimens and
training routines. They tout 70% success rates, even though such claims are unfounded, and
their practices have been seen as nothing more than a scheme to prey upon patients and their
families when they are most in need and charge their insurance companies until the coverage
runs out. It is often a standard practice for individuals to sign a Power of Attorney along with

their admittance documents so that when charges to insurance are stalled, someone who
works in the facility can contact the insurance company to get such charges reinstated.
Numerous lawsuits have erupted around the country, and as a result the newest
facilities leave out the Narconon name to disassociate themselves from liability. Each facility
states that there are techniques used from L. Ron Hubbard, but they do not disclose that the
content is derived from teachings used and associated with the Church of Scientology. A
particularly sinister aspect of these facilities is that they rely on an addict's history of not being
trustworthy. When addicts call home to complain about the fraud, their families find the
stories hard to believe and fail to take action until significant funds have been spent.
Utilizing the Internet is an important recruitment tool for these rehab facilities. To get
websites listed in the top results, Narconon and its affiliates utilize Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) companies. SEO's can help a company's online marketing strategy through the use of
increasing the recognition of certain keywords- resulting in the company's website displayed in
the top results. This is not the paid results listed at the very top of a Google oM search (also a
technique used by Narconon affiliates) but the organic or "natural" results which are listed just
Google'" search results are incredibly important, and having negative reviews result in a
top search result is catastrophic for such a business model. The newest Narconon-style rehabs
use generic names and common terms so as to have many "hits." "A Forever Recovery,"
"Tranquility Detox" and "Best Drug Rehabilition", all facilities commonly owned in this state,
incorporate widely used words so as to create a cloak of anonymity when doing a Google oM
search, while still displayed in the top results. A person never hears of the facility except for
what a salesperson has told them. Not allowing outsiders to have their experience
communicated to potential clients is a crucial element to their success. Should public discourse
with their facilities be successfully quieted, there is nothing to stop their continued practice of
unsafe drug detoxification, unproven "holistic" techniques based purely on Scientology
teachings and practices and unhappy families who send their loved ones to their rehabs- only to
make their situation worse. This swindling has all been done at a premium cost to the drug-
addicted and their families, often leaving individuals tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

D. Plaintiff Wants Only Their Own Favorable Reviews Displayed on Google M
Plaintiff is intending for its own authored and subjective reviews to be within the first
search results, and not reviews from outside sources such as BDR has set up
several websites with key words designed to get them to display prominently, as demonstrated
in the following: (Exhibit D) (Exhibit E) (Exhibit F) (Exhibit G) (Exhibit H) (Exhibit I) (Exhibit J)
Interestingly enough, these sites from Plaintiff have employed the service "Domains by
Proxy" in order to protect their anonymity as to who owns and authors the websites- but each
one reads as an advertisement for the facility complete with BDR's phone number one can call
for a free consultation. Domains by Proxy have been controversial throughout the years
because of accusations of aiding malicious fake websites. It is plainly obvious that Plaintiff
feels that their opinion should warrant the privilege of anonymity when it is to increase their
own profit margin, but that others should not have this same entitlement and should not be
protected in court.

The anonymously registered sites are just part of the online campaign that BDR has to
increase their presence on the Internet in a false positive light.
"http:/ /" is a blog written by Per Wickstrom,
founder and president of Best Drug Rehabilitation. The website
has each article written by Wickstrom, and the only reviewed rehabs are A Forever Recovery
(Wickstrom's facility in Battle Creek, formerly known as Narconon Stone Hawke) and BDR
(Exhibit K.) There are also multiple youtube channels, face book groups and twitter accounts.
Scientologists throughout the years have regularly employed Strategic Lawsuits Against
Public Participation (SLAPP) in order to protect their reputation. A SLAPP lawsuit is an attempt
to censor and / or intimidate a critic by burdening them with the costs of legal defense. A
typical SLAPP lawsuit will be a civil action with charges of defamation, without any evidence as
to the falsity of the statements made. They are sometimes also an attempt to unmask
anonymous or pseudonymous critics.
To protect consumers against a SLAPP lawsuit and to encourage the right of free speech
and public discourse, 28 states have enacted statutory protections against SLAPPs. Even
though Michigan is not among the 28 states, there are thousands of cases which address these
circumstances. Michigan courts have a long history of protecting First Amendment rights and
have placed very high burdens on a litigant alleging "defamation." Not only have the courts
defended the right to public discourse in their various forms, but even untruthful remarks are
protected when they fall into the category of opinion, rhetorical hyperbole and exaggerated
F. Lawsuits are Malicious Prosecution
The lawsuits filed by Best Drug Rehabilitation against seven individuals in February 2013
all follow a similar pattern. They pray for injunctive relief, claim damages in excess of $25,000,

and list various lines taken from the users' alleged Ripoff Report reviews for their charges of
defamation. The reviews are not signed by any name and were posted anonymously. The right
of anonymity is a principle the United States Supreme Court has recognized over and over
again; "an author's decision to remain anonymous, like other decisions concerning omissions or
additions to the content of a publication, is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by
the First Amendment." Mcintyre v. Ohio Elections Comm'n, S14 US 334, 341-42, 115 S Ct 1511,
1516, 131 LEd 2d 426, 436 {1995). In their attempt to unmask each Defendant, BDR has simply
taken each review and guessed whom the poster's identity might be. The reviews they have
chosen to litigate are chosen at random, and are among countless other complaints {about
BDR) posted on Ripoff Report.
These lawsuits are not even filed in the same county that BDR has its place of business-
in Manistee County. Instead they are filed in Kent County, in which is located the office of
Plaintiff's corporate counsel. They have been filed in Kent County because it is convenient for
them. There is no regard whatsoever for the burden these lawsuits place on the individual
Defendants- all of whom reside in other states. These lawsuits were filed with sloppy,
unsubstantiated claims. Charges where even a modicum of research would reveal them to be
clearly frivolous.
It is plainly obvious that they are dependent on each of the Defendants to not have the
means to afford representation or to appear in court. After all, the majority of these
Defendants have had their monetary resources wiped out from the cost of "treatment" at Best
Drug Rehabilitation. A default judgment in their case, or winning any of the cases by default
judgment, would result in the success of de-indexing the reviews from m searches. Therefore
they would continue to have unsuspecting clients fall into their sham. These lawsuits are
inundated in greed, abuse of process and harassment.
G. Statements Were Not Defamatory
There are simply two elements referred to in the posting of Plaintiff's complaint as false
and defamatory:
a. 'They said that would be considered unethical practice and insurance fraud."

b. "The best drug rehabilitation Insurance fraud Manistee, Michigan"
The first statement is in reference to the poster describing what her insurance company told
her. Statements must be viewed in context to establish if they are capable of defamatory
interpretation. Ireland v Edwards, 230 Mich App 607, 584 NW 2d 632 (1998.} The posting, in its
entirety, states:
Horrified! I originally called a drug hot line and was referred to this place. Later learning
that Owen was most likely an employee working for( BDR) I was ready to bring my son
to this facility and a last minute check and I couldn't believe the information i was
reading. Everything I was warned about in this review was exactly what I was, sales
pitched by this facility. They said that my insurance co. would pay for everything and 1
needed to just change my address to 121 Capital Ave NE( admin office) so they could
receive the insurance checks.
I called my insurance and they said they have never heard of Best drug rehab and that
I should never do this. They said that would be considered unethical practice and
insurance fraud.
I also had a red flag when I was told my son could pick any type of treatment and
Scientology was offered. I do not consider this to be christian. Which means Christ. I also
was uneasy about dropping him off to a place that would be 4 hrs away from where he
would be transferred, without even seeing the facility. I am so glad that God has given
me a uneasy feeling and that i further researched this place before sending my
vulnerable son here.
I hope this helps keep anyone else from almost making a huge mistake!!!!
The title of this posting was "The best drug rehabilitation Insurance fraud Manistee, Michigan,"

the second "statement" cited in Plaintiff's complaint as a defamatory statement. This is, in fact,
not even a statement. It is a title which concerns the subject matter, and references the
information the poster received from her insurance company which led to their decision not to
do business there. Its intent is to warn others thinking about sending loved ones to the facility.
The statements are not false, with malicious intent or reckless disregard for the truth. On the
contrary, the statements are truthful.
II. Standard of Review
"A motion for summary disposition brought under MCR 2.116(C)(8) tests the legal
sufficiency of the complaint on the basis of the pleadings alone. The purpose of such a motion
is to determine whether the plaintiff has stated a claim upon which relief can be granted."
Beaudrie v Henderson, 465 Mich 124, 129-130; 631 NW2d 308 (2001). "Unless the claim is so
clearly unenforceable as a matter of law that no factual development can possibly justify a right
to recover, the motion under this sub-rule should be denied." Wodoqaza v H & R Terminals,
1m; 161 Mich App 746, 750; 411 NW2d 848 (1987).
"A motion for summary disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(10) tests the factual support of
a claim." Amy v MIC General Ins Corp, 258 Mich App 94, 102; 670 NW2d 228 (2003).
"Summary disposition is proper under MCR 2.116(C)(10) if the documentary evidence shows
that there is no genuine issue of material fact, and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a
matter of law." O'Donnell v Garosic, 259 Mich App 569; 676 NW2d 213 (2003). "In deciding a
motion brought under this subsection, the trial court must consider affidavits, pleadings,
depositions, admissions, and other evidence submitted by the parties ... in a light most favorable
to the nonmoving party." Kelly-Stehney & Associates, Inc v MacDonald's Indus Products,

Inc, 254 Mich App 608, 611-612; 658 NW2d 494 (2003). "The moving party has the initial
burden of supporting its position with documentary evidence, but once the moving party meets
its burden, the burden shifts to the nonmoving party to establish that a genuine issue of
disputed fact exists." /d. "A genuine issue of material fact exists when the record, giving the
benefit of reasonable doubt to the opposing party, leaves open an issue upon which reasonable
minds might differ." Johnson v County o(Jackson, Mich App, Unpublished No. 236622 (Sept. 11,
A. The First Amendment and Libel
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of
speech. Although it does not grant immunity for false or defamatory statements, there are
several rules which significantly narrow a Plaintiff's chances for successfully litigating a
defamation action.
The bellwether case, New York Times v Sullivan, 376 US 254; 84 S Ct 710; 11 LEd 2d 686
(1964) reflects the current interpretation of the First Amendment as it relates to charges of
defamation. On March 29, 1960, the New York Times published a full-page advertisement
entitled "Heed Their Rising Voices," in which it stated that students engaging in non-violent civil
rights demonstrations in the south had been "met by an unprecedented wave of terror." It was
further stated in the ad that truckloads of heavily armed police had surrounded the Alabama
State college campus; that police had padlocked students inside the dining hall to starve them
into submission; that police had arrested Dr. Martin Luther King seven times; and that Dr. King's
protests had been met "with intimidation and violence," including bombing his home,
assaulting him, and charging him with perjury.

Many of these statements were false. Police did not padlock students in the dining hall,
Dr. King was arrested four times, not seven, and the evidence around whether an arresting
officer had assaulted him was conflicting. But the United States Supreme Court rejected an
absolutionist analysis that any false statement could be "libel" and therefore claim "no
talismanic immunity from constitutional limitations." /d. at 269. Like all "other formulae for the
repression of expression," libel "must be measured by standards that satisfy the First
Amendment." /d.
It was recognized that the public discourse would entail engaging in vehement, caustic,
and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials. The Court also
observed that "erroneous statement is inevitable in free debate." /d. at 271. Accordingly, some
false statements "must be protected if the freedoms of expression are to have the 'breathing
space' that they 'need ... to survive."' /d. at 272, quoting NAACP v Button, 271 US 415, 433; 83 5
Ct 328; 9 LEd 2d 405 (1963).
With this established high standard of libel law, Plaintiff must prove clearly and
convincingly that Defendant intentionally lied or acted recklessly in making the challenged
statements. Proof of negligence does not suffice. The Supreme Court has also extended this
constitutional privilege to protect defamatory criticism of nonpublic persons who "are
nevertheless intimately involved in the resolution of important public questions or, by reason of
their fame, shape events in areas of concern to society at large." Curtis Publishing Co v Butts,
388 US 164; 87 S Ct 1975; 18 L Ed 2d 1094 (1967). Additionally, it has been extended to cases
where the Plaintiff is a private individual. Gertz v Robert Welch, Inc, 418 US 323; 94 S Ct 2997;
41 LEd 2d 789 (1974.)
B. Michigan Courts Have Upheld New York Times v Sullivan
For decades, the Michigan Supreme Court has vigilantly protected free expression
through strict application of constitutional principles:
For example, In re Chmura, 464 Mich 58; 626 NW2d 876 {2001), (discussing New York
Times and the actual malice standard in reversing a decision by the Judicial Tenure Commission

that a sitting judge had violated the Code of Judicial Conduct by statements he made in the
course of a campaign); Rouch v Enquirer & News of Battle Creek (Rouch II}, 440 Mich 238, 258;
487 NW2d 205 {1992),(reversing a jury verdict in a libel case, discussing the importance of
independent review in such cases, and noting the concern that "juries may give short shrift to
important First Amendment rights"); Locricchio v Evening News Ass'n, 438 Mich 84; 476 NW2d
112 {1991}, cert den, 112 5 Ct 1267 {1992}, (conducting an independent review of the record
and reversing a jury verdict in a libel case); Battaglieri v Mackinac Ctr for Pub Policy, 261 Mich
App 296; 680 NW2d 915 {2004} (discussing the definition of actual malice and reversing the trial
court's decision denying summary disposition in a false-light claim brought by a public figure);
Lakeshore Community Hospital Inc v Perry, 212 Mich App 396; 538 NW2d 24 {1995), (conducting
an independent review, finding insufficient evidence of actual malice and vacating the trial
court) and Garvelink v The Detroit News, 206 Mich App 604; 522 BW2d 883 {1994}, (conducting
an independent review of the record and reversing the trial court's decision denying summary
disposition to a defendant in a public official libel case).
C. The Statements Cited in Complaint are Rhetorical Hyperbole
The statements cited by BDR in their complaints were written without actual malice,
because the poster believed them to be true, or they fall into the category of "Rhetorical
Hyperbole" or "Vigorous Epithet." Statements must be viewed in context to establish if they
are capable of defamatory interpretation. Ireland v Edwards, 230 Mich App 607, 584 NW 2d
632 {1998.} Defamatory statements, in order to be actionable, must state actual facts about a
plaintiff, thereby protecting statements that, although factual on their face and provable as
false, could not reasonably be interpreted as stating actual facts about the plaintiff. Ireland,
supra p 617, 584 NW 2d 632, citing Milkovich v Lorain Journal Co., 497 US 1, pp 16-17, 110 S Ct
In Ireland, it was concluded that the statement that Ireland "never" spent time with her
child was patently false and an obvious expression of disapproval of the amount of time Ireland
spent with her child, but that no reasonable person would believe the statement stated actual
fact s about Ireland. Kevorkian v. American Medical Association, 237 Mich App 1; 602 NW 2d
233, {1999} citing Ireland, supra, p 619, 584 NW 2d 632. Similarly in Kevorkian, the st at ement
that Pl aintiff was a " murderer" was det ermined to be a strongly worded opinion, and not t he
actual accusati on of a crime.
D. The Forum Used for the Posts Communicated Clearly That They Were Opinions
Ripoff Report is an opinion website. Indeed, at the top of " Ripoff Report," it is post ed
" By consumers, for consumers ... " and "Consumers educating consumers." Any reasonable
individual who reads the revi ews would gather that they are not an offici al source, and that the
st at ements were expressions by ordinary laypersons meant to show strong disapproval of
business practi ces.
To surmise that any and all informati on post ed on the Internet is post ed as literal fact,
especially a site whose primary purpose is to post opinionat ed revi ews, would deem the vast
majority of the Internet as actionabl e for defamati on. This literal and absolutionist
interpret ation of the law has been ruled against time and time again. Should BDR's
interpret ation prevail, then the courts would be flooded with litigation. Something as
innocuous as a facebookrM status updat e or a product revi ew on a blog could potenti ally
bankrupt the author. The Internet would be encumbered as a result, reversing the information
and t echnology revolution of the past few decades. This would stifl e users, have a chilling
effect on speech and the flow of legitimate opinion and information due to the fear of lawsuits.
What is more, as demonstrat ed in Gertz v Robert Welch, Inc, 418 US 323; 94 S Ct 2997;
41 L Ed 2d 789 {1974}, strict li ability for defamation is unconstitutional in the United St at es; the
pl aintiff must be abl e to show that the defendant act ed with a higher level of mens rea. Simply
cl ai ming that the stat ements, if submitted by Defendants on ripof, were false, is
insufficient. The st at ements were what was believed t o be true and there is no proof that such
st at ements, if made, were with actual malice. Simply a failure t o invest igat e if the cl aims are
true does not show bl atant disregard for the truth. St Amant v Thompson, 390 US at 731, 733,
88 S Ct 1323 {1968}. Should such a st andard exist it would be unreasonable. Individuals posting

on the Internet would be in constant fear of litigation and end up self-censoring to a degree
that would stifle communication and meaningful dissent.
E. Summary Disposition is Suitable for these lawsuits
Pursuant to MCR 2.116 (C) (8), when the Plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which
relief can be granted, summary disposition is appropriate. The Supreme Court has ruled that
summary judgment is particularly important in libel cases. See Anderson v Liberty Lobby, 477 US
242; 106 S Ct 2505; 91 LEd 2d 202 {1986} as well as our own state courts, Kevorkian v American
Medico/ Ass'n, 237 Mich App 1,5; 602 NW2d 233 {1999} where it was observed that "[s]ummary
disposition is an essential tool in the protection of First Amendment rights." Summary relief to
defendants is necessary to avoid the 'chilling effect' on freedom of speech and press Lins v
Evening News Ass'n, 129 Mich App 419, 425; 342 NW2d 573 {1983.)
Furthermore, MCL 600.2911(6) states:
"An action for libel or slander shall not be brought based upon a communication
involving public officials or public figures unless the claim is sustained by clear and
convincing proof that the defamatory falsehood was published with knowledge that it
was false or with reckless disregard of whether or not it was false".
Our own Michigan Supreme Court, in Smith v Anonymous Joint Enterprise, 487 Mich
102; 793 NW2d 553 {2010} has recognized this high threshold for the actual malice standard.
"[A] plaintiff must present sufficient evidence to justify a conclusion that the defendant made
the allegedly defamatory publication with a 'high degree of awareness' of the publication's
probably falsity, or that the defendant 'entertained serious doubts as to the truth' of the
publication made." Smith, 542, quoting StAmant v Thompson, 390 US 727, 88 S Ct 1323 (1968).
F. Plaintiff's Frivolous lawsuit Warrants Sanctions

MCR 2.114 and MCR 2.625(A)(2) permits the Court to award of attorney fees to the
prevailing party pursuant to MCL 600.2591 for frivolous suits. BJ's & Sons Constr Co, Inc v Van
Sickle, 266 Mich App 400, 404; 700 NW2d 432 {2005} "Under Michigan law, a party that
maintains a frivolous suit ... is subject to sanctions under applicable statutes and court rules."
MCL 600.2591 provides:
(1) Upon motion of any party, if a court finds that a civil action or defense to a civil
action was frivolous, the court that conducts the civil action shall award to the
prevailing party the costs and fees incurred by that party in connection with the civil
action by assessing the costs and fees against the non prevailing party and their
{2) The amount of costs and fees awarded under this section shall include all reasonable
costs actually incurred by the prevailing party and any costs allowed by law or by court
rule, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
MCL 600.2591{3)(a) further reads:
[f]rivolous' means that at least 1 of the following conditions is met: (i) The party's
primary purpose in initiating the action or asserting the defense was to harass,
embarrass, or injure the prevailing party, (ii) The party had no reasonable basis to
believe that the facts underlying that party's legal position were in fact true, (iii) The
party's legal position was devoid of arguable legal merit.
The claims or defenses at issue must be evaluated at the time they were made in order
to determine if sanctions are appropriate pursuant to MCL 600.2591. In re Costs & Attorney
Fees, 250 Mich App 89, 94; 645 NW2d 697 (2002}. The court must examine "the particular facts
and circumstances of the claim involved." /d. at 95. Sanctions are imposed against frivolous
claims '"to deter parties and attorneys from filing documents or asserting claims and defenses
that have not been sufficiently investigated and researched or that are intended to serve an
improper purpose."' Van Sickle, 266 Mich App at 405, quoting FMB-First Michigan Bank v
Bailey, 232 Mich App 711, 722-723; 591 NW2d 676 (1998).

This is a frivolous lawsuit, filed in bad faith without supporting law to defend Plaintiff's
argument. The Internet postings referred to in Plaintiff's complaint were anonymous, and the
statements, if made by Defendant, are protected speech because they are clearly and
unequivocally either factual or opinionated by nature. Plaintiff is attempting to use the legal
system to prey upon persons from out of state making it unlikely they can defend themselves
and thus insuring a high probability of a default judgment and achievement of their goals of de-
indexing negative opinions about their business practices while they, themselves, anonymously
control as much of the internet traffic as they can. This harassment and intimidation comes at a
high price to these individual Defendants and place them at the additional burden of having to
defend themselves in an inconvenient forum.
These practices and the Complaints they spawn are as close to abuse of process as any
claim may ever be.
Defendants are entitled to summary disposition and should receive this Court's serious
review of sanctions in the form of an order for reimbursement of their actual costs and
attorney fees incurred in the defense of such claims.
Dated: March 28, 2013

Ripoff RepoHere Now! )nts Re\tews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. File your review. Consumers educating consumers.
Byconsumers, for consumers ..
Don't let them get away with it. let the truth be known!"""
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Report: #974690
Complaint Review: The best drug rehabilitation
Ben Smith Sac County
Iowa Attorney
misconduct, Improper
relationship with star
witnesses, allowing
witnesses to knowingly
lie. Tracey Richter
Roberts falsely
convicted, overwhelming
evidence leads to
estranged husband
Michael Roberts,
Rexxfleld failed
polygraph, witness
intimidation, evidence
tampering. Iowa Division
of Criminal Investigation
The New Extortion"
Is lhere a Ripoff Report on you?
Reputation Management
They might contact you next I
Submitted: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Posted: Tuesday, 27, 2012
Reported By: Marie- Clnnclnatti Ohio United States of America
The best drug rehabilitation
300 care center dr.
Phone: 269 704 7566
rraoistea 49660
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Horrified! I originally called a drug hot line and was
referred to this place. Later learning that Owen
was most likely an employee working for( BDR) I
was ready to bring my son to this facility and a
last minute check and I couldn't beliew the
Information I was reading. Ewrything I was warned
about in this re-.tew was exactly what I was, sates
pitched by this facility. They said that my
insurance co. would pay for and I
needed to just change my address to 121 Capital
NE( admin office) so they could receive the
insurance checks.
I called my insurance and they said they have heard of Best drug rehab and that I should
newr do this. They said that would be considered
unethical practice and insurance fraud.
I also had a red Hag when I was told my son could
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pick any type of treatment and sclentology was offered. I do not consider this to be
christian. Which means Christ. I also was uneasy about dropping him off to a place that
would be 4 hrs away from where he would be transferred, without eo,en seeing the
facility. I am so glad that GOO has me a uneasy feeling and that i further
researched this place before sending my 'o\Jinerable son here.
1 hope this helps keep anyone else from almost making a huge mistake!!!!
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Manistee, Michigan- Home to Best Drug Rehabilitation Some clients need more one-
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20 posts.- 6 authors- Jun 26, 2012
Best Drug Rehabilitation ... After 10 days at detox I was taken to Manistee,
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To be completely effecti-.e, a drug rehabilitation program must pro-..Ade a
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Global drug abuse has led to what can inarguably be described as a world awash in
blood and human misery.
In reply stands Narconon (meaning "no drugs"), the drug rehabilitation and
prevention program founded in 1966 and based on the discoveries of
L. Ron Hubbard.
The Narconon program not only addresses the mental and physical debilitation
precipitated by drug abuse, but also the reasons why an individual turns to drugs
in the first place.
Global drug abuse has led to what can inarguably be described as a world awash in
blood and human misery.
In reply stands Narconon (meaning "no drugs"), the drug rehabilitation and
prevention program founded in 1966 and based on the discoveries of
L. Ron Hubbard.
The Narconon program not only addresses the mental and physical debilitation
precipitated by drug abuse, but also the reasons why an individual turns to drugs
in the first place.
As a result, the Narconon success rate is not merely the world's highest, it is four
times better than international averages.
But with drug abuse now ruining 200 million lives worldwide, the battle to
eradicate abuse must also include prevention. To that end, Narconon graduates
and volunteers conduct one of the most effective drug awareness programs on
Earth. To date, it has provided more than 17 million young people with the facts
about drug abuse.
Scientologists helped sponsor the creation of Narconon Arrowhead. Established in
2001, this is the premier facility of the Narconon network. It stands amidst 216
acres of woodland on the shores of Lake Eufaula in southeastern Oklahoma. In
addition to being the s largest residential tacility ot Kind, Narconon
Arrowhead also serves as the international training center for drug rehabilitation
specialists. Since opening its doors, it has provided on-site internships for
professi onals from 13 nations and 43 US states.
Today, the worldwide Narconon drug rehabilitation and prevention network
comprises more than 180 centers and groups across 47 nations- double the
number of a decade ago.
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For 24-Hour Help or Information 1 (877) 464-3185
Drug Rehab
Drug abuse rehab is the best
option for someone who wants to
take back control of their life.
When years of abusing drugs has
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When I got here a Best Drug
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Best Drug Rehabilitation Counseling
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Our treatment facility has a
professional staff that assists
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stage, and provides them with the
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With the stronghold that addiction
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Addiction counseling 1s a program offered to people inside of addiction rccowry and for people
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According to reviews on Best Dntg
Rehabilitation, our drug abuse rehab center
is the right place to go if you arc suffering
with any sort of addiction. Our drug abuse
rehab has created a successful aprroach for
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Drug Abuse Rehab CCnter
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2013 - Best Drug Rehabilitation

3UU Care Center Drive
Manistee, Ml 49660
Best Drug Rehabilitation i;, located al;
300 Care Center Drive
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Affi>rdable Drug Rehab
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Affordable Drug Rehab

rehab is possible no matter what situation someone might be in. If you or someone you care fOr
drugs and you or your loved one thought that rehab was too expensive fOr you, think again. Call
drug rehab option you qualifY fOr.
drug rehab is possible no matter what situation someone might be in. If you or someone you care fOr
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that you realize we are on your side and dedicated to
will recommend a treatment program designed
"lbe treatment facility at Best Drug Rehabilitation will provide you with all you need fOr a successful recovery.
You will return to society as a motivated, productive person, free from the burden of drugs and their devastating
effucts. Let Best Drug Rehabilitation help you recover!
Affordable Drug Rehab

Affurdable drug rehab i ~ possible no matter what situation someone might be in. If you or someone you care for
is addicted to drugs and you or your loved one thought that rehab was too expensive lOr you, think again. Call
today to sec what affurdable drug rehab option you qualify lOr.
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Substance Abuse Treatment
If you need treatment tor substance abuse, it is important that you realize we are on your side and dedicated to
your successful recovery. Call today and one of our we will recommend a treatment program designed
specitically lOr you!
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Treatment Facility
The treatment fucility at Best Drug Rehabilitation will provide you with all you need lOr a successful recovery.
You will return to society as a motivated, productive person, free from the burden of drugs and their devastating
effucts. Let Best Drug Rehabilitation help you recover!
Read more
Substance Abuse Treatment
'Treating Substance Abuse
Regardless of tighter governmental controls on drugs, the number of addicts needing substance abuse
treatment continues to rise. Drug abuse awareness and education effurts have made some progress in bringing
these numbers down, but there are still fur too many lives being ruined by the effucts of these dangerous
substances. Through the years, fucilities have greatly improved their approaches to treatment and have a better
understanding of the myriad offuctors involved in an addiction.
The Evolution ofTreAnent

In the past, rehabilitation usually consisted of confining the individual in harsh surroundings while they withdrew
from the drug alone. It was the contention in those days that dmg addiction was a moral defect that required
strict punishment. Today, however, addiction specialists realize that an addict not only has a physical dependency
on the dmg, but they also sulfur emotional problems, environmental challenges or physical health issues that
contribute to their desire to use dmgs. In contrast to methods of the past, a professional rehabilitation center of
today provides the addict a secure, comfOrtable, nurturing environment, compassionate counselors and
interaction with other recovering Rehabilitation now understand that an addict needs to feel
that they arc not the only one in the world with a dmg addiction, and that someone actually believes in their ability
to overcome this dangerous habit.
Rehabilitation's Treatment Program
By providing supervised detoxification and a comprehensive rehabilitation program, Best Dmg Rehabilitation's
centers have saved lives. The success rates are impressive, and testimonials from recently recovered addicts
prove that our methods fOr treating dmg addiction are fur more successful than those archaic practices of the
If you need treatment for substance abuse, it is important that you realize we at Best Dmg Rehabilitation are
on your side and dedicated to your successful recovery. Call today at (888) 202-5610 and one of our
counselors will assess your situation and recommend a program designed specifically fOr your needs.
Call Today (888) 202-5610
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Client Reviews
Cocaine Addiction
o Side Effucts
o Addiction Signs
o Statistics About Addiction
Treatment Options
o Rehabilitation

Best Drug Rehabilitation Reviews
Call Us at (888) 202-5610
Call Toll-Free Today For Help:
1 (877) 464-3185
Best Drug Rehabilitation
Client Reviews
1hc best source of client reviews tor Best Drug Rehabilitation is straight from the clients, because it allows
one to hear about the healing occurring in their lives. At Best Drug Rehabilitation, the t,>ual is to create a
positive environment appropriate tor healing a person's spirit, mind, and body. Treatment options can be
customized to best suit the individual needs and wants of every client who walks through the doors.
Getting Addiction Treatment Many who fight the battle with an addiction problem continue to sutler
because they fuel there is no hope for the happiness they once !Cit.
[Read More ... ]

Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine addiction is becoming a growing trend. Cocaine is a hydrochloride salt which can be snorted, smoked
or injected. [t also can be applied to v a g i n a ~ oral or rectal mucus membranes and can be mixed with liquor.
Cocaine is normally not taken by mouth fur recreational purposes because it has toxic reactions such as death.
Usually, the only time cocaine is taken orally is when a person tries to hide the cocaine from the law or border
patroL Regardless of the method of ingestion, repeated use will result in addiction and serious side effucts to the
user's health and lifestyle. Getting "Slammed" The white cocaine powder can be melted in water and used
intravenously, known as getting slammed. Cocaine has a high melting point so it cannot be smoked and using
intravenously is the most popular way to do the drug. When freebasing occurs it converts the hydrochloride into
sulfate and is free of additives. It's not water soh.tble and the melting point is very low and now it can be smoked.
It is very dangerous to frcebase cocaine. Addiction to Crack Cocaine Crack is the most popular drug on the
street and is sold in vials and easy to smoke. [t is smoked in crack pipes, in cigarettes and in rmrijuana joints.
'The toxic dose of cocaine is not known because everyone is dilrerent and some people can handle more than
others. Usually cocaine is used among ymmg kids, along with alcohol and marijuana use, and this can become a
deadly practice. Contact Us Today To Speak With A Counselor About Our Programs and ...
[Read More ... ]
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Recovery Begins Here.
Client Reviews
Cocaine Addiction
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o Cocaine Addiction Facts
o Cocaine Addiction Signs
o Cocaine Addiction Statistics
Cocaine Effucts
Cocaine Treatment
o Cocaine Treatment Center
o Rehabilitation
o Treatment For Cocaine Addiction
Our Location
Best Drug Rehabilitation is located at:
300 Care Center Drive
Man is tee, Michigan 49660
~ if.i
-:on, 01 ~

Best Drug Rehabilitation Mission Statement
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Best Drug Rehabilitation Reviews
About Us
March 26, 2013
About Us
Best Drug Rehabilitation has one goal That goal is to provide the best care that an individual can receive at an addiction treatment fucility. Drug or
alcohol addiction has negative elfucts, not only on the addict, but on their loved ones as well Addiction alfucts every aspect of an individuals lifu,
relationships, finances, work or c h o o ~ physical health, as well as mental health. We arc a residential treatment center with a highly skiJlcd profussional
staff on hand 24 hours a day, seven
We Can Help You Beat Your Battle With Addiction!
Get Help Now! Call Us Toll-Free I (877) 464-3185
You are here: I lome
November 14,2012 ByadminLeave a Corrrnmt
lfyou or a loved one are sulfuring from drug or alcohol addiction and are looking fur help from an addiction treatment fucility, perbaps you have read
some Best Drug Rehabilitation reviews. If you have read the reviews, you know of the success rate we have with addiction treatment. Best Drug
Rehabilitation facilities oflCr many progran"li fOr alcohol and drug addiction.
The EtTects of Addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction affucts many fu.milies in the United States today. This can cause a breakdown in communication within a fumily. When this
happens an individual can sink deeper and deeper into depression and thus, into dmg abuse. Many people have fumily problcrm or situations which they
feel are impossible. 'Thereibre, they drink or take drugs such as tranquilizers to mask their fueling<; ofhope\cssncss and insecurity. After a while thi<> no
longer works, so they either drink more or take a larger dosage of pills. All this teads to full blown drug or alcohol addiction. At this time the indlvidual
has a physical addiction to the drugs or alcohol When this happens, they can no longer qWt on their own. 'l11cy nntst have profussional help in stopping
the abtJSe.
How Best Drug Rehabilitation Can Help

If you check lJest Drug Rehabilitation reviews, you will see that we have highly skilled
proiCssionals to help with a safe detoxification, or dctox, fOr each of our clients. At our residential treatment fucilitics there is a compassionate and caring
staff on duty 24 hours a day seven days a week. They can help with any issues, physical or which may arise during dctox. !fa client just
needs son""eone to hokl their hand during this process, they win have it. Many of our staff are recovered addicts; they know exactly what the
client is going through and can have an understanding like no one else of their tee lings and sulfurnJgS.
1he detoxification process is the hardest part of their addiction recovery. Once this is over, the client will be well on their way to cmnplcte recovery
from their alcohol or drug addictioiL
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Best Drug Rehabilitation Michigan Reviews
Addiction can be a devastating force in one's life and the best choice for overcoming an
addiction is through treatment at a professional rehab center according to many positive Best
Drug Rehabilitation rev1ews.
Best Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Programs
Alcohol and substance abuse can lead to loss of employment, alienation from friends and famity
and could possibly result in death. After a while, as an addict reviews their experience with
addiction, they feel as if they are powerless over the situation. Best Drug Rehabilitation
Michigan helps clients understand the underlying forces that contributed to their addiction
and teaches them the skills they need to overcome these obstacles.
Now I am a different person. I have restored my sanity. Best Drug Rehab gave me a
second chance at life.
Best Drug Rehabilitation reviews reveal that the key to recovery is set up to provide the
support structure needed to help addicts beat their addictions. The ultimate goal is to provide
the individual with the tools necessary to abstain from substance abuse in the long-run. The
treatment provided at Best Drug Rehabilitation establishes a foundation for the addict to
overcome the cravings and triggers that are present on a day-to-day basis.
The program offered by Best Drug Rehabilitation Michigan is designed to work in conjunction
with detox in order to provide the client with long-term results. The program addresses the
physical and emotional needs of the client and seeks to improve their daily living skills with
relapse prevention as the main objective. Nutritional guidance and healthy activities are
available, including counseling designed to help the client build interpersonal relationships.
The type of treatment at a rehab center is targeted to the particular needs of each client.
Certified addiction specialists and supportive staff provide regular evaluations and reviews to
design treatment programs based on the client's individual progress throughout the program.
At Best Drug Rehabilitation, there are a wide range of therapies offered that focus on aU facets
of addiction recovery. Call us to learn more information about the Best Drug Rehabilitation
Michigan reviews and about our program.
Connnents & Responses
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Get Help Today
Best Drug Rehabilitation cares about
the of each individual and
we offer some of the best programs
around for successful addiction
rehabHitation. Call
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an addiction problem, or simply fill
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/llccholic Addiction
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We a1 c locate-d at
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Copyright 2012 Best Drug Rehabilitation I Reviews I Sitemap

TreatmPnt for Cocaine Adrlict;,
Coc_ainc Addict ion Treatment
Best Drug Rehabilitation Reviews
Start Your Recovery Today! Call Us at 888-202-5610
Dangers 0 fPrescription Drugc>
Painkiller Addictions
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What Is Oxycontin?
Pregnancy and D r u ~
Prescription Drug Abuse
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o Yicodin Recoyer:y
o Vicod in Withdrawal
Best Drug Rehabilitation Reviews
Call Today 1 (877) 464-3185
Best Dmg Rehabilitation learns about each client's situation and otrers treatment programs aimed at healing one's
mind, body, and spirit. Treatment options can be personalized to best suit an individual's needs and preferences.
Call today to speak to a highJy trained counselor. Call l (877) 464-3185 24/7 toll- free today to find out bow we
can help you or your loved one break free of addiction to or abuse of prescription drug>. Recovery begins here,
at Best Drug Rehabilitation.
Best Drug Rehabilitation Reviews
We welcome all reviews at Best Dmg Rehabilitation. [fyou read sorre of our reviews, you will see that we have
a high success rate with our clients. We encourage our cl.ients to take part in selecting a treatment program which
suits their individual needs and prefurences. No two addicts have the same issues, just as no two programs
should be the very sarre. We reel this 5 why we have such good reviews about our programs and treatments.
About Our Progrdm at Best Drug Rehabilitation Oest Drug Rehabilitation takes a holistic approach to drug and
alcohol treatrrent We reel that you shouldn't replace a dmg or alcohol addiction with another drug. We treat our
clients with vitamins, nutrients, and healthy nourishing rneals. Best Drug Rehab olfurs thin!?';) such as yoga,
meditation, acupuncture, and massages lOr a natural approach to healing. We have an exercise and weight room
where the client

Dangers Of Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug> only suppress the symptoms of your disease and cause disruption in the normal body cell
fimctions. This why prescription drug users arc subject to getting a disease, because prescription dtugs can cause
rnalfimction of cells. Recent studies have showed having over 2 million Americans were admitted to the hospital
fur serious effucts of prescription drugs with over l 00,000 resulting in death. Prescription Drugs Arc Just As
Serious As Illegal Drug> Other dangers of prescription drug> occur with those who are abusing a prescribed a
medication, or one not prescribed to them Teens arc more likely to be turning to prescription drugs rather than
street drugs these days, because they arc easier to get. Many prescription dmg abusers !eel their dmg of usc is
not as dangerous ... [Read More ... ]
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Fact or Fiction: Addiction is hereditary
by Per Wickstrom
Addiction and Heredity
There is not one single cause fur addiction. tactors are at work simuhaneously. One reason addicts relapse
is that a rehabilitation may address one tactor relating to
their addiction, but not the rest. They could go through several rehab programs and still not have ef!Cctively
covered all the elements at work. The question regarding the role that heredity plays in addiction is often asked.
Is addictive behavior handed down from generation to generation? If the great-grandtather was an opium addict,
the grandtather a morphine addict, and the tather a heroin addict, will the son or daughter become a methadone
or prescription pill addict? Does the child of an alcoholic possess an involuntary inclination to become alcohol
Researchers have been looking fur genetic tactors related to a propensity fur addiction. One study in the United
Kingdom points to brain cell abnormalities present in siblings of drug addicts. The study analyzed brain scans of
50 cocaine addicts and their non-addicted brothers and sisters, as well as 50 random healthy voh.mteers. The
researchers reported finding defects in brain fibers in a certain part of the brain in both the addict-; and their
siblings, but not present in the other volunteers. They believe this discovery could indicate a common thread in
addictive behavior traced to brain abnormalities. What the study is not able to answer is the question as to why
some of the siblings became drug addict-; and the others did not. Hased on such research, it is possible there
could be a common neurological or cellular thread that could lead to addiction. IdentifYing such tactors could
potentially help people in isolating and averting addictive behavior. But these factors are more of an unknown
than a known quantity at this time. Certain familial, environmental and personal factors, however, have
been found to be present in countless cases of drug addiction:
Familial Influences
A child looks up to the parents siblings, and the example they set .inely plays a large role in the
behavior and attitudes of that child. A boy will often want to be like the father, but it goes further: The boy will-
to one degree or another- take on the identity and tmnnerisms of the father. A girl will take on the identity of the
mother. Or any combination can be present the sister who looks up to the big brother, and so on. When one
or more in the household arc drug-addicted or alcoholic, it can rub off on others in the family to a marked
degree. They seck to emulate other members of the same family. This factor alone plays a large role in the stmy
of addiction
Environmental Factors
lbe family is itself an environment, but one's surroundings extend to the street outside, one's friends,
neighborhood, club, gang, school, etc. These play a large part in the addiction equation Kids get offurcd drugs
at a very young age. lbat age seems to get younger and younger each year. Children can be offurcd pills or dope
at 7 or 8 years old. Tfthc family drinks and smokes pot in front of the child, they are setting the stage for drug usc
for that child. At school or amongst peers, whether or not a child or teenager docs dmgs can determine their
social status, how "cool'' they appear, and what kinds of friends they get to hang out with. Dmg usc at a young
age builds up tolerance and fuels a desire fur more potent substances fur the purpose of getting high.
Nowadays, the legal status of certain drugs is also a big influence. In Colorado and Washington State, where
marijuana has been legalized, kids assume, "It's legal. It must be OK." Police and drivers' education
professionals in those states are pulling their hair out as they have no roadside tests (unlike alcohol) to determine
if someone is driving while high. The scourge of quasi-legal synthetic drugs- "Bath Salts" and synthetic cannabis
for example- arc now a nationwide epidemic. Prescription drugs, such as those found in people's medicine
cabinets, also otfur ways fur youth to t,'Ct high on "legal'' substances.
Drugs as
A person does not usually set out with the goal in mind of becoming a drug addict. It is a more gradual process.
All too often the scenario goes a little something like this: A ymmg person has some personal prob !ems, familial
troubles, relationship difficulties, or any number of stresses. They cannot study well; they're very withdrawn in
social situations; they don't know what they want out oflifu; or they could have experienced some sort of trauma
- the death of a close friend or a loved one. Sheer boredom or having no goals in lifu will also trigger drug use.
As a "solution" they tLun to what you could term "chemical escape." Drugs or alcohol make them furget about
their problems. pills and weed lead to cocaine, speed or opiates. The cycle of addiction takes a firm
grip in the person's lite. These days, prescription pill abuse and heroin addiction fued off each other. A $50 per
day pill habit can be replaced by a $15 per day heroin habit, as heroin is now much cheaper in many locations-
particularly along the Interstate 5 corridor where heroin from Mexico is channeled into American cities. Not
evetyonc winds up addicted, but fur the ones that do, it can happen without them even realizing what is going orL
One morning they awake, look in the mirror and discover a drug addict staring back at them.
Combination of Causes
Drugs abuse is fueled by any of the above causes. Normally it is a combination of multiple factors.
After a while, the drug abuse becomes the chief problem, and the personal problems that instigated
the original drug use either fade into the background or increasingly affect the person's life.
Drug education offers a way to intercept the influences that can lead one to turn to drugs. Helping
people to solve their problems a.rmulate goals also goes a long wen preventing drug abuse.
Holistic rehabilitation offers a way to address the multiple factors involved in drug addiction that
have already taken hold.
What characteristics in kids make them likely to do drugs?
by Per Wickstrom
Research and patient experience have revealed certain characteristics that make kids more likely to do drugs.
These characteristics range from the psychological to the environmental They are essential in understanding what
leads to drug use - and, ultimately, in preventing it.
Here we discuss several characteristics that ollen lead children to use drugs.
Low self-esteem and self-doubt
"The decision to abstain from drugs requires a strong degree of self-confidence: the belief that drugs are harmfbl,
the confidence to say no, and the conviction to choose tmrc productive behaviors. Children who are less self.
assured often find it harder to resist drugs. They also tend not to have the same conlidence in a drug- free lite.
Because drugs are also a way to escape lcelings of self-doubt and temporarily boost self:conlidence, those with
lower self-esteem often gravitate to drugs as a way to compensate !Or the delieiency. Drugs become a
compelling "therapy" for low self. esteem.
That is why instilling self-confidcnc.t be a priority among parents. It is o.fthc greatest antidotes to drug
use later in lire.
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What's the best way to stay sober and not relapse?
by Per Wickstrom
Sobriety shouldn't reel like plillishment or purgatory- it should be celebrated as the wonderful gift you've given
yoursel[ In finding the clarity to become sober, you've given up old fears and negative ways of thinking. Tbat is
an accomplishment that should give you a great deal of pride and comf.Ort that you are living[ ... ]
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Facts About Marijuana
by Drug Rehabilitation
What is marijuana? Marijuana (grass, pot, weed) is the cormnon name f.Or a crude drug rmde from the plant
Cannabis sativa. The main mind-altering (psychoactive) ingredient in marijuana is THC (dclta-9-
tctrahydrocannabinoQ, but more than400 other chemicals also arc in the plant. A marijuana 'joint" (cigarette) is
made from the dried patticlcs of the p !ant. [ ... J
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How Does Marijuana Affect the Brain?
by Drug Rehabilitation
Pot, weed, grass, ganja and sktmk, arc some of the comrmn words used to dcscnbc the dried leaves drug
known as marijuana. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is '\ISually srmkcd or eaten to entice euphoria." (I).
Throughout the years, there has been research on the negative and positive c!fucts of marijuana on the human
body[ ... ]
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What are the Affects of Marijuana
by Drug Rehabilitation
Effects on the Brain As Tl lC enters the brain, it catiSes the LISer to fuel euphoric --{)r high -by acting on the
brain's reward system, which is rmdc up of regions that govern the response to pleasurable things like sex and
chocolate, as well as to rnost drugs ofabtiSc. Tl IC activates the reward system in the[ ... ]
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Cocaine in the Brain
by Dmg Rehabilitation
"Cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure- and despair- beyond the bmmds of normal hwnan experience."
During the 1980s, Partnership ror a Dmg Free America began airing commercials that seem to either fi-ighten or
educate people about the use of illegal dmgs. One of these commercials avowed, "No one ever says, '[want to
[ ... ]
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What are the Affects of Cocaine?
by Dmg Rehabilitation
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant dmg. The powdered hydrochloride salt rorm of cocaine can be
snorted or dissolved in water and then injected. Crack is the street name given to the form of cocaine that has
been processed to make a rock which, when heated, produces vapors that are smoked. The term
"crack"[ ... ]
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How Does Cocaine Affect the Brain?
by Dmg Rehabilitation
A highly addictive substance, Cocaine is usually seen as a powdered hydrochloride salt which is most commonly
snorted, although it is also dissolved and injected. Crack is another furm of cocaine. This is a crystalline rorm of
cocaine which has not been treated with acids to produce the fi1miliar powdered rorm Crack cocaine is heated
[ ... ]
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How to Tell if You're Kids are Using Drugs
by Dmg Rehabilitation
111e first line of defense today to help chiklren combat the war on drugs are their parents. Today's parents are in
the best position to sec dmg usc in the fumily as well as to stop it It is a hard process to overcome but there
have been many fumilies who have dedicated themselves with[ ... J
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