Proverbs 31 Summary

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PROVERBS 31 The chapter begins with King Lemuel recounting advice his mother had given him.

She exhorted him to not fall to weaknesses that would compromise his position as king, but to care for the poor. One of the weaknesses she mentioned was the susceptibility of his strengthor noble character (31:10)to be harmed by improper relationships with women. Although verses 10-31 do not directly follow this warning in the original, they do illustrate a fitting description of what kind of woman Lemuel should seek. A good, supportive, trusting wife is a blessing to a man. A woman who partners with her husband, who is reliable, and looks out for his interests, gives a man a security that is greatly lacking in the world. She is worth more than a substantial paycheck. To bring in the metaphor, wisdom provides the same benefitsit is worth more than money, you can always trust it to make the right decision, and it provides blessings for those who have it. The wife of Proverbs 31 isnt afraid of work. She gets up in the morning and gets things done. In the time of Solomon, this as a varied role as today, but verse 27 certainly applies directly to us todaytaking care of our responsibilities is a characteristic of wisdom. Another characteristic of wisdom is the grace to help others. The Proverbs 31 wife ensures that those under her care receive what they needfood, clothing, protection. And she is able to serve others out of the excess of her work and the leaning of her heart. She has so internalized her role as a provider that it extends past her immediate responsibilities and into the community. Beyond that, shes very savvy. Shes educated about the world and the world of business. She knows how to use her skills to provide for her family, and shes not afraid to go interact with that world, whether it be as a merchant or a buyer. She knows how to use her strengths to her best advantage, and she fully realizes how valuable her efforts are. The Proverbs 31 woman not only knows her worth, she knows her responsibilities to herself. She makes sure her appearance reflects her respected position. Her greatest strength is her wisdomher accurate judgment about the world and her influence in it. And she is quick to share the wisdom she has gained to encourage others to reach their potential. She knows that, as a partner in her marriage, she has a tremendous influence on her husbands life and she integrates that with her own in a domestic and professional manner. The Proverbs 31 wife is a fierce provider and protector for those she cares about. She is wise to the ways of the world, but lives by the wisdom of God. As in the rest of the Proverbs, these specific examples provide a metaphor for the larger truth. How any individual woman exemplifies these characteristics will depend on her situation, gifts, and abilities. The key is in verse 30, just as it is in the beginning of Proverbs, in ch 1:7 But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. 1. She is invaluable. (Proverbs 31:10) - She is irreplaceable and rare as precious stones. She possesses the capacity to make a good man a better man. 2. She is a devoted companion. (Proverbs 31:11 12) - A virtuous woman is both devoted to her mate and is completely trustworthy. Everything she does is for the benefit of her family therefore her judgment can trusted in any situation. She is consistent in her mannerisms, therefore she does treat her companion admirably one moment then antagonize him at another. 3. She is a prudent homemaker. (Proverbs 31:13 19) - She utilizes both her time and resources wisely and is an early riser; She is typically the first person to wake each day and uses these quiet hours to meditate, pray, and prepare for the day's events; She is conscientious regarding her spending and follows a budget that meets the needs of the family. She shops for products that provide the best value and quality; She possesses a wealth of inner strength and shares her wisdom with the less experienced women in her life. Even when she is feeling ill she does not neglect the needs of her family and is able to get proper rest without overindulging in sleep.

4. She is altruistic. (Proverbs 31: 20) - She is unselfishly therefore she shares with those that are less fortunate. She demonstrates sincere concern for the welfare of others. Not only does she make monetary contributions but she also volunteers her time and service to her community. 5. She is multifaceted. (Proverbs 31:21 24) - Her major concern is for the welfare of her family in every aspect. She does not become anxious or stressed due to unexpected hardships because she has properly planned and made provisions for such circumstances. Although she is cautious of her spending and stays within her budget she is still able to afford beautification products and appealing attire that make her feel and look like an attractive woman. Her outer appearance should complement her inner beauty. She is not vain but she is definitely blessed and she should look the part. She does what she can to help manage the household income and may also provide an additional source of income. 6. She is fervent yet poised. (Proverbs 31:25) - She carries herself with dignity and strength yet she is also elegant and graceful. Although she must be strong and firm to effectively lead her household she must also remember that she is still a woman and should also be docile and compassionate. 7. She is wise. (Proverbs 31:26) - She is a teacher. She does not sit idly by and watch her young sisters make senseless mistakes. Instead she instructs them on how to carry themselves as God-fearing and respectable women and leads by example. She is mindful to adhere to the wisdom of her elders. 8. She is praiseworthy. (Proverbs 31:27 29) - She is praised within the community and by her own family members. They realise her worth and are appreciative of her efforts and her support. 9. She is God-fearing. (Proverbs 31:30) - She has the love of God in her heart. The words that come out of her mouth are an indication of what is in her heart. She is beautiful inside and out. The possession of external beauty alone is deceitful and vain if it does not match who you truly are in your heart. 10. She is honored. (Proverbs 31:31) - She does not seek out praise because her integrity speaks for itself. The only reward she seeks is to fulfil the will of God, and the success and happiness of her family. She is worthy of praise, therefore she is honoured not only by her family but by the members of her community as well. Proverbs 31:10-31 are verses known for describing the ideal wife. She is never lazy, always staying up late and getting up early to provide food and clothing for her household. She shares all her goods with the poor, is financially wise and is never fearful of the "days to come". Her husband and children constantly praise and love her, speaking of her to all they meet. We can tend to think this is a woman who doesn't exist! It isn't easy, is it? And it's not supposed to be. Being a wife and a mother requires much self-discipline, selflessness, and a deep dependence on God as a daily source of grace. There is no way we can measure up to these standards on our own, but with the help of God, we can grow into what He has desired us to be as a wife, mother and friend.

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