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the Ntun Treatise NsambiaMpungo introduction

Ultimately, we are all Africans. Studies of DNA mitochondria have proven that all humans are descended from a small population (less than one hundred individuals) that emerged from Africa about 60,000 years. The texts of religious writings as well as the oldest monotheistic religion documented first developed in Africa. During the European Dark Ages, many ancient manuscripts were preserved African libraries in places such as Ethiopia and Timbuctoo. The Ntun contains the sacred texts on spirituality traditional African Bantu tribe and their descendants in the new world. Find books about African religion and belief spiritual at that time was not difficult. These books have great amount of useful information on all past and survived father to son, both

oral and written tradition of the members of Rule, before they were destroyed or greatly modified the colonialism of traditional culture. Africa is home to the first rich religious tradition and which others are nurtured.

Muanantu Bambooto
The Start & Foundation Of Religion Palo Monte Mayombe Holy Rule Kimbisa Sarabanda
Sala Malecum. Munambo,Komo diambo amda Mpangui? Here it is, Ta 'El Brujo L ... a Guanaco Congo That One Day World Tecie Aqaba. What I Saluda. The Sarabandero. Never Tecia Mad Dog Face! Open Kutu, Guise!

Guise 1. Long ago, but a lot of time in the beginning of time, Nzambi the creator of the great world did Bantu, the Father of Mankind. Bantu Nzambi gave a large piece of land, side by side, from horizon to horizon. In this land were rivers, valleys, forests and this had fruits, vegetables and nuts all classes. Also as a resident in the land of Bantu were animals of all kinds. Nzambi lived on top of the Great Mountain Mayombe.

Guise 2. One day Nzambi Bantu carried to the top of the mountain that Bantu could see all his land. Nzambi showed a point which stood a Kunie Nkambo (a Stick, a huge tree) and told him out there to build your home at the Mt. The site with the tree Kunie huge Nkambo was called Khoisan. Nzambi told Bantu, whenever you have a problem, you take a goat of the land animals, and sacrificed under the tree Kunie Nkambo and raises his arms to the mountain Mayombe and come help.

Guise 3. Bantu down the mountain to the site that had shown. When he arrived there he found a beautiful woman waiting for by it. He named her Mumbi and took her as his wife. Guise 4. Bantu and Mumbi had nine daughters but had no no children. When the daughters had become girls Bantu would marry them but there was no one to marry girls. He decided to go to the great mountain and ask God for help.

Guise 5. When he arrived at the summit of Mount Mayombe Nzambi found and told him his problem. Nzambi told him of new home and sacrificed 8 lambs and a goat under the Stick Kunie Nkambo and his problem would be solved. Bantu did what Nzambi I send and smoke of sacrifice appeared nine men young and strong.

Guise 6. Bantu married young men with their daughters. Y nine pairs came nine Bantu clans. Soon, the clans of Bantu filled the whole earth from horizon to horizon.

Guise 7. Bantu went to Nzambi and I thanked him and Nzambi he swore he would never close to a valley that had reserved, inhabited by certain animals to be respected. Bantu reported this to his family and made them swear not all go to the Sacred Valley.

Guise 8. Two brothers, descendants of Bantu, Masilo and Masilonyane, were hunting together and it happened that the most young Masilonyane, he won the curious to see what was in the valley sacred, and saw some beautiful animals drinking water and would forgetting the promise to hunt and Nzambi Bantu, he rose by flat stone on the edge of the valley but the stone could not withstand the weight trembled Masilonyane and fell off the cliff into the water and the stones fell above.

Guise 9. He tried to take the stone off after trying in vain several times, he called his brother for help, and Masilo came running to help his brother was wounded and could not walking,

Masilo the office and began to return to the tribe. Masilonyane bleeding, trembling with cold and was turning blue, but the day was long.

Guise 10. To reach the tribe and was very hurt and Masilonyane did not last long and died from wounds and disease and Bantu ran to the mountain where God told Nzambi, Make a Nganga Masilonyane the body and that this force will Nkisi to cure or kill, and give you a remedy for all, there should their sacrifice and give their offerings forever and I will come to help when you have problems, but you must be obedient and now in forward and forever shall be barred and his blood oath of Nzambi obedience to me, so all remember their oaths. So was born the first religion or Regla de Palo Monte Mayombe. Guise 11. Much, much, much later born Ycara around 3028 B.C. in the land of Africa Bantu tribes like many other nations of that period of time is called now by another name. He grew up in a pretty poor, but comfortable in one of the larger towns. By becoming a man was initiated in Palo Monte Mayombe religion as an apprentice healer and prophet as was the custom of his family. Then he also became a father, high priest and leader of his people and many of the other people.

Guise 12. Ycara was not completely satisfied, he had many questions unanswered and wanted to know the answers to these questions and the truth, and at the age of 27 years, A.C. 3001 it took its Nganga, climbed the Mountain Mayombe did sacrifices and started calling and meditate on the matter. He climbed the mountain away from his people, fasting and meditating for three months. Guise 13. One night during a terrible storm of rain and

lightning, the clouds suddenly left and all stayed very still. Suddenly a bright light appeared near Ycara and materialized spirit form beside Ycara. Ycara was agitated, he had never witness such a thing in his life. Guise 14. A spirit had suddenly materialized in the as a nice man and spoke to Ycara strong and told him not afraid that he had been sent by the Creator to tell the truth of all things. He said his name was Saraband and he was a mpungo, a divine spirit who lives in the abode of the Creator, Supreme God, Omnipotent and Omniscient and was Ycara chosen to carry people across the land out of the way of darkness and ignorance. Guise 15. Sarabanda Ycara told that the Creator is called Nzambi Mpungu, known as Nsambi, Nsambia Mpungo, Insambi, Sambia or Sambi, who is first and foremost the Creator. Of your hand comes all that exists and will exist. Sambi's work from the most tiny to larger; it harder, softer, and what is not grabs, air, fire, thinking. How much is here on earth, seas, rivers, mountains, trees, herbs, animals, bugs, and up there in the sky, sun, clouds, moon, stars. All that and what does not and what is not known, did Sambi. The conformation of the body comes directly from human hands Sambi, who also teach them everything and practice magic, both good and bad. Sambia prepared menga (blood) running through the veins and move bodies, gives them life, and the nkutu (by ear) blew them intelligence and now give the Guise (words) of your ntun (Wisdom) to understand. Guise 16. Insambi has not finished his work on immeasurable, which has continued Insambi govern everything and continues

ordering the most insignificant, the air does not dare to move a leaf, a fly or flies, or pass anything here or in the kimbandas, without his not available. It is incomprehensible, inaccessible and invisible, he does not see all, and sees an ant in the night and takes away the eye above. He knows all our secrets. Nsambi is the owner of life and death. Nsambi, serves as judge. Both on land and after death punishes the wicked, and brings us the account, our good and bad deeds. Guise 17. Zarabanda Sambi said means the energy, thought he was a great all thought that has created everything, Sambi that created everything perfect, just the man did imperfect, Sambi is both positive and negative, male and female, and all he had and there is in fact the manifestation of Sambi, that all he had and there is God who is God Ycara that he is God, trees, flowers, clouds, water, animals, birds, fish, mountains, rivers, rocks, sand, wind, storms, the sky, the stars and everything is God in the beginning was the Power Thought and thought everything, and everything was done, Thought as was the Creator, God created the Thought of he thought, and nothing was created except for the same, because all that had, or ever came to be, was it, that the Creator does not wanted to keep away any secrets of humanity. Guise 18. Sarabanda told that the Creator would instruct you Ycara, to go over all the earth and tell everyone what they wanted listen, the truth of all things, and to tell the mysteries of all things. Zarabanda said that every human at birth were was implanted in them the power of the Creator, that man must learn to use this power in a positive way first, and so could have anything you want, provided it is positive in

every action and thought. If you use this power in hand, for negative purposes, would destroy the future. He said that the Creator fixed rules or laws made for man to live, and there was a Plan Master or formula in which all things were created, but if the bad man employed this power, would be against him, that this power only attempt should be used for good, and would serve well. She said everything around him was just there with him and all his creatures, that humans were not the only people, because there are people animal, plant individuals, those stones, people fish, snakes and people of each species had people, who all had an understanding, but the man had not come to understand this because the man had misused his power and had fallen from the grace of the Creator. Guise 19. Zarabanda told Ycara down the mountain and brings together some of those who listen to these things and travel to all parts of the earth and say by the way these truths to others, because there are those who continue misusing these powers, some things should be kept confidential and only teach those with good intentions, and could be called a Kimbisa follower of these things, and learn from these teachings secret they should start and sworn to secrecy as they have done. Until that Palo Mayombe then nothing else was dead and Palo Monte is born Kimbisa Mayombe. Guise 20. Sarabanda then told many things secret. Shortly thereafter, Ycara left and down the mountain and was among his people and told them what had happened while he was on the mountain and the message given by Sarabande. People astonished to hear of such things, but they respected to Ycara because he was her Tata and High Priest, and they listened carefully to what

he told them and they accepted. Guise 21. One day, Ycara collected some of his superiors of his people and told them to prepare that he was almost ready to go in all land and spread the truth of all things, but first he must return to the same mountains for more instructions, as Sarabande had told him to return for further instruction when he was ready to go. Ycara was again to the same place when before in the mountains. He called and called Sarabande, but received no reply. He mused after this for days, thinking that would Sarabanda when the time was right. Guise 22. One night while he was meditating, a terrible storm arose, lightning and thunder, shaking the earth on which he was standing. Suddenly a light strand appeared in the clouds, the storm stopped and a voice louder than thunder you spoke, saying; Guise 23. I am Nsambia, the Creator. I have chosen you, Ycara, to be my messenger of this land, go through all the earth and spread the truth of all things. Among the tribes and people land many good and many religions teachings good there, but they do not know the truth of all things, therefore see in all the earth and teach the things I will instruct you. I did all there, and done everything perfect, and it means that man should keep everything perfect, and also gave man the power to do with the world as he pleases. If you do positive things, only positive things will come to you, and come to you tenfold. If you do the negative things, negative things only come to you and return ten times. You must not only act positive, but you must think positive Also, for your thoughts alone, are powerful.

Guise 24. Everyone I know, you know, what I can do, you can do. I will send you an army of mpungos divine spirits will watch over you and protect you, but you think and act positive, because otherwise they can not protect you. Guise 25. All must be born again with the Kimba (the initiation) to be worthy to meet me at my home. I sent the spirits of my home and gave them material bodies and put them in the earth to help each other and would live in harmony, so that prove to be worth living in my home, but many chose not getting along with each other or each other, those should be born again, and in every life, those work harder to be positive and come to my home. Guise 26. Children who leave their bodies before the age nine years come directly to me, because they are in their late Renaissance. Those who leave their bodies fifty year twenty-five years living in the next life, and come to my home. Those who live well beyond all others as well come to my home. Guise 27. My abode is called Munansulu because Munansulu means the place of the Creator. There are three levels in my home. The first is for the saints, those who have given their lives to extend my message to others, his is the throne, which I am and what my home. At this level, his power is unlimited, they will think and thoughts become things, and they will create no end, and power will be without end. Guise 28. The second level is for those I have served well, but has often fallen by the wayside, His is the garden where they will live in happiness for all eternity, but not create with me. The third level is for

those who live by the things that I teach, but who fall of grace before the presence of my saints, This is the realm outside a place that I call the Kumancongo. This is the place of expected before the Renaissance, but there are those who remain in the Kumancongo for eternity according to their works. There are those that will remain here for many aeon of time before returning to meat and will once again among mankind. Guise 29. I have also created for those Lurian Bansa they chose not to live by any of these things, but chose live in a negative way. They will be called children of Lurian Bansa, because their spirits are negative spirits, and Bansa Lurian follow when Lurian Bansa is the negative. Children will Lurian Bansa, will steal the problem and positive people but go to the Lurian Bansa, the kingdom of darkness outside of endless torment, and be governed by the forces of darkness and destruction. Guise 30. From this day forward I will open your mind and know many of my secrets and how to use your power. I will recite to you many confidential teachings say, but a select few because there will be those who would use these things wrong, but many things I'll teach you not be a secret, and they do not can do damage. Guise 31. You write these teachings on papyrus, in stone, clay tablets, leather and wood of trees, which they become a permanent record of all these things and call these The teachings Ntun which means the words of the creator to be given to all mankind. Also write your mission in this register extend the whole truth. Guise 32. All the secrets that I will not be written to instruct

in this book, but pass on word of mouth to ear by the generations to come. Now go around the world, after receiving all my instructions and extends the truth of all those things they want to hear the truth, that I have said. Guise 33. Ycara then stayed in the mountains for some time to write on papyrus, textiles, stone and gravestones Sambi clay messages given, and that was the Ntun. Guise 34. After Ycara had recorded in this place all that he had received it under the mountain and back again between the People and told them what had happened and asked them to return to the mountains with him and bring the files. Guise 35. Shortly thereafter, the major returned with him and pulled the files of the mountains. Returning to his village. They made the binding treaties. Shortly after this Ycara with a small group of his supporters walk out land to the north and a group of followers was and entered the lands east, west and south to spread the truth of all things. Guise 36. After traveling for some time, and Ycara small Nganga came to ancient Egypt, then a small tribe and nation. They discovered is this little tribe a group of people to whom they taught the truth of all things, and these people were eager to learn these strange teachings. They were among these people for almost four years and many of the tribe got into the Faith of Ycara, and many of the people of Ycara married people in this Egyptian tribe and stood among them. Guise 37. Hence, the band traveled over the north Ycara even, and entering what in this is Turkey. As

Ycara was here, he went to the mountains alone and there SAMBI of speak again, and called them Witch followers which means "Leader Since Divine In The Land Of God Serving Humanity "or "People Learned From God" or "Apostles of Light Created" and told Ycara start Kimbiza tribe among the people of Palo and enable them to take care each other, and also told Ycara return to this same place and receive instructions on another point in the future. Ycara down the mountain and went between his people and prepared the Kimbiza tribal system. Guise 38. Ycara taught all who would listen, the truth of all things and many of the tribes among Turks Rule went into and came to his tribe. Guise 39. Again Ycara returned to the mountains and went to place Sambi told him. Sambi appeared in the form of a man and placing both hands slightly on each side of the Ycara head, crowned and he named the Nfumo Bata, while saying that he was the father of his people, their spiritual leader, visionary saint, prophet and leader all. Sambi then left him and told him wait there, that he would send another messenger to deliver the Munansulu priesthood to him. Guise 40. After Sambi had left briefly after this, a divine spirit mpungo a child materialized Ycara before. He said his name was Nkuyo (Lucero), which is was instructed by Sambi to deliver to the priesthood of Munansulu Ycara, that this shall be given to all persons worthy of Palo Monte Mayombe Holy Rule Kimbisa Sarabande. He said Ycara should remain the Nfumo Whisk until he left his Munansulu village and enter that before he was going to Munansulu that he should appoint a new Nfumo Bata among Tatas or Yayas,

Kintuala Nkisi the high priests. Guise 41. Nkuyo told that their priests should be Nkintuala Nkisi, Nkintuala Nkisis that were the highest of the priests that the Nkisi Nkintuala means blood brother of the man, that Nkisis Nkintuala should devote their entire lives to humanity. Nkuyo Nfumo Bata said the title was not a priesthood, but the Nkisi Nkintuala be above nations were following and that they must select the new Bata Nfumo including the death each Nfumo Bata, Bata Nfumo and that should serve for life. Nkuyo said that all the priesthood, women and the men should hold the priesthood, and should have a council 21 Nkintuala Nkisis holy consisting women and men had to decide all issues regarding the spread of truth to all nations and select a Beat Nfumo including any High Priest worthy to become the new Bata Nfumo after Nfumo death of former Bata, to be altogether a total of Nkintuala twenty-seven Nkisis, but only 21 had to sit in this holy council, that these 21 could select any of the be the next twenty-seven for Nfumo Bata. Nkuyo said that both Men and women may become the Nfumo Bata and at Beat a Nfumo crowned by the Patriarch or Matriarch Supreme, the Beat again Nfumo should take a new name by which she or he Munansulu be known in the land and thereafter. Guise 42. Nkuyo SAMBI said would give the names of how Beat the new Nfumo be called, that the names had already been chosen beforehand. Lucero said that this was the priesthood of Munansulu and that no other religion should use this priesthood or from entering Munansulu only beginners or scratch here with us. Nkuyo said three priesthoods, levels or degrees, within the

Son or Daughter rule Inkisi first, second Inkisi Parent and third Tata or Yaya. They mean the steps of developing a Wizard. So they can progress easily and naturally. Guise 43. In the first grade is the key word I want, that is "desire" to learn. "Son or Daughter Inkisi Who Look Behind You Cloak of the Ancient Mysteries and Doctrines. " Guise 44. In the second grade is the key word Perseverance, that is to persevere to get to the End "Father Inkise or Inkise Mother's Who Know God Face to face without dying. "This indicates very clearly that high levels of knowledge you must have to complete this level and this is achieved step by step. At this level the Power and strength are at your command to use as You wish. Guise 45. In the third grade is the key word domain, this is the domain and control of things. This is the last step of the way. "Tata or Yaya's Who knows, may, however Challenge and Save Silence. " Guise 46. Lucero said that even they would charge and responsibilities later when the fans have grown to larger numbers. Guise 47. Nkuyo said Nsala Malecum means that La Paz be with you and meant Nsala Malecum Peace be with you too. That means Kiwa so, it must be so well and will enable ritual. Ajilaam That means many things and was the word that Sambi every time he said he had created something, which means it is sealed, so, it will, greetings, go in peace, and with this I agree. Guise 48. Lucero said they could start to anyone qualifying and worthy Ycara told anyone who would serve the totally sacred oath he had taken in their initiation and would fall from grace, he could become a Master and enters Munansulu when your mission is complete, he will not die in the

meat, but would leave his body straight Munansulu. Guise 49. Lucero said all Nfumo Bata served, and not fall from grace go straight to Munansulu to their deaths. He Nfumo said Bata had only the right and authority to remove the priesthood of any of the followers of Palo. Lucero told that women were second, that no one was second, but all were first. He said the only way a Nfumo Beat could remove the priesthood of a serious person placing certain labels and patipembas with your name and revoking the secret words and his priesthood would be revoked, that certain ways and certain types of firms or patipembas can remove his priesthood forever or for a time until it was restored again, this survey therefore could not break the rights taken away from a be recognized in the priesthood and would Munansulu ligand. Also said that at the age of twelve could be a priest, and that a date Sambi later would say to any future Bata Nfumo that if they must change the age requirement so that the priesthood should be or should be. Guise 50. Nkuyo taitas said all the men of the class ruling if they could wear beards and long hair as a sign SAMBI service to which all the females of the ruling class if might want to let your hair grow long as a sign of service Sambi. Guise 51. Nkuyo said priests should rule high tribes and nations so that all benefit from the blessings of Sambia power was given to all mankind. He said all initiated must wear certain clothes when they were in the council, but Sambi say what these dresses would be to Ycara and colors, and that would be recorded in the Ntun.

Guise 52. After Ycara Nkuyo had told many more secret things not recorded on the Ntun, Ycara under the mountains and was among his followers and ordered all those worthy hold the priesthood several Nkuyo as instructed. Guise 53. Shortly thereafter, with half Ycara his tribe was to ancient Italy. There Ycara taught among the tribes of these persons. Most of the tribes was a cruel and rude people, and some of them started in Palo, but most treatment scare people Ycara and bring harm against them, but all those people doing bad things to the Ycara people encountered foreign disasters, disappearance and death. They were frightened of the band and Ycara left them alone. Guise 54. After Ycara had fallen between these people for some time, and brought many of these Rule Kimbiza people, he and his band continued to the east a once more. The ancient Italians who had come after Rule got out of faith, and began the Roman Empire and the Church Catholic, which robbed the High Priesthood Munansulu and many of the secrets of Witch Rule and even killing many, although many remained with Rule traveled with Ycara out of the land of their land to the east. Guise 55. In Ycara trips entered in Ancient Arabia Persia, Europe, Russia, India, China, Japan, Siam, the islands Mediterranean, France, Spain, England and Scandinavia. Their Priests placed the candle to the old North and South America and Pacific Islands. They built towns in Ancient Israel, Syria, Armenia, Turkey, Persia, India, Tibet, China, Germany, England and Italy. They formed their own armies. Prepared their own

forms of government and religion grew over six million followers worldwide. Guise 56. Most of the history of Warlocks has shrouded in mystery as many of the files, records and treaties were destroyed by the Christians when they took the order. The destruction and burning of files, records and treaties former is a historical fact, as the burning of libraries and libraries in Alexandria, the burning of Rome by Teutonic tribes, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, hunting and burning of witches, and many other numerous attacks on our religion, from attacks by scientific theory that were different to those that came with the superior military power. Most written records and treaties that exist today is because it comes from the ancient secret studies passed from father to son in the rule, as it set up for that Created time. So the Wizards knew that a large negative power would to enslave many on earth and were advised not to oppose in that moment, because the suffering caused by this negative force was necessary to cause a change in the future in consciousness help induce human universal spiritual awakening to their time. The Wizards were advised to go in secret societies, teach in secret and wait until they mpungos and higher told what was the right time to bring back his teachings everyone. Guise 57. For the year 1 B.C. there were approximately ten thousand witches in the world and all its numbers were completely confidential, they had become completely secret under the occult religion. All religions were based on teachings of the sorcerers, the ancient Egyptian, Indian, Gypsy, and Tibetan religions, etc. and most of these religions came from the witches and indeed many of the wizards began after Ycara their own religions, rules and houses in several countries in our

religion, witchcraft. Time changed much for the religion of Palo and his followers, but the original teachings remain today, Kimbizas held by the hardliners who is who wins and who managed to keep religion alive for thousands of years, and still secret. Guise 58. There are witches everywhere today, from drivers to doctors, janitors, politicians, workers to executives, etc.. Has our prophets predicted that the population will be much more Witch of the six million that once belonged originally to the rule and religion is the richest on earth, has the largest complex any religion and is still the most perfect sophisticated form government of any religious group. Witchcraft is not a cult, is an established religion, the old way is the oldest religion world, even more, witchcraft is the first religion that gave life to everything other. The Ntun Words del Creador The second time was in the mountains Ycara told SAMBI and taxing to write on papyrus, stone, brick and leather aces in what you all things that humans want to know. These writings became known as THE NTUN or Words of the Creator. It took many years to complete Ycara. Because THE NTUN was very long, and about many things and issues. Ycara Sambi told to put the many teachings in Guise Listen meaning. Here, then, is the full NTUN. Open Kutu, Guise!

Seven Kanuni Rules & Regulations These muanantu or get treated after initiation

Here, each containing 21 wise for salvation and welfare and happiness. Achieve all your desires and go to munasulu with the creator. Muanantu Fatibeli, Kimbo, Kimba Treaty Oaths MuanantuSimbe, Tuma Nganga Commandments Treaty Pledge Amura Muanantu Treaty DelCabildo Ordinances Law Treaty Mwanasheria Muanantu DelSarabandero Fanya Muanantu Sarabandero Treaty Of Duties The Priest MuanantuShartiTratadoObligaciones Treaty Munalanga MuanantuSongue Fundamentals Nsambianpungo MuanantuBisikanda DelSarabandero Treaty

Yesi Muanantu Principle 1 The Treaty Guise 1. In the beginning was the Power. Thinking was pure energy. Thought thought of himself, and knew who he was, and knew he was alone. Thought thought of other things. He dreamed of dreams, and dreams turned things. Thought met His power, and thought more, and all that he thought Thought is materialized. And all there, Thought thought and materialized. Guise 2. Thought Before, there was nothing, and nothing Thought was formed. Guise 3. Thought he knew who he was, and was all that had. Thought you said everything, because everything there is, is Thought. All creation is the manifestation of Thought, and Thought is everything. Guise 4. At the beginning the Creator made everything perfect, and everything that the Creator created was perfect. Guise 5. Thought turned to the Creator of all

there. Thought turned in Nsambi Mpungo because Sambi is the Creator. Guise 6. Sambi put each building on a different level, but because Sambi created everything, and everything is Sambi, all be exalted, and all are alike. There are human persons, animal people, people of the sea, bird people, the stone persons, persons tree, those plants and consequently space people. They are all people, because everything is equal. All are smart, everyone knows, all are the power. Guise 7. I have put one in person before the other, to guide and teach all others. I've put a God in every different part of me because my kingdom is vast and immense. Air is the Eagle. The sea, is the white whale. From the earth is snake. Forest is the bear and the lion. The trees are blue spruce. Of the grass is bamboo. Of flowers is the rose. Of herbs is the dandelion. Of minerals is sulfur. Metal is gold. Of is the ruby gems. Warmth of the sun. The cold is the moon. Force is the elephant and the big bear. In humans, are the Sorcerers governing all things. Is emptied of air, Of the world unseen spirits, and mpungos governing all things. Guise 8. The circle is the secret that creates all things. In all what you do, do with the circle because the circle is me. Guise 9. I have given my life to all, If you use this power wisely, you can have whatever you want, If you do not use this power wisely, you will destroy everything you have. Guise 10. As you go through life, helps all those who are in need of help. Let them not ask, and give yourself to help.

Guise 11. Whatever you do, do as I do, and So I do, because otherwise is against me, and you do not prevail against me a long time. Guise 12. Everything you do will return to you ten times, and if you against me, come back to you a hundred times. If you do good, as will you. If not, the same back to you. Guise 13. Everything you do to you, only you pay, and only you must return. Guise 14. If you know in your heart that someone does well, helps him to continue doing well. Guise 15. Do unto others as you would to you. Guise 16. Some people I worship their own way. If is a positive way, let them do it their own way, because any way that is positive is the right way. Guise 17. Wherever You are, or how you should go among men, tell the truth of all things that I have spoken. Guise 18. I have made some laws for man and did a perfect plan, I made the karma and give words to live, where only man is punishable or can reward it. Guise 19. If someone is in need, help, as you are capable. If you do not help those in need, you lose everything you have. Guise 20. I have put together different types of creatures to work together and live in harmony. When these creatures learn the way of harmony, then they will come to me and will live in my home. Guise 21. I select those humans who must serve and must extend my word to all mankind, and who have

want to revoke, I will return to these, and these will not come to me home, because only know misery. Guise 22. Who becomes the truth is not free, but he who thirsts for truth, will be free. Guise 23. All what I have created are equal to one, if not accept my creation, I do not agree, and I do not accept you. Guise 24. You must open your mind and you must understand that what I I have created is perfect. Guise 25. You attack those you do wrong, or I back to you. Guise 26. You must love all my creation, or I can not love you. Guise 27. Those who take life as I say, lose his. Guise 28. Do not raise a weapon against another, or war another, or take the lives of those who took a life, because only I I can give and I can take life. Those who take their own lives, I will destroy. Guise 29. If you remove your own life, or not go into my home. Guise 30. He who strives to find the perfect, and he dominates the perfection that is called love. Guise 31. Do not call any honorable man, but you same, because who is more honorable than you? Neither will say "Your honor" or "More honorable." Who calls another "honorable" has no honor itself. Guise 32. Everything you do to me, must be clean, because cleanliness is next to me. Guise 33. Share your wealth with those in need and have even more wealth. Guise 34. Do not follow others, but for others to guide follow. Guise 35. When you talk to me, shout and sing again and again,

and the voice is heard, and demand will be answered. Guise 36. Who is looking for a good way to find a good way. Guise 37. Know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Guise 38. If a man seeks a lie, he will not find true, but if a man seeks the truth, he will find the truth. Guise 39. What did he gain a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Guise 40. A fool and his money is ending soon, but the money does dumb. Guise 41. The man who says there is no God, refuses to himself, because he is not God? Guise 42. Everything is God. If a man says he God, he is God, because everything is God. Guise 43. If a man lacks wisdom, it is better for him, silence, which lead to the other astray. Guise 44. Who does not share his wisdom, has no wisdom at all. Guise 45. If a man says he knows this and that, but not done this or that, he should be silent, so he does not become a fool. Guise 46. Who speaks ill of another should not speak at all, because he will be moving in the next life. Guise 47. Who enjoys the pain of another, you will not hear in the next life. Guise 48. Who sees and enjoys seeing the suffering, will blind in his next life. Guise 49. Who crushes another will deform in the afterlife. Guise 50. Everything you do in life will reflect your next life.

Guise 51. You must be born in many lives to prove worth living in my home. Guise 52. You must be born of Kimba (initiation) or able to any way come into my home. Guise 53. Unless a man be born again and scratching, he can not enter into the kingdom of God. Guise 54. Be perfect. You must be perfect because I created you perfect, or you can not in any way come into my home. Guise 55. There are many ways to me, but the shortest is also the fastest. Guise 56. My way which I can show you the path shorter and quicker to me. Guise 57. If you know and feel the goodness in the heart, demonstrate to others to know and feel it. Guise 58. It is better to give one piece of bread from a man poor, who eat it yourself, being poor in spirit. Guise 59. Outweigh the spiritual gifts of gifts Gold. Guise 60. If a man seeks the truth, help find it, but if a man seeks a lie, let him find one. Guise 61. Obey a law which is the negative makes that man also negative. Guise 62. Give to the poor in spirit and you will be wealthy in your hearts. Guise 63. If you have something to say, say it, but if you talk silly do not tell. Guise 64. Drink a cup of truth, that you are not thirsty good knowledge. Guise 65. The way to wealth is through the heart. Give to those who have less than you and you will receive ten times more. Guise 66. Do not die for the land, but die by the Brother, you have land to dwell on it. Guise 67. Enter the door and solve the mystery all

mysteries. Guise 68. Do not say, I do not like this or that until 've tried this or that. Guise 69. Do not call any man of honor, except you himself because he is more honorable than you. Are not you God? I know you God within you. Guise 70. Do not look to the sky or a dark place God, because God is within you. Guise 71. Do not run from the strife and struggle, but destroy it with good works. Guise 72. Do not seek revenge on those that make you damage, but forgive and you nganga mpungos and revenge. Guise 73. If a man curses you, bless and curse removed. Guise 74. If you fall from the truth, you pick yourself and Hang to the truth. Guise 75. Darkness is the negative way, and luminosity is the positive way in your heart decides which way you go. Guise 76. The way the total is for clarification good jobs, good thoughts, do not look any further way, because you will not find. Guise 77. If a man says he will not give and he has two times more than you, he will lose everything you have. Guise 78. What is not yours, do not take it, or lose all what you have. Guise 79. It's best guide to follow. Guise 80. Defend yourself against your enemies and your enemies suffer vengeance on them and you will save.

Guise 81. Avenge the offenses that are made to the Sacred Family and siblings. Guise 82. Love your friend and hate your enemy to forgive debts seventh year. Who owes you something you may not have demandrselo. Guise 83. Take up arms and have good courage, and be prevented for the future, to fight the enemy that comes against us to destroy us and ruin our rule; it is better to die in combat to see the extermination of our Holy Family. Guise 84. Seek the truth and find the truth. Guise 85. Action is the key to unlock all the rituals. Guise 86. By your actions you will be known. Guise 87. The action is energy, energy is life, life all, all is present, this is now, now you. Guise 88. By your words I do not know you, but the actions I know you very well. Guise 89. If a man seeks the truth, he found, but if a man seeks a lie, he will not find the truth. Guise 90. Better to have a good friend that many ill relatives Guise 91. Better to have good friends that a family bad or require the same. Guise 92. Happiness is in the realm of the viewer. Guise 93. Silence is a strong voice. Guise 94. Loneliness is a state of condition a long time. Guise 95. If anything good can be added to what is wrong, then do not talk about it. Guise 96. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Guise 97. Looking for a good and a good way come to you. Guise 98. When the last leaf has fallen, the first sheet Spring will be waiting, therefore, do not give up, because a new beginning awaits you. Guise 99. Do not look for God because God is within you. Guise 100. Always look for the truth. Guise 101. Do not drink the cup of lies, but the thirst for truth. Guise 102. Do not believe in fantasy, but accept what is real presently. Guise 103. Do not let all this to meet the future because the future is now. Guise 104. It is better to laugh at death to mourn because life. Guise 105. If someone comes to you seeking the truth, is better not open his mouth if you are lacking wisdom. Guise 106. No man is wise who seeks wisdom and does not give to another. Guise 107. Wisdom is knowing more than your partner, but keep knowledge and not share it is to have wisdom all. Guise 108. What would win a man if he gains the whole world and do not care, and lost due to greed. Guise 109. The road to truth is hard, and the ignorant will fall by the wayside. Guise 110. Speak not saying that you know this or that until you've lived by what you say. Guise 111. Do not follow the truth, but it takes those seeking

the truth. Guise 112. Man can not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Guise 113. Unless you are born in the rayamiento, you do not you can go any way towards God. Guise 114. There are many paths to God, I show is the fastest and also the shortest. Guise 115. The man who throws his soul in prison not can in no way release your spirit. Guise 116. How good is hard knowledge, but is better to look good than bad, because bad is easier, but the so it is hard and good end with a grand prize. Guise 117. Keep faith in yourself, because God is within you, and the power of God will not fail. Guise 118. The path of enlightenment is a hard path up, and the path of the unknown over soon. Guise 119. Hold the positive way, even before the enemies, and will be freed from them. Guise 120. The enemies waiting for you. Beware, Take right way and they will not touch you. Guise 121. The right path is rocky, but in the end is smooth and soft. Guise 122. Do not follow a man carrying a jar bad Honey is not sweet to his lips, but instead take your same one good bottle of honey that is sweet to the lips. Guise 123. Better be alone than with someone walking negative. Guise 124. Do not follow the teachings of a fool or you too you will become a silly fool.

Guise 125. It is comfort in the heart of man positive. Guise 126. The sun rises and sets in the virtuous man, but darkness is with the wicked. Guise 127. You will not be free until you exceed the laws of the men. Guise 128. God has no law and the law of man is not God's. Guise 129. God gives wisdom and words to live, and a plan perfect. Guise 130. Law is what honors a man who meets, or is punished for breaking it. God neither rewards nor punishes. Only man can reward or is punishable by my perfect plan of actions and reactions. Guise 131. If a man seeks for wealth all his life and not there is, it is rich in his heart to have experienced looking for that wealth. Guise 132. The greatest wealth of man is in his hearts. Guise 133. Dying for nothing is ever to have lived at all. Guise 134. Silver and gold will not make a man wealthy but if their good deeds. Guise 135. It is better to live alone and be good to live with other that are negative. Guise 136. The negative work are discussed with more great efforts toward a positive goal Guise 137. If you want a good way, do not let I misled you no man.

Yole Muanantu Treaty 2 Revelations Guise 1. Sambi I am male and female, both positive and negative, and I have created everything in my image. Guise 2. When man is born there are two spirits in it, but One is called the soul and one spirit. One is positive and the other is negative. If that man goes through life in a positive way, the spirits will unite as one and come to me, but if it is negative, he will live in torment of mind and not know who he is. Guise 3. If a human is born female, male spirit is negative, if a person is born male, female spirit is negative. Guise 4. So juramentaras not the man who has sex with as if it were female, or female to have sex with as if this was a boy. Unless you purify your negative spirit and achieve the balance. Guise 5. All that I created, I've done for the numbers. The first number is me, the second number is my creation; the third number is two spirits in one flesh, the fourth number is four directions, the fifth number is the number of man, the sixth number is positive or negative force, the seventh number is for the sun, the eighth number is for life: the ninth number is for the perfection, the tenth number is for the earth, the eleventh number is for animals, the twelfth number is for all the spirits and the thirteenth number is for Bansa Lurian. Guise 6. By the numbers I thought, each in order at I thought. Guise 7. My abode is called Munansulu because it is the place perfect, never changes. If you live in my home, you may think the thoughts as I do and become. There are three levels in my

home. The first is my house that is more immense than the whole cosmos. The second level is my garden that I have reserved for my Santos. The third level is outside the realm where it is Kumancongo one hopes for its rebirth. Guise 8. If one fails to Munansulu, they will go to Lurian Bansa which is the kingdom of darkness ruled by children Lurian Bansa. In Lurian Bansa there is pain and suffering, torment without end. I do not I'm in the Lurian Bansa, and those who are there will not see me ever there, because they are like blind men. The Lurian Bansa is an ugly place created by negative men. Guise 9. Those who become beasts, and create the beast their negativity will go to Lurian Bansa. Guise 10. Humans have the power to create hell, and Humans can only destroy these devils. Humans also can put a devil in charge of all other devils and can name it as they wish, and he will exist then. Devils will have great powers that man has given them even. Those who do not believe these devils will not be affected by them. Guise 11. I did not create the earth, because I did all good things. Only man has the right to create hell. Guise 12. If you leave everything they have to the poor and serve man for all his days, they will become saints in spirit. Guise 13. These spirits have never left the Munansulu since I created it, is the mpungos, because they serve man and guide you. Guise 14. If a man lives by the teachings of this treaty, he is doing Ngunsa, which is the way of

fully clarified. Guise 15. Many will hear these things and not believe, but when they see them work for them, they will believe. Guise 16. One must see to believe. Guise 17. For what man is, he has faith, because faith without works are dead. Guise 18. There will be those who will say, how Sambi appear? I tell them I'm like you, because I am you, and you are me. I I created in my image, and your image, I believe he does. Guise 19. There will be those who want to hear my voice. To these I I say call my name, and I hear and I speak. Guise 20. If you want to be guided by me, I will give you dreams, and its meaning, you know what to do and what the future has in store for you. I will give you my voice Nganga is on earth. Guise 21. When you dream, you're in another dimension, and your Dreams are real, more real even when you're awake. Guise 22. What you see now is an illusion, for you alone can show what you see. You know what others see? You see through their eyes? When you come back and see, you can show that ever saw? If you look back you see it again and again not really your own illusion? Guise 23. In dreams there is no time or space, and me no time or space, because over time or space the Things become an illusion. Dreams are there for real. (See The Tomos The Secret Power For More Knowledge) Guise 24. If you think of something you have not heard or have never seen, then we create another dimension, and manifests. Guise 25. There are many dimensions, and in each there are types different building. Many new thoughts enter the

mind of man of this size. If you think that just thought for the first time something, thought you had wine a different dimension. All dimensions run together and occupies the same space and place. If you are using the teachings of this treaty, you can see and go at will provided that all these dimensions want. Munansulu also the dimension and the Lurian Bansa. Guise 26. There will be those who ask, How big is Sambi? To those I say, I'm bigger than the entire cosmos and all space. If you were traveling on my right hand, you take that hundred billion hundred billion timed faster than the speed of light and yet I can see the tiniest living organisms, as I have created all, and can see my creation at once. Guise 27. There will be those who ask, Who created Sambi? To these I I say, first had the vacuum itself fell himself and in his fall created energy. In this energy intelligence is created. In this intelligence became the thought, the whole one thinking.

The thought was a thought. And did not know who or what it was. The remained a thought and he thought another thought arose, and knew he was alone, In this second thought a third thought grew, did not want to be alone. Of this third thought, thought out of the darkness, and there was light. He thought in other ways, and there were the stars, and planets, and the air, water, plants, animals, birds, fishes and humans. Guise 28. There will be those who ask, Sambi still creating new things all the time? To them I say, I will continue creating more things prettier, more perfect and ordain endless. Guise 29. There will be those who ask, why Sambia have a name? To them I say, Sambi Sambi know who it is, not needs a name but the man does not know who Sambi is, and because Thought is the Creator gave a name for the man might call it. Sambi means "Thinking". Guise 30. There will be those who ask, Sambi and God are the same? To them I say, Sambi is a perfect thought. Of this perfect thought all creation came out, and became God, for everything is God. If all that is not the case, there would be no God, because God is all, thought is the thought. Guise 31. There will be those who ask, Are there people on other planets? To them I say, I have created many planets and I as many different types of people in each, many are as humans ground. I have spaced farther apart each other, they should not be found or cause negativity between them. Some planets are many times larger than the earth; some are smaller, some the same size. A few of humans have three eyes, some four, some have pink skin, some red, some green, some black, some white, some blue. Some have no hair, some have hair. Some have four arms, some are big, some small. Some are smarter than the people on shore that some are less intelligent. Some planets are kept in the cold, some in hot, some like the earth. I think the different planets

to see which of my creation lives closer to me. Guise 32. There will be those who ask, Are the planets ever visit? To them I say, a time will come when more advanced planets wonder if there is life on other planets and machines built to travel to distant planets, and they will the success. At first they fear and misunderstand, but they can trust one another and live in peace, but there will always be those mistrust and problems that will arise, and there will be wars and much suffering. Planets that humans will destroy and they will have to go out and find new planets to stay alive. This same land became be inhabited by humans at the beginning of another world for them destroyed through neglect. Guise 33. A time will come when the inhabitants of this should leave this planet earth, for they will destroy it with fire greater than millions of suns and louder than a million lightning, and rain fall from the sky will burn everything on earth, and not will be no hiding place deep in the ground except where the man must go and live for many years because if he walks in the earth, he will die. By this time, the man built the machines to take them to distant planets and he will travel through many lives vacuum to achieve these far distant planets. Some do not achieved. Guise 34. He knows that this time is near for the signals. The carriages are moved without horses, without any beast load. Men will fly in the belly of birds that will roar like lions, breathing fire and flying faster than the winds, the Vessels will move in the water without sails. A great beast run on an iron-iron staircase and take many carriages behind him. Humans can talk anywhere the world through different still. You will see the images within a box from a great distance. The houses reach the clouds. The men move under water in the belly of a beast. The beasts rule the nations. There will be great wars fought,

nation against nation using ferric great beasts who belch the fire that will roar like a lion. The fire and death go forward a stick that a man can bear, and kill many. Music and laughter will be heard in a box. The images appear on a wall as out of nowhere. The machines speak and think. Guise 35. There will be five great nations, and cattle that govern. From one of these nations the greatest beast of all emerge. His name has the number 666. Be careful with this beast, because he will come to destroy all mankind, and he is the AntiGod. But his name, you will know. He will be loved at first all, but then humans will learn the truth, In this nation in which you feel the beast, the earth tremble, the mountains throw fire, rivers flood, the wind will go mad, the stations become confused, and people do not get along. This great nation I will destroy it imperfect, and I the take, and then destroy the other nations. There will be certain places, sorcerers who know where humans will be safe. Those who follow the teachings of this treaty, I will show these places and these people witches. Guise 36. There will be those who ask, How do they know this great beast by name, and the beast will be a man? To them I say, your same name are numbers, and one of the beasts, your name will be 666, and this beast is a man, but a beast because he will cause much suffering to the very poor and the very same country he despise the poor and the nation itself same own. He will be despised by the same people who placed on his throne. Know your name and know their number. Guise 37. By that time I will make a great light signal walking in the sky that will be seen throughout all the land which 4 Kintualas should continue to check for the rest of the kimbizas, these four wise men are sorcerers; Totele, Guriako, Makatenda and Muene. They come from different places to see the birth of the

religion of the beast. Guise 38. The world will change, this will be the era of confusion, and know that ac and dc means Confusion Before and After Confusion, which then want to change to mean something else, remember. Guise 39. There will come a time when iron is a beast creep under the ground at high speed, faster than the wind, and ferric be beasts that crawl beneath the sea. Machine walk, talk and think. When men are sick, or some of them are affected by disease or injury, these parts replaced with new artificial parts. The wonders of man these days will not stop until he destroys his own existence. Guise 40. There will be those who ask: who are the Mukua Dibata? To them I say; The Mukua Dibata were Nyambe descendants. The Mukua left the land of Aden to the land in the north and built a great city. Much of the Mukua put the candle by the great Sea east of MukuaNtoto. When they had crossed the Sea, they discovered new lands where no man had walked yet. These lands were above the Yaelis, and other sea north smaller. The Mukua most stayed in the MukuaNtoto in tribes estableadas. The Mukua Dibata are the highest form of people human. There are few Mukua Dibata maintained in the earth now, and one day will come when there is less than one hundred in all the earth. Guise 41. When that day comes, all will know that the end is near. The murder will become common. The houses of the positive are no longer safe, and steal from strangers' homes poor, and stick to them, and killed.

The end is close almost. The earth will shake, the stars will fall from sky. The mountains thrown out fire and clouds of darkness in all the earth. The sea came into the land. The wind will destroy the major cities, many will die. But they who holds the teachings of this treaty will escape the wrath that I will guide against earth. Guise 42. In those days the great religions of the sweep land and enslave all of his followers, and those who do not still, they will try to destroy. These follow a false religion teacher, and say that this teacher is the Creator, or the son of the Creator. Therefore the meet. They nest in a bed of lies and negativity will pour out of their mouths, but the followers of this treaty, will rise to an army to conquer them, and set aside. Guise 43. Followers of this book are the Wizards, who are the enlightened knowledge of the Creator. Guise 44. And the warlocks are launched by the wayside the beasts that are the Anti-God. But sorcerers will be sustained and conquer the followers of the religion of the beast. Guise 45. The religions of the beast, black bear and Latin speak in a language that nobody can understand, and say that they follow me, but they lie, and I will destroy them. Guise 46. Stay in the way of my words and even prevail against enemies that spit on me, because they who are the people who go Nguame me. Guise 47. There are only two types of human persons, the Nganguleros and Nguames. The Nganguleros sit in my Nguames right and sit on my left. Guise 48. There will come a time when Nganguleros have to join with others to ward off that Nguames

try to destroy my creation. Guise 49. Which follows the following the teachings of this I exalt book and sit on my right hand. Guise 50. To those who are positive in every thought and in any action, I say this. Every luxury and desire will be yours for the asking. Guise 51. I have given many colors for you to use wisely to protect your body and your life. I give you that red is the color of love and power. I give you the white is purity and blessings. I give you the blue is for water, rain and all men, I will I pink it is for all females, babies and good health. I will give the green is for all things protection and growth food. I give you the black which is to expel your enemies and work of destruction. I give you the purple is for the mysteries, things hidden and odor of sweetness. I give you the chestnut is for protection disease and the harmony of the earth. I give you the purple is to break the spell on you. I give the orange that takes the pain and suffering. I give yellow attracts wealth and happiness. I give the money to protect you against the forces poor. I give you the gold that attracts positive energy and wealth. If you wear dresses and jewelry in these colors, they will work for you, because These colors are great powers, have great power. Guise 52. I give you signs in the clouds, in the sand, in the water in the sky, in the woods, on lawns in the coconut, snails, letters, vittity measurable, and so on. to know your future. (See The Tomes The Secret Power For More Knowledge) Guise 53. I created all at one time, but think there are things yet to come. When prophesy future things, only see what has been done, your power is working for you.

You can see what has happened, because I did spend aeon ago. It do you see as the future is the past, because there is no future or past, only the present. This is maintained by this time to times. For me there is no time, there is only now. Guise 54. Anything you do beyond your senses is the power of natural Ngunsa I implanted them in every human before birth, and exercising this power of Ngunsa, get anything you want. If you are using this power recklessly, stay away out of all that you've won, and I back to you. I will show you great and teach you how to use your power, but you must use it wisely, because it will serve you well.

Muanantu Itatu Treaty 3 LosDerechos Guise 1. When I speak or use your power, you must sing, sing will be generated according to your powers and your desires to create when I have created and will create and will manifest what you want. Guise 2. The sounds and different tones also create things. Guise 3. You do not have to sing to me, but if you want to sing world, then sings the world and the Nganga because it is my creation. Guise 4. For those who wish to exalt me, I say this; Drink the juice of the grape and cherry and does so in harmony with your relatives, and I will bless you a hundred times. Nganga gives the brandy, Chamba, smoke, uria, mega and bless you a hundred times. Guise 5. Remember that everything in excess is harmful. Guise 6. Anything you do for myself and for me, I bless a hundredfold. If you do for yourself you do for me. Guise 7. To bad you reach, not to raise anger, or inaction, but the firm purpose persevering effort and confidence

to overcome it, with my help and yourself. Guise 8. Do not kill it under any excuse or pretext; I assure you that no one there that hath left house, brothers, parents, children, spouse, inheritance, or goods for my sake, and not has received the well folded equivalent. Guise 9. It Honest, Strong and Brave. Guise 10. You will not fear anything or anyone will be brave to I am with you all. Guise 11. Go around the world and spread the truth that I I said. Do not force anyone my teaching, but helps everyone in necessity, be nice and positive, and there will be those who ask for your ways. Guise 12. Nganga recieve my altar with the things that I have cast it created in your offerings, sacrifices and libations and I I will come there and give you my blessing. Guise 13. Do not go up by steps unto mine altar, that is not discover your nudity. Guise 14. Not Having Sexual Contact in My Presence Guise 15. Will ride the Nganga as follows ... (He after initiation tell us here). Guise 16. Now will ride under the Nganga guide Mpungo that person, so by Mpungos there, there are different Ngangas, now you explain how all these Ngangas motaras, starting with .... (It will tell you after it started here us). Guise 17. You also riding Nkuyo guide you and Roads open as follows .... (It will tell you after initiation with us). Guise 18. You also riding Ngurunfinda to mount the first thing to do is ... (You will be told after his initiation here with us).

Guise 19. You will keep on Tuesdays and Fridays for Some Time Me. Guise 20. The door is Rayamiento change, the mobility, lightness and happiness. Guise 21. Three days before the person must Rayamiento abstain from the things of this world, as having no contact sexual and during these 3 days only keep Bread, water and honey. Guise 22. The person must come dressed in clothing oldest you have to do the stripping and breaking, the rayamiento is like continues .... (It will tell you after it started here with us). Guise 23. For something alive, something has to die. Meat animals eat, skin and blood you will dress give me. And I will come to you and give you my blessing. The uria, food for life is the most precious thing that man receives from God and for that reason makes the sacrifice to thank God for giving us life and man must give grateful thanks for that sacrifice. Guise 24. Woman with menstruation and Postpartum; will Separated from All for 7 days or for the duration of your blood flow. Guise 25. You should consult with your godfather or godmother each month so you know I have to say and can improve your life. And so receive my advice and guidance. Guise 26. Do not delay your rights and tithes to pass to swell the common fund, the Treasury will be applied wisely by Mayor of Taita in Support of the Cabildo, and Objectives Ordained, Help the Needy and Needs. Guise 27. As a priest to receive tithes and rights that you apply only at the service of God. Guise 28. The collection of fees, Beware of selfishness; who are selfish, they strip off their packs on their own.

Guise 29. In our religion, like everything in life, everything has price, nothing is done without completing it, because it has been determined by SAMBI and Mpungos. Guise 30. Nzambia remote Zarabanda this message warlocks: You have to teach people that pay for the well that is received is not giving back to the letter, is to thank, appreciate, respect and correspond to some extent already Mpungos you, your priests. Guise 31. Before Sarabande issued the message just quoted, witches preached and practiced well to free mankind lived in absolute poverty and totally deprived of any material good. Were based, or least they tried, the public charity, and conformed with it, more and more miserable, were granted in return well received by the incalculable. However, there came a time when which the witches began to suffer poverty, hunger, cold and premature death, while for most people the holocaust of these human beings they were indifferent. Still, the witches continued in fulfilling their noble and sacred mission until nearly became extinct due to starvation. And his forces had bottomed out. Guise 32. While all this happened most people quickly forget the benefit received from the hands of those religious. Many had been cured of serious diseases, other had been saved from fatal accidents, others had recovered happiness and peace in their lives and families, others had made great fortunes, others were saved from death and misfortune, and so the list of benefits obtained by people from the hands of those dedicated priests, it was endless. But, however, be

human showed his feverish selfish, unaware of disrespectful manner the vital needs of those for whose intermediation, had received the charity of Mpungos and Ancestors. Guise 33. And the message continued Sarabande: for I have seen today with great sadness, how many human beings as quickly forget the good they receive. It is necessary then to so abusive selfishness, that you do not live at the expense of good will, the humanitarian initiative and charity of those who ever again demonstrate their attitudes, indifference and contempt feel for all that readily. Most Men have learned wrongly give any material value what concerns them. The merchandise you offer does not have a material value, because she herself, itself, is not material, but without But I can assure you, health, love, peace, balance, the very life and salvation that through them you obtained can not be measured physically, because no be human can pay the true value of these aspects are in their lives. Guise 34. Therefore NSAMBIA mpungo said so far, to From this moment your every action, personally or favor of third parties, involving a direct or Mpungos any indirect, Nganga or ancestor, whatever it, must always be rewarded materially through offering valuable animals or objects change, requiring the beneficiary of our favors, to demonstrate at all times, a reciprocal action we demonstrate its willingness to sacrifice, whatever it is, in exchange for the charity that receives incalculable. Guise 35. Human beings have received and we Nsambi Mpungos life and nature to grow, develop and

magnified by sacrifice, honesty, justice and love their peers. We have previously done great things for them to order to ease their way, but again do now blind eye and self-regard to the right to receive free your sacrifice together with our favors. However, to such attitudes, from now our favors and your work will be rewarded materially for everyone who will required. Guise 36. Every sorcerer should always demand the sacred right of the Dead or counterparty Npungos and equipment, on or subsequent to the consummation of their work. And it will make clear to each, that these fees at any time mean that it has purchased for the Mpungos or Dead (Ancestors). The payment of such rights will always be a symbolic representation of the spirit of sacrifice of the person request your services, but we shall always the last word concerning whether to grant or not, please requested, only after that person has assessed whether done enough to deserve our help. Guise 37. Men should dedicate their lives to work the wood, to cultivate the fields, hunting, fishing, to heal the sick, to teach children to care for animals, art work, to extract natural resources, but there are also those with the sacred mission of serving as intermediaries between man and his God, dedicating their time and life to this noble and commendable work, and therefore have even more right to be the same as others. Guise 38. Your efforts, is the most important work any other, and therefore should receive the necessities of life dignity among his peers. So if people are not able to

recognize the full extent of the value of your work, then that from now learn that the charity has to be deserved, that it requires action and work, which therefore also has a price, and You people that are fit for their consecrations and Power to deal with it, also have to pay them in perspective, for its job. Guise 39. That said, decree, no action will be yours, not ours, it is free of charge except when previously us us arrange otherwise. This means that charity and its fair administration will issue your Mpungos and exclusive Ngangas, and at no time any of you. If a person, by their attitudes in past lives or present, deserve be rewarded with a charity, ridding it of rights, will exclusively a matter to be determined by us, your Mpungos. Guise 40. From the time the message Sambia was received by the priests, things changed much for them. People accepted and adapted quickly to the right. Therefore, any Sarabandero Mpungos or wherever you are, is obliged to collect the sacred rights to your questions, supplications and works with the blessing and power enough otherwise, and especially if the situation persists, you may lose power and the Privilege has been granted by SAMBI and our deities. Guise 41. After reviewing the above, comprising perfectly why, start, or get scratched necklaces our religion, it costs money, why get Ngangos, Ngangas, Nkuyo, Majumbu Npungo Ngurunfinda and costs money, why get fundamentals other consecrations and costs money, why do a simple query, praying or ensara (work, spell), also

costs money. Guise 42. Also, each stage requires religious training a long, hard road ahead and a lot of effort and time the lifetime of a person, whereby it is not only limited to receive rewards and recognition by Mpungos, but also of others. Guise 43. Everything can be summed up in long years of effort and sacrifices in pursuit of appropriate training to enable them to initiated, to be in top condition to help others and be materially and spiritually paid for their work.

Iya Muanantu 4The Treaty Trail Guise 1. I give all those who are worthy of teaching these things to others Munansulu priesthood. At Greatest Master of all, who will be my mediator, the seer exalted Father of human persons, spiritual advisor and counselor, I Bata and they will crown Nfumo be chosen by the priests who sit on the Council of His Priesthood. The Bata Nfumo select from among his own priesthood, but not Nfumo Beat a priesthood, but if a charge, a certificate of merit to rule over the Kimbizas and represent on earth. Guise 2. The first priest to be called Nkintuala Nkisi are the Brotherhood of man's blood. The Nkintuala Nkisi Beat Nfumo account for all nations. There will be 21 Nkintuala Nkisi to sit in the holy council govern the affairs of people and in loaded on your needs, and among them is chosen the Nfumo Bata. Male and female may be chosen to become the Nfumo Bata, if they are worthy.

Guise 3. After Nkintuala Nkisi follow the Taitas to be males, and the Yaiyas to be females. the yaiyas taitas and will be followed by the Tatas and yayas that Beat Nfumo represent the tribes. Guise 4. After the Tatas and will continue to yayas parents who represent the Nfumo Beat clans. After the parents of sons or daughters will Inkisi that lead people to the club and worthy to represent the Beat Nfumo households, to assist walkers nguello (clients) to visit the councils for help. Guise 5. When the amount of Kimbizas is greater, I add more priesthood, and put three levels of priesthood. Guise 6. Male and female who are worthy, because they are the lessons that I give to them, be ordered in his priesthood. Guise 7. Hold priesthoods and earn more degrees power if they are worthy, and if they are not worthy of having his priesthood pain and suffering will know if their powers are not worth the and destroy everything they have. Guise 8. The first priesthood Inkisi Son or Daughter will have 100 degrees of power, the second priest will Inkisi Parent 200 degrees and the third power and Yaya Tata Nganga Nganga or will have 500 degree of power. After that on each count, I will add ten degrees of power, except the 700 which will Nkintuala Nkisis degrees of power and Bata will Nfumo 1000 degrees of power. Guise 9. The priesthood will be conducted by all Members of the rule to keep the plan in order Sambia perfect perfect and scratch things to the followers of the faith worthy to receive and know the secret teachings. Guise 10. Thus the high priesthood is only for those who

first learn the secret teachings, because they have studied and worked in the words of the creator who is the Ntun before receiving the high priesthood and the priests will be given below the secret teachings, according as learning Manawa. Guise 11. All the secrets that teach you the answers be found in The Ntun but you will not know until you learn of the secret teachings of which will be given to all the high priests who are worthy and are within the religion. Now keep in religion means to be positive, study, practice and lives in the way of the Wizard. Guise 12. The secret teachings Ntun or does not give the prize, but knowledge of how to solve all mysteries and formulas so you can be assured of winning the prize for you, ie do not give you everything on a silver platter. We teach how to use their power and then when you learn the teachings then whatever you want you will have. Guise 13. If you come to us and say you're having all these problems and are going through this and that. You know for sure we could tell you what things to do for all its problems, but we would be giving it all in silver platter, of course I'll help at all, but if you teach how to use their own powers then we will help much more and you can solve everything yourself.

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