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Chemical industry

Wastewater treatment plant

Fringing reef

Environmental Management Systems and Audits

Hazardous materials audits

GHD has undertaken many hazardous materials surveys/due diligence inspections of factories, office buildings, commercial and manufacturing sites, marinas and hotels. Surveys investigated the presence of asbestos, synthetic mineral fibre, PCBs, Legionella, dangerous goods and chemical storage, contaminated soils, underground tanks, lead paints, tributyl tin paints, solid and hazardous wastes, waste oil, ozone depleting substances, EMR and radiation hazards. GHD has undertaken a hazardous materials survey across all RTA depots and construction sites. The survey involves preparation of survey instruments, collation of survey data and preparation of a hazardous materials database.

About GHD
Throughout our network of integrated local, regional and international offices, GHDs environmental management team works closely with our specialists in water, wastewater, energy, community infrastructure, transport and defence. We provide advice and solutions for the complete range of environmental management issues. GHD offices are located throughout Australia and New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East and South America. This means that wherever you are, you can benefit from our specialist expertise.

Corporate Directory
Abu Dhabi Adelaide Auckland Bangkok Beijing Brisbane Cairns Canberra Danang Darwin Doha Dubai Hobart Kuala Lumpur Manila Melbourne Newcastle Perth Port Moresby Santiago Sydney Wellington 971 2 645 7576 61 8 8235 6600 64 9 261 1400 66 2 631 2062 86 10 8528 8501 61 7 3316 3000 61 7 4044 2222 61 2 6253 1999 84 511 863 843 61 8 8982 0100 974 432 2579 971 4 282 8385 61 3 6210 0600 60 3 7958 6101 63 2 812 5129 61 3 9278 2200 61 2 4979 9999 61 8 9429 6666 675 323 4399 56 2 3609 130 61 2 9239 7100 64 4 472 0799

Environmental management plans

A program developed by GHD to strictly control the environmental impacts of harbour works is likely to be adopted at sensitive sites. The program was initially developed for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to monitor harbour development at Nelly Bay on Magnetic Island. GHD designed and delivered a state-of-the-art, cost-effective impact monitoring program for the construction of Nelly Bay Harbour. Key protected habitats included mangroves within the development area and an extensive fringing platform reef in the Marine Park next to the harbour breakwater. The program combined tiered monitoring of water quality, sediment resuspension, coral conditions and mangrove health with environmental trigger level criteria and management response protocols.

Sydney icon: North Head.

The provision of wide-ranging environmental services to clients across the public and private sectors is an integral part of GHDs business. One of the worlds largest consultancies, GHD offers a multidisciplinary approach, innovation and commitment to delivery for successful client outcomes.

and a network of local offices throughout Australia and the Asia-Pacific.
CMS 038/02

Heavy industry.

Coal industry.

Nestl site.

Cotton industry.


Chicken hatchery.

GHDs environment group provides expert environmental planning, engineering, science and management services.
Services include:

A focus on your needs

GHD is an international company providing leadership in management, engineering, environmental and planning services with a commitment to balanced sustainable development. One of GHDs key strengths is our large, integrated network of local, regional and international offices.

Integrated EMS preparation for Queensland councils

GHD prepared Integrated EMSs to meet the requirements of the Queensland Environmental Protection Act for the councils environmentally relevant activities: landfill sites, sewage treatment and water treatment plants. Integrated EMSs were prepared for Cardwell, Etheridge, Herberton and Cairns Councils.

Environmental and safety audits covered eight local councils in the Hunter region, eight in the western region and 12 in the south-western region.

Due diligence assessments

Undertaking due diligence assessments requires considerable skill and experience. The time scale can be short, and information limited and incomplete for identification and assessment of environmental liabilities. GHD conducted a prepurchase environmental and safety due diligence, compliance and contamination audit of the Smorgon ARC site at Homebush Bay, NSW. The site manufactured wire fencing, reinforcing materials and other steel bar products. The environmental assessment covered compliance with the management of solid wastes, waste oil, air emissions, water usage, liquid discharges, light spills, noise, hazardous materials, chemical storage, ozone depleting substances, EMR, underground tanks, contamination as well as compliance with environmental licences, agreements and permits.


Environmental Management Systems Environmental auditing Due diligence assessment Hazardous materials audits Environmental risk management Environmental management plans Cleaner production, eco-efficiency and waste minimisation

Our environmental auditors are accredited to ISO 14012:1996 and are registered with the Quality Society of Australasia. GHD has the largest number of accredited auditors of any Australian consultancy.

Power industry environmental audits

GHD recently completed environmental audits at Delta Electricity facilities examining EMS, regulatory compliance, environmental risks, compliance with corporate policy and industry code of environmental practice. Audits of power stations at Wallerawang, Mt Piper, Vales Point and Munmorah, Delta Maintenance and head office were also conducted. GHD has subsequently developed and delivered environmental training to employees at each power station.

Environmental Management System (EMS) development

GHD developed a turnkey EMS and community consultation strategy for United Collieries in NSW. An environmental audit and gap analysis were conducted and an outline EMS prepared. Annual environmental reports have been prepared so that United Collieries complies with the Australian Minerals Industry Code of Environmental Management.

Cotton industry audits

GHD was commissioned by Cotton Australia to conduct environmental audits of 30 farms, five cotton gins and two seed processing plants across NSW and Queensland. The audits examine improvements within the industry since the last audit program was conducted and reporting of environmental performance benchmarking for the industry.

Solid, industrial and hazardous waste management

EMS and statutory compliance audits

GHD has conducted audits of Goldfields Australian facilities, including assessment against ISO 14001 and the Australian Minerals Industry Code for Environmental Management: at Henty Gold Mine; Paddington Gold Mine; Kundana Gold Mine; and Goldfields Exploration in Tasmania and Western Australia.

Contaminated site assessment and remediation

Community consultation and education

Beverage industry environmental audits

Regular audits have been conducted of Coca-Cola Amatil production facilities throughout Australia, New Zealand, PNG and Fiji. GHD was commissioned to conduct due diligence audits of 12 Cosmos beverage bottling plants in the Philippines prior to the sale of those operations.

Multi site EMS

GHD developed a corporate EMS, a template site EMS, and system procedures and forms for Nestl Australia. GHD has recently conducted environmental audits at Nestl sites in NSW, Victoria and New Zealand. Manufacturing facilities are for confectionery, medical lozenges, pet food (wet and dry), energy drinks, and condensed and powdered milk. Audits included compliance with legislation, best practices, Nestl Corporate requirements and Nestl EMS. A post-audit Environmental Improvement Plan was developed for factories.

Integrated environmental and safety audits

As members of the Roads and Traffic Authority Audit Panel, GHD professionals have undertaken many audits of road construction and road maintenance operations in NSW. A recent example is the integrated quality, environmental and safety audit of the highway upgrade at Merimbula.
Road construction and maintenance

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