Bloom Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain

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The Psychomotor Domain relates to the ability to do acts relevant to the field of study extension.

1 Bloom Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain2

Bloom Taxonomy Pyschomotor Domain Catogory Coach Rating Description of Coach Rating None never performed /used Copy action of another; observe and replicate Reproduce activity from instruction or memory Execute skill, reliably, independent of help Watch coach and repeat action , process or activity observe a skill and attempt to repeat it, Copy, replicate, duplicate, imitate, Category Behaviour description Examples of demonstration and evidence to be measured Key Words


Imitation / Observation

Able to perform with support Able to perform independently


Carry out tasks from written or verbal instructions

Re-create, build, perform, execute, implement, produce,

Precision /Competent

Independently perform the skill or produce the product, with accuracy, proportion, and exactness; without assistance or instruction;

Demonstrate, complete, show, perfect, calibrate, control, perform without assistance, perform with out error

Ferris L.J. Timothy, S.M. Aziz, A Psychomotor skills extension to Blooms Taxonomy of Education objectives for Engineering Education. Exploring Innovation in Education and Research Tainan, Taiwan. 1 March 2005. 2 Based upon R. H. Dave, as reported in R. J. Armstrong et al., Developing and Writing Behavioural Objectives (Tucson, AZ: Educational Innovators Press, 1970) and Ruple, A. Judith, Angela Clark Burba, National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors , Ferris L.J. Timothy, S.M. Aziz, A Psychomotor skills extension to Blooms Taxonomy of Education objectives for Engineering Education. Exploring Innovation in Education and Research Tainan, Taiwan. 1 March 2005. Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains - Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Domains.

Very knowledgeabl e /experienced

Articulation / consolidation

Adapt and integrate expertise to satisfy a non standard objective

Modify the skill or product the product to fit new situations; combine more than one skill in sequence with harmony and consistency;

Construct, solve, combined, coordinate, integrate, adapt, develop, formulate, modify, customize, demonstrate proficiency, perform with confidence, Design specify, manage, invent, project manage, perform automatically

Mastered, perform automatically

Naturalization & Mastery

Automated unconscious mastery of activity and related skills at strategic level

Completion of one or more skills with ease and making the skill automatic with limited exertion. Ability to multitask effectively. Define aim, approach and strategy for use of activities to meet strategic needs.

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