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Deaf Awareness 101

Presented by Jack Owiti

Kenya National Association of the Deaf KNAD

Deaf Awareness 101 What comes to your mind when you see, think or hear of a Deaf person?

Who is a Deaf person?

What do you call people who c a nno t h e a r ? Deaf like Kenyan, African or American

Myths about Deafness

Angry, Hot tempered Will beat you up till you bleed must see blood Mad, crazy, possessed Dumb, Mute, Invalid Will have deaf children Cursed Cannot live independently


Hereditary genetic, generational Measles, Mumps Meningitis, Malaria ENT infections Accidents 98 bomb blast Occupational exposure to long loud high frequency
sounds factory, call center, drilling


Populations, Trends Global Sub Sahara Africa Kenya 1 Million, Nairobi 4-5,000 WFD World Federation of the Deaf WASLI World Association of Sign Language Interpreters

East Africa Uganda Tanzania/Zanzibar Rwanda Burundi South Sudan


Perspectives on Deafness

History of the Deaf in Kenya

Emergence of schools for the Deaf

KNAD formation

Deaf Community in Kenya

Deaf people are visual people people of the eye Communication Information Visual people Ethnic cultural group Sociolinguistic minority Values, Traditions, Rules of behavior, Language

Kenyan Sign Language

Myths about KSL Signing is primitive and animal like communication Sign language has no grammar Sign Language is inadequate, underdeveloped Not a real language Sign language is universal All Deaf people can lipread

Kenyan Sign Language

Facts about KSL KSL is a real language, consisting of a structured system syntax, grammar, morphology, lexicography etc Totally separate and different language from Eng, Swa or spoken languages Consists of variations, borrowings and adaptations from other SL or SpL

Implementation of the PWD Act 2003,5,12; SNE policy, KSL policy Education Deaf Education, Deaf teachers esp ECD, use of KSL, KSL teaching materials Employment 5%, capacity building Access to Information Interpretation of essential services, training, certification and regulation of interpreters

Deaf Kenyans and Devolution

No Deaf politician in the National Assembly One Deaf woman nominated in Migori County Rep. No Deaf nominated or appointed in National or County government Devolved structure has many opportunities now and in the future

Implications for WSTF

Change of attitudes towards the Deaf, KSL Increased knowledge on issues related to disabilities in Kenya Target

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