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Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

Course Content
Course Code: 06EC64 Course Title: Antenna and Propagation Teaching Hours: 52 PART A Unit I ANTENNA BASICS: Introduction, basic Antenna parameters, patterns, beam area, radiation intensity, beam efficiency, diversity and gain, antenna apertures, effective Hours: 08 height, bandwidth, radiation, efficiency, antenna temperature and antenna filed zones. Unit II POINT SOURCES AND ARRAYS

Introduction, point sources, power patterns, power theorem, radiation intensity, filed patterns, phase patterns. Array of two isotropic point sources, non-isotropic but similar point sources, principles of pattern multiplication, examples of pattern synthesis by pattern multiplication, non-isotropic point Hours :10 sources, broad side array with non unipolar amplitude distribution, broad side versus end fire array, direction of maxima fire arrays of n isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing. Unit III ELECTRIC DIPOLES AND THIN LINEAR ANTENNAS:

Introduction, short electric dipole, fields of a short dipole, radiation resistance of short dipole, radiation resistances of lambda/2 Antenna, thin linear antenna, micro strip arrays, low side lobe arrays, long wire antenna, Hours :06 folded dipole antennas.

Unit IV & V


Hours :10 Introduction, small loop, comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole, loop antenna general case, far field patterns of circular loop, radiation resistance, directivity, slot antenna, Balinets principle and complementary antennas, impedance of complementary and slot antennas, patch antennas, horn antennas, rectangular horn antennas. PART B Unit VI ANTENNA TYPES Helical Antenna, Yagi-Uda array, corner reflectors, parabolic reflectors, log Hours :06 periodic antenna, lens antenna, antenna for special applications sleeve antenna, turnstile antenna, omni directional antennas, antennas for satellite antennas for ground penetrating radars, embedded antennas, ultra wide




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

band antennas, plasma antenna.

Unit VII & VIII Introduction: interference between satellite circuits, satellite access, single access, pre-assigned FDMA, SCPC (spade system), TDMA, pre-assigned TDMA, demand assigned TDMA, down link analysis, comparison of uplink power requirements for TDMA & FDMA, on board signal processing satellite switched TDMA.

Hours :09

Unit VII & VIII Hours :10 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION: Introduction, Ground wave propagation, free space propagation, ground reflection, surface wave, diffraction. TROPOSPHERE WAVE PROPAGATION: Troposcopic scatter, Ionosphere propagation, electrical properties of the ionosphere, effects of earths magnetic field.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Antennas, John D. Krauss, III (SEI) edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2006 2. Antennas and Wave Propagation - Harish and Sachidananda: Oxford Press 2007 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Antenna Theory Analysis and Design - C A Balanis, 2nd ED, John Wiley, 1997 2. Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems - Sineon R Saunders, John Wiley, 2003. 3. Antennas and wave propagation - G S N Raju: Pearson Education 2005




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

Evaluation Scheme for IA:

Assessment IA 1 IA 2 IA 3 Total

Weight age in Marks (Maximum) 25 25 25 25 (Average of best of above two)

Course Portioning for IA and Examinations:

Unit 1 2 3 4&5 6


Hours 8 10 6 10 6

No. of questions in IA1 IA2 IA3 1 1 1

Final Exam 1 1 1

1 1

2 1



Note: 1. Each Question carries 20 Marks and consists of sub questions in the main Examination. 2. Mixing of sub-questions from different chapters within a unit (only for Unit I and Unit II).




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64


Head of Department

Unit wise plan

Course Code and Title: 06EC64 / Antenna and propagation Unit No. and Title: 1. ANTENNA BASICS: Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter the student is able to: 1. 2. 3. Describe the antenna working concept. Name the basic antenna parameters

Planned Hours: 08hrs

Analyze and derive the radiation intensity, Beam beam area, beam efficiency , Directivity, Gain.


Evaluate the radiation intensity, Directivity, Efficiency, Gain, Half power Band width, First null band width.

5. 6.

Derive the expression for antenna aperture ,effective height. Demonstrate the radio communication link, radiation resistance. Lesson Schedule Class No. Portion Covered in One Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Describe the antenna working concept. patterns, beam area, radiation intensity Beam efficiency, Directivity Half power BW, First null BW Gain, Physical and effective aperture. Radiation resistance ,the radio communication link. Efficiency, antenna temperature and antenna filed zones. Problems

Lesson outcomes: 1. 2. 3. Basic antenna concept. Antenna Design using antenna parameters.(described above) Antenna patterns, Friiss formula gives relation between radiated and received power.





Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

1. Explain the following antenna parameters. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Bean solid angle ii)radiation intensity HPBW & FNBW Directivity Antenna gain Physical aperture and effective aperture

2. Find the relation between maximum effective aperture and directivity. 3. Define the following parameters w.r.t antenna: i. Radiation resistance. ii. Beam area. iii. Radiation intensity. iv. Directivity. v. Gain. vi. Isotropic radiator. vii. Directive gain. viii. Hertzian dipole. ix. Power gain. x. Efficiency. xi. Power density. xii. Steradians & radians. 4. With the help of neat diagrams explain the principle of radiation in antennas. 5. Explain the antenna as a transmitting device and as a receiving device. 6. Write a note on radiation pattern and radiation lobes. 7. Draw the radiation pattern of: (i) Directional antenna. (ii) Isotropic antenna. 8. Explain different types of aperture. 9. Define aperture of an antenna and find its relation with directivity. 10. Explain effective height of an antenna. 11. Derive FRIIS transmission formula and explain its significance. 12. Derive an expression for power radiated by an isotropic antenna. 13. Derive the relation between directivity and beam solid angle. 14. Derive the relationship between radiation resistance and efficiency. 15. Derive an expression for field intensity at a distant point. 16. Write short notes on: (a) Fields of an oscillating dipole (b) Antenna field zones. 17. An antenna . Unit wise plan

Course Code and Title: 06EC662 / Satellite Communication Unit No. and Title: 2. POINT SOURCES AND ARRAYS: Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter the student is able to:

Planned Hours: 10 hrs

Describe point source and its importance. 2. State and derive the power theorem and its application to an isotropic source.




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Examine the examples of power patterns to considering the source with unidirectional/bidirectional cosine/sine power pattern. Explain field patterns and conclude that magnitude depends on the radius ,varying inversely as the distance.(E1/r). Estimate the normalized field patterns of source with different sine/cosine patterns. Explain the phase patterns. Complete knowledge of far field patterns with respect to magnitude and phase. Illustrate array of two isotropic point sources (five case)\ with related to amplitude and phase. Explain the concept of pattern multiplication is used in antenna radiation pattern synthesis. Analyze the array of non-isotropic and dissimilar point source. Sketch the polar graph for Broad side array and End fire array. Compare Broad side array versus End fire array. Examine direction of maxima fire arrays of n isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing.

Lesson Schedule Class No. Portion Covered in One Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Introduction , concept of point sources. Power patterns, power theorem, radiation intensity, Phase patterns. Estimate total power radiation, Directivity and half power points Array of two isotropic point sources of same Amplitude and phases Array of two isotropic point sources of same Amplitude and opposite phase Array of two isotropic point sources of same Amplitude and in-phse. Examples on Array of two isotropic point sources of same Amplitude and any phase. Non isotropic but similar point sources . Concept Pattern multiplication ,pattern synthesis. Explain and examine Nonisotropic and dissimilar point source. Discuss and compare the Broad side and End fire arrays. Exercise problems.

Lesson outcomes: 1. 2. 3. Basic concept of point source. Learned power theorem and its importance . Different performance parameter of point source like radiation intensity, total radiated Power. 4. Solved the problems on source with unidirectional/ bidirectional cosine/sine power and field patterns.




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64


To get the complete knowledge of far field pattern interms of electric and magnetic field as a function of r,,.

6. 7.

Conclude the how a point source is help to design a array of antenna. To get the design knowledge of two isotropic and non isotropic point source with different phase Consideration.

8. 9. 10.

To get the design knowledge non isotropic dissimilar point source. Identify the broad side and end fire array patterns Importance of multiplication patterns.

Assignments: 1. Define point source. Explain different types of power pattern. 2. Explain power theorem. 3. Find the directivity for the following intensity patterns: 4. Hemispheric power pattern of a uni directional antenna. 5. Unidirectional cosine power pattern. 6. Bi directional sine power pattern. 7. Bi directional sin2 power pattern. 8. Unidirectional cos2 power pattern. 9. Show that directivity for unidirectional operation is 2(n+1) for an intensity variation of U=UmCosn . 10. Derive an expression for total field in case of two isotropic point source with same amplitude and opposite phase. Plot relative field patterns when these two point source are spaced /2 apart. 11. State and explain the principle of pattern multiplication. 12. Write a note on antenna arrays. Mention the factors on which the resultant pattern. 13. Differentiate between BSA and EFA. 14. Draw the radiation pattern of 2 isotropic point sources of same amplitude and phase that are symmetric /2 apart along X axis w.r.t origin & phase difference =0. 14. 2 isotropic point sources of same amplitude and phase that are /2 apart along X axis symmetric w.r.t origin & phase difference= 15. Derive an expression for electric field intensity of array of n isotropic sources of equal amplitude and spacing and having a phase difference of . 16. Obtain the electric field intensity of non isotropic but similar point sources. 17. Obtain the radiation pattern of 4 sources forming a uniform BSA with a spacing of ?/2.




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

Unit wise plan

Course Code and Title: 06EC64 / Antenna and Propagation Unit No. and Title: 3: ELECTRIC DIPOLES AND THIN LINEAR ANTENNAS: Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter the student is able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Planned Hours: 6 hrs

State and explain the short electric dipole antenna with equivalent. Derive an expression for the radiation from an oscillating dipole. Derive an expression of a Electric fields of short dipole in the form of Er and E. Derive an expression of a magnetic fields of short dipole in the form of Hr and H. 5. Derive an expression for radiation resistance of short electric dipole. 6. Describe radiation resistance of /2 antenna . 7. State and explain thin linear antenna. 8. Compare the near field and far field electric elements. 9. Examine the how current distribution in a dipole. 10. Explain the fields of a thin linear antenna with a uniform travelling wave 11. Directivity and gain Comparison table of different antenna like isotrpic, short diopole, /2 dipole, short monopole. 12. Explain and working of microstrip arrays, low side lobe arrays ,long wire antenna, folded dipole antennas. 13. Estimate the different problems like finding length of dipole, radiation resistance, effective aperture, strength of radiated field,E and H,obtain the field patterns for a dipole of different length etc.

Lesson Schedule Class No. Portion Covered in One Hour 1 Introduction of short electric dipole 2 Short electric dipole fields, radiation resistance of short electric dipole. 3 Radiation resistance of /2 antenna,. 4 Thin linear antenna. Microstrip antenna. 5 Low side lobe arrays. Long wire antennas. 6 Folded dipole antenna.Problems Lesson outcomes: 1. Concept of electric dipole.




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Fields of short electric dipole. Radiation resistance of short dipole. Thin linear antennas:/2, and 3 /2 Radiation resistance of /2 dipole. Microstrip arrays, low side lobe arrays Long wire antennas, folded dipole antennas.

Assignments: 1. Starting from the concepts of magnetic vector and electric scalar potentials derive the expressions for field components of short dipole. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Derive the expression for radiation resistance of Hertzian dipole. Derive an expression for power density of short dipole. Derive an expression for intrinsic impedance of short dipole. Derive the expression for electric & magnetic fields of linear antenna. Derive the expression for radiation resistance of linear antenna. Show that directivity of short dipole is 1.5.

Unit wise plan

Course Code and Title: 06EC64 / Antenna and propagation Unit No. and Title:4 & 5 : LOOP, SLOT, PATCH AND HORN ANTENNA: Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter the student is able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Planned Hours: 10 hrs

6. 7. 8. 9.

Define, list and sketch the loop antennas. Explain the small loop antenna field Identify the different parameters of loop antennas. Comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole. Analyze the loop antenna general case and derive expression o instantaneous field components at a far-off distance from a loop of any radius a. Describe the radiation resistance and directivities of small loop, large circular loop. Discuss the Application of loop antennas. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of loop antennas. Explain the concept and where required the slot antennas.




Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

10. Explain the babinets principle. 11. Discuss the complementary antennas to overcome the babinets principle Problems occurred in slot antennas. 12. Describe the impedance of slot and complementary antennas. 13. Categorize different types Horn antennas. 14. Explain the patch antenna concept and evaluate the design formula of characteristics impedance, directivity ,beam width, effective height of patch antennas.

Lesson Schedule Class No. Portion Covered in One Hour Introduction loop antennas,small loop antenna. Comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole,loop antennas general 2 case 3 Far field patterns of circular loop, slot antenna concept. 4 Rradiation resistance ,directivity of slot a 5 Balinet principle and complementary antennas. 6 Impedance of complementary and slot antennas. 7 Patch antennas 8 Horn antennas 9 Rectangular horn antenna. 10 Problems Lesson outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The loop antenna concept. Small loop and short dipole compared. Loop antenna general case. Radiation resistnace and directivity of loop antennas. Slot antenna concept and patterns. Slots ans their complementary forms. Impedance of slot antennas. Patch antenna concept. Impedance of patch antennas. State and list of Horn antennas. Rectangular horn . 1






Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

1. Write a note on loop antenna. 2. Derive electric and magnetic fields of a loop antenna. 3. Compare far fields of small loop and short dipole. 4. Derive an expression for radiation resistance of a loop antenna. 5. Write short note on: i. 1 Slot antenna. ii. Complementary antenna. iii. Horn antenna and its types. 6. Differentiate between circular and rectangular horn antenna

Unit wise plan

Course Code and Title: 06EC64 / Antenna and propagation Unit No. and Title: 6 ANTENNA TYPES: Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter the student is able to: 1. State and sketch the helical antennas. 2. Explain the different modes of helical antennas.

Planned Hours: 6 hrs

3. List and explain the practical design consideration parameters of a helical antennas. 4. Illustrate the field patterns of a small helix, axial mode patterns. 5. Explain the operation of yagi-uda antennas. 6. Distinguish different types of reflector antennas. 7. Explain the log periodic antenna. 8. Explain the Rumseys principle. 9. List and explain the types of log periodic antennas. 10. List and explain the types of Lens antennas, and its special applications. 11. Explain the operation of Sleeve antennas. 12. Explain the Turn Stile antennas. 13. Expain omni directional antennas 14. Discuss the antennas are used for terrestrial mobile communication, and GPR. 15. Explain the embedded antennas. Ultra wide band antennas, plasma antennas.





Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

Lesson Schedule Class No. Portion Covered in One Hour 1 Helical Antenna, yagi-Uda antenna, corner reflector. 2 Parabolic reflector, log periodic antenna. 3 Lens antenna. Sleeve Antennas. 4 Turnstile Antenna, Omni directional antennas 5 Antenna for satellite for GPR 6 Embedded antennas, Ultra wide band antennas, plasma antennas. Lesson outcomes: 1. 2. 3. Helical antenna concept and its different modes. Practical design consideration of a helical antenna. Yagi-uda antenna structure, and its basic elements operation like reflector, director, Driven elements. 4. 5. Discuss of log periodic antenna, lems antenna. Antenna used for special applications-sleeve antenna, turnstile antenna ,omni directional antenna. 6. Explaination of antennas for satellite antennas for GPR, embedded antennas, ultra Wide band ,and plasma antennas. Assignments: 1 Write short note on: i. 1 Slot antenna. ii. Complementary antenna. iii. Horn antenna and its types. iv. Log periodic antenna. v. Broad band frequency independent antenna. vi. Antennas for terrestrial mobile communication systems. vii. Antennas for ground penetrating Radar. viii. Embedded antennas. ix. Ultra Wide band antennas for digital applications. x. Plasma antenna. 2 3 4 Explain different types of reflectors. Explain parabolic reflectors. Explain the types of feed systems for a reflector.





Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

Differentiate between circular and rectangular horn antenna. Unit wise plan

Course Code and Title: 06EC64 / Antenna and propagation Unit No. and Title: 7 & 8: Radio wave propagation.& : Troposphere wave propagation Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter the student is able to:

Planned Hours: 12hrs

1. Explain radia wave propagation concept. 2. List and explain the basic consideration in wave propagation. 3. Describe the different wave propagation used in wireless communication. (like Ground wave or surface ,space wave, and sky wave propagation). 4. List and explain the propagation characteristic of radio waves for different frequencies. 5. Discuss the horizontal and vertical polarization. 6. Derive an expression for space wave field intensity and show that it varies sinusoidal. 7. Conclude that the range of communication is increased by increasing the height of antenna ht and hr. 8. Analyze and derive the importance of antenna height ,doubling the antenna height will double the field strength where as dobling the power, the field increases by 2. 9. Explain the surface wave propagation parameter like polarization,. 10. Explain the surface wave tilting and tilt angle. 11. Explain the tropospheric waves , and also explain diffraction, normal refrction, abnormal reflection and refraction, scattering. 12. State and explain the Duct propagation. 13. Explain the structure of Ionosphere. 14. List and describe the characteristic of different ionized layers. 15. Sketch and explain the sky wave propagation.

Lesson Schedule Class No. Portion Covered in One Hour 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction of radio wave propagation. Ground wave, space wave ,and sky wave propagation basic concept. Propagation characterstic of radio waves for different frequencies,horizontal and vertical polarization. Space wave fields, space wave propagation(Approximanate method) Range or distance communication, space wave fields strength.





Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Surface wave propagation : polarization, surface wave tilting Tilt angle, ground wave attenuation factor A Tropspheric waves: normal refraction. Abnormal refraction and reflection, Duct propagation. Troposcatter propagation, ionospheric propagation. Characterstics of different ionized layers, sky wave propagation ,definition of critical freq,MUF,virtual height, skip distance Signal fading. problems

Lesson outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction of radio wave propagation. Basic concept of Ground wave, space wave ,and sky wave propagation. Vertical and horizontal polarization. Range of communication gives the relation between antenna height and field strength. Surface wave propagation concept. Tilted wave and tilt angle concept. Tropospheric differebt refraction and reflection,and scattering. Ionospheric and sky wave propagation concepts and applications. Different characterstics of ionized layers. Definitions and its importance of critical frequency(fc), MUF, Virtual height, skip Distance.

Assignments: 1 2 Write short notes on: Wave propagation. i. 2.Scatter systems. 2. Surface wave propagation. i. 4.Surface wave tilting. ii. 5.Space wave propagation. iii. 6.Ionosphere propagation. iv. 7.Structure of ionosphere. v. 8.Sky wave propagation. vi. 9Duct propagation. 3. Derive an expression for tilt angle. 4. Derive an expression for distance of communication.





Course Title: Satellite


Course Code: 06EC64

5. Obtain an expression for space wave field component taking into account a direct wave field component and a reflected wave from the earth surface. 6. Derive an expression for refractive index. 7. Define the following and derive the relevant expressions: i. Critical frequency. ii. Maximum usable frequency. iii. Virtual height. iv. Skip distance. 8. Briefly explain characteristics of different ionized layers in ionospheric propagation. 9. Calculate the critical frequency for a medium at which the wave reflects if the maximum electron density is 1.24*10 6 electrons/cm3. 10. Which propagation will aid the following frequencies and why. (a) 120KHz. (b) 10MHz. (c) 300 MHz. (d) 30GHz. 11. Estimate the surface wave tilt in degrees over an earth of 12mm conductivity and relative permittivity 20 at a wave length of 300m. 12. A transmitter radiates 100Wof power at a frequency of 50MHz, so that space wave propagation takes place. The transmitting antenna has a gain of 5 and its height is 50m. The receiving antenna height is 2m. It is estimated that a field strength of 100 ?V/m is required to give a satisfactory result. Calculate the distance between transmitter and receiver.





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