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2 theSun | THURSDAY MAY 21 2009

news without borders

No action against Uthayakumar, says Hisham

by Husna Yusop
will make a report based on its own observa-
tion. It does not breach any laws which enable
Hishammuddin also said based on his inves-
tigation, Uthayakumar’s refusal to sign the condi-
“That’s how it has been made to look at but
there are many things which the public, in-
us to take action,” he said. tions of release also was “not something that is cluding those involved (in gatherings), do not
PUTRAJAYA: Home Minister Datuk Seri “But, we view seriously his threats of street against the law and will not affect his release.” know or realise. Just wearing black, of course,
Hishammuddin Hussein said no action will be demonstrations and other allegations made which Asked his comment on Uthayakumar’s plan is not an offence. Don’t think I’m too naïve to
taken against released Hindraf leader P. Uthaya- are threats in nature. We don’t compromise this. to hold street demonstrations and a public forum, say we are going to imprison everybody who
kumar for skipping a scheduled advisory coun- If it is against the law, we will take action.” he said: “These are threats. We don’t base our- wears black,” he said.
cil meeting in Kamunting on Tuesday. Hishammuddin said the council will report selves on threats. Once they convert the threats “But there is more to it than that. And if they
He said this is because it was not part of to him the outcome of the meeting. into something that break those conditions, then want to sue me and the inspector-general of
the conditions for his release from the Internal Uthayakumar did not turn up for the meeting we’ll take action without fear or favour.” police for that, both of us are willing to go to
Security Act detention camp. – which was attended by former detainees Kota On police clamping down series of gath- court and explain whatever actions that have
“The board had called them (former ISA de- Alam Shah assemblyman M. Manoharan, K. Vas- erings including small ones and candlelight been taken.”
tainees) to check on the level of rehabilitation antha Kumar, V. Ganabatirao and R. Kenghadha- vigils and claims that their action has made as He said the ministry looks at the matter not
and attitude of those detained under ISA. If he ran – citing article 5 of the Federal Constitution if wearing black is an offence, he said “it is not from the angle of a particular incident only but
(Uthayakumar) did not show up, the council which provides a citizen the right to live freely. as simple as the way it is being painted”. based on the context of national security.

I am not crazy for power, says Najib

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri not only ready but humbled to take on finance ministers.
Najib Abdul Razak said he was not like such a heavy responsibility. It was also to appreciate the services
someone who was crazy for power for the He said this was why he needed of former finance minister II Tan Sri Nor
sake of power only. everyone’s cooperation to carry out the Mohamed Yakcop who is now minister Calls
“I don’t craze for power for the sake responsibility entrusted to him. in the Prime Minister’s Department and
of power but I need power to serve the The prime minister said one of the former deputy finance Minister Datuk grow
people and ensure successful nation- people’s yardsticks was how the govern- Seri Kong Cho Ha who has been made for war
building. ment managed the economy. housing and local government Minister. crimes
“But there are some people who cannot He said the people would accept the Najib, who is also finance minister, said
wait to be in power,” he said at a function existing government if it could carry out Nor Mohamed’s experience in handling probe into
in his honour at the Finance Ministry its duties well. the 1997 financial crisis made him very Sri Lanka
here. “The public will like us, businessmen suited to handle the nation’s economic conflict
“Power is only a means to an end and will like us, smallholders will like us and planning through the Economic Planning
the end is about serving the people and this will translate into greater support for Unit. pg 6
nation,” he said obviously hitting at a us,” he said. He said Ahmad Husni’s experience as
certain opposition leader. The function was held to celebrate deputy finance minister before this would
Najib said to reach where he was now, the appointments of Najib as prime hold him in good stead in his new role.
he did not “take an express bus” but a minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mo- As for Kong, Najib said he (Kong)
“normal bus which journeyed 33 years in hamad Hanadzlah as finance minister II now held an important portfolio in terms
his political career”. and Datuk Wira Chor Chee Heung and of delivery and services to the people.
Najib said the experience made him Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin as deputy – Bernama

Ayub (centre)
holds a press

conference with
the seized ganja in
the foreground.

Police seize 227kg of ganja

by Bernard Cheah “Apart from the ganja, police also seized both cars and RM15,000 cash from the scene,”
he told reporters at a press conference held in
GEORGE TOWN: Police seized 227kg of the Penang contingent police headquarters.
ganja worth about RM900,000 in Butterworth The case was being investigated under
on Tuesday, making it the biggest drug bust in section 39(B) of the Dangerous Drugs Act
the state this year. 1952, which carried the death penalty upon
Five men, aged between 25 and 35, were conviction.
arrested after they flee the scene in two cars On a separate issue, Ayub said police have
in Bagan Dalam. arrested 750 individuals in the state, alleged
State police chief Datuk Wira Ayub Yaakob to be involved in drugs, in the Ops Sepadu,
said yesterday the Penang, Kedah and Bukit which is aimed to tackle drugs nationwide.
Aman narcotics units raided a warehouse in Of the total, 583 of them are drug addicts,
Bagan Dalam at about 12pm on Tuesday and 12 were drug dealers and the rest, 155, were
nabbed the suspects based on a tip-off. in possession of drug.
“Upon inspection, police found 10 jute He said among the items seized dur-
sacks containing ganja, placed in rear seats ing the ten day operation, which started on
and the car boot of one of the cars, weighting May 10 and ended on Tuesday were ganja
about 227kg,” he said. weighing 227.109kg, heroin (402.74gm), syabu
He said the ganja is believed to have origi- (18.54gm), ketamine (112.2gm), Eramin 5 (329
nated from a neighbouring country and was tablets), psychotropic pills (38.1gm), Ecstasy
meant to be marketed in Klang Valley. pills (20 tablets) and WY pills (141gm).

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