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7.1 Parallel Programs

A parallel program is a system <P, X, Y> of infinitely many deterministic sequential programs P1, P2, . . . , infinitely many input variables X(1), X(2), . . . , and infinitely many output variables Y(1), Y(2), . . . The sequential programs P1, P2, . . . are assumed to be identical, except for the ability of each Pi to refer to its own index i. That is, for each pair of indices i and j the sequential program Pj can be obtained from the sequential program Pi by replacing each reference to i in Pi with a reference to j. At the start of a computation, the input of is stored in its input variables. An input that consists of N values is stored in X(1), . . . , X(N), where each of the variables holds one of the input values. During the computation, employs P1, . . . , Pm for some m dependent on the input. Each Pi is assumed to know the value of N and the value of m. Upon halting, the output of is assumed to be in its output variables. An output that consists of K values is assumed to be in Y(1), . . . , Y(K), where each of the variables holds one output value. Each step in a computation of consists of four phases as follows. a. b. c. d. Each Pi reads an input value from one of the input variables X(1), . . . , X(N). Each Pi performs some internal computation. Each Pi may write into one of the output variables Y(1), Y(2), . . . P1, . . . , Pm communicate any desirable information among themselves.

Each of the phases is synchronized to be carried in parallel by all the sequential programs P 1, . . . , Pm. Although two or more sequential programs may read simultaneously from the same input variable, at no step may they write into the same output variable. The depth of a computation of a parallel program = <P, X, Y> is the number of steps executed during the computation. The parallel program is said to have depth complexity D(N) if for each N all its computations, over the inputs that consist of N values, have at most depth D(N). The parallel program is said to have size complexity Z(N) if it employs no sequential programs other than P1, . . . , PZ(N) on each input that consists of N values. The time required by a computation of a parallel program and that program's time complexity can be defined in a similar way. However, such notions are unmeasurable here because we have not yet specified how sequential programs communicate. Example 7.1.1 Consider the problem Q of selecting the smallest value in a given set S. Restrict your attention to parallel programs that in each step allow each sequential program to receive information from no more than one sequential program.

The problem is solvable by a parallel program 1 = <P, X, Y> of size complexity Z(N) N(N 1)/2 and a constant depth complexity, where N denotes the cardinality of the given set S. The parallel program can use a brute-force approach for such a purpose. Specifically, let each pair (i1, i2), such that 1 i1 < i2 N, correspond to a different i, such that 1 i N(N - 1)/2. For instance, the correspondence can be of the form i = 1 + 2 + + (i2 - 2) + i1 = (i2 - 2)(i2 - 1)/2 + i1 (see Figure 7.1.1).

Figure 7.1.1 An ordering i on the pairs (i1, i2), such that 1

i1 < i2.

Let P(i1,i2) denote the sequential program Pi, where (i1, i2) is the pair that corresponds to i. Each computation of starts with a step in which each Pi derives the pair (i1, i2) that corresponds to i, 1 i N(N - 1)/2. The computation continues with two steps in which each P(i1,i2) reads the elements of S that are stored in X(i1) and X(i2). In addition, in the third step each P(i1,i2) compares the values read from X(i1) and X(i2), and communicates a "negative" outcome to Pi1 or Pi2. This outcome is communicated to Pi1 if X(i1) X(i2). Otherwise, the outcome is communicated to Pi2. During the fourth step, the only active sequential program is Pj, 1 j N, which did not receive a negative outcome. During that step Pj reads the value of X(j) and writes it out into Y(1). The computation terminates after the fourth step. The problem Q can be solved also by a parallel program 2 = <P, X, Y> of size complexity Z(N) = N/2 and depth complexity D(N) = O(log N). In this case the program simply repeatedly eliminates about half of the elements from S, until S is left with a single element. At the first stage of each computation each Pi, 1 i N/2 , reads the values stored in X(2i - 1) and X(2i). In addition, each Pi compares the values that it read. If X(2i - 1) < X(2i), then Pi communicates to P i/2 the value of X(2i - 1). Otherwise, Pi communicates to P i/2 the value of X(2i). At the end of the first stage P1, . . . , P n/2 /2 hold the elements of S that have not been eliminated yet.

At the start of each consecutive stage of the computation, a sequential program Pi determines itself active if and only if it has been communicated some values of S in the previous stage. During a given stage, each active Pi compares the values a1 and a2 that were communicated to it in the previous stage. If the values satisfy the relation a1 < a2, then Pi communicates a1 to P i/2 . Otherwise, Pi communicates a2 to P i/2 . After O(log N) stages only P1 is active, and it holds a single value of S. Then P1 writes the value into Y(1) and the computation terminates. Figure 7.1.2

Figure 7.1.2 Flow of information. illustrates the flow of information in


during a computation of the parallel program.

Similarly, the problem Q can be solved by a parallel program 3 = <P, X, Y> of size complexity Z(N) < N/2 and depth complexity O(N/Z(N) + log Z(N)). At the start of each computation each Pi computes m = Z(N) and finds independently in O(N/m) steps the smallest value in X( (i - 1) + 1), . . . , X( i). Then, as in the previous case of 2, P1, . . . , Pm proceed in parallel to determine in O(log m) steps the smallest value among the m values that they hold. [next] [front] [up] [next] [tail] [up]

7.1 Parallel Programs

A parallel program is a system <P, X, Y> of infinitely many deterministic sequential programs P1, P2, . . . , infinitely many input variables X(1), X(2), . . . , and infinitely many output variables Y(1), Y(2), . . . The sequential programs P1, P2, . . . are assumed to be identical, except for the ability of each Pi to refer to its own index i. That is, for each pair of indices i and j the sequential

program Pj can be obtained from the sequential program Pi by replacing each reference to i in Pi with a reference to j. At the start of a computation, the input of is stored in its input variables. An input that consists of N values is stored in X(1), . . . , X(N), where each of the variables holds one of the input values. During the computation, employs P1, . . . , Pm for some m dependent on the input. Each Pi is assumed to know the value of N and the value of m. Upon halting, the output of is assumed to be in its output variables. An output that consists of K values is assumed to be in Y(1), . . . , Y(K), where each of the variables holds one output value. Each step in a computation of consists of four phases as follows. a. b. c. d. Each Pi reads an input value from one of the input variables X(1), . . . , X(N). Each Pi performs some internal computation. Each Pi may write into one of the output variables Y(1), Y(2), . . . P1, . . . , Pm communicate any desirable information among themselves.

Each of the phases is synchronized to be carried in parallel by all the sequential programs P 1, . . . , Pm. Although two or more sequential programs may read simultaneously from the same input variable, at no step may they write into the same output variable. The depth of a computation of a parallel program = <P, X, Y> is the number of steps executed during the computation. The parallel program is said to have depth complexity D(N) if for each N all its computations, over the inputs that consist of N values, have at most depth D(N). The parallel program is said to have size complexity Z(N) if it employs no sequential programs other than P1, . . . , PZ(N) on each input that consists of N values. The time required by a computation of a parallel program and that program's time complexity can be defined in a similar way. However, such notions are unmeasurable here because we have not yet specified how sequential programs communicate. Example 7.1.1 Consider the problem Q of selecting the smallest value in a given set S. Restrict your attention to parallel programs that in each step allow each sequential program to receive information from no more than one sequential program. The problem is solvable by a parallel program 1 = <P, X, Y> of size complexity Z(N) N(N 1)/2 and a constant depth complexity, where N denotes the cardinality of the given set S. The parallel program can use a brute-force approach for such a purpose. Specifically, let each pair (i1, i2), such that 1 i1 < i2 N, correspond to a different i, such that 1 i N(N - 1)/2. For instance, the correspondence can be of the form i = 1 + 2 + + (i2 - 2) + i1 = (i2 - 2)(i2 - 1)/2 + i1 (see Figure 7.1.1).

Figure 7.1.1 An ordering i on the pairs (i1, i2), such that 1

i1 < i2.

Let P(i1,i2) denote the sequential program Pi, where (i1, i2) is the pair that corresponds to i. Each computation of starts with a step in which each Pi derives the pair (i1, i2) that corresponds to i, 1 i N(N - 1)/2. The computation continues with two steps in which each P(i1,i2) reads the elements of S that are stored in X(i1) and X(i2). In addition, in the third step each P(i1,i2) compares the values read from X(i1) and X(i2), and communicates a "negative" outcome to Pi1 or Pi2. This outcome is communicated to Pi1 if X(i1) X(i2). Otherwise, the outcome is communicated to Pi2. During the fourth step, the only active sequential program is Pj, 1 j N, which did not receive a negative outcome. During that step Pj reads the value of X(j) and writes it out into Y(1). The computation terminates after the fourth step. The problem Q can be solved also by a parallel program 2 = <P, X, Y> of size complexity Z(N) = N/2 and depth complexity D(N) = O(log N). In this case the program simply repeatedly eliminates about half of the elements from S, until S is left with a single element. At the first stage of each computation each Pi, 1 i N/2 , reads the values stored in X(2i - 1) and X(2i). In addition, each Pi compares the values that it read. If X(2i - 1) < X(2i), then Pi communicates to P i/2 the value of X(2i - 1). Otherwise, Pi communicates to P i/2 the value of X(2i). At the end of the first stage P1, . . . , P n/2 /2 hold the elements of S that have not been eliminated yet. At the start of each consecutive stage of the computation, a sequential program Pi determines itself active if and only if it has been communicated some values of S in the previous stage. During a given stage, each active Pi compares the values a1 and a2 that were communicated to it in the previous stage. If the values satisfy the relation a1 < a2, then Pi communicates a1 to P i/2 . Otherwise, Pi communicates a2 to P i/2 . After O(log N) stages only P1 is active, and it holds a single value of S. Then P1 writes the value into Y(1) and the computation terminates.

Figure 7.1.2

Figure 7.1.2 Flow of information. illustrates the flow of information in


during a computation of the parallel program.

Similarly, the problem Q can be solved by a parallel program 3 = <P, X, Y> of size complexity Z(N) < N/2 and depth complexity O(N/Z(N) + log Z(N)). At the start of each computation each Pi computes m = Z(N) and finds independently in O(N/m) steps the smallest value in X( (i - 1) + 1), . . . , X( i). Then, as in the previous case of 2, P1, . . . , Pm proceed in parallel to determine in O(log m) steps the smallest value among the m values that they hold. [next] [front] [up]

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