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7.2 Parallel Random Access Machines

The study of sequential computations has been conducted through abstract models, namely RAM's and Turing transducers. RAM's turned out to be useful for designing such computations, and Turing transducers were helpful in analyzing them. Viewing parallel computations as generalizations of sequential ones, calls for similar generalizations to the associated models. A generalization along such lines to RAM's is introduced below. A parallel random access machine, or PRAM, is a system <M, X, Y, A>, of infinitely many RAM's M1, M2, . . . , infinitely many input cells X(1), X(2), . . . , infinitely many output cells Y(1), Y(2), . . . , and infinitely many shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . . Each Mi is called a processor of . All the processors M1, M2, . . . are assumed to be identical, except for the ability of each Mi to recognize its own index i. At the start of a computation, is presented with some N input values that are stored in X(1), . . . , X(N), respectively. At the end of the computation the output values are stored in Y(1), . . . , Y(K), K 0. During the computation uses m processors M 1, . . . , Mm, where m depends only on the input. It is assumed that each of the processors is aware of the number N of the given input values and of the number m of processors. Each step in a computation consists of the five following phases, carried in parallel by all the processors. a. b. c. d. e. Each processor reads a value from one of the input cells X(1), . . . , X(N). Each processor reads one of the shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . . Each processor performs some internal computation. Each processor may write into one of the output cells Y(1), Y(2), . . . Each processor may write into one of the shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . .

Two or more processors may read simultaneously from the same cell. However, a write conflict occurs when two or more processors try to write simultaneously into the same cell. Write conflicts are treated according to the variant of PRAM in use. The following are three such possible variants. a. CREW (Concurrent Read -- Exclusive Write). In this variant no write conflicts are allowed. b. COMMON. In this variant all the processors that simultaneously write to the same memory cell must write the same value. c. PRIORITY. In this variant the write conflicts are resolved in favor of the processor Mi that has the least index i among those processors involved in the conflict. The length n of an input (v1, . . . , vN ) of a PRAM representation of the instance. is assumed to equal the length of the

The depth of a computation of a PRAM, and its depth and size complexity are defined with respect to the length n of the inputs in a similar way to that for parallel programs. The time requirement of a computation of a PRAM and its time complexity, under the uniform and logarithmic cost criteria, are defined in the obvious way. When no confusion arises, because of the obvious relationship between the number N of values in the input and the length n of the input, N and n are used interchangeably. Example 7.2.1 COMMON and PRIORITY PRAM's, = <M, X, Y, A> similar to the parallel programs i = <P, X, Y> of Example 7.1.1, can be used to solve the problem Q of selecting the smallest element in a given set S of cardinality N. The communication between the processors can be carried indirectly through the shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . . Specifically, each message to Mi is stored in A(i). Where the PRAM's are similar to 1, no problem arises because all the messages are identical. Alternatively, where the PRAM's are similar to 2 or 3, no problem arises because no write conflicts occur. By definition, each CREW PRAM is also a COMMON PRAM, and each COM- MON PRAM is also a PRIORITY PRAM. The following result shows that each PRIORITY PRAM can be simulated by a CREW PRAM. Theorem 7.2.1 Each PRIORITY PRAM of size complexity Z(n) and depth complexity D(n) has an equivalent CREW PRAM ' of size complexity Z2(n) and depth complexity D(n)log Z(n). Proof Consider any PRIORITY PRAM = <M, X, Y, A>. ' = <M ', X, Y, A> can be a CREW PRAM of the following form, whose processors are denoted M1 1, . . . , M1 m, M 2 1, . . . , M2 m, . . . , Mm 1, . . . , Mm m. On a given input, ' simulates the computation of . ' uses the processors M 1 1, M2 2, . . . , Mm ' records in the m for simulating the respective processors M1, M2, . . . , Mm of . Similarly, 2 shared memory cell A(m + i) the values that records in the shared memory cell A(i), i 1. The main difference arises when a write is to be simulated. In such a case, each Mj j communicates to each Mi i the address of the cell where Mj wants to write. Each Mi i then determines from those addresses, if it has the highest priority of writing into its designated cell, and accordingly decides whether to perform the write operation. Mi i employs the processors Mi 1, . . . , Mi i-1 and the shared memory cells A(i, 1), . . . , A(i, i - 1) for such a purpose, where A(i1, i2) stands for A((i1 - 1)m + i2). To resolve the write conflicts each Mj j stores into A(j, j) the address where Mj wants to write (see Figure 7.2.1).

Figure 7.2.1 Flow of information for determining the priority of Mi i in writing. Then Mi i determines in the following manner whether the shared memory cell A(i, i) holds an address that differs from those stored in A(1, 1), . . . , A(i - 1, i - 1). Each processor Mir, 1 r < i, starts by reading the addresses stored in A(r, r) and in A(i, i), and storing 1 in A(i, r) if and only if A(r, r) = A(i, i). Then the processors Mi1, . . . , Mi (i-1)/2 are employed in parallel to determine in O(log i) steps whether the value 1 appears in any of the shared memory cells A(i, 1), . . . , A(i, i - 1). At each step the number of "active" processors and the number of the active shared memory cells is reduced by half. At any given step each of the active processors Mir stores the value 1 in A(i, r) if and only if either A(i, 2r - 1) or A(i, 2r) holds that value. Mi i determines that A(i, i) holds an address that differs from those stored in A(1, 1), . . . , A(i - 1, i - 1) by determining that A(i, 1) holds a value that differs from 1. In such a case, Mi i determines that Mi has the highest priority for writing in its designated cell. Otherwise, Mi i determines that Mi does not have the highest priority. [next] [prev] [prev-tail] [front] [up] [next] [prev] [prev-tail] [tail] [up]

7.2 Parallel Random Access Machines

The study of sequential computations has been conducted through abstract models, namely RAM's and Turing transducers. RAM's turned out to be useful for designing such computations,

and Turing transducers were helpful in analyzing them. Viewing parallel computations as generalizations of sequential ones, calls for similar generalizations to the associated models. A generalization along such lines to RAM's is introduced below. A parallel random access machine, or PRAM, is a system <M, X, Y, A>, of infinitely many RAM's M1, M2, . . . , infinitely many input cells X(1), X(2), . . . , infinitely many output cells Y(1), Y(2), . . . , and infinitely many shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . . Each Mi is called a processor of . All the processors M1, M2, . . . are assumed to be identical, except for the ability of each Mi to recognize its own index i. At the start of a computation, is presented with some N input values that are stored in X(1), . . . , X(N), respectively. At the end of the computation the output values are stored in Y(1), . . . , Y(K), K 0. During the computation uses m processors M 1, . . . , Mm, where m depends only on the input. It is assumed that each of the processors is aware of the number N of the given input values and of the number m of processors. Each step in a computation consists of the five following phases, carried in parallel by all the processors. a. b. c. d. e. Each processor reads a value from one of the input cells X(1), . . . , X(N). Each processor reads one of the shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . . Each processor performs some internal computation. Each processor may write into one of the output cells Y(1), Y(2), . . . Each processor may write into one of the shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . .

Two or more processors may read simultaneously from the same cell. However, a write conflict occurs when two or more processors try to write simultaneously into the same cell. Write conflicts are treated according to the variant of PRAM in use. The following are three such possible variants. a. CREW (Concurrent Read -- Exclusive Write). In this variant no write conflicts are allowed. b. COMMON. In this variant all the processors that simultaneously write to the same memory cell must write the same value. c. PRIORITY. In this variant the write conflicts are resolved in favor of the processor Mi that has the least index i among those processors involved in the conflict. The length n of an input (v1, . . . , vN ) of a PRAM representation of the instance. is assumed to equal the length of the

The depth of a computation of a PRAM, and its depth and size complexity are defined with respect to the length n of the inputs in a similar way to that for parallel programs. The time requirement of a computation of a PRAM and its time complexity, under the uniform and logarithmic cost criteria, are defined in the obvious way.

When no confusion arises, because of the obvious relationship between the number N of values in the input and the length n of the input, N and n are used interchangeably. Example 7.2.1 COMMON and PRIORITY PRAM's, = <M, X, Y, A> similar to the parallel programs i = <P, X, Y> of Example 7.1.1, can be used to solve the problem Q of selecting the smallest element in a given set S of cardinality N. The communication between the processors can be carried indirectly through the shared memory cells A(1), A(2), . . . Specifically, each message to Mi is stored in A(i). Where the PRAM's are similar to 1, no problem arises because all the messages are identical. Alternatively, where the PRAM's are similar to 2 or 3, no problem arises because no write conflicts occur. By definition, each CREW PRAM is also a COMMON PRAM, and each COM- MON PRAM is also a PRIORITY PRAM. The following result shows that each PRIORITY PRAM can be simulated by a CREW PRAM. Theorem 7.2.1 Each PRIORITY PRAM of size complexity Z(n) and depth complexity D(n) has an equivalent CREW PRAM ' of size complexity Z2(n) and depth complexity D(n)log Z(n). Proof Consider any PRIORITY PRAM = <M, X, Y, A>. ' = <M ', X, Y, A> can be a CREW PRAM of the following form, whose processors are denoted M1 1, . . . , M1 m, M 2 1, . . . , M2 m, . . . , Mm 1, . . . , Mm m. On a given input, ' simulates the computation of . ' uses the processors M 1 1, M2 2, . . . , Mm ' records in the m for simulating the respective processors M1, M2, . . . , Mm of . Similarly, shared memory cell A(m2 + i) the values that records in the shared memory cell A(i), i 1. The main difference arises when a write is to be simulated. In such a case, each Mj j communicates to each Mi i the address of the cell where Mj wants to write. Each Mi i then determines from those addresses, if it has the highest priority of writing into its designated cell, and accordingly decides whether to perform the write operation. Mi i employs the processors Mi 1, . . . , Mi i-1 and the shared memory cells A(i, 1), . . . , A(i, i - 1) for such a purpose, where A(i1, i2) stands for A((i1 - 1)m + i2). To resolve the write conflicts each Mj j stores into A(j, j) the address where Mj wants to write (see Figure 7.2.1).

Figure 7.2.1 Flow of information for determining the priority of Mi i in writing. Then Mi i determines in the following manner whether the shared memory cell A(i, i) holds an address that differs from those stored in A(1, 1), . . . , A(i - 1, i - 1). Each processor Mir, 1 r < i, starts by reading the addresses stored in A(r, r) and in A(i, i), and storing 1 in A(i, r) if and only if A(r, r) = A(i, i). Then the processors Mi1, . . . , Mi (i-1)/2 are employed in parallel to determine in O(log i) steps whether the value 1 appears in any of the shared memory cells A(i, 1), . . . , A(i, i - 1). At each step the number of "active" processors and the number of the active shared memory cells is reduced by half. At any given step each of the active processors Mir stores the value 1 in A(i, r) if and only if either A(i, 2r - 1) or A(i, 2r) holds that value. Mi i determines that A(i, i) holds an address that differs from those stored in A(1, 1), . . . , A(i - 1, i - 1) by determining that A(i, 1) holds a value that differs from 1. In such a case, Mi i determines that Mi has the highest priority for writing in its designated cell. Otherwise, Mi i determines that Mi does not have the highest priority. [next] [prev] [prev-tail] [front] [up]

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