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Feb o 6

TL Cape Tcwh
VOL. 1+,, m. 1



happy YEAR I - As the old year ended at our Youth Camp, wo called to mind the weaknossos, failures and tragedies of the past j/car and

considered them "Consumed in tho Camp Firo," through tho grace of our forgiving God. Then, as tho New Year began, wo prajed prayers of thankfulness to God for the blessings of the past year, and wo de clared publicly our resolve for greater effectiveness for God for the
year ahead. May God grant us all the grace to fulfill our resolutions. our Camp program over the week of the New Year, Every class and mes sage emphasized its scope and urgency. And the blessed results proved

Mi resolved" - This theme rang triumphantly through every facet of

the effectiveness of its impact. In all more than fifty shared in the joys of camp, half of these being regular campers from our three

Glorious weather throughout, and inspiring sunsets over tho ocean for
vesper services helped make this week indeed a moving and memorable experience for all. IVe wore only sorry that Louise and Jenni-Maree

churches----pius eight on the faculty, and tho rest came as visitors.

of illness); and Arline and young Mark Parris, were

(who had bouts

not able to share it with us. THREE DECISIONS - What a thrill was ours to have three of our finest

boldly at the closing meeting, and it was ray joy to baptise them into Christ at the Gospel Hour at Church, when a fine delegation came from VJynberg also. We are anticipating yet another decision soon as well:
a Senior boy who at last seems ready,

Junior girls from Observatory(two more Scott sisters and Sharon Rule) Resolve to make a decision for Christ larp-ely as a result of the classes, and also further counseling at camp. They confessed Christ

JUNIOR Y.P. - Aware of tho growing enthusiasm among nur Junior and Junior-Hi young people wo have now determined to initiate a youth
group specifically for them, in addition to the Senior Y.P. VJe ex

We are much encouraged by the potential among all these young people.

pect to have about twenty in this group, with an even number of boys and girls, and intend meeting on Friday afternoons. The Seniors will continue mooting on Friday nights, combined with those from Wynberg.

BIBLE SCHOOL CHANGES - With the New Year, new developments have come for the Bible School. Pour of my teacher training students have earned tho opportunity to teach regular classes, or assist - (Darrel Stanley taking charge of the Juniors). The "Boosters Class" having fulfilled its main purpose, these pupils are ready to be absorbed again into tho Beginners and Primaries (Louise thus being relieved to await our next arrival). I am back to teaching the Seniors; and Jim
my and Hazel Solomon have been relieved to concentrate further on

opening their new work

as their house

is being built.

We now


around_sixty.in Bible School,



new' feature



meetings in particular, we are selecting 12 books of the Bible of moderate length and encouraging all members of the congregation to

"join the club" by reading

the book each

month and recording

will all focus



The mid-week meetings

of that month

on that

book. (Last year we spent all year on a detailed study of Mark's Gos
MISSION PROJECT SUCCESS - We have been stirred recently by the marve

lous ^response slj.iwn

by the congregation

to one of the three special

a mid-wife

Mission (of our British Chn.vches of Christ) in Malawi.

some special offerings, the whole remainder of

Mission Projects:

that of building

a house for

Total cost of

at Gowa

had given a total of 250. In a grand extra effort for December, with
^i>210 has been given. Praise the LordJ
and Jenni-Maree

the project amounted to about 14.60. in two previous months the church

And this yot over and abovo the regulor giving. We knox^ you rejoice with us at tho realization that these brethren know not only how to receive missionary aid, but how to give it.

May our Lord continue to bless you all richly also, as you enter this Hew Year of continued sharing with us in the work and witness of

spreading the glorious gospel in this land.

Yours for Christ for all,

John, Louise and Jenni-Haree FOR YOUR DEEPER UI3DERSTAMDING; - We have determined for this year of

ing for us. We feel the need to share with you something of the unique situations we face which confuse the productivity of our evan gelism here. May God help us thus to be closer joined in heart for
the sake of these souls.

19^9 to launch out on a new feature to aid your understanding in pray

Pormost among our frustrations is the awkwardness of the Colour Prob lem. Cape Town especially faces this since over half its population
is of mixed decent as from tho earliest settlements of the 17th cen

tury. The actual Bantu (blacks) live in locations outside of tho city and are fairly clearly delineated. Our Coloureds (mixed) are however more closely associated with Whites and have wide social variations even among themselves. ' The government is, however, steadily raising
the barriers between Whites "^nd Colouredsin wage scales, types of work, education, public amenities, and even group-areas for housings Prejudices run deep-among the unconverted in particular. Yet for long our .city churches have been associated with, and obliged to
cater to both Whites and Coloured. Tho government has passed no

legislation regarding churches on this matter, but the barriers on so

many other levels have often caused awkward situations regarding one

or other group.

Please pray

that the

Lord will yet

lead us

to an

adequate solution to this tricky situation.


DECEMBER 1, I968, balanco

RECEIPTS: La; Harpe C.C. Marchbanks I. 100.00 $.00

5.00 5.00 10.00 15.00

P.C.C., Texhoma
Matlock F,C.C., Marlow Van fie Linder

P.C.C., Sallisaw Beginner's Dept.

De Chenne

25.00 5.00


C. VJomen*s Gr. #1
Crocker C.C,


F.C.C., St. Ann


' '


Total Receipts




Extra Gift

, 50.00


Postage Supplies
Books .

IIJ..59 5.50

Total DECEMBER 31, 1968, balance


lt76.39 1914-.75


BOX 5o5


TL Cape Toy^n ClitUllan

VOL. Ij., NO. 2



GOB'g Al'-iD GROV/IiviO- - arc worthy

watch words in any

effective under

taking for our Kaster, By the grace of God thoy arc true of our ef forts for Christ here in Capo Town. I'/c arc pressing forward our

program among youbh in homes and missions. We arc rejoicing in fur ther decisions, greater giving, and wider rcsponno. We are trusting the Lord to keep us keeping on for Him.
DBGir.IONS - Soon after our joy at the baptism of three of our Junior campers, wo wore thrilled to have Billy Russoun of our Senior Yoiith
stop out to take his stand for Christ and be baptised the same day.

Then, within the next few weeks

we came to knox/ Keith Hossoun (dif

ferent spelling and no i-olation) befriended by the Stoffbcrgs. Hero was a young man of I8 with fine potential for the Lord, and e. good background - but a backslidcr. Praise God he has since fully yield
ed his heart to Christ and taken his stand also ijith us. How much

wo have needed ycung men who are genuine for God. Pray that as these also go through our Convorts Classes thoy may be equipped to bo real
workers in God^s purposes.

YOUTH Our Junior Y. P. got set off to a great start with a Mountain Hike, Thoy arc a bright, eager bunch, and we now have a dozon or
riioro meeting regularly on Friday afternoons for Bible Drill, games, and a sci-ial Bible story. For the present we arc focusing just on our Bible School Juniors and Junior Hl*s available then, in an ef

fort to really reach them - and it*3 working well. Darrel Stanley is heli^Dng me with the projoct. The Seniors are carrying on wonder fully as well, with ar.^und thirty coming regularly from both Obser


cordlrjfTs to progressive
ings x^rith them.

and V/ynborg, and with widely varying programs (from tape-rosupporsi). The JJorthern Suburbs youth are

doing fjne
which are

on their own, and wo arc planning quarterly

Rally meet
of par

H0T4ES - Our Cottage Meetings

are back in action, with lots

As a special feature wo arc now using also the sot of 5

proving most helpful and stimulating. Some twenty folk

film-strips: "Kow that X am a Christian," loaned us by the Parrlsos,

fill the lounge of each homo where wo meet - twice a month. And, in addition, on the alternate Monday nights, I am continuing the Gospel
Way studies in the Van Kiekcrk homo - besides holding these studios each Thursday in the homo whore Keith Rossoun is now living. Pray

that all these homos will grow together

in His service.

in the knowledge of God and

when the Church here gained


How thrilled

wo were indeed

their goal

of giving R330 to build the house

of our British brethren.

for a midwife at Gowa

Now wo arc pushing to

Mission in Malawi

complete the church building at Takavashe which Is similarly being built solely through support from Observatory and the efforts of
their Christians. This Church is in association with Dadaya Mission of our How Zealand brethren. Thus far we have given R230 toward the required amount of R360. Pray that wo will not only reach these financial goals - to the benefit of our African brethren up there -

but that our spiritual objectives of encouragement and challenge will also be full;/ achieved, both among ourselves, and in our asso ciations also X'jith our various foreign brethren.
SPBCilAI- - Once again the scope of our Cape Town Missions (with a number of pictures) is being featured in the C.O.M.E. study packet. This timo it is the March Issue, so bo sure to send for yours RIGHT

AWAY (and

include at

least 7? cents

for the packet).

In all they

cover Ghana, Hlgoria, the Congo and South Africa , so be sure not to

miss this. Write Mission Services, Box 368, Joliot, Illinois 6oi]. 3l}. We continue to thank God for your faithful prayers and provi
sion for us. Wherever wq have gone and however we have grown has
been so much due as well to the kind aid you have so graciously and faithfully given us.
Yours in His Sorvice,

FOR YOUR UHDERSTAJ?DING: - Perhaps you brothron arc finding to coraprohond' the financial situation of our churches here,

it hard I shall

seek here to explain it briefly. In the wake of tho Depression of the_1930*s the work here was left struggling desperately financially. Much American money had initiated it. Now it was left to itself.

Getting ministers from'overseas

for short terras made

and paying travel

At last

and salary - but

matters worse.

a local minister was

iirainod for Observatory - but ho wont to the States. and the Church again floundered. Then in 1953 Max Randall served here part-time vrhile retaining his American salary for African evangelism, with
some adjustments - and this has since been the pattern basically

till I

came to serve

here in 1966.


two other


(even smaller than Observatory) wore started by

evangelists - still

into new housing areas, our mixed churches continue to face an awk ward situation. Nevertheless we aro urging and ti^ining the br,et-hren to give - though

with American salaries and relatively little pay from the churches. These throe churches are still not sufficiently strong or stable financially to bo relied on for a reasonable wage. What with the unbalanced economic system and the moving of some of tho population
to a variety of pro jects ' at presen^^ - that in

due time

they will be able

fully to finance and


further their own


JANUARY 1, 1969, balanco Receipts;

La Harpo C.C, Marchbanks Roark Ivey 100.00 500 10.00 5.00 5*00


Van Do Lindor Bogin:^rVs_Dept,

P.C.C., Texhoma Sunshine Class
P.C.C., Marlow P.C.C., Sallisaw Oakcrost C.C. Arcadia C.C. Central C.C.
Crocker C.C.


52.00 300
10.00 25-00 15.00 30.00 50.00

l500 ^eOO

Total Receipts




50.00 13.77

Extra Gift Postage

Total JAKTTARY 31, I969, balanoo



CAPE TOWN CHRISTIAN MIS.^ION John and Louise J'uirord

Box 5o5 Trfi Ha.rpo, Illinois, 6ll|50

The Christian Mission, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 1969

Page 13

The Lord's Table is a table of love, for it draws our hearts to the hear of Him
about the Lord's Table.
t C./A/i

I will meet with

who gave His life in love for us. Here is also the focal point of loving fellowship
for all our brethren around the world. Each

them for a regular new convert's class. Our junior and senior youth meetings will be further encouragement to them as they grow in Christ and reach out to others.
The men return with the plates and

Lord's Day as we partake of the emblems of our Lord's body and blood with the con gregation here in Observatory, we cannot help but be conscious of the great host of our brethren in Christ who gather in one
accord with us at this blessed feast.

partake themselves, and meditate. Then Bro. S. Norman (reader of the New Testa ment passage that morning and teacher of the adult class) rises and gives thanks for
the fruit of the vine. Bro. Stenson passes

Imagine then that you are actually with

us for worship this Lord's Day. As our
Bro. Stenson officiates on this occasion

the trays to them, and they to us while we silently look to the Lord. "Too soon we rise, the symbols disap

in leading the communion meditation and presenting the emblems, the links of love in my mind drift swiftly back through similar services to the days of my happy
boyhood in this church when he was even

The feast, though not the love, is past and gone;"

Thus we sing the closing verses of the

communion hymn for this day. The other
men leave the platform, and I remain to

then a significant leader in the congrega

tion. Indeed his own links go back some 40 years to the establishment of this con gregation ~ through the generosity of many American Christians and the fer vency of American evangelists. There
have been troubled times between, but

exhort the brethren through a message

taken from the Scripture portions we were all to have read each day this past week.
It somehow seems so natural, now,

from the late 1950's Americans again rallied to our aid, and the church still stands and grows with its own active membership now at 50. Two new chur ches having sprung from it, besides. Bro. Stenson focuses our thoughts on
precious memories of our Lord's mini stry and sacrifice. Bro. R. Norman at

that I should be preaching here as their minister, though in my youth I would never have imagined it. Following my gradua
tion from Cape Town University, ray seven

months experience of teaching in Rhodesian missions, my four years of Bible college at Ozark in the States, and my re
turn to whatever God had in store for me

in Cape Town, I found myself unavoidably called to aid, this, my then struggling
home church. Thus I became their mini

his right (who earlier read the Old Testa

ment portion and is the teacher of the junior hi class in Bible school) offers the prayer of thanks for the bread. With appropriate words Bro. Stenson breaks the bread and passes the plates to the deacons; they serve the bread to us while
we meditate on the Lord.

ster in January 1967.

They can only pro

vide us with a small portion of our salary and American brethren still graciously
maintain us here.

As I look out over the congregation, I

praise God for the joy of knowing that nearly

half of these have come to Him during our

Partaking with us this Lord's Day are four young converts who have recently
been welcomed into the fellowship of the congregation. Lorraine, Irene and Sharon
made their decisions for Christ at our

ministry here, and we are thrilled at the growth in Christ that some of these have shown already. Numerous home studies
and much personal concern were God's

recent summer camp over New Years. It was my joy to baptize them into Christ at

church the next Lord's Day.

Then Billy,

a senior in my Bible school class who had also been much influenced by the camp, accepted the Lord and was baptized the

means of reaching and teaching these dear ones and drawing them ti Himself. Following the h3Tnn of dedication and the benediction, the meeting concludes as it began; with a minute of silence for self examination and personal prayer. Then Louise and I make our way to the door to
(continued on next page)

following week.

Now they are one with us

Page 14

The Christian Mission, Vol. 13, No

3, March 1969

(continued from previous page) greet the brethren as they depart. Louise shakes hands with dear Sister Clunie, our
oldest and most faithful member. She has

ther it's evangelistic and missionary out reach. Pray that they may grow strong
in love for the Lord and be ever faithful
to His Word.

walked closely with the Lord for some 60 years and stayed steadfastly with this church from its earliest inception. I greet Sister "S^n Wyk, one of our many members of mixed racial ancestry. Our hands join in Christian love, despite the government's artificial "apartheid" barriers. Behind

John and Louise Fulford B 606 Forest Hill

her is Sister Roughton from our New Zea land church of Christ, who came with her husband to spend some months with their daughter, one of our Bible school teachers. There at the door is Sister Solomon, the mother of Jinimy and Titus (who went to Bible college in the States). Others of her
children have since come to Christ as well,

Mowbray, Cape
South Africa

Forwarding Agent:
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bice Box 505

La Harpe, Illinois

6145 0

even in England. There is Bro. DeKock who, despite his declining years and fail ing eyesight, comes to every meeting he
can and eagerly distributes Gospel tracts.
He .has also served as chairman of our

Area Men's Fellowship.

These are but

some of the brethren who have blessed our hearts in our labors for Christ here. How wide and wonderful indeed is the

family of God. Our own family is growing, also.

Little Jennie-Maree is now 15 months old.

By the time you receive this, there should

be another little Fulford to bless our home.

The Lord willing, we shall be continuing with this congregation for some while to establish it yet more firmely, and to fur

The Christian Mission, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 1969

Page 27


Bro. Stenson breaks the bread at the

communion service of the Observatory

Church of Christ where John Fulford

John and Louise Fulford greet members of the Observatory Church of Christ as they leave from the

(left) ministers.

John Fulford teaches four young converts

who made their decisions for Christ

John and Louise Fulford with their

chiefly as a result of their New Year


daughter, Jenni-Maree and their baby nephew, Timothy, They are expect ing their own new arrival this month
of March,

TLC ape p o\^n

VOL. ij., }:TO.

How thrlllod


MARCH 1969
our wonderful new

wo arc at

tho birth of

baby daughter. To sec her so perfectly formed and so filled with po tential - is to marvel at the mighty power and rich gracc of God, To rocognize that this prccious life has been entrusted to us --- is to bow in humble gratitude for the gift and for the trust. And is not each spiritual now birth similarly a prccious trust? Praise God for these babes in Christ entrusted to us here also. Pray that we may be

faithful in raising all those in tho scrvicc of Jesus.


on 25th February



little sister Debbie came to share our home.

She was all of 7 pounds

five ounccs, with bright eyes, dark hair and pudgy little face. Everything went wonderfully well - born on Tuesday, home on Sunday,
and in church for tho Gospel Hour (and on timol) a groat start for a Proachcr's kid. Already she is such a delight to our beloved breth ren here, and Jcnni too is fascinated by her. So now wo arc four, and we know the two girls will be grand chums for each other and a joy to

their parents.

By God's grace may they

indeed be a joy

to our Lord

as they learn of Him and live for Him.

YOUTH LEAD SERVICE - V/o have been much impressed by tho growth and zeal of our Observatory youth, who have come to Christ during our ministry here. These ton took complete charge of the Gospel Hour at
the beginning of this month on the theme "How Can My Life Count More



They led, sang, prayed, preached

and presented


and testimonies with inspiring sincerity and ability. Keith Rossouw's

message was particularly a powerful challenge to us all as he empha

sized the urgency for living fully for Christ.

How thrilling to know

how eagerly

these young people are going

on with God.

We are


a special Easter Retreat

for them and

the youth from

other churches.

Ai??0THER MISSION SUCCESS - Last month wc told of the amazing giving by

tho cbu'ch hero for Gowa Mission in Malawi. Wc mentioned also tho

goal of completing the building for Takavarasho Church in Rhodesia. At the time of writing, RI30 was yet needed. ALL of that was givcnl So that this project too has been successfully accomplished to the glory of God. Wo know that you rejoice with us, not only in this further provision for our African brethren, but also in tho fine in dication of missionary zeal already among these who are our mission field in Cape Town. Praise the Lord that your support of us has led
to such far reaching rcpercussions in Christ's service, Ai'U'JUAL GEHEHAL jt^ETING - So wo arc looking forward to our A.G.M, at Observatory in tho middle of this raonth with its reports on achieve
ments and its plans for the future. Since our last A.G.M. six more

souls have been born into the Kingdom hero, the communit but arc thankful

two were restored to tho continued with

Lord, and two others added by transfer. Some of our members have left

to know they have


Our Mission Program

has also been a glorious succoss toward

training preachers and erecting buildings. Our own Renovation Program has vastly improved the entire appearance of the Church-building (and
wc are now installing complete cupboards and now sink in the kitchen)

And what with our Youth Program - wc have much cause for rejoicing.
EMPHASIS_ ON E\^AHGELISK - I bolievo tho church is now ready for a fur



emphasis on




AG.M.; and

preaching and homo-studies will be geared povtioularly to that end. VJe trust you will continno to pray for us that there may be many novj
births into the family of Christ.
Yours because His,
Jennie and Debbie

FOR YOUR DEEPER UH)BRSTAI'DING - Wo talked previously in this section of the racial situation, and our financial situation here. Now let*s try to see something more of the religious situation. As you may well realize, most of the denominations you know in America arc hero as
well, besides the sects. Some, like the Dutch Reformed, have a church

in almost every suburb of this city. Some zealously preach the gospel
and convopsion. Most are fully indigenous and send out their own missionaries. Our situation here is somewhat unique, since South

Africa has not'had its own Restoration Movement or anything like it and hence "Churches of Christ".are not widely known. We cannot help at times feeling somewhat dwarfed by all of this, but we arc fully aware that there are yet many souls hardly being reached at all whom wo must win for Christ, and also there are yet many facets of the

truths of. God*s Word not being sufficiently taught. Thus what we can do we must do in the special tasks God expects of us. Even when at times these may seem small they may well be great in God*s sight.

PEBRQARY 1, I969, balance RECEIPTS; P.C.Ci, St. Ann, Mo.


118 .it8


La Harpe C.C., 111. . Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark.

Van De Linder Matlock .

Ivcy Beginner*s Dept. P.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla. Arcadia C.C., Kan. Crocker. C.C,,. Mo. Total Receipts

50.00 1$.00 5.00 5.00

5.00 25.0.0






Total expenses

FEBRUARY 28, I969, balance

MIS SIOMABY FAMILY; John and Louise Fulford


Mr, and Mrs. Marion Bice

3"606 Forest Hill F'owbray, Cape

South Africa

La Harpe, 111.



BOX 5o5




^T\vc C<*pc Town CUuiIan


VOL. k, NO. li.


APRIL 1969

HE LIV5SI" Praise God for our victorious Lord,

Sin could not corrupt

with His


Satan could not destroy Him,

from the

The grave could not decay Him, "Ho

and HE LIVES forever

arose a victor

dark domain,

saints to reign. Hallelujahl Christ arose," And it is in this that wo have our strength and power for His service in this city. Without Himwo are worthless* With Himall things arc possible. So ma:/ Ho bo over victorious through us, as we have been raised with Him to
abundant life. DESMOHES WON TO CHRIST Keith Rossouw*s roconsecration to Christ has

had wonderful

repercussions already.

V/e were


Gospel Way

Classes for him in the Desmoro homoand the Lord began dealing with others there also. We held one of our Cottage Meetings thereand 14j^s, Desmoro confessed her faith in Christ that night and i^as baptizcii,

A week later her husband and her lij. year old daughter Annalic were both baptized into Christ as well. What jor/ then was ours to welcomo

ell three into the congregation on Easter Sunday. Wo yet are to have the last Gospel Way lesson for themand then go right on with Now Converts Classes. Do pray for themand others of their dear ones who
yot need the Lord,

"_FRAISE THE LORD" RALLY - The March Fifth-Sunday Rally was held at Ob for His
servatory with 101 attending from the three churches. specials and testimonies proclaimed our praises to our

goodness and grace

toward us,

VJhat a thrilling

Many song^, blessed Lord

had two

for all xi/ho cameand what a wonderful fellowship of love as well,

yOUTH ilOUKTAIN-TpF EXPERIENCES - Four car-loads of our youth

glori')Us days of activity and inspiration on the Easter week-end. Wo literally and spiritually, cln.mbod the mountains to focus on the death and burial of our Lord. P'riday morning on a local mountain summit Jim dealt with "Why Christ Died," Then, following afternoon activities, Don Hart spoke on "Are You Dr^^ing?" Next day in a mountain cave I spoko
on "Burled With Christ". And at the beach that afternoon Darrel Stan

ley dealt

with "Arc Ynu Living?"

It was

indeed an

enriching exper

ience all around.

CO-LABORERS DEVELOFIiENTS - At Port Elizabeth my brother Carroll hold an Easter Convention for the African Churches of that region, and Zimmormans and Jim Solomons went to share and preach in it. Jim Solomon*s now house is fast nearing completion, and when finished it is to servo as their base for a new congregation in that Coloured community. Jim
Farris has begun a now children's Bible Club at their home in Boll-

villo with grand results

and about 20 children


Harts have a

now outreach also: into Fish Hock (a suburb some miles south of us), where the van der Muller family from our Church in Johannesburg have settled. They arc still fairly young converts but arc really getting some results. Harts go on furlough in early June and wo will then help at the tx-jo meetings in Fish Hook. The Stanleys will temporarily take the ministry of the V.^nberg Church. Nelsons arc duo to return via Cape Town this month and proceed to challenging opportunities in Kimberloy. Please pray ^that wo all may continue effectively for Christ. CHALLENGING FOR EVANGELISM - Wo are pressing on with our evangelistic outreach fop this congregation through home-staidies, visitation, tracts, 0*^0. - and particularly a special monthly evangelistic drive
for the Gospel Hour to challenge outsiders for Chri;-'-. Do continue your prayers for us all - and for v/ider oppoi'tunitica for our youth
especially. Pray for yet more souls for our Saviour,

Yours bocauso Hi.s,

Jonni and Debbio

FOR YOUR DEEPER UNDERSTANDING - I felt I'd like to share with you in this section a very rccent article by one of our young converts. Ver

onica Scott, aged 1^, the fourth of

by Mke Solomon

fourteen children in this family

was asked

to write an article

for the monthly youth

magazine "Grow". Veronica was baptized into Christ less than a year ago, and she was to write onj "How I became a Christian and why I
won't give it up." -I went to. church ever?/ Sunda:/ but I could never understand what the preacher there was saying. Then my sisters wore invited to Sword Club

by their

friend, and 14r. Fulford

visited our house

a few times.


way the services wore held.

oven a child

invited us to campaigns Gospel Hours a few times

and other special meetings. I visited the and felt somewhat pleased in ray heart at the
The message was preached
As I learned more about Christ and

so clearly that

could understand i t .

learned the pain

He suffered on the cross for mo, I realized

that it

was through love that Ho did it: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not

perish but have everlasting life." John 3^16. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for bis friend" John 15:13 Today I can face the world because I have met Jesus Christ. Therefore

I would recommend Christ to every sinner because I know that "while we

were yet sinners Christ died for us." This is also the only reason why I became a Christian; Because He" is a vjondorful Saviour. He is all I need in this world. There is none other beside Him.

MARCH 1, 1969, balance

REOKIpTo; Harehbanks La Harpc,C.C., 111.

52.00 50.00 25 >00

F.C.C.^ Salllsawj Okla.

F.cTC"., Texhoma, Okla.
Matlock Roark

P.C.C., Texhoma, Okla. Central C.C., Port Smith, Ark.

5.00 5.00
10.00 10.00

Missionary Group, Ancona, 111.

Van Do Linder

Beginner's Dept. Arcadia C.C., Kan. P.C.C., Dewey, Okla. F.C.C., Marlow, Okla. Crockcr C.C., Uo. Total Receipts

15.00 5.00
30.00 8.00




EXPEl^ISES: Salary
Extra Salary Postage Total Expenses

400.00 50.00



Additional receipts;
FoC.C., St. Ann, Mo,

MARCH 31^ 1969, balance



BOX 5o5 LA HARPE, ILL. 6li|5o

OzARK Bible Coiiege Library


.'n 3 69''

'Q?^. MlJSOl! -|*Bn;


I o\^n

lyiAY 1969


VOL, U, NO. ^

TRAIHIKG - is the Key to offoctlvonoss for Churchos and Individuals. Our Lord equipped His disciples that they might teach others also. Thus wo are hero in Cape Tovm both to win souls and to equip them for sorvicc. This issue of our paper therefore focuses on these factors. Ploasc pray along with us for those facets of our program. MORE DECISIOI^^S FOR CHRIST - Two more precious souls have boon added to the Lord at the church here: one a mother, and the first of her family of three to come to Christ; the other a young girl, and the last of her fainily of throe to bocomc a Christian. Mrs. Benwell had already started on the Gospel Vi-ay lessons, and suddenly docidod to step out

for Christ.

Pray that hor family will follow her example.

(Her young

son Allen has long been in our Bible School). Wendy Rulo grow up in our Bible School. Her sister Sharon (a year older) accoptod Christ at our Now Year Youth Camp, and had just completed the Now Converts class eswhen, at tho Gospel-Hour, Wendy felt moved to take her stand for Josus. She is to bo baptized at tho first of our special "Gospel Guest Hights" (the next week) which are to bo a monthly feature especially goarod for teaching outsiders for tho Lord. Do pray for these new
babes in Christand others also who can be challenged and equipped to
servo tho Lord.

SPECIAL GLASSES FOR BROTHER STOFFBERG -Brother Stoffborg has recovered

remarkably from his bad accident and is now regularly attending church
once more. Ho is still on crutchcs however and must rest a groat doal.

For his birthday

rocontly I gave him a copy

of Robert Palmer*s study

book "Hovj to Understand the Bible," plus 13 private

weekly lessons to

cover the courso. He is thrilled, and studying wollT^'and I'm gaining a great deal from it as well. Pray for him, that the Lord may equip him for valuable Christian leadership in time to come.


(brother Ziramor-

man's) was a

grand asset for training Bible School Toachers at the close of last year. Now we arc using thom in our regular Cottago Meet
ings, and also for tho benefit of our Board members of the church and

their wives.

We arc hoping thus to gain even better local workers for

SCHOOL PLj^NS - Our young people of Observatory Church and eager to share Christ with children in

Christ^s service hero.


XI2 of them) are now ready

aroas whore there

are no Bible Schools,

Already our plans

have been

well formulated, and they are all eager to got going once wo have se lected the best place. VJo anticipate using the home facilities of a friendly family, and partly just meeting in the open (on the "way

side *1),

Tho youth are themselves to take care of everything, with mo

just helping with thoir preparation and transportation. Our ultimate hope and objectivo is, however, to work toward the-- prospect of a -church in that area. Do pray for this new project for Sunday after


the church hero

is accepting

for tho Bible Training Contro at Gowa Mission, i^alawi. 2. for Bibles for all tho numerous new convui-ts at the Central School of Dadaya Mis

ing wo arc^ aiming: 1, for a now roof

the challenge for aiding otl>or southern African missions.

and other necessary improvements

By our giv

sion, Rhodesia. 3* for a motor cyclo for cvangolism bT tho students of the Preacher Training School at Port Shopstono, S. Africa. Just recently the church also gave close on RIOO.OO (1U0) for our Biblo Sunday for the Bible Sociot;/ of South Africa. VJe praise God for the

zeal of

those brethren

to thus be sharers

with others, and

grow in

their responsibilities toward world evangelization.

Jenni and Debbie

BUILDING BIBLE HOMES C)>MPAIGN - Brothop.'Zimmerman has agreed to preach his inspiring series of sermons on tbis significant topic at the Ob servatory Church from 2nd to 6th Juno. ' V/o are especially inviting the

for our Master,

other two churches to share with us in this. We know it will prove of wonderful bonofit to all toward equipping our homes for better service

VJe are trusting too that it will inspire some to wel

come Christ into their homos for the first time. Please remember these

meetings in your prayers, that they may reach many in this community.

Well, this gives you some idea of the wide and varied range of activi ties we are engaged in toward equipping the brethren here to manage
more of their own work for the Lord. With our combined prayers and

efforts we trust the Lord will train up many to further His cause di rectly from this place.
Yours in His service,
John and Louise Pulford Jenni and Dobbie

FOR YOUR DE3PER UUDERSTAKDII^G - This time I'd like to focus our atten

tion on the whole question of leadership in the Local churches here. The Observatory Church was once strong and fully independent and ef
fective, with able Elders and other loaders and preachers. Troublous times and the Colour Question have taken their toll however through

the early 1950'sleaving the leadership largely in the hands of the American supported Evangelist, plus some reasonably able men on the Board (none of whom felt worthy to actually serve as Elders). With the start of the Wynberg and Bellville churches frr'm Observatory, the prob lems of leadership have been trebled rather than improved. Thus, aside from the Evangelists, there are only three men at Observatory and one
at each of the other churchesto take the initiative and respohsibil-

itios for local leadership.

local loaders

Fray that the Lord will yet raise up more

and extend His cause hero in this

to build His ChtTrch


APRIL 1, 19^9, balance







Extra Sal.

$6.00 15.23

Beginner*s Dept. Central C.C. Van Do Linder Matlock Ivey

5.00 50.00 l500 5*00 5.00


Crocker C.C. 100,00 Sallisaw, P.C.C. 25o00 Texhoma, P.C.C, 62.00 Central Women^ s Gx-, 25^00 Total Roco.ipts

Printing-JiTotal Expons(3s APRIL 30, balance

pBtliJ k88.U3

Hoprlnt, back Issues of OTC.

John and Louise Pulford


B 6o6 Forest Hill Mowbray, Capo

South Africa


BOX 5o5

LA HARPE, ILL. 6ll|5o

TL Oat>c ape Toy^n p o\^n Clitbiicin

y^a^p^^'iLi!^_rrp<i ?. 3> * .

U o

VOL> li, i^'O, 6


JUNE 1969

OK THE MOVE I -Yes, the church here in Cape Townas a whole is really

^n the move", though not quite in the way one would normally


pate for a church. Instead, in just this past month, a number of our most significant members have been literally moving out to new areas I The result: a considerable re-arrangement of much of our program here,

and a need for your prayers as we review our situation. the details, that you may pray intelligently*



>/YI\"EERG- - Don, Patti and Chris Hart are off

States. Henoe, Barrel and Anne Stanley
to the Harts* house

for their furlough to the

from our area
the ministry

have moved out

six miles to the South to take over

at Viynberg for some nine months. We miss them from their responsibil ities at the Observatory, but pray G-od's blessing on their new activ ities. Two of the finest members at >.'ynberg have moved out too; Kike and Lynda Solomonheaded for Bible College in the States with the Hart's (And I am FORV'ARDII/G AGENT for the R209 being given monthly for a year by the brethren here to get them started). PENLY2J - Jimmy and Hazel Solomon and their girls have moved into their
new house (two miles further south from where they were) in a fine new

Coloured housing estate. They continue to come to Observatory 7/et, but their own work is now blossoming. They have an afternoon Sunday School
of twenty to thirty children, and their week-night
to develop.



FISH HOEK - With the depsrture of the Harts, Louise and I are now re sponsible for developments in the new outreach in Fish Hoek--some fif teen miles to the South of ua. Aided by the Van der Mullers, a fine Christian family who moved down from Johannesburg, we now run the Thursday afternoon "Sword Club" of about twBHty youngsters, and stay

for an evening Home Study of five interested adults, besides ourselves.

Please pray for the progress of this work.

SCARBOROUCH - Our long time Chairman of the Board, Bible School Super intendent and general Handyman: Brother Stenson, is moving this month to Scarborough: thirty miles South of Observatory where he has so long livedi and transferring to Pish Hoek Post Office. He and his wife have purchased a new house out therebut they still plan on coniing on the Lord's day mornings to Observatory, and could vjell aid developments in
Fish Hoek.

VAKGUARD DRIVE ESTATE - Keith Rossouw, who v7as so

Lord in the Desmore

instrumental of the
back to his own

family coming to Christ, moved

home near Vanguard Drive, four miles to the East of us. He now leads in our nev; Wayside Sunda y School project with others of our youth tak ing part effectively (I drive!), in the home of a friendly family in a fine Coloured housing estate out that way. Our youth are doing fine, with thirty to forty children coming regu-larly and eagerly. Keith
comes" regularly Sunday mornings, and to other functions at times.
ELSIES RIVER The Scott faii^ily has moved to the large Coloured town

ship of Elsies River, fifteen miles l:orth-East of us.

five older girls are committed Christians. Twelve

The mother
of the



children have been regularly active in our Bible School. Now few of them can manage to come regularly. Is the Lord leading toward a new
outreach in Elsies River also? V/e nsust pray and seek and see. BUILDIi'TG BIBLE EOr-ES CAKPAIGH - The Campaign went well indeed, and vjas a wonderful spiritual incentive to the homes of our brethren in the

three churches partiGrularr>^many of whom attended well (though rela tively fevj outsiders came despite wide publicity). In the light of present developments and moves, we cannot help but i>ronder whebber this

Jenni and Debbie

concept of the Christian home may not again strength of the church as in New Testament times.

prove to be the real

We plan to take a week off yet this month to review the total situa tion, and regain our spiritual resources, and plan and prepare for the future. Brethren pray for us, that the work of the Lord may press on ward and move forvrard for His glory.
Yours in His Service,
John and Louise Pulford Jenni and Debbie

FOR YOUR UNDiSHSTANDIHG - In the light of present developments I feel it would be well for you to know something more of the insta bility that has existed in the Observatory Church through most of its history. The building was completed in the 1930*s, but the members were already from divergent areas. Numerous denominational churches

are in close proximity, and we have

never effectively reached the com

munity. New housing developments are drawing most ambitious families and young people into other areas. So things could look grim for the church in Observatory itseif for the future> However, Observatory may well continue to prove to be the Launching Pad for continued outreach

and net-/ churcih developments in yet other

areas of Cape Tpwn-^-and re

gions beyoiidi

Hay God grant

us the wisdom and zeal

to capitalize on

these possibilities.

MAY 1, 1969,
Receipts: Arcadia C.C. Crocker C.C.


100.00 100.00




Salary Postage


La Harpe C.C.
Central C.C.

FCC, Salisaw FCC, St. Ann


50.00 2?.00

5o,oo Travel' Fund 506.kl 508.]il Total Expenses 62.11^. HAY 31, 1969 balance


Van De Linder


FCC, Texhoma
Arcadia C.C, Beginners Dept. Katlock Ivey

30.00 5.00 5#00 5.00

FCC, Mar low

Crocker C.C.


Total Receipts


556. Ii7


SSSIONARY FAMILY; .To"hn and Ii<.ui'se lAilford B 606 Forest Plill j'iowbray. Cape
South Africa

Mr. and Krs. Marion R. Bice

Cape Town Christian Mission

La Harpe, 111. 6lij.50

Box 5o5


BOX 5o5 LA HARPE, ILL. 6li;5o

Cape Tov^n
VOL, k. m. 8





hove cr.pturod

the herdlines

the world



'erG in South Africe have mrrvelod rlso ot the amazing r.cl.ievements of men through N.A.S..^^. of th.e U.S.A. in their conquest of outer spc.ce. Surel:/ we as Christisns should now be motivated all the more for tie conquest of IM-JER SPACE and this plrjiet Earth for the Lord Jesus GMstl

I am presontl;/ preaching

on th.is theme nt the Gospel Hour: '"Get Setl",

"Blast Offl", "watch Out!", and "mission Accomplished!".

on the Guest Kig!t with: "Berond ti e Stars


PRAYER BREAKFASTS - It wo3 ocrl:/ Saturday morning, August 2nd, p,nd our five missionary men plus Crrroll Fulford knelt in earnest prayer to
gether for the vrork of our Lord. Vi/e hed slurred specir.l requests and

items for praise, r.nd now what enrichment it wns to us to berr up all these, end each otl'or, before the Lord nnd trust Him to guide pnd pro
vide, Then Jim Pcrris fed us an excellent brerkfast, rnd plans vjere glcdly made for future such sessions crch month on the first Saturda*'

morning. Perhaps you would like to mr.ke a point of praying particularly

for us also then.

CARROLL^S COJJTRIBUTIONS - We are sad indeed that ill-health in his fam-

ilr has

resulted in
His wife

my brother*s

termination of

their work

in Fort


and two children

are already back in the States

He and l-.is Irrs l:ave weeks. We Lord's day

daugl ter Alrndrn are to join ti-em soon. Meanwhile, visa doresulted in Carroll's being detained in Cape Town for six have made the most of ! im, however, and he has preac[:ed eac'' for one or more of our three congregations, taught Bible Sd ool, and led Bible Studies. He has also aided our routh program and outreachi in Pisl' Hock, iiow at last his visa is granted, and wg bid him and Landy a sad farewell. Please pra.y for them in their future service

for Christ in the States.

YOUTH FROGRAi-'iS -RecentlT our Senior Yout!" had the opportunity of seeing the Moon V/alk on closed-circuit T,V. at the University !:,ere, just ti.70weeks late, since Sout: Africa has no T.V, generally. Presently Darrol, Jimm,y, and I are rotrting on a monthly basis as Sponsors for th.e Com bined Senior Youth of VJynberg and Observatory. It's my turn in October, Meanwhile I still have my hands full anywaT with Junior Y.P. (twelve of them at least on Friday afternoons at Observatorywiti, a Space Race to reach the Earth, botwoen tie "Ambassadors" and t!:e "Evangelists" s ips V.'!"ile at Fis^. Hoek on T'ursday afternoon it's still Sword Club also with a race to conquer tie mountain fortress by either the Joshuas or the Davids (about twenty altogether).
Our Youth continue to work well wit! the t*?ayside Sunday School in Van
for future leadership in

guard Estate, wit!:" between 20 and 30 coming regularlr. bo pray that the
Lord will use us
His Churc!^,.

to train up all these youth

Jir^TY' S DEVELOPI-TlvTS - The Lord is continuing to open avenues of opportunities now runs

at their nev; home. Their Bible School for the Solomon family in t!'o thirties, and they have 1; classes wit!' Keitl. Rossuw (?)

u, and Sandra Stoffberg eacJ-i taking a class now also^ In addition they are in process of developing a mid-vreek Bible Study (besides their routl". meetings). Al'JD Jimmy is now Superintendent and Teac' or also in our

Observatory Bible Schooll

EXTRA TE.-^.CHING - New Converts

classes. Teacher training sessions, and

the special class for brotter Stoffberg ere now coming to completion for t' e tine being, The'^ l-pve been an inspiration to all who l^.ave gain

ed by them.

And at Fish Foek we are now using "The Gospel Way" for the

evening studies. Tl-is mont". vie are also holding a special Cottage Meeting at tl.e Scott Irouse in Elsies River, Please remember a l l these functions in '.^our prayers, that we might accomplish all our calling in

Christ for His glory.

Yours in His Service,
Jenni and Debbie

FOR YOUR DEEPER UHDSP.STAHDING - Lc.st month we doclt with the effects of

the loss of some of the significpjit "oung people

from the local church an era w!en

in Cape Town,

Now I would like us to consider the significance of some

of the church, there wcs

of the older folk.

Because of the earlier hardships

some of the older leaders

but stymied the work#

grew so cautious and reticent

that they all

to anything again


ThoT did not believe it could really ever amount

the Lord ssw us

through, and at lost

that era has passed--though only faiJ^*l7 rocentl"-;

Nevertheless> the scrrs still remain somewhct, rnd we rre faced with the challenge of stimulating the new generation with fresh, vision and vigor for the i^ork. They and we need your prayers in. this.
Some of our older brethren have been-a real inspirrtion to us

Tfrjo of these in particular are in the picture at the Church door in the
C.O.M.E. packet for March I969. Dear old sister Cluniewho has come to every meeting of the church that she can for as long as. I can remem ber (she has been a Christian for over 60.years). She. is. now under great strain and has quite often fainted during services lately. And
our earnest brother De Kockwho lost his wonderful wife just a few

zeal for the Lord> however, and we grieve

to see them now fading away.

in their

yerrs ago, and has now all but lost his eyiesight too, and has few to really care for him. Please pray for them.and for us as we seek to
minister to such as well.


tRJLY 1, 1969, balance



La Harpe C.C.,"La Harpe, 111. Central C.C^, Fort Smith, Ark.

M.F4 March banks

50.00 5.00


(for Debbie)

O.R. Van De Linder


P.C.C,, Texhoma, Oklr*


Beginner*s Dept. (for Jonni)

^ Arcadia CwC^, Kansas P.TT.C., SollisW,"TJlclr.
W. Katlock


P. Roark

VJ. Ivey Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo. Total Receipts

TOTAL Borrowed from Travel Fund






Salary. Postage


Books, (OBC)
Supplies Total expenses

.75 6.30



JULY 31^ 1969, balance Travel Fund balance 550-60 (above) = lj.90


La Herpe, 111. 6llj.50

Sb 24 '63

^\ic Ca^c T
VOL. li, HO. 9


SCOHH;! - And the South Africcn Springboks bert the Austrrlicin Wallrbies 11-3 in the third Internr.tioncl Rugby (footbr.ll) Test f.rtch plead

here in Cr.pe Town on Srturdr." in pouring rr.in.

however we

Yr,/ for our sidel (Lou

ise^ s pc.rents r.re in Austrclicl).


onl"* herrd the

close of

plcT over the radio-but we r.re vividly reminded of our responsibilit"; to "Score" in every vjt" we cm in our work for Christ here despite nil

FIFTH SUI'IDAY RALLY - Once rgnin this grcnd event proved a rich inspir ation to us cll, cs eightv of us frora the three churches gr.thered pt Observr-tory, During the vr.ried progrr.m, brother Zitninermr.n brought ti

challenging inessr.ge on the theme: "Let Us Rise Up end Build".

Hrny re

sponded by telling of vcrious r.reas of their spiritun.1 lives that they were determined to build up in the service of Christ. May God help us to carry all these determinations into effect for the up-building of
His Church here.

AIu'jlVERSARY - The next big event for us this month

is the Bible School


revealing the Church as "The Fort Impregnable",

The vr.rsongs

ious sections of a model fort will be built up as the poems and

we trust the Lord will use this to draw more of these to Himself.
YOUTH HIKE On Settlers DaTa recent Public Holidr-,"

rre presented. Ye are anticiprting many parents and friends coming, and
1 took our Jun

ior Youth nnd .'jome of their friends on a hike

clong our

T-'lountain Con

tour Prth, five miles

from the Church to our

Botrnicrl Gardens (Kirs-

tenbouoh). V/e went via the Memorial to Cecil John Rhodesone of the greet founders of Southern Africa. At the highest point of the hike we

held our meeting, and I

spoke on "Journeving

with Jesus."



Settelers lurde this land their great destination; x^e have a greetor destinationheaven, and Christ is our Guide and our Way. Seventeen Juniors went along, including three ';oung Indian friends of theirs. Ma'' they all indeed determine to v:alk Jesus' Kay. KISSIOi''IARY .COI-TVENTIOH - Yes, it*s
the opportunity thus to score

again, 23 - 26 of this month at Khoxville, Tennessee.

Convention time for

How we

all of ",'ou once

env'^" you

for Christ and r'issions


V;e here

ore, however, praying for the success of that Kissionary Convention. V.e trust that--if at rll possible.'ou will endervor to be there; and, even if --ou cannot go, you too will pray for a greater zeal for world evangelism through the sessions there. How wonderful it would be if ct
least one representrtive from each church could be at this Annual Con

vention and convey its inspiration to his home congregation.

DWBLOPM5I\'TS - In rll phrses of our major responsibilities here we have has cause for rejoicing in recent developments. Jimray Soloition has canvassed his arer with advertising, and strrted a mid-week Bible Studr thereresulting in three the first week, and five this second week.
Jim Parris is thrJlJed with the recent decision of Krs. Bressler to u-

nite in fellowship with them in the i\I. Suburbs Church, and her husband too has shovm good interoi^t. Darrel Stcnley is rejoicing in Mrs, Prrk's

recent coLjmitm.ent to the VJynberg Church, since moving from, a town where she had been associated, with a non-instiniraental Church of ChristrWe at
Observator; rejo'rce rlso in the recent keen Interest of I'^rs. Mannel who

has started coming five miles b bus on Sundoy Wights to our Gospel Hour. And A1 Ziinmermrn is rs busy as ever with the vast African program
with seventeen weddings to perform in this one weekl Praise God for all these opportunities He is giving us to score for Him. Pray that we will keep pressing on determinedl"" to victory.
Yours on Christ^s Team,

Ozark B/6le College Library

Jop/in, Missouri 64601
N. Main
Jenni and Debbie

FOH YOUR DS'T^FBR UHPTvRSTADIHG - This month we went to focus on the fel

lowship we hr.ve found r.mong our co-lrborers here in Cr.pe Town. This is perhr.ps nowhere more wonderfully evident then nt our monthly Pro/er Breckfast sessions Here we rec.dily make known our jors and victories Here we freely acknowledge also our needs and weaknesses. Then we en courage one aJiother, and pray for each other and the progress of Christ*s cause here It is true that, aside from A1 Zimmerman, we are all relatively inexperienced herebut we are thus all the more depend
ent on each other and on the Lord i f we are to succeed. V/hat a bless

ing it is for us thus to work together as a Team, with

Christ alone as

our Captain. Our unit-' and accord has helped immensely in developing an increasing unanimity in our total church work, and hence a steady growth throughout. Pray that the Lord will continue to prosper our re

lationship together in His service here. How we thank God also for you r.llfor by your prayers and support, in vour love for us and this work you too are our vital partners in the progress for Christ in this place.

AUGUST 1, 1969, balance



Beginner's Dept., La Harpe, 111. Hrrchbanks, Pocrtello, Idaho F.C.G., St. Ann, Mo* F.G.G., Texhoma, Okln. Central C.C., Fort Smith, Ark, Matlock, Sa His aw, 0kla. Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla* La Harpe C.C., La Harpe, 111, P.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla. Van De Linder, Sallisrw, Okla. Crocker C.G., Crocker, T5o. Total Receipts
TOTAL BorroX'Ted from Travel Fund

5.00 5.00


50.00 5.00 5.00


25.00 15.00




Salary Postage

113.^0 578.31 578.31 10.1^.7

Printing, (paper for C.T.G.)

Total Expenses

AUGUST 31, 1969, balance

KIS3I0KARY FAMILY John and Louise Fulford

a/U riarion Bice
La Harpe, Illinois

B 606 Forest Hill Kowbra y, Gap e

South Africa



BOX 5o5


i08^9 !Jnossi(iy 'ui|dDr

-M ilii' AJwqn 83o||oo aiqia Vbzq

p o\)^n



VCL, It, NO, 10

BAR7KQUAKEI -Houses tumbled, eleven died, r.nd hundreds were left home

less within r. hundred miles of Or.pe Town, We ourselves were well shcken up, r.nd ornaments fell in our sixth-floor aprrtment, Louise wrs

ho'frie alone with the little ones at the time (lOrOli. p,m.)

spent the

rest of the night down the rocd at my mother's rpartment on the ground

floor 1 That Saturday night following (rt a Bible Club meeting of i|0 teenagers) and on the Lord's Day, I made much of the opportunity to
preach on a mightr God, a Shaken World and an Eternal Hope. One dry this world will be so shrken that all material things will be utterl-' destro'/'ed (Heb. 12 27)* Then, "...only what's done for Christ will

APRICAIv CHURCHES COKFEREIfCB - Significantly, in that same week our Af rican brethren met in Klerksdorp (000 miles from Cape Town) for an Annual Conference. Their theme wrs: "Let us rise up and build." Erch session dealt with building up the work securely and eternally in Christ. Representatives crme from oxir many African Churches all over South Africa. Brothers Siramerman, Jimmy Solomon and Parrel Stanley V7ent up from Cape T#wn to speak at the Conference also, vsxd had an inspiring time with African and Missionary brethren there. TEACHER TRAINIXNiG- ~ I have had rewarding experiences in the Teacher

our teachers benefitted in their own effectiveness in teaching their clrsses but one of our teachersRon Kormanhas been so impressed with the series, that he in turn has taught it to a group of neighbour
friends who also are teachers.
munion meditation.

Training sessions I have been holding in various homes.

Not only hrve

His "marked tjuccess in this is a thrill

to U3--as further evidence of his own growth in the Lord. When we ccme to minister here he was then only willing to give an occasional com PERSONAL GROV'TH -Another of our men who has shown encourrging signs of
grovrth is brother Pitt. Just recentl"' he hrd his second spiriturl

birthda". He hrs been resisting at the Lord's Table, and, just Irst Lord's Cay, led for the first tiine in the evening Gospel hour and led
one of the discussion groups af ten-irrds.
wife are now also enthunirstic for the

He did verr well. He and his

mid-week Bible Studies. We

prrise God for the progress wo have seen in their lives also,and trust thrt they will continue to grow in service for Christ,
YOUTH ACTIVITIES Our combined Senior Youth continue well vrith their

regular activities. I rm sponsoring them for the month of October with varied programs, including another Open Air service at the end of this


the "Ambassadors" close

Our Observrtorv Juniors have had a thrilling competition, with

behind the

victorious "Evangelists" who


thct much better on Bible :-:emory work in particular. Some of them hrve helped m.e paint part of the church also. And now they are looking forwr.rd to mother Christmas Pla;, and then a week of camp at the end of the /ear. Please pray for our progress with the potential in these
-oung lives.

I-' 1KB AND LODA' S BABY - Andrew Solomon has arrived! All of 8- pounds, and the jov of ivik:o and Lynda at Ozark Bible College in Joplin, I-o, He

wrs born on li;th September,

and is doing very well


How glad

we rre hero in Cape Town for the shar^ we hnve in God's blessings on their lives, since they are from our own "outh here: and especirlly

because of the finrncirl help which is

faithiulness thus to us r.lso).
OUR VACATION - Finall- vie have really r t last in the blessed rnd beautiful

being continually given faith-

full*^ from all here who promised to help. We know how much the" rre counting on this from us rll, (How we thank God personally for your
mrde it this time I We are here surroundings of Carmel Christian
I conducted

Guest Farm from 8th to 17th October,

the funeral for one of

our older members the dav

Jenni rnd Debbie

before we left,

VJe expect to be back to witness

the wedding of Stephen Zimmermen to Pr.t Sweeney cit Observatory the dry
cfter we return. thrt we will return recuperrted end revitalised for rll else our Lord yet hrs in store for us in this our last "^err

before returning to report personally to you in the U.SoA*

^:ry our Lord continue to bless ,'ou richly as you our endervors for Christ in Cape Town. share with us in all

Yours because His,

John and Louise Pulford Jenni end Debbie

FOR YOUR DBBPER U.NDBRSTANDIi\G - Let us turn your thinking again this month to the financial' features of the church bere in Cape Town. It ia true that as a Mission Church,the Observetory congregation provides

us with a relatively smell personal return for our services here (R^O)
which goes towerd bUr travel fund here for returning to the States. Nevertheless, the church is catching e. glorious vinion of whrt they in
turn ccndo to aid the cause of Christ elsewhere. Besides their siz-

rble share in aiding Kike rnd Lynda SoloraCn in the Strtes (the total from the 3 churches being over R200 monthly foi* one year), and their consistent giving of R^O monthly also for Jirnmv and Hazel Solomon here
they have zealously continued the Mission of the Month Program. Thus

since Mai'ch th<^y have given R120 towards the needed R200 for a roof for the Bible Training Centre at Gowa Mission of ouJc* British Churches in !!Ielawi, ejad ere pressing on toward that goal. They have just re
cently sent a blanket and e sheet for l5 beds for Port. Shepstone's

Preac-her Training School

at a value of over Ri|.0.

fruitfulness as v/e

And they

have also

provided Hew. Testements for ell of many new converts at Dadaya Mission
of our New Zealand brethren in Rhodesia. Whet a thrill i t is thus for

us to know of such widespread

all are sharers to

gether in the world-wide work of our Lord.




Beginner' s" Dept. .


20.00 100.00

Le Harpe C.C,, La Herpe, 111. Central C.C, Ft. Smith, Ark.



Arcadia C.C,, A.rcr;dJ;a, Kan.

F.C.C., Sallisrw, Okie/

Ven De Linder Mrtlock

2$.00 15.00

Ivey Arcadia C.C., Arcedie,



Crocker C,G., Crocker, Ho.




Borrowed from Trjivel Fund



- _

^Sslarx Postage


Total expenses SEPTEiER 30, 19^9, belence



if67.l5 3,32

BOX 505


Ca^c Tc\^n
VOL. Ij., I'O. 11

. C^'E :r 1969


es, this is the v.onth for special Thai^ksgivi^jg in the and e-ven.we hero in South Africa will he giving tha/i'ca to G-cd
It is now POT R ^ b8c'<" to Cape Tovm to serve Hi.'^ here. And
thank and praise God


i-.is blessed provision for us also.

liord brought

i since the throughout

thes-^ four "^ears vou dear brethren have upheld

your gifts, how we do tb0n'< you also.

us by your prefers and for that I--and how we do


own frr?ily we have

just this month


Jonni- aree''s second birthday. She reclly has grown I is runninfi; around
and spoalcing quite well (and she sure is ^'^ade a fuss of at church). Last month all the Zimmernan- family had a part in the marriage of their eldest son Stephen to Fat Sweeny at the Observatory Churcb. And just recently the parent:? of Jii!]my(and Titus) Solo'.-on celebrated their


i'.'eddinr? Anniversary
'-'hat a

with a

Thanksgiving Service at the


are to us all (and we are now all the more glad for the attractive renovations and improve-'^ients now "-cuplftted at Observatory).

here as well,

thrill such occasions

SEI'.IOR "cOirTI- '-'ITiJESS - Our Senior 'oung Feovle were a real inspiration to us once again as they took co.iplete charge of our recent Gospel

Guest I'light.

Throu.eh song, scripture, poems, lessons, of ."owbray--proclaii;iing



sf^rmon th'^y glorified the Lord as they revealed

'e". .iany of the:-: took an active part also in the recent Open /ir Ser

"What Christ ;'-e?ns to

vice in the centre

the gospel to hundreds of

passers by, and distributing numerous tracts. In Pible School class they told also of their talks with others at home and at work concern

ing the I.o.vd, And a nu'.::bor of them work regularly with our extra sfteriioon Gfiiday Schools. How we praise God for their willingness to
witness in theg^e i^rays for their Lord,

people is .Teith Rossouw,

fully through his life.

B^I'^Hf_S OV'jl PROGHBSS - tFndoubtedly the most; outstanding of these young

He was the preacher for the youth service

and vividly revealed the Lord Jesus Christ and the personal impact Christ had had on his own soul. The Lord is continuing to work x^ronder-

L;ot only does he encourage our own program at

CbsRrvstory, but he teaches feithfully and effectively in

J'l.":imy Solo

mon's Sunday School at F&nlyn Estate^ ALL he leads his ovjn youth pro gram at his own home alnol And he readily seeks out opportunities daily to share his faith in Christ with others, Do pray that he will
progress all the more glorious3.y for God. lOK YCt'TH PRAI /: - Our Junior T,F. is back in action after a holiday

break following the competition. Our main aim is to produce a play: When Christ Was Horn," focusing on the glorious events surrounding our Saviour's birth. The Juniors are throwing thenselves eagerly into this production and will undoubtedly be a great success once again. Thirteen of thei,.* are invc^lved, and the play suits them perfectly.
yrlsh you ^.ould bn here to see iti Wo trust that >rith its .'aessage, December 11th and 12th, many will be touched

uliler moved j.nto Fiaki Ic;f^k as eager converts from our churches in Jo hannesburg, '"lltb the aid of the Harts they started a Bible Club and a Bible Study in their own home. They have since influenced 20 to 30 ycu2:gsters and 3 adults regi.ilarly for a deeper concern for Jesus

lAR DSR I'liyjER.LS PRpdjECT^ -About a year ap:o Clive and Lorraii^e Van der

Christ. Tv70 of the adults have moved to Rhodesia. The third plans to move soon to Plu:nstead, And the Van der '-'Ullei's are moving to the
Strand (bnyoi'd the iW Suburbs), have been th.rilled to have had a

part in these ventures, iiot only have a number of lives been influenc

ed more for Christ, but Clive

and Lorraine have themselves grown won

We are bringing the

derfully in their abilities in Christ's, service. Bible Club to a grend climax with a Tableau-Flayt '^The Road to Leaven" at the end of this month.
Already the Van der fullers arc looking forward


to fr^.3h ventures at the Strand, aid<--.d by the

be ciosor to them.
things B.e hath don^^,

Parrlaes who

will then

Kay Gcd go with then? indeed,

A3 ycu rejoice with us in all cf thin, nay we give C-cd the glorygreat
Youro because His,
John and Louise Pulford Jeniii end Debbie

^C'R '^OUn DE'Dr-JiIR Di.PER3TAiiDIi.-;G - Politically this

country has been op

; when all the issues involved are seriously considered. This is all the i more apparent in vi^w of the developraent of a nei'j, even more radical, ; extremist Nationalist party-ready to contend in next year's elections,

posed and maligned by most of the nations of this worldrightly or wrongly. The governmentpolicies of apartheid hare been viciously r^^jected b^"- advocates of liberty and equalitywithin and without the country. Practical alternatives are, however, not readily fcrthc.oTJiing

^ While nven thpi Opposition Party (the United Party) also unashamedly ^ stands for a very similar essential policy of segregation with white; supremacy. As Christian:! in such a country we are often caught between

^ (^ur conscience and love-for-all "^n one hand, and our responsibility to government legislation on the other*; between our readiness to accept
evftry opportunity for evangelisin on one hand, and our selectivity for

the most effective and enduring results on the othor; between cur com: o^jr desire to make the most of the present on one hand, and our desire

< to reach and influence the

; passionate concern for the underprivileged on one hand, and cur desire

leaders in the land on the

other; between

I and t'^aoh what snuls vje can in any case-and let Ilira load as He sees
l^J^est, for the destinies of nations are in Ein hands.

I to prepare for the future on the other.

"But may God

help us to reach

October 1, 1969, balance



F.C.C., 5t, Ann, Ko.

La Earpe C.C., 111. Central C.C,, Ft. vSmitb, Ark, F.G.C., SallisavT, Oirla.
Rice, (Barker)
0R, Vande Linder '^.R, >.ai'chbanks

Bf^pjnui^r'^s Dept.




P ,C . G, , 'IViXlioina, Okla.
VJ". Ivey
V'J, liatlock

15.00 5.00

5.00 5.00

Arcadia C.C,, Kan. Crockcr C,C., Ko, Total Receipts



425.00 428.32


Salary Postage Total Expenses

I'inus balance Borrovr from travel fund

450.00- -8.39-^ _
31.00, .93

October 31j 1969, balance

\io <'A ^ in 'PMj

BOX 5o5

LA HARPE, ILL. 611^^0

// //

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