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Where Is Our Grave?

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibandi, Sohbat of 8th of July, 2013.

Come on in O yaran Shah Mardan. Come in and we will listen to you- so that we take a naseeb from the sweetness of life, so that we don't think dunya is a barn. Dunya is not a barn. The barn is for animals. Men are not animals, that there should be a barn for them. But the people of this time think dunya is a barn, it is astonishing. Come on in O Shah Mardan, O Lion of Allah. AsSalamu alaikum, how beautiful. May Salam be upon you. May it come from the Salam of Heavens. Come on in, welcome, O yaran Shah Mardan. Madad, dastur. May we not get anxious, may we not get offended either. May we take a naseeb from the sweetness of this day. As-Salam alaikum O yaran Shah Mardan- the Ahbab of Shah Mardan, may Salam be upon you. When we greet them with Salam, they also greet back with Salam. What is our way? Our way is the way of faith, is the way of Islam, is the way of paradise. Don't leave the way of paradise and fall into a bad way. Don't be nawmid; nawmid, meaning don't be hopeless. This dunya is a khan/hostel. There are those who come as well as those who leave This is what dunya is. Welcome to you, O yaran Shah Mardan. Welcome to you. May your day and your hearts be in pleasure. Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah Allahu Hasbi. Allah Almighty Jalla Jalaluhu did not create dunya as a mahbas -prison for Man. Marhaba O our yaran, our children. We should know that Janab-i Wajibu-l Wujud did not make dunya a prison for Man. Allahu Akbar. May your hearts be in joy. May our hearts and days be joyous with the grants of our Sultan. May our dunya be joyous. May our graves be joyous too. As-Salamu alaikum O hadirun. Come on in to the assembly of Shah Mardan. May such a joy reach our soul and physical body that we awaken. Let us say As-Salamu alaikum. Let us greet with Salam. Salam brings safety. Who forgets the Salam is miserable in dunya & miserable in akhirah also. Dunya is not a even hostel. Dunya is a manzil /temporary resting place of Rabbu-l Izzat Jalla Jalaluhu for His believing servants. Here is a manzil, meaning a temporary place to stay. We are not permanent here. May we stay nicely and may we depart it nicely. Dunya- everybody lands in dunya. They should land in a clean manner and then they should leave dunya in a clean manner. They may be welcomed by the angels. They may say "Marhaba O Ahbab of Shah Mardan, O who go on the way of Shah Mardan, O Ahlu safa"! They are called "Ahlu safa", Allahu Akbar. Madad Ya Shah Mardan. A person who thinks this dunya is a permanent place to stay, loses his humanity. Dunya is not a khan, no. It is a stopping place, it is a manzil. One will go from one manzil to another. Allahu Akbar. Welcome to you, O Yaran Shah Mardan. We came with safa / purity & may we leave with safa.

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Ad-dinu nasiha. Religion is advice. It is a ghanimah / spoils for Man. Angels greet us with Salam. O Ahbab who are on the way of Shah Mardan, yaran-u Shah Mardan - Welcome to this day of ours. May this day of ours be beautiful for us, may it be beautiful for you. May it not bring sorrows or despair. May our day come filled with goodness. May we receive from the goods of our day that which is filled with goodness. How beautiful. O Ya Rabbi. We are not like fourlegged animals. Dunya is a hostel for them too but dunya is not a hostel for Man like it is for animals. Dunya is a hostel. There are who land and who leave. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. O Lion of Allah's way. May you fill us with faith. May you fill us with honour. May you fill us with loads of faith in the Presence of Rabbu-l Izzat. What is it that we ask for in dunya? It is faith. May we come with faith & leave with faith. May we not come for the dirty dunya. But shaytan made the people confused and says "Ask for the dirty dunya no matter what!" No, don't run after the dirty dunya. You will be dirty. Run after the good ones and you will be good. You will be good. What is it that is asked from us? Ad-Dinu nasiha; religion is advice. There is one matter that is requested from us, about which the glorious Prophet of the End of Times informed us from Rabbu-l Izzat: Be good, be beautiful. Be nice. Don't dive into the dunya filth. A barn is not suitable for you. Palaces are what are suitable for you. Kun fayakun! Palaces appear! Allah Almighty's order immediately happens. Know Allah, say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May we remember the Name of Allah first. We should say the Name of our Lord before anything else. May we remember the Name of Allah first. You have no honour, no value unless you say the honored Name of Allahu Dhu-l Jalal. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. May we also take naseeb and ihsan from your way and may our faces become beautiful. May we not be ugly. The Prophet of the End of Times said: "Ahsinu wujuhakum", make your faces beautiful. What makes the face of Man beautiful is not make-up. A beauty comes to Man- descending from Heavens and he becomes sweet. O Man! Be beautiful. This is the teaching of the Prophets: O Man, be beautiful. Don't be ugly. On the contrary, be beautiful, says Allah Almighty. Allahu Jamilun, Allah Almighty is the most beautiful. Allah Almighty created His Habib and granted him beauty. What He (swt) asks from us is "Be beautiful, be nice". Ad-dinu nasiha. Religion is advice. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. Man ashara qawman, la 'arba'ina yawman sara minhum. If a people spend 40 days together with another people, they become from them. If they are together with donkeys for 40 days, they become donkeys. If they are together with a Sultan for 40 days, they become Sultans. Allah dressed on us the dress of sultanate. It is such a dress, such an honour /iftikhar dress that shaytan got jealous of it. It said, "It would be more suitable for me". The word came from above: "I granted you what is suitable for you. You can't interfere with what I grant him - you can't interfere with what I grant the Children of Adam. I granted you what I granted you. You can't interfere with Me!" Jalla Jalaluhu. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. Janabu Rabbu-l Izzat rebuked shaytan. He (swt) said "You can't interfere. You can't decide what I grant or don't grant. I granted you what I granted you but I didn't grant you what I granted Adam". Allahu Akbar!

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Go ahead O Shah Mardan. O our Lord- our Subhan, our Sultan. You created Your Habib beautiful. Who love Your Habib are also beautiful, who go on his way are also beautiful. Who have his morals are also beautiful. They are the people of paradise. Ad-dinu nasiha, religion is advice. Say O mankind, who are you? Who are you? You are the Hazrat Insan. Hazrat Insan Allah Almighty dressed him with a rank. Angels said "Dress this attribute on us". Allah Almighty said "No. "This is unique to Adam. What I granted to you and to Adam is different. "There is the dress of honour / iftikhar I dressed on Adam. He is My Caliph. "He is well-respected. There can't be anyone "higher than the Children of Adam. "I granted this rank to him and granted you what I granted you but you can't ask Me for what I granted Adam". O Lord, You made us beautiful. We wish we stayed beautiful. Stay alert! There are so many things- Rabbu-l Izzat, Janab-i Haqq, Jalla Jalaluhu says "I didn't grant anyone what I granted the Children of Adam". Be proud, honoured O Man! Be happy with this rank Allah Almighty granted us. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. Your Yaran are your admirers- they are admirers of the Nur on your face, they are admirers of the wisdom in your words. Shukur Janab Allah. Insan! Prophet Adam is who represents Allahu Dhu-l Jalal. Why does he represent Allahu Dhu-l Jalal? Because Hazrat Nabi, who is the Prophet of the End of Times, represents Him. "I granted the Children of Adam honour for the honour of the Prophet of the End of Times". Listen O yaran Shah Mardan. Let us say O yaran, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Always say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and there will be no power that can stop you, no power that can beat you. There is no honour that can reach your honour. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Grant us strength O our Mawla. Grant us power O our Mawla and we open up and are filled with love & enthusiasm. Shah Mardan's way is the way of enthusiasm. Who is filled with love & enthusiasm is the Prophet Hz. It comes to us from him. Be Man, don't be animal. Be beautiful; don't be ugly. This is what Allah Almighty asks from us. But shaytan says, on the contrary, "Be ugly". How can a person be ugly? He gets ugly with his actions. He is getting ugly according to what he does, you can't even look at his face. You can't look at shaytan's face. "Be beautiful" says the order from Heavens. O Children of Adam, all the Prophets that came from East to West told their nations "Be beautiful, don't be ugly". There is such a beauty that... Prophet Solomon- alaihi s-salam, 'ala nabina alaihi s-salatu wa s-salam, wrote a letter and said: "'Innahu Min Sulaymana Wa 'Innahu Bismi Llahi r-Rahmani r-Rahimi" (27:30). The earth trembled. Balqis's golden throne shook and collapsed. O Man, your virtue and rank cannot be finished by writing or speaking of it. O glorious Prophet, who was told in the Divine Presence of Allah, "Put your feet on the 'Arsh, O My Habib!" HabibuLlah asked for this honour for his Nation too, "May my Nation walk the path which I walk. May they not walk the path on which shaytan sets foot". O our Lord- our Subhan, our Sultan. Kulluha Adab - All is Adab. The Holy Quran, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, from the beginning to its end is filled with wisdom, with beauties, with honour. Recite it and your honour increases.

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Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, your yaran are your admirers. How beautiful it is to be from your yaran. Be nice. Be beautiful. Walk the path of beautiful ones. Who is the beautiful? Who takes Nur from Heavens is the beautiful. Man cannot be beautiful without taking that Nur. Don't sleep. Open your eyes. Allah granted you eyes to see the beautiful. Allah granted you speech to speak of His Wisdoms. He granted you hands, feet, and a body so that you can perform His servanthood. Don't escape from His servanthood- don't escape from the servanthood of Rabbu-l Izzat. O our Lord- our Subhan, our Sultan. Shah Mardan is speaking to us. He is speaking to us, we should open up. We should open up. We should open up. One day the grave is waiting for us too. However we are not created for the grave. They didn't create us for grave. Our rank is high. Our grave is above, not inside of the earth. What they bury inside of the earth is the animal attributes. What goes up to the heavens is the Nur Allah granted us, the Ruh. To get the Ruh ready, be dressed with Ruh (spirituality) and then they may call you up. O our Lord. There is Shah Mardan who will teach us our humanity. O yaran Shah Mardan. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May the doors of Heaven open. The earth has nothing. Look for what comes down from Heavens. Look for what comes down from Heavens, not what grows up from the earth. Look for what comes down from Heavens. The animals and insects also eat what grows on the earth. You are different. You should know, you should know about yourself. O Children of Adam, O Bani Adam! "Uskun 'Anta Wa Zawjuka l-Jannata" (2:35) I made the paradise an abode for you, O children of Adam. May you stay in these Paradises". But shaytan messed it up. It made them expelled from paradise and thrown to this filthy dunya. O our Lord! The dress of iftikhar, the dress of izzu sharaf (honour) was dressed on mankind. Don't throw it away! That dress you are dressed with was dressed on you when you were leaving paradise. No one can take away from you that dress- that dress of honour, that dress of iftikhar. Not only one but even a thousand shaytans can't take it. O our Lord! May You grant us strength. May You grant us power and we remember You. We stand in Your Way. May our love & enthusiasm increase. May You send us the Shah Mardan who will defeat the ones that corrupt Your way. May You send us the Sultans who will please Your Habib. May our external power increase. May our internal power increase also. Whatever the unbelievers, who oppose Islam invented, is all trash. Leave them & look to the power that will come down from Heavens. Find the beauty from Heavens. Beauty comes down from Heavens. Ugliness comes from earth. Real beauty comes down from Heavens. May we dress in the dress of Nur O Lord. O our Lord- You are Subhan, You are Sultan. May You accept us Ya Rabbi. There is no end or limit to Your Grants. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May the doors open for us. May we be told: "AsSalamu alaikum O servants whom Rabbu-l Izzat loves. Welcome to you. You came with barakah, you came with khair". Go ahead and speak O Shah Mardan. Your yaran are your admirers. How beautiful is your way. Don't leave that way and fall into a bad way. The bad way belongs to shaytan. Evil things belong to shaytan. "Don't be shaytan, be angels" was said to

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mankind. O our Lord! May You grant us strength, power. May You dress us in the dress of majesty. O Lord, may You dress us in the dress of majesty that You dress on Your weak servants. Believers have the dress of majesty. Who doesn't believe doesn't have that dress of majesty. We have the dress of majesty which comes from the Sultan. "Dress in it and come to Me" says Allah. "Don't leave it. I sent for you the dress of honour. Wear it and come to Me. Don't fall into the filth of dunya". You are Subhan, You are Sultan O our Lord. You are Sultan O our Lord For the honour of Your Habib, for the honour of this Ramadan Sharif, may the tyrants, unbelievers, shaytans, get exhausted, be humiliated and fight each other. May the flags of Islam rise. O believers, raise the flag of Islam and a power that cannot be stopped comes to you. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Say this at least 3 times a day. You will be dressed with the dress of majesty. No troubles will come to you. They may dress in the dress of majesty. May you be dressed with a dress from the beauty of Heaven, from the honour of Heaven, which will give you happiness. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, we are weak servants. May imdad/ help reach us. The imdad of Heavens reaches. Ramadan Sharif has arrived. It is welcome. Yaran of Sardar (commander), may it come with his barakah. O yaran Shah Mardan. May it come with his barakah. May it come with the power, which will defeat, crush shaytan Ya Rabbi. May You make us within that circle of Divine Protection Ya Rabbi. May we open up. May we expand. May we gain power and strength. May we not be a barn keeper. May we be dressed with beauty, may we not be ugly. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi. Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi. If they called with these words, there would be no need to go into the streets and scream. But Man lost his humanity and became only animal attributes. Return to your Lord, don't go out into the streets. May the Heavenly support that will come down from Heavens reach you. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. As-Salamu alaikum O Hadirun, O yaran Shah Mardan. Fatiha. We are the Ummah of the Sultanu-l Anbiya. The power and barakah of our Shaykh, who is the Sultanu-l Awliya, is on us. Let us say Huuu. O Shah Mardan, go ahead. Allah bless you.
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