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TEACHER: Fecioru Elena SCHOOL: No.1, Piatra Soimului, Neamt DATE: 19th May 2011 CLASS: 4th LEVEL: 2nd year of study (false beginners) NO. OF STUDENTS: 17 TEXTBOOK: Way Ahead 2 UNIT 18: ITS QUARTER TO EIGHT LESSON 2: TELLING THE TIME / SCHOOL SUBJECTS WEEK: 31 STRUCTURES: Whats the time? Its quarter to/past ... What day is today? What lesson are they having? What are they doing? FUNCTIONS: Telling the time Talking about timetables Identifying school subjects VOCABULARY: school subjects, clock times, colours, days of the week SKILLS: integrated OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students will be able to: 1. use correctly grammar, spelling and punctuation 2. understand the meaning of a recorded message 3. participate actively in a dialogue 4. discriminate between quarter past and quarter to TEACHING AIDS: textbook, workbook, posters, worksheets, cassette player, flashcards, blackboard, pins, glue, a ball.

TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, dialogue, exercise, brainstorming METHODS: conversation , explanation, observation, reading, listening to a recorded message TIME: 50 LOCATION: the classroom ASSUMPTIONS: I assume that most of the vocabulary to be taught is already known to my students. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian. STAGES OF THE LESSON. PROCEDURE ORGANISATION OF THE CLASS The teacher greets the pupils and asks them a few ordinary questions (Who is on duty today? / What day is today? / How are you today? / Whats the weather like today?). INTERACTION: T-Ss TIMING: 2 WARM-UP: The teacher asks students to introduce themselves and say what their favourite number and day are passing a ball from one student to another. INTERACTION: Whole Class TIMING: 3 HOMEWORK CHECK (Ex. 1 and 2 - workbook, page 104) The teacher asks them about their homework and checks their notebooks. The pupils read their homework while the other classmates pay attention in order to correct them if necessary. INTERACTION: T-Ss S-S TIMING: 3 INTRODUCING THE NEW LESSON:

PROCEDURE: The teacher tells them that they are having a new lesson in which they will practice telling the time and the school subjects. The teacher writes the title of the lesson on the blackboard and the students copy it in their notebooks. INTERACTION: T-Ss TIMING: 2 ACTIVITY 1: SPEAKING - MATCHING AIMS: - to identify the school subjects - to match the pictures with the labels PROCEDURE: The teacher uses pictures and labels of the school subjects in order to revise them. Ss come to the blackboard and stick the labels for each school subject. TEACHING AIDS: poster, strips of paper, pictures TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, exercise, explanation INTERACTION: T-Ss TIMING: 4 ACTIVITY 2: SPEAKING - LISTENING AIMS: -to participate actively in a dialogue; -to revise half, quarter, oclock when telling the time; -to understand the meaning of a recorded message PROCEDURE: For this activity the teacher asks children about the subjects they like: Whats your favourite subject? Do you like Maths?

The teacher asks students to watch the displayed pictures illustrating present activities while listening to the tape (ex.1, page 92). Students listen and point to the correct picture. The teacher points to the first picture and reads the speech bubbles, reads the questions again. The students read both the questions and the answers (ex.2, page 92). In turns, the students ask and answer questions about the other pictures having some phrases to help them. They come to the blackboard and write the answers. TEACHING AIDS: cassette recorder, class CD, textbooks TEACHING TECHNIQUES: exercise, conversation, brainstorming INTERACTION: T-Ss, S-S TIMING: 8

ACTIVITY 3: WRITING (Workbook ex.1, page 105) AIMS:- to revise the school subjects - to encourage individual work PROCEDURE: For this activity the teacher asks students to read the names of the subjects, then copy them onto appropriate book covers. Students write the correct school subjects and then read their answers. TEACHING AIDS: workbooks, pencils TEACHING TECHNIQUES: exercise, conversation, explanation INTERACTION: T-Ss; IW TIMING: 5 ACTIVITY 4: SPEAKING - WRITING (GROUP WORK ACTIVITY) AIM: - to encourage communication PROCEDURE: For this activity the students are divided in four groups . Each group has a different task, they have to make timetables on the following topics: G 1: Todays timetable G 2 : My ideal timetable G 3 : The easiest timetable G 4 : The most difficult timetable The teacher gives them worksheets and labels with the names of the subjects and students have to choose and stick in order to fulfil the task. At the end of the activity each group has to display and describe the timetable. TEACHING AIDS: worksheets, strips of paper, poster, glue, flipchart TEACHING TECHNIQUES: exercise, explanation, INTERACTION: T-Ss S-S TIMING: 12 ACTIVITY 5: SPEAKING - READING AIMS: -to differentiate between clock and watch -to encourage communication PROCEDURE: For this activity the teacher reminds students of the difference between clock and watch. She uses Otto and Princess to demonstrate the activity, reads the speech bubbles as Otto and Princess, then asks a pupil to play the role of Otto, who chooses a clock and reads the time. Ottos

questions will be answered by the other pupils playing the role of Princess. The activity continues this way till all the clocks are guessed (ex.2, page 94). TEACHING AIDS: textbook, a clock and a watch TEACHING TECHNIQUES: INTERACTION: T-Ss , S-S TIMING: 8 HOMEWORK: The teacher will assign homework and the students will write it in their notebooks (ex 2 page 105). TIMING: 1 FEED-BACK : PROCEDURE: The teacher assures it at the end of the lesson and makes remarks regarding the pupils activity during the lesson. TIMING: 2

GAME SCHOOL TIMETABLE AND SUBJECTS GROUP 1 TODAYS TIMETABLE GROUP 2 MY IDEAL TIMETABLE GROUP 3 THE EASIEST TIMETABLE GROUP 4 THE MOST DIFFICULT TIMETABLE NAME: (each member of the group) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


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