Transition Conference PROMO

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0809 and 0910

The MC team 0809 the “DO Bees” calls the EB’s around the Kingdom of Denmark to join together for a
“gathering the current force and teach the next force” meeting. The one and only…


26 – 28 June 2009

The time and place TO BE!

After one year of hard work and dedication, your MC team wants to leave a strong legacy for the
country and next generation of leaders. It’s your choice to be there, but definitely an immense
opportunity to either make sure your term will be continued the way it should or make sure you have the
knowledge and feedback to kick start your term!!!!

By the end of the conference, the new EB’s will have:

the Global and WENA inputs (from IPM and WENA Presidents Meeting)
the LC plan in place, ready to start putting things into action
the knowledge to ACT!
the needs for International Cooperation’s (that the MC 0910 will bring to IC in August and make
the international partnerships AIESEC Denmark needs)

Explore this material and understand the whole National Planning process. Your passion for AIESEC and
desire to grow will make you decide that no matter what, you’ll be there. To contribute to the future of
AIESEC in Denmark!!!!

With extreme excitement,

Your MC team 08.09

Abhijit, Letitia, Morten, Prateek and Teodora
Planning and Transition Process in AIESEC Denmark 0910

- current EB’s give transition to the elect EB’s

- LC’s make the LC plan, taking into
LC’s Planning and transition consideration the minimum planning points
given by the MC in the planning input paper
DL: 26th of JUNE 2009 - LC’s have the mindset that the plan might be
adjusted during the RELAY conference based
on inputs and feedback from the MC and AI

- Global and WENA inputs (from IPM and

WENA President Meeting)
- last term evaluation
RELAY Conference - brand alignment
- functional and roads planning
DL: 26th – 28th JUNE 2009 - atmosphere
- getting the plans ready
- commit to the plan
- international cooperation’s

The LC’s will have their plan finished at the end of RELAY. The MC will put together all
the LC’s plan and finalize the National AIESEC Denmark Plan by end JULY!!!

- leadership skills building for the EB’s

ScaLDS - inspiration and motivation for the term
- Scandi cooperations
5th – 9th AUGUST 2009
- country bonding

- the needs in terms of exchange, HR,

knowledge etc. will be gathered and based on
International Congress
that the Danish MC present at IC will sign the
22nd – 33st August international cooperation’s with different
countries that can offer what we need and to
whom we can offer what they need in return

- the LC and MC plan is evaluated during

Revision of the implementation of NPM II in December or January
the PLAN - also, the plan will be adjusted accordingly
RELAY Conference 2009


Get the LC’s have their local plans finalized, with inputs from the Global and Regional
strategies, National Roads and feedback from the MC

The new EB’s have an overview over their year and the key learning points from the
previous term

Functional knowledge (building and planning)

Commitment to the LC plans

Gather the LC needs from the other countries in order to establish cooperation’s in
ScaLDS and International Congress

LC's preparation

The LC's should have the plan for 09.10

already made (draft version)!!!!!!!!!

Please look over the input paper for

planning that you received from the MC in
order to make sure you have all the points
prepared for the RELAY conference!
Agenda and sessions description
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Friday Saturday Sunday

8:00 8:00
8:30 8:30
9:00 9:00
9:30 9:30
10:00 Morning Plenary Morning Plenary 10:00
10:30 10:30
Exchange Boost
11:00 11:00
Functional Time 1
11:30 Plan Feedbacking 11:30
12:00 12:00
12:30 12:30
13:00 13:00
Beautification of Plans
13:30 13:30
14:00 Coffee Break 14:00
Functional Time 2
14:30 14:30
Commitment to the Plan
15:00 15:00
15:30 Coffee Break 15:30
Opening Closing Plenary
16:00 16:00
16:30 Sharing and Interaction Matrix 16:30
My AIESEC way & brand
17:00 17:00
17:30 17:30
Leadership Pipeline
18:00 Coffe Break 18:00
18:30 18:30
19:00 Evaluation of the year 0809 19:00
19:30 19:30
Results and Atmosphere (LC
20:00 20:00
Dinner Culture)
20:30 20:30
21:00 21:00
Evening Plenary Evening Plenary
21:30 21:30
22:00 Beautification 22:00
22:30 22:30
Official Take Over
23:00 Party 23:00
23:30 23:30
0:00 0:00
First day, Friday the 26th June

Surprise CHAIR!!!

Very short recap of the theory

Case study solving
My AIESEC way & Brand experience discussion: are we brand ambassadors?
brand experience Filter tool for our activities
Bringing the Global perspective (from IPM and WENA PM) and
Coffee Break

Evaluation of the year Evaluation on areas, general management, MC and LC's

0809 Connecting 0809 with the brand
Dinner Eating 
Having fun and get ready for the official MC to MC take over
Evening Plenary


Official Take Over The MC team 0809 hands in officially during a ceremony the relay to
the MC team 0910
Dress nicely, not necessarily elegant ;)
Second day, Saturday the 27th June


Morning Plenary
On areas (VP's and LCP separately), functional preparation by the
Functional Time 1 current and elect MC.
LCP's agenda include: how to have an overview over the areas &
what is important to know, how to track your VP's, BoD vs LCP

Functional Time 2

Coffee Break After functional time, each area will come in front of the rest and
present their learning and key points for the year to come
Sharing and Interaction (objective, plans, good case practices, ideas etc.)
After this, we'll make the matrix: how each area connects with the
others and how the VP's should collaborate. How areas connect
Leadership Pipeline How to assure the leadership pipeline in our LC's (long term
planning and importance)
Dinner What should we do as EB about it (it's not only the TM or LCP
The role of the EB in creating the LC Culture
Results and Atmosphere
(LC Culture) What kind of culture do you want and how to create it?
Deciding the culture we want for AIESEC Denmark
Evening Plenary

Third day, Sunday the 28th June

Morning Plenary
International Cooperation: how can we get involved in order to
Exchange Boost grow?
It's all about choosing and finding out what opportunities are
suitable for my LC!
Plan Feedbacking
The MC will give feedback to each LC plan, by rotation. Each LC
will have the whole MC members feedback

Beautification of Plans
After having new ideas from branding, functional time, results
and atmosphere and exchange boost sessions and feedback from
the MC, it's time to put this into the already created LC plan
Coffee Break At the end, you'll have the final version of the LC plan for 09.10!!!!
Each LC has a definitive plan by now
The MC will launch the awards criteria for FORTIUS 2010. The
Commitment to the Plan criteria will be related to the way each LC will achieve their plan
The official launch of the National Award for 2010 will happen!
All you have to do is get into the run! Commit to achieve your LC
Closing Plenary

Thank you for reading and hope to see YOU at the NATIONAL PLANNING


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