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Jones County 4-H releases

Achievement Days results

Up close and personal Mesa Roghair competes in the Round Robin Livestock Show with
Ty Fuoss's Dairy cow. See Achievement Day results on page 6.
Includes tax
Number 31
Volume 107
August 1, 2013
Six friends, 3,667 bicycled miles,
one cause: Wounded Warriors
Murdo Lions Club makes
annual fire pit roasts
6 Over 60 The 6 over 60 bicyclists pose in preparation for
their trip.
First Fidelity
Bank, Murdo
Fire Pit The Murdo Lions Club burned a 36 foot barbeque pit to cook 800 pounds of meat for
the Murdo Lions Club business appreciation day which was served July 19.
by Karlee Moore
6over60 is a group of six lifelong
friends over the age of 60 who
made a plan to travel coast to
coast on bicycles, riding for one
cause: The Wounded Warrior Proj-
The team was one member
short when it came time to leave,
as team member Darryl Miller
sustained an injury while training
for the big trip.
Upon arriving in Murdo, the
group along with support vehicle
driver Dave Arnesen set up camp
in the AmericInn campground
before having dinner at the Rusty
When asked about the training
process for such a long ride, one of
the riders commented, there is no
training for this.
During the planning process of
this bucket list trip, the group
decided they needed something to
ride for. The Wounded Warrior
Project is a project with a mission
to honor and empower wounded
Rider Pat Cavanagh said,
Were a bunch of old guys who all
have connections to Vietnam. We
have a warm spot in our hearts for
The riders had an initial goal of
raising $50,000, but soon
increased that number to
$120,000. As of July 30, the group
has raised approximately $99,225.
All of the money raised will go
directly to the Wounded Warrior
All of the men are united by
their faith, their love for bicycling
and their desire to make a differ-
When asked about the difficulty
of the trip, Ed DeMar said, I
never think about anything but
todays ride. They all agreed that
they thought it would be physical-
ly harder.
They said the trip has been
inspiring. Jim Webber said the
most amazing thing about the trip
is being able to help vets and their
families. We are receiving more of
a blessing than they are, he said.
To donate to the cause, track the
trip, and view individual profiles
for each biker, visit
J.C. student athletes
required to complete
concussion test
by Karlee Barnes
All student athletes grades 6-12
are required to participate in an
ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concus-
sion Assessment and Cognitive
Testing) test prior to the start of
the sports season.
The testing will be offered on
Wednesday, August 7 in the Jones
County Elementary computer lab.
Every student athlete grades 6-12
must call Stephanie Hespe in the
high school office at 669-2258 to
schedule a time for testing.
ImPACT is a computer-based
neurocognitive test battery that
has been scientifically validated to
measure the effects of sports-relat-
ed concussion. In the preseason,
each athlete is given a baseline
test. When a concussion is suspect-
ed during the season, a follow-up
test is administered to see if the
results have changed from the
baseline. This comparison helps to
evaluate and safely and appropri-
ately manage the concussion.
School nurse Lea Glaze will be
trained in the testing, allowing her
to administer the imPACT test
during the season and also for the
athletes who are unable to be at
the initial testing.
A concussion is a brain injury
is caused by a sudden blow to
the head or body
can change the way the brain
normally works
can occur during practices or
games in any sport
can happen even if an athlete
hasnt been knocked out, and even
if they are wearing a helmet
is serious, even if athletes
have just been dinged
The symptoms of a concussion
are as follows:
headache or pressure in head
nausea or vomiting
balance problems or dizziness
double or blurry vision
bothered by light
bothered by noise
feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or
difficulty paying attention
concentration or memory prob-
do not feel right
Parents or guardians should
look for the following symptoms of
concussions in their student ath-
appears dazed or stunned
is confused about assignment
or position
forgets an instruction
moves clumsily
answers questions slowly or
with difficulty
loses consciousness (even
shows behavior or personality
cant recall events prior to hit
or fall
cant recall events after hit or
Mellette County Livestock Show nears
In just a few weeks (August 21,
2013), the Mellette County Live-
stock Improvement Association
will host the 19th annual Pen of 3
Heifer Show in White River, SD.
Within the previous 18 shows,
there have been small changes,
but nothing like the changes tak-
ing place this year; and they are
expected to meet with strong sup-
port from area cattle producers.
In the past, cattle in the English
breed division, have been separat-
ed according to weights taken the
day of the show. Half of the pens
were designated Lightweight, and
the other half Heavyweight.
This year, although weights will be
taken as cattle are registered, they
will be entered in divisions accord-
ing to date of birth. This will be
done with not only the English
divisions, but also the Purebred
The divisions, doubling from
past years, will now be as follows:
English: Early Spring
(calves born in January or Febru-
English: Mid-Spring (calves
born in March);
English: Late Spring (calves
born in April or May);
Purebred: Early Spring
(calves born in January or Febru-
Purebred: Mid-Spring
(calves born in March);
Purebred: Late Spring
(calves born in April or May).
The board of directors, in mak-
ing this change, felt that it would
encourage more consistency in the
judging process, where, for exam-
ple, calves born in April would not
be competing in the same division
as calves born in February.
There will be still three places
awarded in each of these divisions,
for a total of 18 winning pens pos-
As usual, one Overall Champion
Heifer from the Pen of 3 competi-
tions will be chosen, with the
owner receiving a Montana Silver
belt buckle. This winning calf has
been known as
the Buckle Heifer.
In an effort to encourage young
cattle producers to become
involved, an entirely new division
is being created this year, called
the Young Ranchers Heifer Calf
This division is only open to pro-
ducers under the age of 30. They
must own the calf and have their
own brand.
Each young rancher will be
allowed to enter a single heifer calf
in this division. All of these calves
will be penned together for judging
purposes. The owner of the Grand
Champion heifer calf will receive a
belt buckle, and the Reserve
Champion will be awarded a tro-
Knowing that some of these
young ranchers might be in high
school or college at the time of the
livestock show, they may have a
parent or other adult bring their
calf to the show for them, but they
will have to be able to show that
the calf belongs to the young
rancher, and not a parent or other
A division of Feeder Steer
Calves will also be included this
year, as in the past two years.
Any producer may enter one
steer calf in this competition. All
steers will be penned together for
judging, the trophies be awarded
for the Champion and Reserve
Champion Feeder Steer calf.
This livestock show, although
held in White River, SD, is open to
producers from across the area.
The date of the show this year is
Wednesday, August 21, 2013. Cat-
tle will be checked in from 8:30 -
10:30 a.m. CT, with judging begin-
ning promptly at 11 a.m.
A free beef lunch is provided to
all attendees, as well as numerous
door prizes, of which you have to
be present to win.
There is no fee to enter cattle in
this show. If you would like addi-
tional information, you may con-
tact MCLIA President Dan Krog-
man at 605-259-3688
First Fidelity
Bank earns
high rating
First Fidelity Bank has once
again received a financial strength
rating of A- or Excellent from
Weiss Ratings, the nations lead-
ing independent provider of rat-
ings and analyses of financial
service companies, mutual funds
and stocks.
This rating recognizes First
Fidelity Bank as a Weiss Recom-
mended bank offering outstand-
ing financial stability for its cus-
tomers, vendors and employees.
Achieving this Weiss Financial
Strength Rating is a true distinc-
Every quarter, Weiss Ratings
evaluates the financial strenth of
more than 19,000 institutions,
including life and annuity insur-
ers, health insurers, property and
casualty insurers, banks and cred-
it unions.
Jones County News Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 2
Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Phone: (605) 669-2271
FAX: (605) 669-2744
USPS No.: 368300
Don Ravellette, Publisher
Karlee Moore,
Lonna Jackson
Local $34.00 + Tax
Local subscriptions include the towns and rural
routes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, White
River, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland
In-State $39.00 + tax
Out-of-State $39.00
Periodicals Postage Paid at
Murdo, SD 57559
Send address changes to:
Murdo Coyote
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Deadlines for articles and letters is
Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)
Items received after that time will be
held over until the next weeks issue.
Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)
Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Ray and Janice Pike received
some good news last week telling
them they were great grandpar-
ents again, that is. Braxton Lee
Zibell weighing in at seven
pounds, nine ounces arrived
Tuesday, July 23, to proud parents
Clayton and Cara at the Spring-
field, Mo., hospital. Welcoming
him home is sister Laramie,
grandparents Tim and Sandy
Zibell of Wann and great grandma
Marge Zibell of Pierre. Congratu-
lations to all. Janice also reported
that was the birthday of her
great-grandma Newsam.
Shelley Boehmer was an
overnight guest last Monday of
parents Eldon and Esther Magnu-
son. She returned home Tuesday
morning. The Magnusons went to
Pierre to watch great-grandson
Alec play ball.
Dorothy and Brad Louder visit-
ed Dwight in Kadoka on Friday
and later visited Deanna Byrd.
Chip and Phyliss Peters were
Monday evening of last week sup-
per guests of Gerald and Wanda
Bob Rankin took daughter Kati
Venard our for supper last Thurs-
day for her birthday at a pizza
place in Murdo. Also there to help
here celebrate were: hubby Drew
and girls Mallory and Tenley;
Andy and Jill Rankin, Riley and
Peyton; Chelsee Rankin, Addison
and Joey (hubby Tyler had anoth-
er commitment); and also
Chelsees niece, Morgan Ortlieb,
of Sturgis. Happy birthday, Kati.
Betty Mann visited Helen
DeRyk and Norma Heer at Mary-
house in Pierre last Wednesday.
Betty reports that Norma is
adjusting well there.
Gen Liffengren had her grand-
sons, Christopher and Adam, back
last week helping with many,
many projects around the place.
Nelva and Janet Louder
enjoyed Monday evening of last
week visiting the Pikes over the
very good fruit pizza that Janice
had made. She had never made
one before, so tried it out on us. So
glad she did. Shes welcome to try
it again.
Eldon and Esther Magnuson
were in Pierre last Thursday.
Eldon kept an appointment and
they went out for lunch with
daughter Shelley. Back to Pierre
on Saturday to watch great-
grandson Alec play ball three
games! They had lunch with
daughter Terri Pelle and grand-
son Dusty and Heather Pelle and
family. They also went out to sup-
per with Chad Whitney and Alec
and Taylor Owens.
Again, a good turnout at the
Draper Cemetery to mow and clip
last Wednesday evening. After-
wards there was a little shower, so
it looks very nice. Again, the help
is really appreciated.
Nelva and Janet Louder visited
Ellouise Ellwanger over coffee last
Thursday afternoon.
Gen Liffengren, Betty Mann
and Bev Andrews went to Pierre
on Sunday, had lunch and then
took in the Pierre Players matinee
of Kiss Me Kate. They report it
was very good.
Kris Bradley and Karen Authi-
er spent the weekend with Mar-
garet and Greg Rankin.
Alice Horsley received work
that her cousin, Allan Robertson,
of Omaha, Neb., passed away last
week. The funeral was held on
Saturday. He was the son of the
late Cora Saville Robertson.
Gerald and Wanda Mathews
were Saturday evening visitors of
Nelva and Janet Loouder.
Delores Volmer visited Dorothy
Louder Sunday afternoon.
Helen Louder attended the
Presho High School alumni ban-
quet and program held at the
Catholic hall Saturday evening.
This was in conjunction with the
Lyman High School alumni.
Donna and Ron Kinsley
babysat granddaughter Ruby
Gould of Rapid City over the
weekend. Joining them for lunch
on Sunday were daughter Beth
Mertens and her daughters, Grace
and Josie, from Kennebec.
Ray and Janice Pike traveled to
Rapid City last Thursday, kept an
appointment, had lunch and
headed home. They didnt even
On Friday Don, Cara and Daw-
son Pearson of Rapid City stopped
at Nelva and Janet Louders for
supper. They had been with more
of the Pearson family at Lake
Madison following a Pearson wed-
ding in Sioux Falls. They reported
it was a great time of boating, ski-
ing, etc., at the lake.
Lila Mae Christians house was
a busy place this past week.
Granddaughter Stacy and family
Joey, Dakota and Kynsley of Con-
verse, Kan., arrived Tuesday
evening and spent the week. They
got a lot of yard work done and the
kids had a fun time playing with
the baby kittens. Grandson
Christopher and Christina Kruml
and boys from Miller came on Sat-
urday and spent the day. So it was
a busy but good week.
Following church Sunday Pas-
tor Rick and Jane Hazen, Rosa
Lee Styles, Lila Mae Christian,
Alice Horsley, Eldon and Esther
Magnuson, and Nelva and Janet
Louder had dinner together in
Sunday visitors and supper
guests of Nelva and Janet Louder
were Eldon and Esther Magnu-
Justin and Bradi Stampe are
the proud parents of an eight
pound baby girl born July 25 at
St. Marys Hospital in Pierre. The
little gal has been named Kinsley
Ann. Proud first time grandpar-
ents are Melanie (Miller) and Tim
Stampe and great-grandparents
are Gene and Darline Stampe, all
of Pierre. Congratulations to all.
Open AA meetings
Thursdays 8:00 p.m. at the
East Commons. Call 530-0371
or 280-7642.
Jones County School
The Jones County School Dis-
trict #37-3 will be starting the
2013-2014 school year on
August 19, 2013. Look for more
information on Fall Sports
meetings in future Murdo Coy-
ote issues.
Murdo City Council
The Murdo City Council will
meet Monday, August 5 at 7:30
p.m. at the city office. The public
is welcome to attend.
Draper Town Board
The Draper Town Board will
meet Monday, August 5 at 7:00
p.m. at the Draper hall. The
public is welcome to attend.
County Commissioners
The Jones County Commis-
sioners will hold their monthly
meeting at the courthouse on
Tuesday, August 6 at 9 a.m. The
public is welcome to attend.
J.C. School Board
The Jones County School Dis-
trict #37-3 will hold their
monthly meeting Monday,
August 12 at 8 p.m. at the high
school library. The public is
encouraged to attend.
Caring and Sharing
The Caring and Sharing can-
cer support group will not be
hosting a meeting in August.
Meetings will resume in Sep-
The Save Five for Schools
program was discontinued by
Land O Lakes in June. However,
you may still turn in any stick-
ered milk caps until October.
Please get these turned in as
soon as possible in order to help
out our school!
There was a childs pink hat
with sunglasses found after the
Ranch Rodeo. Contact Sharon at
516-0080 to claim.
Coyote News Briefs
Jones County Weather
7-24 80.4 60.2 .18
7-25 86.2 62.1 .05
7-26 84.3 51.3 T
7-27 72.7 56.0 0
7-28 75.3 51.9 0
7-29 79.9 61.4 0
7-30 82.3 61.3 0
Date High Low Prec.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please submit
them by calling 669-2271 or emailing to
We will run your event notice the two issues prior to your
event at no charge. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, if you charge for
an event, we must charge you for an ad!
Max Charles Van Dam, son of
Nick and Beth Van Dam, entered
the world on Tuesday, July 23. He
weighed seven pounds, nine
ounces and was 21 inches long.
Proud grandparents are Terry and
Tammy Van Dam and David and
Jill Venard. Congratulations on
your new arrival!
Local News
by Jody Lebeda 669-2526
East Side News
by Janet Louder 669-2696
Ceme d ge J-|da| S0eae- je-
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uaqat J ~ It:tt a.m. te aeea
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Sa-a0 | -eq|te-ed at Ja-qet
Chamber Yard of the Week ... The home of Nelva and
Janet Louder in Draper was chosen as this weeks winner for the
Murdo Area Chamber of Commerce Yard of the Week. They will
receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.
Cory Rust, son of Merle and Barb Rust, and Amy Hullinger,
daughter of Richard and Earlene Hullinger, would like to
announce their engagement and upcoming wedding.
Amy is a dental hygienist and stay-at-home mom to four
children. Cory ranches northwest of Murdo in rural Jones Coun-
ty. The couple will continue to reside in rural Jones County and
Rapid City.
The couple will be married on Saturday, August 31 in Murdo.
Courtesy Photo
Yard of the Week
Cory ust & Amy KuIIInger
wouId IIke to InvIte
theIr famIIy & frIends
to joIn them In the unIty
of theIr famIIy by marrIage
on 5aturday, August 31
at 5:30 p.m. at the
MessIah Lutheran
Church In Murdo
eceptIon & 0ance to
foIIow at the usty 5pur
Rust ~ Hullinger
Letters Policy
We are happy to receive
letters concerning
comments on any news
story or personal feeling
on any subject. The letter
must be signed by the
person writing the letter.
It must also be written
personally by the person
signing it. We do reserve
the right to edit any
offensive material and
also to edit to fill the
allotted space. We also
reserve the right to
reject any or all letters.
Address Change?
If youre moving or have
a change of address, please
let us know as soon as
possible to ensure timely
delivery of your
Murdo Coyote!
Call: 605-669-2271
Fax: 605-669-2744
Church and Community
Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 3
Catholic Church of St. Martin
502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
Draper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Draper United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
Murdo United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!
Okaton Evangelical Free Church
Okaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)
Messiah Lutheran Church
308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.
Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.
St. Pauls Lutheran Church
Draper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.
Community Bible Church
410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Best Western
First National
6692414 Member F.D.I.C.
PHONE: 6692271 FAX: 6692744
Super 8
Dakota Prairie
Draper and Presho
6692401 Member F.D.I.C.
Asleep In A Storm
by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
What a disappointing scene! A terrifying storm, souls in danger of death, but Jonah, the man of God, fast asleep.
Sailors are not soon frightened in a storm, but this time the fury of the gale was so great that the ship was like to be broken and even the sailors were
driven to their knees and cried every man unto his god (Jonah 1:4,5).
Can it be that Jonah, the only man aboard who knew the true God, was sleeping? Sleeping while souls were perishing? This was the shameful truth,
and not one of us would blame the terrified captain for rudely awakening him and crying: What meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God!
(Verse 6).
But let us not be too ready to condemn Jonah, for we may be more guilty than he. Surely the world today is passing through a fearful storm and souls
all about us are in peril of their lives. If they do not accept Gods way of salvation; if they do not trust in Christ, they will perish. And what are we doing
about it? Are we pleading for them in prayer? Are we doing what we can to reach them for Christ? Or are we fast asleep?
What meanest thou O sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God! And when you have cried to God in behalf of your unsaved relatives, friends, and business
associates, He will send you to witness to them of Christ and His love. Not until you have talked to God about them will you be ready to talk to them about
Politically, morally, spiritually, the night is dark, the storm is raging and souls are perishing, but God, who commanded the light to shine out of dark-
ness, hath shined in our hearts (IICor.4:6). We are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as do others (IThess.5:5,6).
Two minutes with the bible
Murdo 0entaI CIInIc
Announces the addItIon of
0r. Aaron umpca to famIIy
dentaI practIce, joInIng
0r. JIm 5zana
Lcntistry for thc wholc family, including orthodontics
Acccpts Ncdicaid and othcr dcntal insuranccs
Call to make an appointment witb Dr. Rompca today!
609 Garficld Avcnuc - 60-669-2131 - 60-222-292
Cpen Toesday - Tborsday and Fridays doring scbool year
Murdo 0entaI, LLC
Recently, I attended Mission
U at Dakota Wesleyan Universi-
ty in Mitchell. There were three
studies this year at this school
and great speakers and leaders.
We got to choose two of the three
studies in which to participate. I
chose the studies on the Oppres-
sion of the Roma (Gypsy) People of
Eastern and Central Europe and
the study on Poverty. The third
study was on Living the Sacra-
mental Life.
During one evening session, we
were informed by an assistant
District Attorney about the
scourge of human trafficking in
our country and in our state.
Women, men, and children have
become victims and have been
forced into prostitution for money,
slave labor, and other terrible
acts. South Dakota is an ideal
place for human trafficking to
happen because of the distances,
the interstate highways and truck
stops along the way. We learned
that the worst times of the year
where human trafficking happens
is the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
and pheasant hunting season.
Human Trafficking has become
even more lucrative than drug
trafficking because victims can be
used over and over and over
again. This is oppression in one of
its worst forms. The perpetrators
need to be stopped, and the vic-
tims need to be helped.
One organization intent on
stopping human trafficking is
called Truckers against Traffick-
ing. If you see something suspi-
cious, contact local law enforce-
ment and they will take it from
Human trafficking is not only
an abhorrent crime, its a SIN. As
a people of God and followers of
Jesus Christ, we are called to seek
justice for the victims and prose-
cution and prison for the perpe-
We need to stop looking the
other way or putting our head in
the sand and say, Well, I just
cant believe that its happening
here. It is happening here in
South Dakota, as well as in the
rest of the country. The Bible is
very clear about what we as the
church and as individuals who are
serious followers of Jesus Christ
are called to do. Let me refresh
your memory with a few verses.
and what does the Lord
require of you but to do justice,
and to love kindness, and to walk
humbly with your God (Micah
You shall not wrong or oppress
a resident alien, for you were
aliens in the land of Egypt (Exo-
dus 22:21).
do not oppress the widow, the
orphan, the alien, or the poor; and
do not devise evil in your hearts
against one another (Zechariah
Then I will draw near to you for
judgment; I will be swift to bear
witness against the sorcerers,
against the adulterers, against
those who swear falsely, against
those who oppress the hired work-
ers in their wages, the widow and
the orphan, against those who
thrust aside the alien and do not
fear me, says the Lord of hosts
(Malachi 3:5).
If you say, Im saved, and thats
all that matters, then you arent
saved. John Wesley, one of the
founders of Methodism, would ask
you So what? As serious follow-
ers (Christians and Disciples) of
the Lord Jesus Christ, what are
we then called to do, besides
seeking justice, loving kindness,
and walking humbly with God?
We are to do as Jesus did,
bring good news to the
poorproclaim release to the cap-
tivesrecovery of sight to the
blindlet the oppressed go
freeproclaim the year of the
Lords favor. Get involved! Do
Lyn Peters
A memorial service will be held
in Murdo on August 3, 2013, at
2:00 p.m. at the Community Bible
A funeral service for Lyn Peters,
46, of Killdeer, N.D., was held on
Friday, July 26, 2013, at St. Johns
Lutheran Church in Killdeer, with
Pastor John Simonson officiating.
Burial followed in Oakdale Ceme-
tery. Visitation for Lyn was held
Thursday, July 25, at Stevenson
Funeral Home in Killdeer with a
prayer service.
Lyn passed away Sunday, July
21, 2013, near his home in
Lyn was born July 4, 1967, in
Pierre, S.D., the son of Allen and
Phyliss (Esmay) Peters. He grew
up on a ranch north of Murdo, S.D.
He attended grade school in
Murdo, graduating from Jones
County High School in 1985. Lyn
continued his education at West-
ern Dakota Technical Institute in
Rapid City, S.D. During his time in
Rapid City, he was blessed with a
son, Cody. Over the next several
years, Lyn spent time working in
Georgia and ranching in Nebraska
and Murdo. In 2000, he met Deb-
bie (Schlegel) Pearson, and they
were married on December 12,
2003. The couple moved to Dunn
Center, N.D., where Lyn continued
ranching. Later Lyn and Debbie
moved to Killdeer, where Lyn was
employed by the Dunn County
Road Commission.
In his spare time, Lyn enjoyed
socializing and visiting with
friends, fishing, pontooning, rop-
ing, ranching and being outdoors.
He spent time gardening, and
enjoyed cabinetry, woodworking,
dancing, playing pool, and cards.
Lyn was meticulous, hard-work-
ing, and a patient teacher. He had
a great sense of humor and loved
his loyal companion Cash, his dog.
He was a wonderful husband,
father and friend. He loved his
grandchildren, who adoringly
called him PaPa. To Stephanie and
Zane, Lyn was more than just a
stepfather he was their confi-
dante and mentor.
Lyn is survived by his wife, Deb-
bie; son, Cody Peters of Tenn.;
step-children, Zane and Stephanie
Pearson of Killdeer; grandchil-
dren, Jessa, Hayden, and Westyn
Pearson of Coleman, S.D.; Karisa
Seaman of Rapid City, S.D.; father
and mother, Allen and Phyliss
Peters of Murdo, S.D.; brother, Lon
(Chris) Peters of Murdo, S.D.; sis-
ters, Barbara (Mark) Strait of
White River, S.D. and Jeannette
Newsam of Murdo, S.D.; special
friends, Marty and Denise Sand-
vick, Killdeer; and numerous
nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles.
He was preceded in death by
both sets of grandparents; broth-
ers-in-law, Lee Newsam and Gary
Schlegel; sister-in-law, Patricia
Hayes; and nephew, JR Schlegel.
In lieu of flowers, memorials
may be given in Lyns name.
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared with the family at
Seizing the hope set before us Heb. 6:18
Pastor Rick Hazen, United Methodist Church, Murdo and Draper
Jerry John Hunt, age 69, of
Midland, S.D., died Thursday, July
25, 2013, at the Hans P. Peterson
Memorial Hospital in Philip.
Jerry John Hunt was born
August 22, 1943, in Midland, the
third of 18 children born to Lyle
and Ida (Fosheim) Hunt.
He was baptized and confirmed
in the Lutheran church. Jerry was
raised in Midland and attended all
12 years in the Midland school,
graduating in 1961.
Following graduation, Jerry
joined the U.S. Navy. He served
his country aboard the USS Hele-
na, USS Saint Paul and the USS
Kitty Hawk as an interior commu-
nication electrician. While serving
his enlistment, his stay was
extended and he was deployed to
Vietnam. Jerry was honorably dis-
charged on March 31, 1966, and
then transferred to Naval Reserve
until December 27, 1967. He
received the Good Conduct Medal
and the Vietnam Service Medal.
After completion of service duty,
Jerry attended Black Hills State
College for four years, majoring in
business. He worked as a logger in
the Black Hills area. Jerry also
worked construction in South
Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa. He
was a jack-of-all-trades and
worked for many area businesses
and farmers and ranchers. He was
a member of the Midland Ameri-
can Legion Post #143.
You could often find Jerry gar-
dening; he enjoyed sharing his
produce. Cooking was a favorite
pastime. He was an avid reader,
making good use of the Midland
Library. While living at Hot
Springs VA Hospital, Jerry taught
ceramics and leather work to other
veterans and acted as a certified
nurses aide. He enjoyed fishing,
hunting and played softball on the
local team.
Jerry fought a hard battle with
cancer. The night before his hospi-
talization, he made one final trip
to Midland Food & Fuel where he
visited with others.
Survivors include eight broth-
ers, Roy Hunt (Carol) of Midland,
Ted Hunt (Dena) of Rapid City,
Keith Hunt of Midland, Terry
Hunt of Watertown, Gordon Hunt
(Cheryl) of Battle Mountain, Nev.,
Jeff Hunt (Liz) of Battle Mountain,
Barry Hunt of Battle Mountain,
and Ron Hunt (Laura) of River-
side, Calif.; eight sisters, Christine
Niedan of Midland, Teresa Palmer
of Murdo, Peggy Johnson (Roger)
of Pierre, Penny Schafer of Pierre,
Shari Estep (Pete) of Austin,
Texas, Janice Tolton (Jim) of Mid-
land, Lisa Hackerott (Brian) of
Smith Center, Kan., and Michelle
Meinzer (Cameron) of Midland; a
special aunt, Anna Dick (Martin)
of Rapid City; and a special family
friend, Brenda Jensen of Midland;
19 nieces and nephews, Derek
(Erin) Hunt, Nicole (Ryan) Thor-
burn, Erik Hunt, Carrie Hunt
(Ryan Raley), Tiffany Ghering
(Dave), Randi Hunt (Mike
Schwartz), Marcie Richards
(Patrick), Laurie, Leesa, and Chad
Johnson, Jordan and, Jenna
Tolton, Jamie Estep (Sarah),
Logan and Evan Estep, Courtney
McFarland (Cody), Deidra, Blake
and Stuart Hackerott; and 14
great-nieces and nephews Lauren
Hunt, Madie, Gabby and Peyton
Thorburn, Christopher Hunt,
Maddie Raley, Noah, Emma, and
Eli Ghering, Easton Schwartz,
Landon Johnson-Toles, Jessica
Tolton, Keenan Gonzales, and
Kylie Estep.
Jerry was preceded in death by
his father, Lyle Warren Hunt on
August 17, 1986; his mother, Ida
Hunt on February 5, 2013; a
brother, Frederick Hunt on Janu-
ary 24, 2007; a great-niece, Alexis;
and two brothers-in-law, Curt
Niedan and Marvin Palmer.
Memorial services were held
Monday, July 29, at the Trinity
Lutheran Church in Midland, with
Pastor Frezil Westerlund officiat-
Interment with military honors
was Monday, July 29, at the Black
Hills National Cemetery near
A memorial has been estab-
Rush Funeral Home of Philip
was in charge of the arrange-
ments. An online guestbook can be
signed at www.rushfuneralhome.
Jerry J. Hunt
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Jones County
athletes need
The 2013-2014 sports season is
rapidly approaching. Student ath-
letes are reminded to pick up
physical forms and get them com-
pleted and returned to the high
school office as soon as possible.
Physicals must be completed
before any athlete is allowed to
practice. Volleyball practice will
begin Monday, August 19 and foot-
ball practice will begin Thursday,
August 15.
Students in grades sixth, sev-
enth or eighth who plan on partic-
ipating in a junior high sport must
have physicals on file in the high
school office before being allowed
to participate. Students or parents
with any questions may contact
Larry Ball at 669-2258 or 669-
Coach meetings with athletes
and parents for football, volleyball,
cross country and junior high foot-
ball will take place Wednesday,
August 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the fol-
lowing high school rooms:
Football: Room Five
Volleyball: Room Six
Cross Country: HS library
Junior High Football: Room 13
Anyone with questions about
the sports meetings may contact
the Jones County High School
office at 669-2258.
Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 4
For the sweetest
coverage of local
events, sports, city
council, school board
and commissioners -
look no further than
the Murdo Coyote.
Weve got it all! Call
today to start your
We always have the
best scoop
The Murdo Coyote
PO Box 465, Murdo SD 57559

From the U.S. Senate
Senator John Thune
The days of summer are slowly
fading. While there is still time
before heading back to school,
many college students and their
families have been keeping a
watchful eye for news coming out
of Washington about what student
loan interest rates will look like for
the coming school year. On July 1,
2013, Federal Subsidized Stafford
Loans returned from the tempo-
rary rate of 3.4 percent to 6.8 per-
The return to higher rates was
part of legislation Congress passed
in 2007, which provided a tempo-
rary, phased-in reduction of inter-
est rates from 6.8 percent to 3.4
percent for Federal Subsidized
Stafford Loans. This reduced
interest rate was set to return to
its fixed rate of 6.8 percent after
July of 2012. However, last year,
Congress enacted a one-year
extension of the 3.4 percent rate.
That extension expired on June
30, 2013. The recent rate change
to 6.8 percent set many students
and parents on edge about the cost
of financing education.
Unfortunately, while students
were left wondering how they
would shoulder the burden of
higher interest rates, public dis-
agreement between the president
and Senate Democrats left legisla-
tion to provide relief to students at
a standstill in the Senate. Thank-
fully, the Senate was able to reach
a bipartisan agreement that will
provide a sustainable, market-
based solution that ensures access
and affordability for all students,
including students with subsidized
and unsubsidized loans. Previous
Democrat proposals ignored the
problem of high interest rates for
other types of federal education
loans and would have only
addressed interest rates for 40
percent of student loan borrowers.
This bipartisan proposal passed by
the Senate reduces interest rates
for all students.
The Senate bill would allow
rates to float with the U.S. Treas-
ury 10-year borrowing rates, plus
an add-on for costs associated with
defaults, collections, deferments,
forgiveness, and delinquency. This
allows students to benefit from the
current low interest rate environ-
ment while better protecting tax-
payers from unnecessarily subsi-
dizing lower rates, saving both
students and taxpayers billions of
dollars. The resulting interest
rates for loans taken out this year,
after July 1, 2013, would be 3.86
percent for subsidized and unsub-
sidized loans for undergraduate
students, 5.41 percent on unsubsi-
dized loans for graduate students,
and 6.41 percent on PLUS loans
for parents and graduate students.
These rates would apply retroac-
tively to newly issued loans taken
out after July 1, 2013.
The costs of attending college
can create challenging and stress-
ful situations for some families,
but providing certainty about
interest rates can help ease the
burden. I am pleased that the Sen-
ate was able to reach a bipartisan,
permanent market-based solution
that lowers interest rates for all
Think back to the days of school
lunches, study guides and late
night homework.
Sure the days seemed long and
we may have been more excited
about the big game that night than
algebra, but what we all learned in
the classroom gave us the founda-
tion we needed for future educa-
tion and jobs.
Ive always believed that deci-
sions are best made at the local
level and this includes decisions
relating to our education system.
Recently, the House voted to reau-
thorize the Elementary and Sec-
ondary Education Act, commonly
referred to as No Child Left
Behind. The Student Success Act,
which I supported, will restore
local control, support effective
teachers, reduce the federal foot-
print and empower parents.
We all know that no one has a
greater stake in student success
in our kids
rates low
for students
than moms and dads who care
deeply about their childrens
future. This bill will give parents a
stronger voice and allow them to
become more hands-on in their
childs education.
Included in the Student Success
Act were bipartisan provisions I
introduced alongside Rep. Rick
Larsen (D-WA) that improve the
Impact Aid program by increasing
efficiency, eliminating subjectivity,
and providing greater flexibility to
school districts. Impact Aid helps
many South Dakota school dis-
tricts with costs resulting from
large amounts of federally impact-
ed land including military bases,
Indian lands and federal property.
We are currently operating
under outdated policies that make
it hard to get the best teachers
possible in our schools. Great
teachers have the ability to inspire
and empower our children each
day. This bill will eliminate inef-
fective federal teaching require-
ments and will instead switch the
focus to classroom results. We
should be supporting our teachers,
not pressuring educators to teach
to the test.
In South Dakota, we know and
understand that a one-size-fits-all
approach doesnt work. The needs
of our rural schools are much dif-
ferent than schools in New York
City. I believe its crucial that leg-
islation take into account the dif-
ferences between states, and thats
exactly what the Student Success
Act does.
Our children deserve the best
education we can offer. In the face
of stiff global competition for jobs
and research opportunities, we
expect a lot from our students,
teachers and administrators. But
with the proper support and
accountability, I have no doubt
that our students can and will be
successful in tackling any chal-
lenges they may encounter.
I hope youll take a moment to
send me an email through my web-
site to share your thoughts on edu-
cation reform and perhaps share a
story about one of your favorite
teachers. You can email me at
From the U.S. House
Representative Kristi Noem
Summer program takes field trip to 1880 Town
Field trip The Jones County Summer program ended on Thursday, July 25 after taking a field trip to 1880 Town. The after
school program will begin again once school has started.
Thank you to the Jones County Summer Program for keeping the
Murdo Coyote updated throughout the summer on your activities!
Home pressure canner gauge testing day
SDSU Extension is offering pres-
sure gauge testing for home canning
units at the SDSU Extension Winner
Regional Center on August 9. To
have the dial gauge tested on your
canner, bring your pressure canner
lid with the attached gauge to the
Winner Regional Center before or on
August 9. Dial gauges for pressure
canners should be tested every year.
The use of a dial or weighted
gauge to maintain the correct pres-
sure and temperature is needed to
safely can low acid foods. Dial
gauges indicate the pressure in the
canner, and it is up to the person
using the canner to regulate the
pressure by controlling the tempera-
ture of the burner the canner is set-
ting on. Weighted gauges indicate
and regulate the pressure. They
often jiggle several times a minute
or keep rocking gently to maintain
the correct pressure.
Over time a dial gauge may not
maintain accurate pressure. The cor-
rect pressure inside the canner cre-
ates a saturated steam chamber
reaching 240F. This temperature is
needed to destroy Clostridium botu-
linum (C. bot) spores. C. bot spores
survive and grow in a low acid,
anaerobic (no oxygen) environment.
When C. bot grows, it produces a
deadly toxin called botulism. Exam-
ples of commonly home canned low-
acid foods include meat, poultry, and
vegetables (primarily green beans
and carrots).
According to Lavonne Meyer,
SDSU Extension Food Safety Field
Specialist, It is important that the
dial gauge pressure canner you are
using is accurate. SDSU Extension
can test the accuracy for you. If you
have questions regarding your pres-
sure canner, bring in the whole can-
ner and visit with Meyer. She will
conduct the testing, and can answer
questions you may have regarding
your canner and food preservation
practices. Several different fact
sheets that include tested canning
recipes will also be made available.
Pressure Canner Testing Day in
Winner is August 9, 9:00 a.m. 3:30
p.m., SDSU Regional Center, 325 S.
Monroe Street (1 block south of the
stop light) or call 605-842-1267. If
you have questions regarding pres-
sure canner testing day, contact
Lavonne Meyer through email or
phone (Lavonne.
or 605-782-3290).
Meyer also reminds people to call
AnswerLine for food preservation
questions (1-888-393-6336). SDSU
Extension (along with Minnesota
and Iowa) offers AnswerLine to pro-
vide information and resources for
consumers with home and family
questions. Or, visit AnswerLines
website at
If you would like to have your
pressure canner lid tested, you may
contact Jewell Bork at 669-2222
before August 6 and she will take the
lids to Winner to be tested and
return them after testing.
Cut it high ...let it lie
Master Gardener News
by Donna Adrian
Leaving your grass longer has
many benefits. Longer grass
shades the soil, keeping it cooler
which reduces evaporation of
water from the soil and also
reduces the weeds that germinate.
If it is mowed short it allows more
weeds to grow. Leaving the grass
clippings on the soil provides sig-
nificant benefits when left on the
lawn. Decomposed grass is a valu-
able source of nitrogen, phospho-
rous and potassium. Up to lb. of
nitrogen is lost for every bag of
grass clippings removed. Leaving
the clippings on is preferred to
chemical fertilizing.
Grass clippings do not con-
tribute to excessive thatch build-
up. Thatch is a layer of undecayed
build up between the soil surface
and the growing vegetation. A
thatch layer will develop if organic
matter is produced faster than it is
decomposed. Poor aeration, appli-
cation of excessive nitrogen and
infrequent mowing that generates
long grass clippings contributes to
thatch build-up.
It is important to mow with
sharp blades, and often enough
that only about a third of grass
blade is mowed off. A mowing
height between 31/2 to 4 1/2 is
ideal. This height will allow your
lawn to have a larger and deeper
root system to create a stronger
defense against weeds and
drought. It is often thought that if
you mow the grass shorter it will
allow for a longer duration
between mowing. This is untrue.
Shortly mown grass wants to rap-
idly grow back what it has lost.
The only time mowing short is
advocated is late in the fall. Mow-
ing short this last mowing will
reduce matting of the grass in the
spring and decrease the chance of
cool season fungal diseases.
How often should I fertilize?
Early summer and fall are the
most important times to fertilize
Each time you mow, alternate
the direction of cut to reduce the
build-up of grass clippings on the
lawn. The best lawn is a small
lawn because it needs less human
and mechanical energy. Perennial
beds and naturalized areas mean
less lawn, less work and more
birds and butterflies in your enjoy-
Jones County Schools
start classes on
Monday, August 19
Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 5
Producers must annually pro-
vide the quantity of all harvested
production of the crop in which
the producer held an interest dur-
ing the crop year. We will send out
the NAP Yields form which lists
your acres and a spot for you to
record your production. The dead-
line for reporting this production
is November 15, 2013. Production
reporting is required for all 2013
crops on farms with NAP cover-
August 1: COC nomination period
August 2: DCP sign-up ends
November 15: 2013 NAP Produc-
November 15: 2014 Acreage
reporting deadline on perennial
grasses and winter wheat
Feel free to call the office if you
ever have questions on any of our
programs 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.
Managed haying and grazing of
CRP can start August 2, but the
regular paperwork needs to be
completed before any CRP haying
may take place. Consult with the
office to inquire about the eligibili-
ty of your CRP. A Haying/Grazing
plan is still needed to be signed at
the FSA office. You may sell the
CRP hay or lease the CRP ground.
David Klingberg
IDEAg Dakotafest will be held
August 20-22, 2013 at the
Schlaffman Farm near Mitchell,
South Dakota. South Dakota State
University and SDSU Extension
will be present with information
and answers to your questions. If
you make the trip and want to
visit the SDSU exhibits, head to
the northwest corner of the event
site and look for the blue tent.
There are also rumors that SDSU
ice cream will be served each day
around noon!
Winter Wheat Meeting
Draper, SD
SDSU Extension will be holding
a Winter Wheat Meeting in Drap-
er, SD on Tuesday, August 27. The
meeting will be held at the Audito-
rium in Draper, SD and begin at
6:30 pm with a meal prepared by a
local group of church women.
There is no cost to attend.
Speakers will be Nathan
Mueller, SDSU Extension Agrono-
mist and Lisa Elliot, SDSU Exten-
sion Commodity Marketing Spe-
cialist. Nathan will be discussing
changes to the recommended and
acceptable/promising variety list,
results of the Crop Performance
Testing (CPT) trials, and dis-
cussing some highlights of the
2012-13 production year. Although
one producer stated that a lot of
area producers wont have a lot of
wheat to market, Lisa will provide
an outlook for wheat prices based
on supply and demand, as well as
comments on other crops produc-
ers will be raising. She will also
comment on potential changes in
the crop insurance program.
Producers and area agronomists
will also be interested in meeting
Dr. Chris Graham, SDSU Exten-
sion Agronomist-West River, who
is joining SDSU Extension the
week before the meeting and plans
to attend. Chris has most recently
worked at Cornell University and
will be based at the West River
Research and Extension Center in
Rapid City. Chris is ready to begin
conducting research and develop-
ing educational programming in
western South Dakota and inter-
ested in getting acquainted with
This meeting has been running
for over 20 years, with attendance
ranging from 50-75+ people, most
of which are producers, and con-
sidered one of the best Extension
meetings in the area. The meal is
sponsored by area agribusinesses,
and representatives from many of
the businesses attend. The meet-
ing is well known for good food,
good information, and a great
opportunity to network with fellow
producers across a wide area.
For more information contact the
Winner Regional Extension Cen-
ter, 842-1267.
8/20-22/2013 DakotaFest,
Mitchell, SD
8/27/2013 Winter Wheat Meet-
ing, 6:30 pm, Auditorium, Draper,
Extension News
Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267
Dept. of Tourism wraps
up marketing campaign
Following a 14-city tour across
the Midwest with South Dakota
Department of Tourism staff in
May and June, the presidential
mascots have settled back in to
South Dakota.
The 47-foot bus made more than
60 stops in eight states and 14
communities all in 17 days. The
mascots were on air with various
broadcast stations across the Mid-
west, catching the eye of more
than 420,000 potential visitors.
Broadcast stations in Sioux Falls,
Rapid City, Omaha Fargo, Kansas
City, Des Moines, Chicago and Eau
Claire covered the tour.
All veteran
August 3
An all veteran reunion is
planned Saturday, August 3 at the
Meuller Civic Center in Hot
Springs during Honoring Our
Heroes, a VA Black Hills Health
Care System Welcome Home
The reunion is free of charge
and veterans are encouraged to
bring their families. From 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m. veterans and their fami-
lies are invited to a benefits fair
and social, and from 5 p.m. to 6:30
p.m., they are invited to a free pic-
Veterans and their families and
the general public is invited to
attend a Tribute To Our Nations
Heroes and their families featur-
ing music by the Potter Family
from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
For more information, contact
Lori Vosika at the VA Black Hills
Health Care System at 605-745-
2000, ext. 92176.
The mascots posed for thou-
sands of photos at key, high-traffic,
family-friendly venues such as
zoos, malls, events, and city and
state icons. The Department of
Tourisms Your American Jour-
ney bus tour was intended to
inspire vacationers to consider
taking a trip to the great places in
South Dakota.
Traveling on a tour bus
wrapped in South Dakota imagery,
team members handed out materi-
als promoting a sweepstakes on
South Dakota Tourisms Facebook
page. The online sweepstakes
campaign garnered 2.5 million
digital media impressions, more
than 11,000 entries into the
sweepstakes and nearly 20,000
new followers on the Departments
Facebook page. All four winners of
the sweepstakes will take their
first trip to South Dakota in the
next year.
This guerilla marketing effort
could not have paid off in a more
successful manner. The results of
this trip surpassed our expecta-
tions regarding impressions,
entries into the Facebook sweep-
stakes and just an overarching
ability to communicate one-on-one
with the people we are reaching
through our digital and traditional
advertising, said Jim Hagen, Sec-
retary of the Department of
Additional information and
photos from the bus tour can be
found on
tour or
Courtesy Photo
All perennial forage
and pasture, winter
wheat and rye
Barley, Corn, Dry
Beans, Dry Peas,
Flax, Forage Seed-
ing, Grain
Sorghum, Millet,
Oats, Safflower,
Soybeans, Sunflow-
ers, Spring Wheat,
and all other crops
2014 Crop Acreage
Reporting Dates
Report by: Crops:
Nov. 15, 2013
July 15, 2014
Junes cattle on feed report mostly neutral
The July 2013 USDA Cattle on
Feed Report showed a 3 percent
reduction over the July 2012
report. It also marks the 11 consec-
utive month of smaller-than-a-
year-ago on feed inventory, said
Darrell Mark, Adjunct Professor of
Economics at South Dakota State
University in his Cattle & Corn
Comments posted weekly to
It was reported 10.368 million
head of cattle on feed in feedyards
with more than 1,000 head capaci-
ties as of July 1, 2013. USDA
reported that 63 percent or 6.527
million head of the cattle on feed
were steers. There were 3.779 mil-
lion heifers on feed and 62,000
cows and bulls on feed, comprising
36.4 percent and 0.6 percent of the
on feed total, Mark said.
Because the USDA didnt
release its semi-annual Cattle
Inventory report last July 19 as
scheduled - due to agency budget
reductions - Mark said determin-
ing actual changes in beef cow
numbers during 2013 is difficult
and will largely remain an
unknown until the next report in
January 2014.
In the mean time, beef cow
slaughter data and the number of
cows and heifers on feed can be
used to infer changes in the size of
the beef cow herd. Beef cow
slaughter was sharply higher than
a year ago during March, April,
and May. As of July 1, 2013, the
62,000 cows and bulls on feed rep-
resented an increase of 11 percent
or 6,000 head, compared to a year
ago, he said.
Those additional cows on feed
will likely boost non-fed slaughter
numbers in the weeks to come. So,
it appears like producers may still
be culling some of their oldest cows
from their herds, Mark said.
However, heifer retention inter-
ests may have picked up in the last
month or so as the number of
heifers on feed on July 1, 2013
declined 139,000 head since last
This is a decrease of 3.5 percent
in heifers on feed, whereas the
number of steers on feed declined
only 3.1 percent.
Thus, the proportion of heifers
on feed comprised slightly less of
the total on feed inventory this
year on July 1. If this is a sign of
potential heifer retention, it comes
after sharply higher placements in
March and April, which were like-
ly driven in part by additional
heifer placements, he said.
USDA indicated that total
placements into feedyards were
1.587 million head in June 2013.
Mark explained this is a decrease
of 4.6 percent but that placements
were concentrated in the heaviest
weight categories.
June placements included
625,000 head weighing more than
800 pounds which is a 27 percent
increase compared to last year.
700 to 799 pound placements were
7 percent higher than a year ago,
while placements of 600 to 699
pounds and less than 600 pound
feeders were down 28 percent and
32 percent respectively.
These large changes relative to
a year ago are partially a result of
sharply higher placements of
light-weight feeder cattle last year
in response to drought and poor
pasture/range conditions prompt-
ing early weaning, Mark said.
With improved pasture/range
conditions this year and high corn
prices last month, less early wean-
ing has occurred this year and
more stockers could be run on
summer pasture.
Presidential mascots South Dakotas presidential mas-
cots pose in front of Mt. Rushmore before taking off on their bus
tour, scheduled to increase interest in South Dakota tourism.
Emily Wickstrom, Rural
Advocate for Missouri Shores
Domestic Violence Center,
is at the J.C. Courthouse
in the jury room
Tuesday, August 6
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information call
Domestic Violence, Sexual
Assault, Dating Violence.
Emily is also available for
presentations to any group.
Call the Murdo Call the Murdo
Coyote at Coyote at
605-669-2271 605-669-2271
to place YOUR to place YOUR
ad here ad here
Youth & Sports
Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 6
2013 4-H Achievement Day exhibit and event results
Top Purple: Matthew Birkeland
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland (2), Chance
Dugan (3), Morgan Feddersen (2),
Jaelyn Green, Colleen Greenseth
(2), Kalli Hespe, Bridger Hight,
Sophia Kustar (2)
Blue: Jacob Birkeland (2), Kath-
lene Boyle (2), Chance Dugan,
Dylan Fuoss, Ty Fuoss, Jaelyn
Green, Colleen Greenseth (2),
Kalli Hespe (2), Bridger Hight,
Sophia Kustar (2), Jake Lolley (2),
Wyatt Olson
Red: Jacob Birkeland, Matthew
Birkeland, Kathlene Boyle, Jaelyn
Green, Kalli Hespe (2), Sophia
Kustar (3)
Educational Displays and
Top Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Dylan Fuoss
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Chance
Dugan, Sophia Kustar
Blue: Wyatt Olson
Graphic Arts:
Top Purple: Morgan Feddersen,
Taylor Feddersen
Purple: Wyatt Olson
Blue: Colleen Greenseth, Wyatt
Olson (3), Darian Roghair
Writing & Public Speaking:
Purple: Taylor Feddersen, Ty
Fuoss, Jaelyn Green, Wyatt Olson
Blue: Kathlene Boyle, Ty Fuoss
Aerospace and Rocketry:
Top Purple: Dylan Fuoss
Visual Arts:
Top Purple: Matthew Birkeland,
Wyatt Olson
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Colleen
Greenseth, Bridger Hight, Emily
Jacobs, Wyatt Olson, Annalee
Blue: Matthew Birkeland (2),
Morgan Feddersen, Taylor Fedder-
sen (2), Dylan Fuoss (4), Ty Fuoss
(4), Colleen Greenseth (5), Bridger
Hight, Madelyn Host (2), Alex
Newsam, Wyatt Olson, Annalee
Roghair (4), Darian Roghair (3),
Mesa Roghair
Red: Matthew Birkeland, Taylor
Feddersen, Dylan Fuoss (2), Alex
Newsam, Austin Olson
Home Environment:
Top Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Darian
Purple: Jacob Birkeland (3),
Matthew Birkeland (3), Morgan
Feddersen, Taylor Feddersen (2),
Dylan Fuoss, Ty Fuoss, Jaelyn
Green, Colleen Greenseth, Darian
Blue: Jacob Birkeland, Chance
Dugan, Morgan Feddersen (2),
Dylan Fuoss (3), Ty Fuoss (2),
Colleen Greenseth, Austin Olson,
Wyatt Olson, Darian Roghair
Hobbies and Collections:
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Dylan Fuoss,
Ty Fuoss
Blue: Bridger Hight (2), Madelyn
Host, Wyatt Olson
Wood Science:
Top Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Jake Lolley
Purple: Dylan Fuoss
Blue: Darian Roghair
Top Purple: Colleen Greenseth
Purple: Emily Jacobs
Blue: Kathlene Boyle, Colleen
Foods and Nutrition:
Top Purple: Kathlene Boyle, Tay-
lor Feddersen
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Chance
Dugan, Morgan Feddersen,
Colleen Greenseth (3)
Blue: Molly Dowling, Jaelyn
Green, Colleen Greenseth, Emily
Jacobs, Annalee Roghair
Red: Mesa Roghair
Top Purple: Taylor Feddersen,
Colleen Greenseth
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland, Kathlene
Boyle, Chance Dugan, Morgan
Feddersen, Dylan Fuoss, Ty Fuoss
Blue: Kathlene Boyle
Fashion Review:
Top Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland
Purple: Morgan Feddersen, Tay-
lor Feddersen, Colleen Greenseth
Place Settings:
Blue: Jacob Birkeland, Matthew
Birkeland, Emily Jacobs
Range Science & Pasture
Top Purple: Colleen Greenseth
Tractor, Lawnmower and
Wagon Driving Contest:
Top Purple: Ty Fuoss, Jake Lol-
ley, Austin Olson
Purple: Jacob Birkeland,
Matthew Birkeland
Blue: Dylan Fuoss, Madelyn Host,
Wyatt Olson
Red: Morgan Feddersen
Beef Showmanship:
Top Purple: Molly Dowling,
Wyatt Olson, Wyatt Walker
Purple: Chase Barnes, Dylan
Fuoss, Ty Fuoss, Austin Olson,
Annalee Roghair, Darian Roghair,
Mesa Roghair
Blue: Kathlene Boyle, Jake Dowl-
Dairy Showmanship:
Top Purple: Ty Fuoss
Goat Showmanship:
Top Purple: Austin Olson, Wyatt
Jr. Yearling Dairy Heifer:
Top Purple: Ty Fuoss
Wether Goat:
Top Purple: Wyatt Olson
Purple: Austin Olson
Futurity Females with Calf at
Top Purple: Darian Roghair
Purple: Jake Dowling, Annalee
Jr. Yearling Heifer:
Top Purple: Kathlene Boyle
Purple: Chase Barnes, Molly
Dowling, Austin Olson
Blue: Dylan Fuoss, Annalee
Roghair, Darian Roghair
Jr. Heifer Calf:
Top Purple: Wyatt Olson
Purple: Dylan Fuoss, Ty Fuoss,
Annalee Roghair
Blue: Kathlene Boyle, Jake Dowl-
ing, Molly Dowling, Darian
Jr. Bull Calf:
Top Purple: Wyatt Walker
Purple: Chase Barnes
Blue: Ty Fuoss, Annalee Roghair
Steer Calf:
Top Purple: Chase Barnes
Purple: Kathlene Boyle
Market Steer:
Top Purple: Chase Banes
Market Heifer:
Purple: Wyatt Walker
Rabbit Showmanship:
Blue: Madelyn Host
Top Purple: Madelyn Host
Pre-teens, college freshmen
need back to school immunizations
Babies and toddlers arent the
only ones who need immuniza-
tions. Parents should be aware
that their pre-teens and college
freshmen also need to be vaccinat-
ed, says a state health official.
College freshmen who live in
dorms and unvaccinated kids
entering high school are at high
risk for meningococcal disease and
should be vaccinated, said Dr.
Lon Kightlinger, state epidemiolo-
gist for the Department of Health.
And 11 and 12-year-olds need a
booster shot for pertussis.
Meningococcal disease is a bac-
terial infection resulting in inflam-
mation of the tissues covering the
brain and spinal cord. Symptoms
include fever, severe headache,
stiff neck, vomiting and a rash.
Ten to 14 percent of people with
the disease die and up to 19 per-
cent of survivors may suffer per-
manent disabilities such as hear-
ing loss, limb amputations or
brain disease. South Dakota typi-
cally reports three cases of
meningococcal disease a year. To
date in 2013, four cases have been
Meningococcal vaccine is avail-
able from family health care
providers and campus student
health centers. The department
provides the vaccine for 11 to 18-
year-olds who are eligible for the
federal Vaccines for Children Pro-
gram (Medicaid eligible, Native
American or Alaskan Native,
uninsured or underinsured). The
vaccine is free for these children
but providers may charge an
administration fee.
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is
a serious illness that causes
uncontrollable coughing, rib frac-
tures, pneumonia, loss of con-
sciousness and even death. Infants
are at highest risk, with two-
thirds of those under age 1 infect-
ed needing hospitalization. There
have been 11 pertussis cases
reported in South Dakota to date
in 2013; three of those cases have
been younger than one.
A pertussis vaccine booster dose
is recommended at 11-12 years
when immunity begins to wane.
The initial pertussis series is given
to children at two months, four
months, six months, 15-18
months, and four to six years.
The department provides the
childhood series of whooping
cough vaccine and the booster dose
free for 11-14 year olds. Providers
may charge an administration fee.
Find a vaccine provider at
providers/. Learn more about
meningitis or whooping cough at
Furry friend Madelyn Host allows her bunny a little pre-show workout with 4-H friends Tay-
lor Feddersen, Matthew Birkeland, Wyatt Olson and Morgan Feddersen.
Female Futurity The Female Futurity contest has become a popular event. Jones County 4-H members are eligible to win a leather halter, sponsored by Roghair Trucking, as determined by the
total ribbon points for that female from three years of showing. The 4-Her must show the same beef female first as a Jr. Heifer Calf, the next year as a Jr. Yearling Heifer and the third year as a Cow-
Calf pair...both the cow and calf need to be halter broke and fitted. This project is a commitment of time and effort as 4-Hers are also required to present and updated 4-H animal project sheet for
each female each year at Achievement Days. Since Jones County and Mellette County have combined 4-H shows, Mellette County has seen the benefit of a long term beef project and has created the
same type of award for their young producers.
The Murdo Coyote office will be closed Friday,
August 2!
Photos submitted by Angie Kinsley
Public Notices
Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 7
Notice for Bids
Gas for School Vans
The Board of Education of the Jones
County School District #373 will receive
sealed bids for gasoline to operate the
vans and buses for the 20132014
school term.
Bids are to be sealed and quote price per
gallon less state and federal tax.
If a firm bid for a full years supply will not
be bid, include a quote using an escala-
tor clause for price changes. Price
changes must be documented if an
escalator clause is included.
Bids are to be filed with the Business
Manager not later than August 12, 2013,
at 3:00 p.m.
The Board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. Envelopes are to be
marked Gas for School Vans/ Buses.
DIST. #373
Tami Schreiber,
Business Manager
Published July 25 & August 1, 2013 at
the total approximate cost of $23.40.
Notice for Bids
Diesel for Buses
The Board of Education of the Jones
County School District #373 will receive
sealed bids for diesel to operate activity
buses and route buses for the 2013-
2014 school term.
Bids are to be sealed and quote price per
gallon less state and federal tax.
If a firm bid for a full years supply will not
be bid, include a quote using an escala-
tor clause for price changes. Price
changes must be documented if an
escalator clause is included.
Bids are to be filed with the Business
Manager not later than August 12, 2013
at 3:00 p.m.
The Board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. Envelopes are to be
marked Diesel for School Buses.
DIST. #37-3
Tami Schreiber,
Business Manager
Published July 25 & August 1, 2013, at
the total approximate cost of $23.40.
Notice for Propane
The Board of Education of the Jones
County School District No. 373 will
receive separate sealed bids for the
required amount of propane for the
Jones County School.
All bids are to include delivered price list-
ing per gallon the base price, freight and
All fuel invoices must be delivered to the
Business Office the same day as the fuel
is delivered.
If a firm bid for a full years supply will not
be bid, include a quote using an escala-
tor clause for price changes. Price
changes must be documented if an
escalator clause is included.
Bids are to be filed with the Business
Manager not later than August 12, 2013
at 3:00 p.m. and envelopes marked
Propane Bid.
The Board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
DIST. #37-3
Tami Schreiber,
Business Manager
Published July 25 &August 1, 2013, at
the total approximate cost of $26.64.
It is now late summer, the col-
lege graduates from this year are
settling into their new jobs or still
looking for one. The young lady
that came to the clinic related that
she was distressed because she
was still struggling to find a job.
She was living at home with her
parents because she couldnt
afford to support herself without a
job. Her parents had all kinds of
intended beneficial advice
although the young lady found
very little benefit from it. She
related that she was having a
banging in her chest. She
described periodically having a
sensation of a thump in the mid-
dle of her chest. She indicated that
these had been developing over
the last year and at first she
thought nothing of them. But now
they were becoming more promi-
nent and uncomfortable when they
occurred. She was becoming con-
cerned about interpretation of
what these represented. Review-
ing her history, she did not use any
medications, had been not been
part of the college drug scene,
drank in moderation and did not
smoke. She said she had been
described as high strung by
friends and family members. She
drank coffee very infrequently, did
not use cola or Mountain Dew -
caffeinated beverages. She said
that the thumps in her chest did
seem to come more frequently
when she was confronted or
A physical examination showed
no abnormality other than a
slightly irregular heart beat. She
was obviously having something
called premature ventricular con-
tractions (PVCs). I explained to
her that she has a built-in biologi-
cal clock that determines the rate
of her heartbeat.
For some reason, in certain peo-
ple, the heart becomes twitchy and
beats earlier than her clock would
have. Note that with a pulse of 60
beats per minutes, there is one
heartbeat every second. Eighty-
five percent of that second is spent
filling the heart with blood to
pump out and only 15 percent of
that one second is used to pump
the blood out to the body. If the
heartbeat comes too early, there is
not very much blood in the heart to
pump out yet. The result is a very
weak if any pulse felt at the wrist.
The next heartbeat that comes on
schedule has now had extra time
to fill the heart and, in fact, the
heart is slightly overfilled. This
heart beat is a big booming thud
and this is what was causing her
This explanation provided very
little comfort for her. Now she
wanted to know why they were
happening and what they meant.
To answer that question, she need-
ed to have a monitor placed on her
heart for a full 24 hours. There are
medical devices that are unobtru-
sive and the person can wear for a
full day and determine how fre-
quently these premature ventricu-
lar contractions are occurring.
They will also determine whether
or not the focus causing them is
coming from one place or from
many places. They also determine
the area of the heart that is gener-
ating these extra heartbeats. And
lastly, the person can use a diary
to keep track of symptoms they are
have to see if these extra heart-
beats are causing any symptoms.
The young lady brought the
monitor back on schedule and it
was analyzed. In the 24-hour peri-
od of wearing the monitor, she had
104,286 heart beats which aver-
ages out to a pulse of about 73
beats per minutes. She had 3682
premature ventricular contrac-
tions in 24 hours. They all had the
same electrocardiographic appear-
ance indicating that they were
coming from one focus in the
heart. This was an important piece
of information indicating that
heart muscle was not diffusely
abnormal but rather the prema-
ture ventricular contractions came
from only one spot. Lastly, it was
seen that the abnormal heart
beats did not come in runs of two
or three or more abnormal heart-
beats in a row. Each one was a sin-
gular event followed by a normal
heart rhythm.
The next step to do was a test
called an echocardiogram which
takes a picture of the heart using
sound waves. This test can tell if
there is a structural abnormality
in the heart such as a hole in one
of the walls, or one of the heart
valves is leaking, or abnormal
hookups of the various pipes
around the heart. Her echocardio-
gram was normal.
She had no threatening family
history such as cousins, brothers
or sisters that might have had
heart problems before her. In this
situation, she was reassured that
her extra heartbeats were safe and
not a threat to her general health
or longevity. She said that was
very reassuring but she did not
like the extra heart beats and
wanted something to stop them.
She was reluctant to take a medi-
cine and I explained to her that a
medication or surgery was what
there was to stop her thumps.
Wisely, she elected to try a medica-
tion. It was reassuring that the
medication selected had a very low
incidence of side effects and that if
she did not like the sensation of
using the medication it could be
stopped, although her thumps in
her chest would not stop.
She inquired as to whether or
not stopping alcohol intake alto-
gether would make a difference, or
whether the stress of her social sit-
uation was the cause of the prob-
lem, or more exercise would be
beneficial. In multiple studies,
these latter three choices make
good sense but have not been
shown to decrease the number of
premature ventricular contrac-
tions and are not recommended
therapies for that purpose.
After long discussion, the
patient elected to start a medica-
tion called metoprolol which is a
beta blocker. This is a drug that
interferes with the effect of adren-
aline on the body. It works remark-
ably well for some individuals
although some people find it caus-
es fatigue symptoms. She tried it
at a modest dose of 25 milligrams
twice a day. She didnt have trou-
ble remembering it and it com-
pletely stopped the extra heart-
beats. She said that she also noted
that she didnt feel so high
strung. She had been to two job
interviews and on both occasions
her armpits had not perspired as
they often did when she went to a
job interview. She felt the drug
was well worth keeping.
This is an example of a very
common clinical case. In some sit-
uations where the premature
heart beats come at more than 25
percent of the time, a truly danger-
ous heart condition can be present.
Note that hers were only occurring
3 percent of the time. Referral to a
cardiologist for more complex test-
ing and treatment is sometimes
The healthcare providers at
your local clinics can comfortably
deal with a case such as the one
above. They can also recognize the
situation when a more complex
evaluation is needed and have the
person referred on to a cardiologist
of choice.
At a time when American troops
are bravely serving their country,
we are reminded of the sacrifices
of previous generations of Ameri-
cans who risked or gave their lives
for the freedom we all enjoy today.
August is full of opportunities to
honor our veterans. This year leg-
islation was enacted designating
August 7 as Purple Heart Recog-
nition Day, a working holiday
dedicated to remember and recog-
nize those members of the Armed
Forces of the United States who
have earned the Purple Heart
Medal for wounds received in com-
bat. So as August 7 approaches, let
us not forget the men and women
of our armed forces who have
received the Purple Heart and who
have gone above and beyond the
call of duty to preserve our free-
Another great opportunity to
thank our military personnel, our
veterans, and their families is to
attend Veterans Day at the South
Dakota State Fair on August 29.
This is a special day to recognize
the sacrifices and successes of
those who have served in the
Armed Forces, both past and pres-
ent. At 10:30 a.m. there will be a
Salute to Veterans on the North-
west Energy Freedom Stage
(Recreation Avenue). Representa-
tives from the South Dakota
Department of Veterans Affairs,
the veterans service organizations
and the county and tribal veterans
service officers will have an infor-
mational booth in the Veterans
Building on Flag Avenue. This
booth will be staffed throughout
the span of the fair and will give
veterans an opportunity to talk to
experts about benefits and pro-
grams available to them.
Veterans attending school this
fall at one of South Dakotas uni-
versities or technical schools,
please remember to make contact
with the schools certifying offi-
cials. They are a great resource to
assist you in transitioning from
soldier to student.
South Dakota is fortunate to
have over 75,000 veterans
75,000 men and women who have
proudly served this country and
are deserving of benefits they have
earned. I challenge each of you to
reach out to veterans in your fam-
ily and ask them Have you ever
visited with your veterans service
officer to see if you qualify for any
benefits? Encourage them to
make that contact. Again, a listing
of the veterans service officers can
be found at:
It is important that we honor
the men and women in uniform
who have made tremendous sacri-
fices in the defense of our nation
and who remind us of their valor
and service.
The Clinical View
Dr. P.E. Hoffsten
SD Veterans Affairs
Larry Zimmerman, Secretary of Veterans Affairs
but youd have to buy over twelve
bottles of it to save the cost of your
traveling expenses. Either that or
make cost-saving purchases on
lots of other items.
What I suspect is that people
might want to go to the city to eat
out, catch a movie, or find some
other interesting forms of enter-
tainment. Thats okay, but saying
youre going there to save money
on things you need might not be
the whole truth, so to speak. If
you have to go to keep a doctors
appointment or consult your tax
man, thats different. Some servic-
es are not available locally, and
you have to drive a ways to find
them. In that case, it does make
some sense to shop while youre
there and save back a little of your
gas expense. A few times, though,
Ive bought something in the city
thinking I was saving money only
to find it offered more cheaply
close to home. This is irritating.
As a result, Ive had to reconsider
my original idea that things can
always be purchased more cheap-
ly in big stores than little ones. It
isnt necessarily so. Impulse buy-
ing of weird stuff is also a problem
when you visit big stores.
Then we come to cowboys. They
have a million and one reasons
why they should get on their hors-
es and ride instead of, say, paint-
ing the barn or fixing the accursed
tractor. They may need to check
the cattle in general, check the
fences, see if the salt supply is
running low, and, of course,
inspect the dams in case some
critter has gotten itself stuck in
the mud. What is difficult in
terms of trying to refute any such
excuses is that the Bible recom-
mends, Be sure you know the
condition of your flocks; give care-
ful attention to your herds.
There are times, of course, that
nothing needs checking very badly
once the calving season is over,
the fences have been checked and
rechecked, and the dams are full
enough that mud isnt a problem.
This doesnt keep your normal
cowboy from dragging out these
needs to go riding, but they
should be taken for what they are
instead of by how theyre
explained. Ditto for cowgirls.
The same thing might apply to
four-wheelers which are just a
kind of substitute for horse-back
riding but also fun. I personally
have dreamt up any number of
compelling reasons to rev up our
little four-wheeler and tear off
across the prairie. Unfortunately,
I married a schoolteacher who has
a low-gullibility factor and tends
to see right through me. That
doesnt keep me from trying
Just today I told her that I need-
ed to go to the steakhouse since I
hadnt been there in quite a while
and they might think I didnt love
them anymore. She replied, And
because youre tired of cooking.
That too, I agreed, and headed
At the moment, I need to come
up with some sort of lame excuse
for taking a nap. Ive been busy
and productive today and have
managed to tire myself out. Wait.
Being tired is a legitimate reason
for resting. I dont have to make
up an excuse. I can just go take a
nap. That, therefore, is where Im
headed very shortly. Catch you
How are you at feeble excuses?
You know, the kinds of things you
come up with to justify what you
want to do. Take the cartoon I saw
the other day where the man is
reaching into the freezer at the
grocery store and says, Wed bet-
ter buy some ice cream to keep the
butter cool on the way home. His
wife looks on with a skeptical
expression meaning she thinks
the butter would arrive home just
fine without the added coolant of
the ice cream, but she doesnt say
anything. Chances are shes
thinking she might want to buy
something they dont really need
as well and may have to come up
with a similar bit of misdirection.
Well, theres nothing wrong with
buying ice cream, but ice cream
has been known to add poundage
to a person and some of us dont
need that. You might have to come
up with a good reason to buy it
when maybe you really shouldnt.
There are other cases where simi-
lar circumstances may apply.
For example, some folks claim
they are going to the city to take
advantage of the lower prices
offered at discount stores and
such. This has some credence
because you can save substantial-
ly in certain cases. You have to
remember, though, that the gas to
get you there and back could well
cost fifty bucks. So, lets say laun-
dry detergent sells for ten dollars
a bottle locally and only six in the
city. That saves you four dollars,
Lookin Around
Syd Iwan
Purple Heart
Recognition Day
Coyote Classifieds
Murdo Coyote August 1, 2013 Page 8
Mobridge Police Department or
online at www.mobridgepolice.
org. Application Deadline is Fri-
day August 9, 2013.
TIVE at New Town, N.D., is seek-
ing a Manager of Business Opera-
ager of Business Operations is
responsible for divisional prof-
itability, sales, new product / mar-
ket development, reporting, pur-
chasing, resale pricing, inventory
control, customer service, asset
maintenance, environmental com-
pliance, and other duties as
assigned by the CEO/General
Manager. This supply very suc-
cessful cooperative is located in
NW N.D. with great recreational
opportunities. Company owned
housing is available. Email
resume to:
CHS National Director of Place-
ment, 5213 Shoal Drive, Bismarck
ND 58503 or call (701) 220-9775.
Media Specialist. Contact:
Tammy Meyer, 516 8th Ave W Sis-
seton, S.D. 57262 605-698-7613
Position open until filled. EOE.
K-12 spec. ed. teacher. Contact
Peggy Petersen, Supt. (605) 948-
2252 or at Peggy.Petersen@ for application. Open
until filled.
TRICT is seeking applications for
a HS Math Instructor (w/wo Head
Boys BB Coach); Base Pay -
$34,150 plus signing bonus. Con-
tact Supt. Lenk at Dupree School
(605) 365-5138.
SION is taking applications for
full- time Douglas County High-
way Superintendent. Must have
valid Class A Drivers License.
Experience in road/bridge con-
struction/maintenance. For appli-
cation contact: Douglas County
Auditor (605) 724-2423.
TIVES is seeking people interest-
ed in an agronomy career. Various
positions in central South Dakota
available. Email Dan.haberling@ or call Midwest Coop-
eratives 1(800)658-5535.
DED WALLS, 8-ft. tall in varying
lengths from 5-ft. to 14-ft. $50.00
to $150.00 each, depending on
length. Call 605-852-2122 in
Highmore, ask for Mike Konrad or
Jan Busse.
S.D. We have lowered the price &
will consider contract for deed.
Call Russell Spaid 605-280-1067.
representing Golden Eagle Log
Homes, building in eastern, cen-
tral, northwestern South & North
Dakota. Scott Connell, 605-530-
2672, Craig Connell, 605-264-
5650, www.goldeneagleloghomes.
PERS statewide for only $150.00.
Put the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
Deadline is Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Call: 669-2271
CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for up to 20 words.10 per word after
initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted as one word.
CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20
words.10 per word after initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted
as one word.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate
which is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Help Wanted
needed to service our product at
Pilot Flying J in Murdo. The pay is
$15.00 per hour and should take
roughly 10 hours per month.
Please email if interested. M31-2tc
For Sale
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume dis-
count available. Call 798-5413.
ING: Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland. ATV
application. Also prairie dogs. Call
Bill at 605-669-2298. M21-24tp
Thank You
We would like to thank every-
one for the cards and phone calls
on our 60th anniversary.
Butch and Nancy Iversen
I would like to thank my kids
for the 80th birthday party, the
golf course for letting us have it
there and all the people that sent
cards and called.
Jim Newbold
Murdo Nutrition
Program Menu
August 5
Chicken & Noodles
Sliced Beets
August 6
Roast Beef
Hash Brown Casserole
Mixed Vegetables
Mandarin Oranges & Banana Slices
August 7
Fish Portions
Creamed Potatoes & Peas
Sunshine Gelatin Salad
Fruit Muffin
Mixed Fruit
August 8
Oven Fried Chicken
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Spinach w/ Vinegar
Dinner Roll
Apple Crisp
August 9
Ham & Cheese on a Bun
Potato Salad
Copper Penny Salad
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
ANGUS RANCH Complete dis-
persal of 450 Registered and Com-
mercial Fall Calving Cows includ-
ing some spring calvers, 90 2012
Fall Heifers and 50 Fall Bulls.
August 10 at Sioux Falls Regional
Worthing Sale barn. High health,
performance and phenotype. Past
National breeder of the year
award. Call for catalogue to Dan
Nelson, Manager 701-351-1795 or
Duane Pancratz, Owner 605-359-
9222, or check website www.
DEPARTMENT has opening for
a FT E1911. Application may be
requested or picked up at
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call this
newspaper or 800-658-3697 for
owner operators, freight from Mid-
west up to 48 states, home regu-
larly, newer equipment, Health,
401K, call Randy, A&A Express,





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