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)arqatu-l Arsiyyatu-l Qdiriyyah Worldwide Association (Singapore

By the forbearer, Abu Zakaria Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi

In the Name of Allah, the Universally Merciful, the Singularly Compassionate
In the Name of Allah. Allah is Supremely Great! Allah is Supremely Great! Allah is Supremely Great!I pronounce
upon myself, upon my religion, upon my family, upon my children, upon my property, upon my companions, upon their
religious beliefs, and upon their properties.
A thousand times: In the Name of Allah. Allah is Supremely Great! Allah is Supremely Great! Allah is Supremely
Great!I pronounce upon myself, upon my religion, upon my family, upon my children, upon my property, upon my
companions, upon their religious beliefs, and upon their properties.
A million times: In the Name of Allah. Allah is Supremely Great! Allah is Supremely Great! Allah is Supremely
Great!I pronounce upon myself, upon my religion, upon my family, upon my children, upon my property, upon my
companions, upon their religious beliefs, and upon their properties.
A million times: There is no strength nor any power except with Allah, the All-High, the Almighty. In the Name of
Allah, through Allah, from Allah, toward Allah, because of Allah, and concerning Allah: There is no strength nor any power
except with Allah, the All-High, the Almighty.
In the Name of Allah be upon my religion, upon myself, and upon my children. In the Name of Allah be upon my
property and upon my family. In the Name of Allah be upon everything that my Lord has given me. In the Name of Allah;
Lord of the seven heavens, Lord of the seven earths, and Lord of the Mighty Throne.
In the Name of Allah; with whose Name nothing can cause harm in the earth or in the sky, for He is the All-Hearing
and All-Knowing (3 times). In the Name of Allah; the best of all names in the earth and in the heaven. With In the Name of
Allah I always commence and with which I always conclude [an undertaking]. Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah is my Lord; I associate
nothing with Him. Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah is my Lord; there is no god but Allah. Allah is far mightier, more Splendid, and
supremely Greater than what I fear and dread.
With You, O Allah, I seek refuge from the evil of my own self, the evil of others, and the evil of what my Lord has
created, forged, and designed; with You, O Allah, I seek protection against them; with You, O Allah, I take refuge from their
wicked ways; and with You, O Allah, I repel their necks. And I set between me and them: In the name of Allah, the Universally
Merciful, the Singularly Compassionate. Say: He is Allah the One! Allah the eternally Besought of all! He begets not nor was begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him. [112:1-4] (3 times).
And the like thereof to my right and to their right; the like thereof to my left and to their left; the like thereof in front
of me and in front of them; the like thereof to my rear and to their rear; the like thereof above me and above them; the like
thereof beneath me and beneath them; and the like thereof encompassing me and encompassing them. O Allah, verily I beseech
You, on my behalf and on theirs, to grant Your goodness , through that goodness of Yours which no one possess but You.
O Allah, include me and them among Your servants, within Your shelter, Your supervision, Your protection, Your
security, Your custody, and Your safekeeping, beyond the reach of every devil and potentate, human and jinn, tyrant and
envier, and predatory beast and serpent and scorpion, and from the evil of every crawling creature that You, my Lord, are
holding by its forelock. Veriy, My Lord is on a Straight Path! [11.56]
The Lord suffices me from all who are subject to lordship. The Creator suffices me from all who are created. The
Provider suffices me from all who are provided. The Protector suffices me from all who are protected. The Helper suffices me
from all who are helped. The Vanquisher suffices me from all who are vanquished. The One who suffices me is my sufficiency.
The One who suffices me unceasingly is my sufficiency. Allah suffices me, and how Excellent is the Custodian! Allah suffices me
without all of His creation.
Verily, my Protecting Friend is Allah, who has sent down the Book, and He befriends and protects the righteous. [7:196] And
when you recite the Quran, We place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a hidden barrier; and We set on their hearts
veils, lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when you make mention of your Lord alone in the Quran, they turn
their backs in aversion. [17:45, 46] So if they turn their backs, say: Allah is enough for me, there is no god but He. In Him I have put my
trust, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne. [9:129] (7 times).
There is no strength nor any power except with Allah, the All-High, the Almighty (3 times). May Allah bless our liegelord Muhammad, his family, and his companions, and grant them peace. I have hidden myself in the treasuries of In the name of
Allah. Their locks are my trust in Allah, while their keys are: There is no strength except with Allah. I seek safety with You, O
Allah, from my own self. Whatever I can do, and whatever I cannot do, a creature has no power beside the power of the Creator.
Allah suffices me, and how Excellent is the CustodianThere is no strength nor any power except with Allah, the AllHigh, the AlmightyMay Allah bless our liege-lord Muhammad, his family, and his companions, and grant them peace (3
arqatu-l Arsiyyatu-l Qdiriyyah Worldwide Association (Singapore)

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