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1 Welcome to Evu Orientation Understanding the Evu System Operator Roles What the Customer Sees News & Communications Where to Get Help 2 Guiding Operator lines Questions to answer and disregard Jokes and Opinion Questions Profanity Pornography 3 Quality Criteria Operator 4 Quality Assurance Quality Assurance 5 Managing Your Operator Account Operator Profile Categories & Interests Prizes & Contests 6 Technical Support System Recommendations Sending Feedback and Reporting Bugs

Ask Evu is a virtual assistant service that aims to provide answers to any question that our users ask. What makes this service unique is that it was specifically designed to meet the needs of men and woman who are incarcerated. Our users email us their

questions and we search the internet to find them the appropriate answer. Our mission is to enable people to have access to all mankind's knowledge, from anywhere and at any time.

The Evu Official Operator Handbook is your best friend anytime you have questions about Evu. Inside are answers on how Evu works behind the scenes, suggestions on how to answer questions successfully, and where to get help. At the end is a checklist so you can track your own knowledge of all things Evu.

1. Evu Orientation
Congratulations! You are ready to start guiding. So what happens now? Lets start with a quick tour of whats what and whos who at Evu.

Understanding the Evu System

Evu connects people searching for information (our customers, or InfoSeekers) with a dedicated team of independent contractors who works together to answer their questions (thats you, our Operators). This is accomplished via sophisticated routing technology.

Operator Roles
At Evu, like on any team, people perform different roles and work together to get the job done. The Evu system allows people with diverse skills and interests to do what suits them best. Currently, the Operator Roles at Evu include: Operator Quality Assurance Answer conversational and quick-fact questions directly, and process incoming questionsfor answering. Quality Assurance edits and approves all questions handled by Operators.

All roles are performed via the web-based Portal. Whatever your primary Operator role, you play an absolutely vital part in Evus system. Without both of the above, Evu customers could not get the speedy, accurate answers to their questions that makes them loyal fans!

What the Customer Sees

From the customer end, things look very different. They are restricted to text only communications and do not have access to the open internet as we do. For this reason always remember to not include images or web links (URLs) in the answers you provide. The only time it is okay to provide a web address is if it is specifically requested by the user.

Source Websites are important. Feel free to include web sources in the answers you provide. Not only does using an authoritative website lead to a better answer, it also gives the customer added confidence that your answer is accurate and trustworthy. Although Evu offers each user a limited amount of answers for free each month, overall Evu is a paid service. This is why the Quality of answers we provide is so critical.

From time to time, you will receive Emails from Evu Operator Support. Please make sure to add to your accepted email list, so these important messages are not sent to Junk folders.

Where to Get Help

If you have a question about Evu, we want to make sure you get a timely and correct answer. You can send us an email at with the details of your question or chat with our helpdesk right form your portal.

2. Operator Guidelines
To deliver the consistent experience possible for Evu customers, we recommend that all Operators follow these basic Guidelines:

Evu will only answer a single question per message. If a user asks more than one question in a single message, respond with the following:

Im sorry; Evu can only process one question per message. Please reformat
your question and send as a new message. Question must be 140 characters or less. Thank you!

If you cannot find an accurate answer after over 2 minutes of web research respond to the user with the following:

Im sorry; Evu could not find an accurate answer to your question. Please
reformat your question and try again. Thanks! If you get a question that is confusing or if you cannot understand what the user is asking you for, respond with the following:

Im sorry; Evu could not understand your question. Please reformat your

question and try again. Thanks!

There are also questions that Evu cannot answer. If you get a question requesting any of the following:

Information regarding an inmate, or previously incarcerated individual. Information requesting contact information for individuals ie: people searches Access to credit scores, Facebook accounts or personal banking information Legal research, case law, or case information. Sports lines, spreads, and over/under and any gambling related information
Respond with the following answer: Due to Evu restrictions, Evu is prohibited from answering this question. Please ask a diffrent question. (business contact information is ok to provide)

Examples of what Evu does provide:

1 1 1 1 1 2

Information regarding business addresses (i.e. what is the address for the Miami Chamber of Commerce?) Celebrity information (i.e. How much is Bill Gates worth?) Sports Statistics: (i.e. how many super bowls have the New England Patriots won?) What is the score for last nights football game Stock Information: (What is the option chain sheet for Apple Inc.?) Website information (i.e. can you send me an address for a free pen pal site?) Music Lyrics (What are the lyrics to Michael Jackson "Thriller"?)

Examples of what Evu does not provide:

1 1 1

Information regarding an inmate, or previously incarcerated individual. (i.e. where is inmate 111111-111 located?) Information regarding people searches (business contact information is ok to provide) (i.e. can you locate my brother John Williams?) Access to credit scores, Facebook accounts or personal banking information. (i.e. can you log into my Chase bank account)

Answers should not contain profanity. A limited exception exists: If profanity is included in the customer's query, or specifically requested, such as in song lyrics, the answer may include profanity if necessary. For example, profanity would be okay in answers to the following questions:

How do you say shit in French? What are George Carlins seven dirty words? Succinct questions prepared by Expeditors may include or exclude any profanity from the original question at the Expeditors discretion. 1. Harassment 2. Hate Speech 3. Threats of Violence


Questions that directly and personally harass Operators with vulgarities are usually grounds for Abuse. Also, instances of the same question being asked over and over (without reason) are considered Abuse. Any Question that falls into this category click the Prohibited/ Abuse button. Abuse Questions that are personally directed and use vulgar (non-anatomical) language: ! I want to meet you and fuck you doggystyle. ! Would you like to suck my dick? Questions those are impersonal but still obscene or hostile: ! What is the name of a slut that lives in Colorado who I can fuck right now? ! I love to jerk off to big ol titties and nice round asses. ! Fuck you, Evu, and your shit-ass shit. Questions looking for child pornography, bestiality, incest or rape content ! Send me pics of a woman fucking a horse. NOT Abuse


Questions that include intentionally hateful or demeaning speech are grounds for abuse. Evu allows requests for ethnic or off-color jokes as long as the requests Dont include a slur. Abuse Questions that use derogatory language as an intentional slur: ! Why did Hitler let the niggers live? ! I hate fags, dont you? Requests for racist jokes or material: ! Send me a racist joke. Requests that ask for a joke using an intentional slur: ! Whats a good fag joke? ! Send me a funny joke about Spics. NOT Abuse Requests for Ethnic or Off-color jokes that dont use a derogatory term: ! Tell me a funny [Black/Mexican/Gay/Lesbian/Jewish/Catholic/WASP/Redneck] joke.

Questions about definitions, origins or laws concerning hate speech or slurs: ! What is the origin of the term nigger? ! Why does the term faggot apply to gays? ! What would happen if I called my neighbor a raghead to his face?


Questions that threaten, advocate or admit to violent criminal behavior are grounds for abuse. Important Note: If you receive a question that involves a direct threat of future violence against another person, do not contact the authorities yourself. This includes threats of violence against another individual. Please report the incident to the Evu helpdesk by sending Feedback with issue type Threats. Include the Message received, Time of session, any identifying information from the customers Question History, and your Operator role. Abuse Questions that threaten advocate or admit to violent acts: ! Theres this kid at school I hate and today Im gonna fuck him up. ! I cant wait for Obama to visit my town, because Im gonna shoot him. ! How should I get rid of the body of my ex who I just murdered? Questions showing first-person interest in committing violence against others: ! What kind of guns would be best to take hostages at my school? ( My school) ! How can I set someones house on fire but make it look like an accident? Repeated questions about how to make or use dangerous materials: ! Okay, got that. Whats the next step in making methamphetamine? NOT Abuse Impersonal questions about weapons or criminal activity: ! How do you make a pipe bomb? (Contrast this with I want to make a pipe bomb) ! What are some good ways to launder money? Questions about drug usage: ! Is it bad to do cocaine? ! In Berkeley, CA, where can I buy weed? Questions about suicide or being the victim of abuse or violence: ! Tired of living; Maybe I should just end it all now. ! What is the best way to commit suicide? ! I think I was just molested. What should I do? Important Note: Evu treats all questions about suicide or being a crime victim seriously. We recommend that Operators give the phone number to an appropriate crisis hotline. Expeditors have Quick Answers with this information; Specialists/Generalists can access hotline numbers via Quick Links.

Operators are free to use sources and methods they choose to create Answers. This section of the Handbook lists criteria for what Evu considers to be best practices for

Answers, by role.

3.1 Generalist
Note: The charts in this section provide examples of specific question types and recommended answer criteria, as follows: Base Info refers to information usually provided in the customers Question, which should be included, abbreviated, or referenced in the Answer in some way. Primary Info refers to the essential information or characteristics that make up a satisfactory Answer. Extras for Wow! Refer to the recommended additional elements that lead to a great customer experience what Evu calls a "Wow" Answer. If the Extras field is blank, it means providing the Base Info and Primary Info is enough to produce a Wow Answer. Also Helpful refers to additional recommended elements that may be useful to customers and contribute to a Wow Answer.

General Recommendations Presentation

These general recommendations apply regardless of the category of the question.

Because Evu Answers are delivered as text messages to customers phones and are also viewable on the website the presentation of those Answers is an important part of the overall customer experience. The best quality Answers include the following presentation points: Correct spelling and capitalization of proper nouns are used Sensible punctuation is used to make answers readable Abbreviations are used when full words would impinge on the character limits No use of MORE?, or equivalent, at the end of answers please fit a complete answer within the available character limit (with limited exceptions, such as requests for full music lyrics) Answers that fail to have a sensible, readable presentation of information may result in a reduction of a Operators Quality Score.


Citations are an important part of Evu Answers. Well-chosen Source Websites can convey authority to an operators Answer and also can provide additional helpful information to curious customers who view or visit the citation. Operators have total freedom to use the sources and methods they choose for finding information to include in Answers. The Source Website selected as part of an operators Answer should be an authoritative, publicly accessible, appropriate site.

Citations drawn directly from previous questions and answers are also not recommended. However, Operators may find it helpful in certain situations to reference a previous Answer on and visit the listed citation page to generate a new Answer. Other recommendations regarding Source Websites include: Not citing search engine result pages (SERPS) that just contain lists of links Not citing internal Evu resources such as Quick Links Not relying on Wikipedia when other specialty websites are available Seeking government, educational and other sites managed by professional editorial staff.

Tips by Category

4 Quality Assurance
Evu maintains a Quality Assurance team to review Answers and work provided by Operators. All Answers given by Operators must comply with the Quality Policy, available in the Evu Operator Policy. Evus Quality Assurance (QA) team reads and approveds every single answer. The QA team will informs Operators of areas where their Answers are not in compliance with the Quality Policy. Completion Rate Operators are expected to complete 95% of the tasks they receive while logged into the Portal. While it is certainly possible and preferable that Operators complete 100% of the tasks they receive, Evu makes allowance for occasional technical difficulties, personal emergencies, or other extenuating circumstances that would cause a Operator to interrupt their session in the middle of answering. Any time a search is stopped prior to completion, it counts as an incomplete search and lowers your overall completion percentage. Messages generated during a search such as search interrupted, the application has shut down, or search interrupted result due to various reasons either specific to a user, a computer, an ISP, or Evu. Setting the completion level at 95% provides a cushion for Operators, allowing the many issues to be absorbed while still allowing an Operator to meet the goal.


Operator Profile
Your supervisor will create your account on the Ask Evu Admin platform. Portal Web address:

System Recommendations
For the best results when using the Evu Portal, we suggest that Operators use a computer with the following technical specs:

Hardware 1GHz processor 500 MB of RAM (1GB is preferred) 50MB disk space Monitor resolution of 1024 x 720 (800 x 600 minimum) Broadband Internet connection (cable or DSL) Other suggestions for optimal performance while guiding: Begin working with private data and cookies cleared from computer. If your computer begins to slow in responding, after completing current search, log out and back into the application. Running multiple applications may impact your system performance; For instance, watching a YouTube video, playing music, or watching while trying to search might inhibit the Operator application from running properly and result in slow or stopped results. Running Flash or other games like Party Poker while guiding will slow down your computer and the Operator Application.

Sending Feedback and Reporting Bugs

Evu has a feedback system that enables Operators to report system bugs and other issues to Evu staff in an organized and documented way. Feedback can be submitted from most pages in the Underground via the Feedback link. For the fastest response when sending Feedback to Evu, we recommend you do the following: select the most appropriate category for your request from the list " send only one Feedback request per issue. " provide as much detail as possible in your Feedback (such as any error messages, the original query, the approximate date/time, steps you took, etc.) " include a screenshot of the issue if applicable once an issue has been opened, reply to messages rather than starting a new message or thread otherwise, it is difficult to track the progress on resolving your issue. Send message to

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