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Advanced Markets Group | P R I V A T E

Advanced Markets Group


SunSolutions For Life SM

Private Retirement Accumulator Using Sun Universal ProtectorPlus

Target Market
Jon Bentley is a 45 year old married male with 2 children and an annual income of $90,000
plus bonuses and incentives. Jon and his wife have been contributing to a college fund and
saving for retirement. They are currently reviewing their planning and have two main concerns
they wish to address:
(1) If Jon dies at an early age, their college fund may fall short, especially if one or both children
go to graduate school.
(2) Jon plans to retire at age 65 and he and his wife expect to maintain their lifestyle as well as travel
more during retirement. Although Jon fully funds his 401(k) plan, the Bentleys will require
further savings to meet their goals. They are exploring options that offer family protection,

good growth potential, and relative safety of their assets.

Product Solution
Their financial advisor has discussed several ways they can build a fund to protect the family
during Jon’s working years, including one with tax deferred growth during the accumulation
phase that also provides for the family in the event of early death. After comparing the internal
rate of return (IRR) and relative safety on taxable investments with the IRR and relative safety on
the tax deferred plans, they are more comfortable with the latter. Although state law creditor
protection and the safety net of the death benefit during their accumulation years are important
to them, they also want sufficient funds available at retirement. The Bentleys selected Sun
Universal ProtectorPlus for its increasing death benefit during the years when they may need it
the most and the healthy income potential at retirement.

How It Works
Given the Bentleys’ objectives, they have chosen to fully fund a stated death benefit sufficient to
protect the family in the event Jon dies at a younger age, while also building significant cash value
for their retirement if Jon lives to his normal life expectancy. Their planned premium outlay is
$25,000 each year for 20 years. During that period, the death benefit builds significantly. In year
21, they expect to begin taking an income stream from the policy upon Jon’s retirement. A major
influence on their decision was the array of policy riders1 available on Sun Universal ProtectorPlus.
The Assist America rider, which provides emergency travel assistance when traveling more than
100 miles from home, is particularly important to them since they plan to travel extensively in
retirement, and were pleased to know the Accelerated Benefits Rider will be attached to their policy
at no cost, in the event of terminal illness. The Bentleys also like the flexibility for contributing
additional funds (up to MEC limits) during the accumulation phase if they so wish.

Accelerated Benefits Rider, Assist America Rider, Charitable Giving Rider, Overloan Protection Rider, Waiver of Monthly Deductions,

and the Supplemental Insurance Rider, in addition to the Honeymoon Provision. Not all riders are avilable in all states.

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Exp. Date 08/09
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Retirement Income Goal Achieved
If Jon dies before retirement, the family will receive a significant death benefit, as shown on the chart
below. If he lives to enjoy a long retirement, the Bentleys will receive income (through withdrawals to basis
and loans against the policy cash values) in excess of $70,000 each year for 15 years to supplement their
other retirement income2. After their final distribution from the Sun Life ProtectorPlus policy, they will have
recovered their basis of $500,000 and received an additional $557,470, for a total supplemental retirement
income of $1,057,4702 — tax free3!


Accumulation Phase

Year Age Premium Outlay4 Cash Surrender Value4 Death Benefit

1 46 25,000 12,803 505,755
5 50 25,000 116,554 607,868
10 55 25,000 279,551 768,551
15 60 25,000 485,964 972,278
20 65 25,000 767,937 972,278
Total $500,000

Distribution Phase

Year Age Total Income Cash Surrender Value4 Death Benefit4

21 66 -70,498 734,573 901,780
25 70 -70,498 582,671 675,898
30 75 -70,498 333,395 372,540
35 80 -70,498 16,776 49,979

Total $1,057,470

Assumes an interest rate of 4.85% for the first 15 years, with a contractually guaranteed interest bonus of 0.65% for years 16-55. Sun Life
Assurance Company of Canada will actually credit interest and charge for mortality as experience requires. This will result in policy values that may
be greater or less than those illustrated. However, in no event will values be lower than those on the guaranteed basis.
Basis is received tax free; loans will not be taxable as long as the policy remains in force during the insured’s lifetime.
Policy remains in force at age 100, with $85 cash value and death benefit, illustrated on Basis #2. The Private Retirement Accumulator should not
be used without an accompanying illustration showing guaranteed and non-guaranteed projections. The Overloan Protection Rider, which protects
the policy from lapsing, is an option that can be exercised for a one time charge; certain conditions apply.

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This is only a brief description of a one of many complex estate planning options. It is not meant as legal or tax advice, and it is not
appropriate for everyone. Consult with your own financial and tax advisor regarding the application of these concepts to your particular situation.

For more information, please contact your Sun Life Financial Representative.

This information contains references to concepts that have significant legal, accounting and tax implications. It is not intended as legal,
accounting or tax advice. Clients should consult with their own financial and tax advisor regarding the application of these concepts to
any particular situation.
Not FDIC/NCUA insured. May lose value. No bank/credit union guarantee. Not a deposit. Not insured by any federal
government entity.
Universal life insurance is issued by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, MA) or in New York, Sun Life Insurance and
Annuity Company of New York (New York, NY).
All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing company, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, MA),
or in New York, Sun Life Insurance and Annuity Company of New York (New York, NY). All are members of the Sun Life Financial group of
©2008 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved. Sun Life Financial and the globe symbol are registered trademarks of
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.

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Exp. Date 08/09
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