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Design and construction

Structural Design Assessment

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships

Guidance on direct calculations
May 2004

Lloyds Register Marine Business Stream 71 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 4BS Telephone 020 7709 9166 Telex 888379 LR LON G Fax 020 7488 4796 Document History Document Date: November 2001 July 2002 May 2004 Notes: Intranet user review version New procedure Revisions as identified in Structural Design Assessment Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, Changes incorporated in May 2004 version.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004


Section 1 2 3 Application Symbols Direct calculation procedure report

1 3 4


1 2 3 4 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 6 6.1 6.2

Global Model of Complete Ship Global Response Analysis

Application Objectives Structural modelling Loading conditions Assessment load cases General Procedure to apply the Rule design vertical wave bending moment Boundary conditions Acceptance criteria Stress criteria Buckling criteria

Chapter 1

5 5 6 12

18 19


1 2 3 4 5 5.1

Verification of Structural Details Analysis of Global Loads on Local Details

Application Objectives Structural modelling Loading and boundary conditions Acceptance criteria Stress criteria

Chapter 1

25 25 25 28 28


1 2 3 4 5 6

Verification of Primary Structure Verification of Double Bottom Strength

Application Objectives Structural modelling Loading conditions Boundary conditions Acceptance criteria

Chapter 1

31 31 31 34 36 38

Chapter 2
Section 1 2 3 4

Primary Structure Supporting Decks

Objectives Structural modelling Loading and boundary conditions Acceptance criteria

41 42 44 44

Lloyd's Register

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004


Section 1: Application Section 2: Symbols Section 3: Direct calculation procedure report

Section 1: Application

1.1 The ShipRight Structural Design Assessment (SDA) procedure defined in this document is for the assessment of the strength of the primary structure of passenger ships using finite element methods. 1.2 1.3 1.4 The ShipRight SDA is mandatory for passenger ships where: it is required to utilise the load carrying capability of the superstructure for longitudinal strength; or it is considered that the superstructure will be subject to a significant load from flexure of the hull girder; or where a limited number of transverse bulkheads above the bulkhead deck are present to carry the racking response For passenger ships other than those in 1.2 the SDA procedure may be applied on a voluntary basis. The SDA procedure requires the following: a detailed analysis of the ships structural response to specified load scenarios, other direct calculations as applicable.

1.5 Passenger ships are defined as multi-decked ships designed exclusively for the carriage of passengers. These ships are characterised by having a superstructure extending over almost the entire ship length, the sides of which are penetrated by many large openings. This procedure is not to be applied to Ro-Ro ships or conventional passenger ferries, except where directed by the relevant procedure. 1.6 The direct calculation of the ships structural response is to be based on a three-dimensional (3-D) plate finite element analysis carried out in accordance with this document. 1.7 The SDA procedure comprises three parts:

PART A: verification of global strength using a mathematical model of the entire hull. PART B: verification of the structural response of components and details using follow-up fine mesh models. PART C: verification of the double bottom strength and strength of transverses and girders supporting decks.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

SECTION 1 1.8 PART A of this procedure is to be applied to all passenger ships for which the ShipRight SDA class notation is required. 1.9 PART B of this procedure, in addition to PART A, is required for passenger ships where there are major hull openings, discontinuities and novel or unusual features and arrangements. 1.10 PART C, Chapter 1 of this procedure, in addition to PART A, is required in order to verify the structural adequacy of the bottom structure where: the pillaring system is not carried down to the tank top and aligned with double bottom girders; or heavy or concentrated loads are arranged on the tank top; or a novel or unusual arrangement of primary supporting members is proposed.

1.11 PART C, Chapter 2 of this procedure, in addition to PART A, is required for passenger ships in order to verify the structural adequacy of the transverse and longitudinal primary members in supporting decks 1.12 A detailed report of the calculations is to be submitted and must include the information listed in Section 3. The report must show compliance with the specified structural design criteria specified in the relevant PARTS of this procedure. 1.13 If the computer programs employed are not recognised by Lloyds Register, full particulars of the program will also require to be submitted see Pt 3, Ch 1,3.1 of Lloyds Registers Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Ships). 1.14 Lloyds Register may, in certain circumstances, require the submission of computer input and output to further verify the adequacy of the calculations carried out. 1.15 Where alternative procedures are proposed, these are to be agreed with Lloyds Register before commencement. 1.16 Passenger ships of unusual form or structural arrangements may need special consideration and additional calculations to those contained in this procedure may be required. 1.17 It is recommended that the designer discusses with Lloyds Register the SDA analysis requirements at an early stage of the design phase.

Lloyds Register

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004



Section 2: Symbols
The symbols used in this procedure are defined as follows: L B D k L, k SWSF SWBM VWBM RWSF Mwo f1 ffS ffH T Cb g h t tc cr c o L = = = = = = = = Rule length, in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 1,6 of the Rules for Ships moulded breadth, in metres, see Pt.3, Ch 1,6 of the Rules for Ships depth of ship, in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 1,6 of the Rules for Ships higher tensile steel factor, see Pt 3, Ch 2,1.2 of the Rules for Ships still water shear force still water bending moment Rule design vertical wave bending moment, see Pt 4, Ch 2,2.4 of the Rules for Ships design hull wave shear force, see Pt 4, Ch 2,2.5 of the Rules for Ships

= see Pt 4, Ch 2,2.4 of the Rules for Ships = ship service factor, see Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships = is the sagging (negative) moment correction factor, see Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships = is the hogging (positive) moment correction factor, see Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships = = = = = draught, in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 1,6 of the Rules for Ships block coefficient, see Pt 3, Ch 1,6 of the Rules for Ships gravity constant density of sea-water local head for pressure evaluation

= thickness of plating = thickness deduction for corrosion = critical buckling stress corrected for plasticity effects = elastic critical buckling stress = specified minimum yield stress of material. o for steels having a yield stress above 355 N/mm2 will be specially considered = =
235 kL


= factor against elastic buckling

cr actual

actual e x y xy 2.2 2.3

= shear stress = equivalent design stress = von Mises equivalent stress =

2 2 2 x + y x y + 3 xy

= direct stress in element x direction = direct stress in element y direction = shear stress in element xy plane Consistent units to be used throughout the analysis. Results presentation in Newton and mm preferred. All Rule equations are to use units as defined in the Rules for Ships.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004


Section 3: Direct calculation procedure report

3.1 A report is to be submitted to LR for approval of the primary structure and global strength of the ship, which is to contain the following information: list of plans used including dates and versions; detailed description of structural modelling including all modelling assumptions; plots to demonstrate correct structural modelling and assigned properties; full details of material properties used for all components; details of boundary conditions; details of all loading conditions applied with calculated shear force (SF) and bending moment (BM) distributions; details of applied loadings and confirmation that individual and total applied loads are correct; details of boundary support forces and moments; plots and results that demonstrate the correct behaviour of the ship structural models to the applied loads; summaries and plots of global and local deflections; summaries and sufficient plots of von Mises, directional and shear stresses to demonstrate that the design criteria contained in this ShipRight SDA procedure has not been exceeded in any member; plate buckling analysis and results; pillar buckling analysis and results; tabulated results showing compliance, or otherwise, with the design criteria; and proposed amendments to structure where necessary, including revised assessment of stresses and buckling capabilities.

Lloyds Register

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1

Global Model of Complete Ship



Section 1: Application Section 2: Objectives Section 3: Structural modelling Section 4: Loading conditions Section 5: Boundary conditions Section 6: Acceptance criteria


Section 1: Application
For the application of PART A, see INTRODUCTION 1.8.

Section 2: Objectives

2.1 The objectives of PART A are: (a) To establish the structural contribution of the superstructure in resisting hull girder loads. (b) To derive the stress distribution over the complete cross-section and length of the ship taking due account of the behaviour and effectiveness of the superstructure. (c) To provide boundary conditions for the fine mesh models required by PART B for the investigation of the detailed stress response of the following critical structural components: (i) side screens and supports in way of lifeboat recesses; (ii) the structure in way of windows and other significant shell or superstructure side and bulkhead openings; and (iii) the structure in way of door openings in internal longitudinal bulkheads contributing to global hull girder strength or where influenced by hull girder response. (iv) areas of unusual structural arrangements. (d) To obtain force distribution in pillars. (e) To obtain the stress in the transverse structure due to racking.

Lloyd's Register

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1

Section 3: Structural modelling

3.1 The effectiveness of the superstructure is dependent on its length, flexibility of its support, integration at its ends, size and number of openings in side walls and internal decks. 3.2 A 3-D plate element model of the ship is to be used. This model should extend over the full length and depth of the ship and may be full or half-breadth depending upon the degree of structural symmetry. The model should represent, with reasonable accuracy, the actual geometric shape of the hull. All effective longitudinal material is to be included. Similarly all transverse primary structures, i.e. watertight and fire divisional bulkheads, are to be represented in the model. 3.3 The FE model is to be represented using a right handed Cartesian co-ordinate system with: x measured in the longitudinal direction, positive forward y measured in the transverse direction, positive to port from the centreline z measured in the vertical direction, positive upwards from the baseline

3.4 The size and type of plate elements selected are to provide a satisfactory representation of the deflection and stress distribution within the ships structure. In general, the plate element mesh is to follow the primary stiffening arrangement. Hence, it is anticipated that there will be: longitudinally, at least one element between primary transverses; vertically, one element between decks; and transversely, sufficient elements to maintain a satisfactory panel aspect ratio.

3.5 For ships in which an untypical spacing of primary members is proposed, it may be necessary to refine this mesh arrangement in order to achieve satisfactory element aspect ratios. The basic mesh arrangement should also permit the inclusion of the features listed in 3.6. 3.6 All window openings, door openings, deck openings and shell openings of a significant size are to be represented. Similarly, the model is to accurately reflect shell and superstructure side recesses, sweep brackets and superstructure breaks. 3.7 Window, door and large shell openings are to be modelled such that the deformation pattern under hull shear and bending loads is adequately represented. Any idealisation adopted is to be verified by means of check models and comparison with the performance of suitable fine mesh models. An example plot is shown in Fig. 1.3.1. The overall deflection of the two models is to be of the same order. 3.8 The fine mesh model may reflect the meshing level required by Part B analysis. This avoids having to create a third model (follow-up model PART B) with again different mesh arrangement and different performance. 3.9 The proposed scantlings, excluding Owners extras and any additional thicknesses fitted to comply with the optional ShipRight Enhanced Scantlings descriptive note, ES, are to be incorporated in the model. All primary structure, such as deck plating, bottom and side shell plating, longitudinal and transverse bulkhead plating, transverse floors, superstructure side and internal structural walls, are to be represented by membrane plate elements.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTION 3 3.10 Secondary stiffening members may be modelled using line elements positioned in the plane of the plating having axial and bending properties (bars), which may be grouped as necessary at the plate boundaries. Where appropriate a single line element may represent more than one secondary stiffener. 3.11 Pillars are to be represented by line elements having axial and bending stiffness.

3.12 Figures 1.3.2 to 1.3.4 indicate acceptable mesh arrangements of various structural components of a typical large passenger ship.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1

Bar element (representing deck to centre line) Bar element of side transverse (every frame)

Deck 14 Deck 12 Deck 11 Deck 10 Deck 9 Deck 8

Fixed End

Deck 7

Free End


Rigid bar (every frame)

Hull Girder (bar element)

Fwo 4M L

F wo 4M L

Window representation in global model

Window representation in fine mesh check model NOTES Hull girder (bar element) represents the hull properties below deck 7 (in this example) of half breadth. Neutral axis indicated on this figure is of hull below deck 7 (in this example). Deck (bar element) represents deck to centre line.

Fig. 1.3.1 Window representation in fine mesh check model

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Fig. 1.3.2 View of complete port side model looking towards centreline

Fig. 1.3.3 Centreline section view showing internal mesh

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1

Fig. 1.3.4 Local section of hull showing geometrical representation

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1

Section 4: Loading conditions

4.1 A number of standard load cases are to be considered. The purpose of these load cases is to ensure that the assessment criteria in Section 6 are satisfied and additionally that the longitudinal strength of the hull structure is in compliance with the Rule Loading scenario as specified in Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships. 4.2 For ships of an unusual hull form, a suitable loads and motions study may be required to be performed in order to verify the applicability of the Rule design vertical wave loadings. 4.3 The following load cases are to be prepared.

4.3.1 Still water (hogging) A load case is to be prepared which fulfils the following criteria: Ship to be upright at or near to the design draught. The still water bending moment (SWBM) and still water shear force (SWSF) curves are to approximate, as far as is possible given the limitation of a single condition, to the assigned, or specified, maximum permissible still water hogging condition distributions.

4.3.2 Still water (sagging or minimum hogging) A load case is to be prepared which fulfils the following criteria: Ship to be upright at or near to the design draught. The still water bending moment (SWBM) and still water shear force (SWSF) curves are to approximate, as far as is possible given the limitation of a single condition, to the assigned, or specified, permissible still water sagging condition or minimum hogging condition distributions as appropriate.

4.3.3 Rule hogging design wave bending moment This load case is to represent the Rule hogging design vertical wave bending moment and distribution as defined in Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships. 4.3.4 Rule design sagging wave bending moment This load case is to represent the Rule sagging design wave bending moment and distribution as defined in Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships. 4.3.5 Rule hogging wave shear force See 4.3.7 Design wave shear force. 4.3.6 Rule sagging wave shear force See 4.3.7 Design wave shear force.


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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTION 4 4.3.7 Design wave shear force The design vertical wave shear force curves associated with the hogging and sagging bending moments are to be taken as follows: = shear force distribution to give the hogging bending moment QWH = 3f1K1Mwo/L kN where K1 is to be taken as follows: K1 = 0 at aft end of L = +0,836ffH between 0,2L and 0,3L from aft = +0,65ffH between 0,4L and 0,5L from aft = -0,65ffS between 0,5L and 0,6L from aft = -0,91ffS between 0,7L and 0,85L from aft = 0 at forward end of L QWS = shear force distribution to give the sagging bending moment = 3f1K1Mwo/L kN

where K1 is to be taken as follows: K1 = 0 at aft end of L = +0,836ffS between 0,15L and 0,3L from aft = +0,65ffS between 0,4L and 0,5L from aft = -0,65ffH between 0,5L and 0,6L from aft = -0,91ffH between 0,7L and 0,85L from aft = 0 at forward end of L Intermediate values of K1 are to be determined by linear interpolation. 4.3.8 Racking Loads resulting from a static heel angle of 30.

4.4 Assessment load cases The stresses and factors against buckling arising from the following combined load cases are to be compared with the acceptance criteria specified in Section 6. Still water (hogging) Still water (sagging or minimum hogging) Hogging bending moment case, the combination of: - Still water (hogging); and - Rule hogging design wave bending moment Sagging bending moment case, the combination of: - Still water (sagging or minimum hogging); and - Rule sagging design wave bending moment Hogging shear force case, the combination of: - Still water hogging; and - Rule hogging wave shear force Sagging shear force case, the combination of - Still water (sagging or minimum hogging); and - Rule sagging wave shear force Racking case

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTION 4 4.5 4.5.1 General In constructing the load cases referred to in 4.3 the load components given in Table 1.4.1 are to be included.

4.5.2 For a half-breadth model, only the loads applicable to one half of the model are to be applied. These loads are to be derived in the same manner, as that required for a full-breadth model. Table 1.4.1
Load cases Still water (hogging)

List of load components for the full ship FE model

Load components Steel weight Remarks As generated from the modelled steel area, suitably factored to achieve the specified steel weight including the position of the LCG. In this regard it may be useful to divide the model longitudinally into a number of material zones each having a separate factored value of steel density. All major items to be applied as point loads or pressure loads at their correct locations see Note 1. Minor or unknown items may be included in the steel weight. Applied as distributed pressure to relevant deck areas. To be applied as pressure loads, gh, to wetted shell elements, where h is the vertical distance from the waterline to the element centroid below the still waterline. To be applied as pressure loads or nodal forces at the tank base or boundary, based on the actual liquid head. Any over-pressurisation of the tank is to be omitted. Incremental forces are to be applied to the shell nodes below the waterline at the bulkhead positions to represent the incremental shear force change. When integrated along the ship length, the incremental shear forces are to generate the Rule design vertical wave bending moment distribution. See Section 4.6 and Note 2. Incremental forces are to be applied along the length of the ship as forces acting in the plane of the bulkhead position in the ship. When integrated along the ship length, the incremental force values are to generate the Rule wave shear force distribution. See Note 2 & 4. Applied to simulate a 30 degrees static heel angle. See Note 2 & 3.

Still water (sagging or minimum hogging)

Machinery and outfit

Deadweight items and passenger loads Buoyancy loads

Tank loads

Rule hogging design vertical wave bending moment Rule sagging design vertical wave bending moment Rule hogging wave shear force Rule sagging wave shear force Racking condition

Rule design vertical wave bending moment

Rule wave shear force

Lightweight and deadweight items

NOTES 1. Major items such as rudder, main generators, etc. are to be included. 2. No other load components are to be included. 3. Including tanks and swimming pool above the bulkhead deck only. 4. These conditions need not be run if the shear force distribution derived from the wave bending moment load cases represents the rule shear force distribution.


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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTION 4 4.6 Procedure to apply the Rule design vertical wave bending moment and shear force 4.6.1 The Rule design vertical wave bending moment are to be distributed along the length of the FE model in accordance with the requirements of Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships. 4.6.2 The required bending moment distribution may be applied as illustrated in Fig.1.4.1 and Fig. 1.4.2 and by using the following procedure. The approximated load distribution, P(x), and the resulting shear force distribution, SF(x), and bending moment distribution, BM(x), are as follows:
P( x ) = Mwo 20a1x 3 + 12a2 x 2 6(2a2 + 3a1)x + 2(2a1 + a2 ) L2 ext
Mwo 5a1x 4 + 4a2 x 3 3(2a2 + 3a1 )x 2 + 2(2a1 + a2 )x Lext

kN/m kN kNm

(tonne-f/m) (tonne-f) (tonne-f-m)

SF ( x ) =

BM ( x ) = Mwo a1x 5 + a2 x 4 (2a2 + 3a1)x 3 + (2a1 + a2 )x 2

where Mwo
a1 =

= Rule design vertical wave bending moment at midship calculated in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 2,2 of the Rules for Ships
A22 A12 A11A22 A21A12

a2 =

A21 A11 A12 A21 A11A22

5 3 2 A11 = x1 3 x1 + 2 x1 4 3 2 A22 = x 2 2x2 + x2 4 3 2 A12 = x1 2 x1 + x1 5 3 2 A21 = x 2 3x2 + 2x 2

x1 =

+ 0,4 ; + +1

x2 =

+ 0,65 + +1

distance from aft extremity to A.P. L

= x=

distance from F.P. to forward extremity L d Lext


d Lext

= distance measured from the aft extremity forward, in metres = the extreme length of the ship, in metres. The load distribution calculated as per paragraph is to be applied to the FE model as a series of nodal forces, at least at every subdivision bulkhead position. Minor adjustment of the applied loads may be required to ensure global equilibrium. Check by tabular integration methods that the derived load distribution will result in the required Rule design vertical wave bending moment. At locations where there is a variation between the applied and Rule bending moments the derived stresses may be factored accordingly, (assuming a linear relationship between applied bending moment and stress). 4.6.3 Other proposed methods of modelling the Rule design vertical wave bending moment distribution will be specially considered.

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1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

Applied wave bending moment Rule design vertical wave bending moment

bending moment (Mwo)



Aft extremity












forward extremity


Fig. 1.4.1 Typical applied wave bending moment compared with Rule design vertical wave bending moment hogging see Fig 1.4.2 for corresponding shear force and load distribution (for illustration purposes only and not to be scaled)


Applied wave bending moment Rule design vertical wave bending moment



Applied wave shear force Approximated load distribution


bending moment (Mwo) & shear force (Mwo/Lext)























Fig. 1.4.2 Typical applied wave bending moment, wave shear force and load distribution hogging (for illustration purposes only and not to be scaled)

Load distribution (Mwo/L

2 ext)

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1


Section 5: Boundary conditions

The loading cases specified in 4.3 require boundary conditions as given in Table 1.5.1.

5.2 The boundary conditions specified in Table 1.5.2 combined with those in Table 1.5.1 are appropriate for a half-breadth model. 5.3 The boundary conditions described in this section are preferred. However, alternative equivalent boundary conditions may be used. Table 1.5.1
Load cases Still water cases Wave bending moment cases Wave shear force cases (b) (c) (a)

Boundary conditions for a full-breadth model

Boundary conditions The model is to be free of imposed constraints except for those necessary to prevent rigid body motion. Rigid body motions may be prevented by the use of free-body constraints (e.g. the Internal Relief facility in NASTRAN FE software package). Alternatively a suitable set of equivalent constraints may be used. See Notes 1 & 3.

+ +
Z Y X on flat of keel * + on flat bottom at turn of bilge

Racking (a) (b) The model nodes at the bulkhead deck are to be constrained against translation. See Note 2.

NOTES 1. Care is to be taken to ensure that, within practicable limits, there is no net imbalance of load or moments in any of the six degrees of freedom. 2. Where a half ship model is employed the racking analysis loadings will require to be subdivided into symmetric and anti-symmetric components with appropriate boundary conditions, see also Note 3. 3. Care is to be taken to ensure that the FE model is not overconstrained.


Lloyds Register

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTIONS 5 & 6 Table 1.5.2
Load cases Still water cases Wave bending moment cases Wave shear force cases Symmetry constraints: Racking Anti-symmetry constraints:
y = x = z = 0 x = z = y = 0

Additional boundary conditions for a half-breadth model

Boundary conditions, centre line plane

Symmetry constraints:

y = x = z = 0

NOTES 1. These boundary conditions are additional to those given in Table 1.5.1 and take precedence over the requirements of Table 1.5.1. 2. The transverse constraints in Table 1.5.1 need not to be included in the half-breadth model. 3. Care is to be taken to ensure that the FE model is not overconstrained and that there are no conflicting constraints.

Section 6: Acceptance criteria

6.1 Stress criteria 6.1.1 The stresses resulting from the application of the assessment load cases specified in 4.4 are not to exceed the values given in Table 1.6.1. 6.1.2 Structures in way of high stress gradients, such as major openings or discontinuities, are to be subject to further investigation as indicated in PART B of this procedure. 6.1.3 The distribution of actual applied combined SWBM and VWBM, and combined SWSF and VWSF, obtained over the length of the model are to be compared with the required design bending moment and shear force distributions. The stress values derived from the FE model are to be factored by the ratio of the locally required bending moment/ shear force to the locally achieved bending moment/shear force prior to comparing with the acceptance criteria specified in Table 1.6.1. Plots showing the comparison between the applied bending moment and shear force with the design required values are to be produced. An example of the plots is shown in Fig.1.6.1 and 1.6.2. 6.1.4 The structural analysis recommended in this PART of the procedure uses a relatively coarse mesh model. The permissible stress criteria in Table 1.6.1 are based on the recommended mesh size. Fine mesh models or fine mesh regions of the model will usually indicate higher stresses.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTION 6 6.2 6.2.1 Buckling criteria The applied stresses for buckling assessment are to be increased by a factor as described in 6.1.3.

6.2.2 The buckling capability of plate panels is to be assessed using a plate thickness reduced by the standard thickness deduction values given in Table 1.6.2. In general, the applied stresses for buckling assessment are to be increased by a factor equal to the original thickness divided by the thickness after corrosion deduction. 6.2.3 The critical buckling stress of plate panels are to be derived taking into account all relevant compressive and shear stress components and using a procedure such as such as ShipRight program No. 10403, Buckling of flat Rectangular Plate panels. 6.2.4 The edge restraint factor, c, defined in Pt 3, Ch 4,7 of the Rules for Ships, may be taken into account in calculating the critical buckling stress of wide panels subjected to compressive loading on the long edges of the panel. The edge restraint factor, c, is not to be used in the calculation of critical buckling stress for compression applied on the short edges. 6.2.5 When the calculated elastic critical buckling stress, c, exceeds 50 per cent of the specified minimum yield stress, then the buckling stress is to be adjusted for the effects of plasticity using the JohnsonOstenfeld correction formula, given below:
o cr = o 1 4 c

where cr 6.2.6 = critical buckling stress corrected for plasticity effect A minimum factor against elastic buckling, , of 1,0 is to be achieved.


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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART A, Chapter 1
SECTION 6 Table 1.6.1 Maximum permissible membrane stresses
Acceptance Criteria Load cases Structural Item Combined stress e Direct stress Axial stress
0,47o Le 0 r
1,5 -4

Shear stress

Still water load cases Still water load cases

Pillars in tension (see Note 1) Pillars in compression All longitudinally effective material All transverse material Pillars in tension (see Note 1) Pillars in compression

Axial stress 0,94L 0,75o

0,526 o 1,429 0,75L 0,63o 0,47o


Combined still water and wave load cases Combined still water and wave load cases Combined still water and wave load cases Combined still water and wave load cases

0,47L 0,35o

Axial stress

0,8o 2 Le 1 + o E r

Racking case

All structure




where Le = effective length of pillar, in metres, and is taken as 0,8 overall length of pillar r = least radius of gyration of pillar cross section in mm NOTE Special attention to be paid to the weld attachments of the heads and heels of tensile pillars.

Table 1.6.2

Standard thickness deduction to be used to derive critical buckling stresses

Structural item Thickness deduction, mm 1,0

Boundaries and internal structure of tanks Bottom shell and side shell not in way of tank Other internal structures (except the boundaries of tanks) Exposed decks protected by sheathing or protective coatings


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Total applied value Rule wave + still water


Still water bending m om ent Rule design vertical wave bending m om ent


Bending moment






0 0.00












The total applied value is the sum of still water bending moment and the applied Rule vertical wave bending moment as calculated in 4.6
Fig. 1.6.1 Bending moment distribution hogging (for illustration purposes only and not to be scaled)

100 80 60 40

Total applied value Rule wave + still water Still water shear force Rule wave shear force

Shear force

20 0 -0.10 0.00 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100












Fig. 1.6.2 Shear force distribution hogging (for illustration purposes only and not to be scaled)

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART B, Chapter 1

Verification of Structural Details

SECTIONS 1, 2 & 3


Section 1: Application Section 2: Objectives Section 3: Structural modelling Section 4: Loading and boundary conditions Section 5: Acceptance criteria


Section 1: Application
For application of PART B, see INTRODUCTION 1.9.

Section 2: Objectives

2.1 The objective of PART B is to determine the stress responses in way of highly stressed critical structural components and those with novel or unusual features and to verify the stress levels are within acceptable limits.

Section 3: Structural modelling

3.1 Separate detailed fine mesh finite element (FE) models covering the structural components specified 3.2 are to be prepared and loaded with enforced displacements obtained from the full ship global analysis, see Part A. Alternatively, these areas may be modelled in fine mesh and incorporated into the global FE model. 3.2 Fine mesh FE models are required for the areas detailed below. Typical models are indicated in Fig 1.3.1. Side screens/sweeps in way of the shell at the ends of the superstructure. Side screens/closely spaced windows in way of high hull girder shear forces. In way of the ends of the side deck strips of the uppermost continuous deck. Large shell doors (e.g. embarkation platforms with adjacent access doors). Steps/knuckles in upper decks where arranged transversely. In way of any novel or unusual feature which is expected to present a discontinuity or concentration of stress in the longitudinal material. Structure in way of high stress gradient or areas exceeding the stress criteria specified in PART A.

3.3 The plating and supporting primary structure are to be represented by plate elements having both membrane and bending capability.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART B, Chapter 1
SECTION 3 3.4 The extent of fine mesh models is to be such that the application of boundary displacements (taken from PART A Global Response Analysis) will not invalidate the response at the relevant points of the local fine mesh model. The extent of fine mesh models is to be chosen carefully such that its boundaries coincide with primary members, such as girders and floors. 3.5 The structural geometry, particularly in areas of concern, is to be accurately represented. The level of refinement is to be such as to enable stress concentrations to be identified. 3.6 The element mesh size used in way of large radii should be that required to achieve a minimum of 15 elements in a 90 degree arc of the free edge of the plate. The element size is not to be greater than the lesser value of 15t x 15t and 150 mm x150 mm. Mesh size is not to be less than t x t. Where FE analysis programs do not supply accurate nodal stresses, a line element (rod element) of small nominal area is to be incorporated at the plating free edge to obtain the peak edge stresses. 3.7 All cut-outs, (e.g. for ventilation systems, services, access openings, etc.) are to be represented in the model.

3.8 Secondary stiffening may be represented by line elements having appropriate bending and axial geometric properties.


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PART B, Chapter 1

Follow-up model of lifeboat recess opening

Follow-up model of balcony doorways

Fig.1.3.1 Typical fine mesh models

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART B, Chapter 1

Section 4: Loading and boundary conditions

4.1 The assessment load cases detailed in PART A, Ch 1,4.4 are to be investigated. The fine mesh models are to be loaded with: the structural self weight; the outfit and equipment loading within the model boundaries; enforced displacements at the model boundary obtained from the results of the PART A global response analysis.

4.2 When a 2-D follow-up fine mesh model is developed to investigate in-plane responses, then the out of plane degrees of freedom may be constrained.


Section 5: Acceptance criteria

Stress criteria

5.1.1 The Von-Mises and direct stresses in the plating between major openings, free edge of sweep brackets and edge of side screens and the direct (tangential) stresses at the free edge of the associated corner radii are to comply with the acceptance criteria in Table 1.5.1. 5.1.2 The Von-Mises, shear and direct stresses in the plating between window, door and other minor openings and the direct (tangential) stresses at the free edge of the associated corner radii are to comply with the acceptance criteria in Table 1.5.2. 5.1.3 Elsewhere stress levels are to comply with the acceptance criteria given in PART A global response analysis, Table 1.6.1. Table 1.5.1
Load case Combined still water and wave Hogging wave minus sagging wave

Stress criteria for major openings, sweep brackets and side screens
Stress criterion average Von-Mises stress peak stress in the radius dynamic stress range Symbols Allowable Stress 0,85o 1,5G1o 600fG2

G1 = 0,67 G2 = 0,85 f f f f is a criticality factor = 1,0 for free edges, free from welding = 0,7 heavy face bar welded to shell (no free weld edge) = 0,375 attachments to shell plating having weld endings


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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART B, Chapter 1
SECTION 5 Table 1.5.2
Load case

Stress criteria for minor openings, such as window, door, etc.

Stress criterion Average direct stress between openings 0,8o 0,47o 0,94o 1,5G1o 600fG2 Allowable Stress (see Notes 2 & 3) (see Notes 2 & 4) (see Notes 2 & 3) (see Note 1)

Combined still water and wave

Average shear stress between openings Average Von-Mises stress between openings Peak stress in radius

Hogging wave minus sagging wave

Dynamic stress range Symbols

G1 = 1,0 G2 = 1,0 f is a criticality factor f = 1,0 for free edges, free from welding f = 0,7 heavy window frame welded to shell (no free weld edge) f = 0,5 T-section type door frames f = 0,375 attachments to shell plating having weld endings NOTES 1. This is a theoretical peak stress obtained from a linear elastic finite element analysis. In practice, under the extreme loading assumed, local yielding of the plate edge will occur and the actual peak stress will not be significantly greater than yield (i.e. less than 1,1o). 2. Average stress is to be calculated independently of the sign of the individual stress levels. 3. No single element stress in the corner plating is to exceed o 4 No single element stress in the corner plating is to exceed 0,58o

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1

Verification of Primary Structure



Section 1: Application Section 2: Objectives Section 3: Structural modelling Section 4: Loading conditions Section 5: Boundary conditions Section 6: Acceptance criteria


Section 1: Application
For application of PART C, see INTRODUCTION, 1.10.


Section 2: Objectives
The objective of PART C, Chapter 1, is to verify the structural adequacy of the ships double bottom structure.

Section 3: Structural modelling

3.1 A FE model of the engine room double bottom structure and supporting side structures is to be prepared. A typical model arrangement is indicated in Fig. 1.3.1. 3.2 The longitudinal extent of the model is to comprise half + one + half compartments, where a compartment is the space between main subdivision bulkheads. Generally the longest compartment, exhibiting the features listed in 1.1, is to be chosen for the analysis. The model is to extend transversely from centreline to ships side. Vertically, the model needs only include the bottom and side structure up to the first main continuous deck. Where structural or load symmetry does not exist, a full breadth model should be developed. 3.3 The FE model is to be represented using a right handed cartesian co-ordinate system with: X measured in the longitudinal direction, positive forward. Y measured in the transverse direction, positive to port from the centreline. Z measured in the vertical direction, positive upwards from the baseline.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1
SECTION 3 3.4 The mesh size adopted should be as follows:

transversely, one element between longitudinals; vertically, one element between longitudinals; longitudinally, at least one element between transverse frames; web plating of primary members such as plated floors and girders, at least three elements. 3.5 3.6 It may be necessary to use a finer mesh to ensure adequate element aspect ratios. In principle, all openings are to be represented.

3.7 The proposed scantlings are to be incorporated in the model. However Owners extras and any additional thicknesses fitted to comply with the optional ShipRight Enhanced Scantlings descriptive note, ES, are to be excluded. 3.8 All plated areas, e.g. outer shell, inner bottom, girders, horizontal stringers, floors and transverses are to be represented with membrane plate elements. Plate bending properties may be required for regions of the model where element boundaries do not coincide with secondary stiffening in order to eliminate stiffness singularities. 3.9 Secondary stiffening members may be modelled using line elements positioned in the plane of the plating having axial properties only. 3.10 Face plates to primary stiffening may be represented by line elements having axial stiffness only.

3.11 Where modelling secondary stiffening and face plates to primary stiffening incorporating bending stiffness may be the optimal method of removing singularities at the free edge of membrane elements.


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Fig. 1.3.1 Typical engine room double bottom model

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1

4.1 4.2

Section 4: Loading conditions

The load cases given in Table 1.4.1 are to be considered. The following loads are to be applied to the model: Structural self-weight. Outfit and equipment loads. Hydrostatic loads due to immersion to the draught specified in Table 1.4.1. Pressure loads due to a local wave crest or trough, see 4.3. Bending moment value as specified by Table 1.4.1, see 4.4.

4.3 The additional pressure head to be applied as a consequence of a local wave crest or trough is given in Fig. 1.4.1. This additional wave head is to be applied over the full length of the FE model. 4.4 The response to the bending moment value required by Table 1.4.1 is to be obtained by applying a suitable moment at the master node on the boundary at one end of the model, see 4.5. The master node should be located at the height of the effective neutral axis of the hull girder, see Fig. 1.5.1 (the effective neutral axis can be derived from the wave bending moment only cases in PART A of this procedure). 4.5 As only a partial depth FE model is required by this Part, then the method to introduce hull girder bending stresses into the FE model, as required for load cases C3 and C4 in Table 1.4.1, needs to be specially considered. The following procedure is suggested: The response to the bending moment required by Table 1.4.1 is to be reproduced by application of a suitable moment at the master node on the boundary of one end of the model. The master node is to be located at the height of the effective neutral axis of the hull girder, see Fig. 1.5.1. The effective height may be derived by looking at the vertical distribution of longitudinal stresses predicted for a wave bending moment only case using the full ship FE model, see Part A. The moment is to be such that the longitudinal stress in the bottom shell plating is equal to the stress that would be generated by application of the required bending moment using the full ship model. This should be confirmed by comparison with the longitudinal stress from the Part A model. An additional constraint in the x-direction will be required at the master node of End B in Fig. 1.5.1 in order to provide the correct distribution of longitudinal stress. Loading conditions
Load case description Local loads (max buoyancy loads) Local loads (min buoyancy loads) Hogging wave condition Required Still water bending moment None Required Rule vertical wave bending moment None Additional load to apply Max operating draught Tmax and wave crest Min operating draught Tmin and wave trough Max operating draught Tmax and wave crest Min operating draught Tmin and Wave trough Local loads
see 4.2

Table 1.4.1
Load case C1



None Rule design hogging Rule design sagging

see 4.2


Permissible hogging Permissible sagging or minimum hogging

see 4.2


Sagging wave condition

see 4.2


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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1

(a) Wave crest PWL = H W + h

PH h = H W 1 (1 k z ) T where = HW = e = h = = kz d T
Hw PW = PWL Hw h PW = P H-PWL

(b) Wave trough PWL = H W h PH = H W 1 1 k z


0,046L e-0,0044L m for L < 227 m 3,846 m for L 227 m 2,7183 distance below the still waterline, m e-d
2 T L

= is to be taken as Tmin or Tmax as appropriate

HW Hw h

Tmax PW = PH PW = PH


Pressure acting outw ard Pressure acting inw ard

5151/ 08

NOTE Pressure due to immersion of draught, T, is also to be applied, see 4.2 and Table 1.4.1.

Fig. 1.4.1 Pressure head distribution Pw for local wave crest and trough

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1

5.1 5.2

Section 5: Boundary conditions

The required boundary conditions for a half-breadth FE model are shown in Fig. 1.5.1. For a full breadth FE model the following boundary conditions are to be applied: No symmetry constraints are to be applied to the model centreline plane. A node on the centreline at the keel at the forward and aft end of the model is to be constrained in the y-direction. A node at the side shell position on top of the main subdivision bulkheads is to be constrained in the z-direction on both port and starboard sides (as shown in Fig. 1.5.1 for a half-breadth model).

5.3 The boundary conditions described in this section are preferred. However alternative equivalent boundary conditions may be used.


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End plane B: Longitudinal material linked to independent point in dependency x, see End plane A

For a full-breadth model, the boundary conditions at the end planes and main subdivision bulkheads are to be applied to both port and starboard sides. No symmetry constraints are to be applied to the centreline plane.

z = 0 z = 0

End plane A: Longitudinal material linked to the independent point in dependency x i.e. x, y and z are rigidly linked to the x, y and z freedoms of the independent point.

Independent point (master node) at the effective height of the ship N.A. (see 4.5) constrained in x and z to control rotation of plane.

Bending moment applied at master node (see 4.5)

Independent point at the effective height of the N.A. constrained in x to restrain model translation and x and z to control rotation of plane, i.e. x = x = z = 0.

Centreline plane: Symmetry constraints: y = x = z = 0 Only applicable for a half-breadth model.

Fig. 1.5.1 Boundary conditions for the application of symmetric loads

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1


Section 6: Acceptance criteria

The double bottom structure is to comply with the acceptance criteria given in Table 1.6.1.

6.2 The buckling capability of plate panels is to be assessed using a plate thickness reduced by the standard thickness deduction values as follows. For all plated structure except internals in void spaces a deduction of 1mm is to be applied. The stresses for buckling assessment are to be increased by a factor equal to the original thickness divided by the thickness after corrosion deduction. 6.3 The buckling factor of plate panels are to be derived taking into account all relevant compressive and shear stress components and using a procedure such as ShipRight Program 10403, Buckling of Flat Rectangular Plate Panels. 6.4 In calculating the buckling factors, the edge restraint factor, c, defined in Pt 3, Ch 4,7 of the Rules for Ships, may be taken into account in calculating the critical buckling stress of wide panels subjected to compressive loading on the long edge of the panel. The edge restraint factor, c, is not to be used in the calculation of critical buckling stress for compression applied on the short edges. 6.5 When the calculated elastic critical buckling stress (c) exceeds 50 per cent of the specified minimum yield

stress (o), then the buckling stress is to be adjusted for the effects of plasticity using the JohnsonOstenfeld correction formula, given below:
o cr = o 1 4 c

where cr = critical buckling stress corrected for plasticity effects


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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 1
SECTION 6 Table 1.6.1
Structural Item

Acceptance criteria
Load Case C1 C2 C3 C4 Allowable stresses see Note 1 & 2 e 0,75L L 0,75L L 0,75L L 0,75o 0,75o x 0,47L 0,92L y 0,63L Minimum Buckling factor (see Note 3) 1,2

Bottom shell plating


Double bottom girders

C1 C2 C3 C4

0,35o 0,47o -



Inner bottom plating

C1 C2 C3 C4

0,47L 0,92L -

0,63o -



Double bottom floors Side transverses

C1 C2 C1 C2

0,35o 0,35o



NOTES 1. For plate elements the specified allowable stresses should be compared to the centroidal element membrane stress in the relevant structural item. 2. In areas where the openings have not been modelled, the resulting shear stress and Von Mises stress is to be corrected according to the ratio of the actual to the modelled shear area. If the resulting stress levels exceed 90% of the specified allowable values, further study by means of fine mesh follow up models may be required. Von Mises stresses are to be recalculated on the basis of the corrected shear stresses. 3. For the purposes of calculating the buckling factor against elastic buckling the panel thickness is to be reduced by the amount indicated in 6.2 The stresses due to local loads obtained from the FE model are to be increased by t/(t-tc), where t is the thickness used in the FE model.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 2

Verification of Primary Structure



Section 1: Objectives Section 2: Structural modelling Section 3: Loading and boundary conditions Section 4: Acceptance criteria

Section 1: Objectives

1.1 The objective of PART C, Chapter 2 is to consider the structural adequacy of the transverse and longitudinal primary structural members supporting decks. 1.2 Independent strength analyses are to be carried out on primary structural members supporting decks where one or more of the following conditions is satisfied: Openings in the primary member web plates exceed 25% of the web depth. The slots for the passage of longitudinals exceed 50% of the web depth and lugs are not fitted. Supporting pillars are misaligned or omitted or continuity is not maintained. The primary members employ novel or unusual structural arrangements.

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Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 2

Section 2: Structural modelling

2.1 A 3-D finite element (FE) model of the primary members including the attached deck plating and secondary members between adjacent primary members is to be developed. 2.2 The modelled extent of primary member is to be chosen such that a fully fixed boundary condition at the pillar heads or a symmetry boundary condition at the mid-span position can be assumed. 2.3 All openings in the web plating including those for the passage of longitudinals are to be accurately represented. 2.4 The mesh density is to be sufficient to enable the detailed structural response to be obtained. For Tee section members, a minimum of 10 elements in the web depth is generally considered sufficient. However, this will need to be refined in the areas around web openings. Mesh size is not to be less than t x t. Quadrilateral shell elements are to be used for plated areas such as deck and web plating and member face plates. However, if the primary member is of a symmetric type, then the member face plate may be represented by a line member. Line elements may be used for secondary stiffening members. 2.5 In general, the use of triangular plate elements is to be kept to an absolute minimum. Where possible, they are to be avoided in areas where there are likely to be high stresses or a high stress gradient. These include areas: 2.6 in way of lightening/access holes; and adjacent to brackets, knuckles or structural discontinuities. A typical FE model of a deck girder and transverse is shown in Fig. 2.2.1 (viewed from below).

2.7 Where FE analysis programs do not supply accurate nodal stresses, a line element (rod element) of small nominal area is to be incorporated at free edges of plating to obtain the peak edge stresses.


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Fig. 2.2.1 Model of primary deck transverse and deck girder (viewed from below)

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, May 2004

PART C, Chapter 2

Section 3: Loading and boundary conditions

3.1 The deck loads, as specified in Pt 4, Ch 2,3 of the Rules for Ships, appropriate to the location under consideration, are to be applied as a lateral pressure uniformly over the deck area. Concentrated loads, such as those arising from misaligned pillars or from specific non-structural masses, are to be accounted for in the analysis. 3.2 For the analysis of deck girders the direct stress due to maximum hull girder hogging (see assessment load cases PART A, Ch 1,4.4) global hull girder bending, is also to be included.


Section 4: Acceptance criteria

The stress criteria for primary structural members supporting decks are contained in Table 2.4.1.

4.2 A minimum buckling factor of 1,0 against elastic buckling is to be obtained in the plated areas of decks and member webs. If the structure forms the boundary of tanks for the carriage of liquid a corrosion deduction of 1,0 mm is to be applied for the purpose of buckling assessment. Table 2.4.1 Stress criteria
Acceptance Criteria Structural item Loading type Direct stress 0,52o 0,52o 0,85L Max shear stress 0,35o 0,35o Max Von-Mises stress e 0,75o 0,75o 0,94L Max edge stress (openings) 0,75o 1,1o

Deck transverse web plating Deck girder web plating Deck transverse face plate Deck girder face plate Deck girder

Local only Local only Local only Local only Local + Global see 3.2


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