Linear Algebra Syllabus

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Linear Algebra Syllabus (Second Session)

Linear Algebra (MATH S2010Q) MTWR 6:15-7:50pm Mathematics 520 Instructor: Christopher Hall Oce hours: To be determined TAs: Zheng Liu, Natasha Potashnik Required Texts: 1. O. Bretscher, Linear Algebra with Applications, 4th Ed. 2. A. Knapp, Basic Algebra. Some recommended references: 1. S. Lipschutz and M.Lipson, Schaums Outline of Linear Algebra, 4th Ed. 2. G.Shilov, Linear Algebra. 3. S. Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, 2nd Ed. Knapps Basic Algebra actually contains enough material for about three semesters of undergraduate and graduate level algebra. However, the rst three chapters form a self-contained and nicely written introduction to all of the fundamentals of linear algebra. If you want to save some money, you can download Knapps book for free from SpringerLink on any computer connected to the Columbia network. Even the hardcover edition, however, costs less than half the price of Bretschers book. SpringerLink also gives you the option of ordering a specially printed paperback edition for only $24.95. Shilovs classic text is somewhat more advanced than the level of this course, but is comprehensive and very well-written. The Schaums Outline of Linear Algebra contains 1

useful summaries of the most important material and a large number of solved problems covering a wide range of topics. Consequently, it is an excellent tool for reviewing and practicing course material. I highly recommend it. Major topics will include but are not limited to the following: 1. Basic properties of vectors and matrices 2. Matrix algebra 3. Determinants 4. Gaussian elimination (i.e. systems of linear polynomial equations) 5. General vector spaces and linear transformations 6. Direct products and direct sums 7. Inner product spaces (with emphasis on geometric properties) 8. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization 9. Dual spaces Some additional topics that may be covered if time permits: 1. The Spectral Theorem 2. Innite-dimensional normed vector spaces (Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces) 3. Tensor products of vector spaces 4. Multilinear forms 5. Symplectic vector spaces 6. A brief introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory Homework will be assigned periodically. All homework should be placed in the designated course dropbox on the 4th oor or given directly to me. Late homework will not be accepted without prior approval. It is essential to do all of the homework. This course covers a mixture of techniques and theory. It has computational, algebraic, and geometric aspects. You will not be able to absorb either the concepts or the techniques without practice. The nal course grade will be determined as follows: 1. Homework - 20% 2

2. Midterm 1 - 20% 3. Midterm 2 - 20% 4. Final exam - 40% Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations should contact the Oce of Disability Services (ODS) promptly to discuss appropriate arrangements. The ODS website is

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