Grace Notes: Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Grace Notes
Volume 43, Issue 8

August 2013

The mission of Grace Covenant is to train grateful disciples of Christ by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. But what does that look like? How do we know if it is happening? I give thanks to God because I have seen the mission in action in these recent days! Doing Justice On the July 20th service day, ten folks from GCPC and two folks from City Church joined the Richmond Justice Initiative. They broke up into teams, each team visiting a host of gas stations in and around the Fan. Their goal: to talk with gas station owners and see if the owners would allow them to put up stickers in the gas station bathrooms. The stickers contained a phone number that someone can call should they see or experience sex-trafficking at the gas station. The owners were incredibly receptive, and they shared their gratitude as they see this kind of thing unfold all-too-frequently. In fact, a number of them asked for more stickers! They have been equally outraged by the injustice they are seeing. I spoke with Jan Kessel when she returned from visiting the gas stations. She mentioned how their group assumed that maybe 10-15% of the gas stations would be receptive to them, and truth be told I would have guessed about the same. It turns out nearly every owner was not only receptive, but energized by the churchs interest in pursing justice. Jan was thoroughly excited to be part of God opening surprising doors (be sure and ask her about it!), and it reminded me of the disciples we considered earlier this summer in worship. They are sent out in groups of two with a message of peace (Luke 10:1-11), and they hope to find hospitality among strangers. Indeed, the disciples find that and more and return rejoicing much as our congregation did on the 20th. Loving mercy Just last week, Jessica Reveley emailed the staff to see if we could help her get some momentum behind collecting mens clothing for Boaz and Ruth. As many of you know, Boaz and Ruth works to rebuild lives in some of the most difficult neighborhoods of Richmond. Many thanks to Jessica and all who continue to donate and show the mercy of God to our neighborhood! If you have not yet donated, you can do so by placing the clothing in the Boaz and Ruth box located in the front hall. Please make your donation by this Sunday, August 4. -continued on page 41

Stewardship Corner
Contributions rebounded sharply in June and the $47,700 total was almost double that of a low point in May. For the first half of this year contributions of $250,200 are 6.8% higher than the same period last year, due to certain contributions in March attributed to 2012 pledges. Total income in June of $84,400 was augmented by a $28,500 reimbursement by the Building Fund of major air conditioning repairs last year. Junes expenses of $58,400 were relatively high, but they included $6,400 expenses related to the Pastor Nominating Committee, $5,200 tenant improvements in the Stuart Circle Building, and $4,400 in property taxes on that building. Junes total income exceeded expenses by $26,100, and the mid-year deficit was only $1,400. Junes Loaves and Fishes offering was $1,540, and the Five Cents Per Meal collection was only $61. Contribution statements for the first half of 2013, will be mailed August 7. Please contact Martha Rubin at 359-2463, ext. 205, or email: if you do not receive your statement or if you have questions regarding your pledge or gifts.

Happy 25th Anniversary, Presbyterian Women!

Change is good! Have you heard of United Presbyterian Women or the Women of the Church? These are the names of the two predecessor organizations that joined together to form the Presbyterian Women 25 years ago. In 1988 the two womens groups saw the need to change in order to better fulfill their leadership responsibilities to fit the needs of the times, but their mission stayed the same. So for 25 years now, Presbyterian Women have been meeting, praying, and acting together in a shared love toward God! The Presbyterian Women of Grace Covenant are beginning a new season in September with a change in our structure that will strengthen our organization. Our leadership responsibilities will change, but according to our PW purpose we will continue to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, support the mission of the church worldwide, work for justice and peace, and build a caring community of women. Each of the three circles will assume the leadership responsibilities to carry out our missions, service to our church, and outreach. I will be the Presbyterian Women Representative, the link between the POJ PW and the circles. We will continue to have a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer to fulfill our financial commitments. The Bible study this year is An Abiding Hope, The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuterononmy. There are three circles which will meet on the third Tuesday of September and the second Tuesday of the months October through May. Circle 1 meets in the evening to accommodate working womens schedules. Circle 2 and Circle 3 meet in the mornings at church. Circle 3 provides a babysitter to encourage mothers with young children to participate. All women of Grace Covenant are invited to attend. We kick off the year with a Salad Supper and program on Tuesday, September 10, at 6:00 p.m. We are excited to have as our speaker, Pastor Bobby, who will give us an overview of our Bible study . All who attend are asked to bring a salad dish to share. Please mark your calendars and BRING A FRIEND! Any questions, please call 750-1537. Mary A. Gray, PW Rep

Presbyterian Women of The James Leadership Training Saturday, August 17, at Union Presbyterian Seminary 3401 Brook Road, Richmond, Virginia 23227
9:30 a.m. Registration and Refreshments 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Overview with Dr. Beverly Zink-Sawyer, Samuel W. Newell, Jr. Professor of Preaching and Worship at Union Presbyterian Seminary 11:00 a.m. Break Out Leadership Sessions 12:00 p.m. Campus Tour Featuring Morton Library and Early Center 12:30 p.m. Adjournment About Our Speaker: Dr. Zink-Sawyer focuses on the interaction of homiletics and American religious history with particular attention to womens preaching. An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), she served churches in Pennsylvania and Tennessee for 15 years and has served on committees at the presbytery and synod levels. She is editor of the Abingdon Womens Preaching Annual and author of From Preachers to Suffragists: Womens Rights and Religious Conviction in the Lives of Three Nineteenth-Century American Clergywomen. She was a Lilly Faculty Fellow of the Association of Theological Schools for 20002001. About the 2013-2014 Bible Study: The books of Exodus and Deuteronomy invite us to remember that the central actor in human experience in our own lives and in the experiences described in Exodus and Deuteronomyis God. Our God is one who redeems, who brings liberty and fulfillment even when we do not deserve it, when we cannot redeem ourselves. We have the assurance of Gods abiding presence as individuals and as a community of faith. This presence helps us see that Gods redemption is more than a saving from harsh circumstances; it also is a saving to the fullness of life God intends for humanity. Author Janice Catron invites us to explore Exodus and Deuteronomy with her and see together the promise of what our relationship with God can be and the realities of what that relationship often becomes. It is God our Redeemer who, by grace, gives us the power to help ourselves and others live into the fullness God intends for us, and to move forward as people who have been set free. Dr. Janice Catron is a teaching elder in the PC(USA) and serves as pastor of John Knox Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. She has more than thirty years experience working in churches, writing curriculum, leading workshops, and teaching. Janice earned a masters degree in English from Emory University, Atlanta, and a master of divinity degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She did her doctoral work in Bible at the University of Chicago, and wrote the Horizons Bible study, Job: Faith Remains When Understanding Fails, published in 1997.


ALL Presbyterian Women are encouraged to attend. There is no need to register in advance.

Grace Covenant Music Ministry

2013 Summer Schedule
August 4 August 11 August 18 August 25 September 1 Chuck Murphy, tenor Dr. Mike Davison, trumpet Anne OByrne, soprano Handbell Quintet Vivien Chen, piano Chris Martin, organ Chancel Choir Section Leader University of Richmond
Concert and Opera Irish Soprano

Grace Covenant Piano and Organ duet

-continued from cover pageWalking humbly with our God Did you know this church has two different prayer groups meeting every week? We have a group that meets on Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the Social Room. They are taking time to pray for our Sunday schools, our worship, and the church. Give thanks for such a group! The other group the Care Team meets at 11:30 a.m. every Wednesday in my office. They are praying over your prayer requests from Sunday, the entire congregation, and the community around Grace Covenant. They also take time to look at GCPCs Vision Statement. They pray over a different sentence from the vision each week! Their hope? That by the power of the Holy Spirit, we would become the vision God has for us as a church. Feel free to join in any Wednesday on which you are available. The group would love to have you, and the church will experience the riches of Gods promise: For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened (Luke 11:10). Blessings, Bobby

From Left to Right: Bobby Hulme -Lippert, Jean Appich, Jan Kessel, and Ann Pais. Not present: Susan Farrell, Mary Gray, and Watkins.Dawson

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
4 Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon

5 Mens Lunch 12 noon CDC Staff Meeting 6:10pm Worship Comm. Meeting 7:00 pm City Church Womens Bible Study 7:30 pm 12 Mens Lunch 12 noon Property Committee Meeting 7:00 pm

7 6 Care Team 11:30 am Staff Meeting 10:00 am Admin. Committee Meeting and Missions Meeting 7:00 pm August Musicales 7:00 pm

11 Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon

13 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Finance Committee Meeting 6:00 pm

14 Care Team 11:30 am

CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm

August Musicales 7:00 pm 21 CARITAS

Care Team 11:30 am

18 CARITAS Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon

19 CARITAS Mens Lunch 12 noon CDC Parent Meeting 5:30 pm

20 CARITAS Staff Meeting 10:00 am Deacons Meeting 6:00 pm

25 Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon

26 Mens Lunch 12 noon 27 Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Care Team 11:30 am

August Musicales 7:00 pm

Grace Notes Deadline: August 21 is the deadline for submissions for our September edition.

Page 7

Thursday 1 CDC Chapel 10:00 am 2


Saturday 3

CDC Chapel 10:00 am

Christian Education Committee Meeting 7:00 pm

10 PEOPLE Group at Jean Appichs River Place 3:00 pm (Dinner at 6:00 pm)


CDC Chapel 10:00 am SESSION Meets 7:00 pm




CARITAS CDC Chapel 10:00 am




CDC Chapel 10:00 am



August 4 August 11 August 18 August 25 Worship Kits Lisa Cardwell Dottie-Ray Koch Jake Savage Pete Sizemore Whit Whitley Charlie Appich

August Birthdays
2- Clara Ling 3- Ron David 3- Bob Copeland 3- Christof Meyer 4- Thatcher Hartman 5- Jessica Reveley 6- Bill Bridenstine 7- Nina Chenoweth 7- Eva Chenoweth 8- Ray Davis 9- Dottie-Ray Koch 11- Nell Dickenson 11- Charlie Appich 12- Rob Turner 12- Analiese Meyer 13- Corbin Henry Rogers 15- Phil Coltrain

Fellowship Hour Schedule

August 4 August 11 August 18 August 25 Elizabeth Russell Bonnie Pritchard Ann Pais & Jan Kessel Joy and John Nevin

August 4 Wayne Casey Courtney Clements Julia Poppell Dottie-Ray Koch Jack Corley Cherry Corley Pete Sizemore Suzanne Sizemore Janet Miller Tom Miller Dottie-Ray Koch Dana McKnight Judy Waldron Dawson Watkins Carol Wood Courtney Clements

15- Gary Flake 15- Steve Satterfield 15- Garland Price 17- Everett Reveley 18- Billy Koch 19- Scott Boze III 22- Anna Mustanski 23- Beth Nochta 23- Chris Martin 23- Megan Rogers 26- Walter Lumpkin 28- Jim McCullough 29- Virginia Sommers 30- Holland Mesco 31- Lauren Corby

August 11

August 18

August 25

Adult Summer Sunday School-Heroes of the Faith: Part II June 2 - August 25

The Adult Sunday School classes will once again join forces this summer to study "Heroes of the Faith." We will begin meeting in the Fellowship Hall June 2 - August 25. The schedule is below. Please contact Nelson Reveley ( or Christof Meyer ( if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there! 8/4/2013 8/11/2013 8/18/2013 8/25/2013 D. James Kennedy by Charles Hammett Rich Mullins led by Bobby Hulme-Lippert Julian of Norwich led by Christopher Tweel Pearl S. Buck led by Christopher Tweel

8/4/2013 D. James Kennedy

8/11/2013 Rich Mullins

8/18/2013 Julian of Norwich

8/25/2013 Pearl S. Buck

Note: Children's Sunday School will resume in the fall. Childcare will be available throughout the summer. Sunday School for ages 2-4 will be offered.

Grace Notes

The Return of Disciple Bible Study! Sept. 2013 - May 2014

The Disciple crew is excited to announce the next 34-week study, which will run from September 2013 through May 2014 (roughly from after Labor Day until Memorial Day). We will be using the Disciple Bible Study program that delves deeply into Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. Here is your chance to join with others in a transformative spiritual discipline to deepen your walk with Christ. Disciple consists of 30 minutes of prayerful scripture reading per day as well as a two-hour gathering per week with fellow participants to discuss the weeks scripture in more detail. The meeting time for the weekly gathering will be determined by interested participants schedules. The aim of this study is not simply scriptural knowledge, but genuine growth in Christ and application of life in God to ones daily existence. This spiritual discipline does call for a serious commitment of roughly four hours per week, and it consequently generates the tangible and lasting fruits of spiritual growth. Please pray, reflect, and look over your schedule for this coming fall through spring. If you are interested or feel presently called to this discipline, please contact Nelson Reveley 387-8094 or It will be an excellent time!


Congratulations to Chris Martin, our Director of Music and Organist, on being appointed the 45th Dean of the Richmond Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO). Chris is the second Director of Music from Grace Covenant to hold the title of Dean of the Richmond AGO. William H. Schutt, Director of Music at Grace Covenant (1939-1972) was Dean from 1953-1955. The Virginia Chapter AGO was chartered on December 4, 1910, and was renamed the Richmond Chapter on September 21, 1953.

Sermons are online every week! You can access the Sunday services on; click on WE GATHER then on SERMONS. You have a choice of CHILDRENS SERMON, SUNDAY SERMON or FULL SERVICE by clicking on the MP3 icon of your choice.

We welcome Cameron Baird to the radio studio. This photo was taken during Bobbys Installation Service.

Child Development Center

GCPC Members, While the weather has not been quite as summery as we would normally expect, our children have been having a blast diving under the ocean and learning all about the treasures underneath! As we finish learning about fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, jelly fish, and much more, we begin preparing for August's theme of Animal Habitats. From jungles to safaris, from the desert to the artic regions, our children will be exploring the different climate, vegetation, and landscapes of different parts of the world. They'll discover which animals live in different habitats as well as what those animals do to adapt to their extreme environments. They'll even learn about the human cultures of these different regions and what kinds of things humans can do to survive in different conditions. How are we the same? How are we different? These fun questions and much more will be incorporated into our August theme of Animal Habitats and Ecosystems! I'd also like to thank all of you at GCPC for your incredible support during this time of transition at the CDC, in particular the Christian Education Committee. One of the many missions of the CDC is to work closely with the church and its programs to support all families of both organizations together as a whole community. I name this time as a time of transition for the CDC because, as we prepare to kick off our fall curriculum, we also prepare to grow in numbers and make room for many new little faces and families. At the same time, the Christian Education Committee of GCPC has been working toward the same goal for the Sunday School program. We've put our heads together and have come up with many ideas to grow the two programs simultaneously as the same community and family. While we're having a great time enjoying the summer sun (though less this year than others) we are SO excited to be partnering with the children's program at GCPC on a whole new level to increase the atmosphere of a joint community and serve the families in the Richmond area in an even greater capacity. Thank you so much for all of your support, and thank you CE Committee for all your hard work to help make this happen!

Nicole Williams Director


PEOPLE Group invites all members and friends to Jean Appichs Rappahannock river home on Saturday, August 10, 2013. Come and boat ride, water ski, tube ride, fish off the pier, build sand castles, play croquet, badminton, peg toss, or just view the river. Come as early as 3:00 p.m. and stay as late as youd like. Supper will be at 6:00 p.m. Fried chicken, barbecue, and drinks will be provided. Please bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert.

Hosted by Jean, Sharon and Charlie Appich, Mary and George Gray, and Janet and Bob Luning.


Service Day Thanks!!

The Missions Committee and Christian Education Committee would like to send out many thanks to all those who helped make Grace Covenant's Service Day on July 20 possible. A total of 19 City Church members and 26 Grace Covenant members joined forces for a day full of devotion, Bible study, fellowship, and service. As a group we were able to accomplish all of the following: (1) packing supplies for our Honduras mission trip; (2) helping clean up and care for the areas around Randolph Community Center; (3) posting emergency contact numbers in gas stations throughout the Fan to report human trafficking (owners were awesomely receptive to this effort!); (4) sorting clothes for Boaz & Ruth's Sunny Days clothing store; (5) harvesting, weeding, and planting new crops at Shalom Farms; (6) cleaning up at the church. It was an excellent time, and we look forward to Service Days to come! Many thanks again!

Grace Covenant is hosting CARITAS again! We are hosting 40 women August 17 24, 2013. Laundry, cooking, or just being a friend are some of the ways you can help out this year. Are you available to volunteer one evening during CARITAS? Please contact Susan Farrell at or by phone at 359-6222 for additional information and ways to be involved. A litte about CARITAS: CARITAS stands for Congregations Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter.
CARITAS is the largest provider of homeless services in the Metro Richmond area. Our recently drafted why statement expresses well what we strive to accomplish: United by our compassion, we help our most vulnerable neighbors break the cycle of addiction and homelessness to reclaim their dignity. As the issues involved in homelessness become more complex, so do the solutions required to address them. CARITAS is unique in that it fills the gaps in the homeless services system so that people in crisis can find stability in their lives now and in the future. Through our programs, we provide people with the basic life and job skills they need to exit shelter and return to their families, their jobs, their homes, and their lives as productive citizens.

Memorial Flowers are an integral part of our worship service. The flowers are donated by members and friends of the church in honor or memory of their loved ones and cost $45. We have a number of vacancies in the calendar for the rest of this year. A calendar has been placed in the Narthex showing the available dates. If you wish to donate flowers on a particular Sunday we would appreciate it if you would sign your name and phone number on that date. You will be contacted the month prior to the month of your donation for wording in the bulletin.

Our bookkeeper , Martha Rubin, will be in Mandeville, Jamaica, August 12-16. She and her daughter Rebekah will be sharing the Good News with members of their church when they take VBS to the Saint Vincent Strambi Catholic Church, Bull Savannah, St. Elizabeth. Please keep the team in your prayers as they journey on this great adventure.

We are delighted to announce the birth of our daughter, Cecilia Aulikki (OW-lik-ee) Anderson Rubis. Weighing 10 lbs., 9 oz., and measuring 21 inches. Cecilia was born on Tuesday, July 16, at 8:09 a.m. She has dark blue eyes, LOT'S of very dark brown hair, and loves to listen to music. Mom, Dad, and baby are recovering well.

With joy, Christine, Karl, and Cecilia


The Staff
Bobby Hulme-Lippert Pastor Chris Martin Director of Music and Organist Vanessa Strait Administrative Assistant Martha Rubin Bookkeeper James Greene Custodian

Our Elders serve the church as leaders. Our Deacons lead the church in service. Please feel free to approach them with any questions or feedback about Grace Covenants ministries. CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley ELDERS Jordan Ball (14) Wayne Casey (13) Jack Corley (13) Matt Hartman (13) Virginia Hudson (14) Cheryl Jacobs (15) Caroline Leith (15) Katie McCullough (13) Dana McKnight (14) Christof Meyer (15) Joy Nevin (14) Everett Reveley (15) Nelson Reveley (15) Robert Rosebro (13) Rob Turner (14) Nominating (M), Finance Property, Small Groups (M) Finance, Missions Missions (M), Small Groups Evangelism (M), CE/Discipleship CE/Discipleship, Fellowship, Worship Administration (Co-M), Property Administration (Co-M) Worship (Co-M), Finance CE/Discipleship (Co-M) Fellowship (M) Finance (M) CE/Discipleship (Co-M), Evangelism Property (M) Worship (Co-M)

Church Officers

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Phone: (804) 359-2463 Fax: (804) 278-6298 Sundays:
9:45 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 12:00 noon Sunday School for all ages in the Education Building Worship Service in the Sanctuary Congregational Fellowship in the Social Room

DEACONS Compassion Ministry (Flowers, Prayer, Visitation and Care Team) Jan Kessel (14), Ann Pais (14), Dawson Watkins (13), Carol Wood (13) Hospitality Ministry (Ushers/Greeters, Glass Office, Inquirers Class, Guest Follow-up) Lisa Cardwell (15), Courtney Clements (15), Jennifer Schooley (15), Erika Tabor (14) Service (Meals, Transportation, Deacons Fund) Mary Gray (15), Ann Pais (14), Judy Waldron (14), Dawson Watkins (13) TRUSTEES: Lloyd Bostian (13) Kent Cardwell (13) Caroline Leith (14) John Roberts (15)

Grace Covenant Child Development Center Nicole Williams Director


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