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Dizzy spells - a common symptom with many causes

I was interested to see that this section on dizzy spells was visited more often that any other section on this website - it is obviously a common problem! The brain is the most biochemically complex, metabolically active organ of the whole body. A large section of the brain, the cerebellum, is mainly concerned with balance and coordination. So it is not surprising that dizzy spells are a common symptom/ The first thing to establish is what is exactly meant by dizzy spells, what causes them, what improves them. These details all throw light on the cause. Do you feel faint? As if about to pass out? The cause of this is either low blood pressure (postural hypotension) or low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) or poor oxygen supply. Postural hypotension often causes faintness: if you suddenly stand up, especially if you have been lying down for some time in a warm bed. if you have been standing still (and the blood pools in the legs) if you get very hot (too much blood to the skin, not enough to the head) if you have been a bit shocked, for example by taking blood or the sight of blood if you are anaemic Autonomic neuropathy can cause low blood pressure Adrenal insufficiency can cause low blood pressure. Complete failure (Addison s disease) is a life threatening condition requiring urgent hospital admission. Anaemia - see page on anaemia Poor oxygen supply - see hyperventilation Low blood sugar causing faintness or dizziness may occur: if you have missed a meal (often late afternoon) if you eat sweet things all the time, but have missed a snack if you have exercised hard (exercise burns up the sugar in the blood) If the symptoms are improved by eating or drinking something sweet then you are probably hypoglycaemic. Ear disease - balance is sensed by the inner ear. Any disturbance of this may cause vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom described as the world going round . Funnily enough wax in the ear can cause dizzy spells, but I m not sure why. Hyperventilation can certainly cause dizzy spells. In this case there is often a feeling of being spaced out and not with it Suspect this if the symptom occurs with stress. Are there any allergies? Allergy is the great mimic. It can produce almost any symptom. Chemical sensitivity Are you being poisoned? Think of addictions or withdrawals symptoms from caffeine, alcohol, psychoactive drugs such as cannabis and Speed (amphetamine), prescription drugs, poisonings by pesticides, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (solvents), gas fumes and carbon monoxide (free standing gas stoves, poorly vented stoves) etc, sick building syndrome. Multiple chemical sensitivity often causes dizzy spells. Are you getting enough, quality sleep? See sleep problems Any hormonal disturbances? See hypothyroidism I think of thyroid disorders for almost any symptom! Physical activity is vital Anybody who has been confined to bed for one week with, say, flu will feel weak and dizzy when they first get going. For the body to work properly it has to practice continuously (ask any athlete). One week of lack of practice can cause unsteadiness on standing. Link articles Hypoglycaemia Allergies Vertigo Poisons and toxins Sleep problems Hypothyroidism Postural hypotension (low blood pressure) Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) Autonomic neuropathy The general approach to treating problems of the brain, whatever the diagnosis may be Hyperventilation Link tests Tests of nutritional status Hypothyroidism Tests of toxic stress: Hair analysis for heavy metals Pesticide screening Adrenal stress profile

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