Statements of Candidacy For The 2013-2014 CDA Executive Board

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Statements of Candidacy for the 2013-2014 CDA Executive Board

Taylor Barnard and Natasha McKenzie, President and Vice President: During the off-year Taylor and Natasha will work tirelessly to prepare College Democrats of America for the 2014 midterms. Their goals and leadership will not only allow the CDA to play a crucial role in helping Democrats regain control of the House and keep their majority in the Senate, but will help permanently strengthen CDA. By focusing on fundraising, diversification, and building/strengthening chapters and state feds, CDA will be better prepared for 2014 and for years to come. Taylor and Natasha will bring their experiences as leaders of successful State Federations to the national level. This perspective will allow them to work with state federations to strengthen CDAs core: the chapter. Taylor and Natasha support a CDA For All - that CDA should be an organization dedicated first and foremost to supporting its State Federations. State Federations and chapters are the backbone of College Dems and will always have a seat at the table if Taylor and Natasha are elected. Matthew Metz, Director of Communications: Matthew is a recent graduate of Kenyon College (OH). Currently serving as Deputy Communications Director for CDA, he is excited to take his experience to the Executive Board as the next Communications Director. My experience: *Deputy Communications Director of College Democrats of America, 2012-2013 *College Democrats of America Social Media Coordinator, 2012-2013 *Press Secretary of College Democrats of Ohio, 2012-2013 *Youngest elected VT District Level Delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention *Internships at the White House and Democratic National Committee *Organized with Obama for America in numerous capacities and in multiple states, August 2011November 2012 Goals: My primary goal as Communications Director would be to increase the interaction between the national, state and chapter leadership. I would seek to be a resource to link, harmonize and promote all avenues of communication. I will accomplish this goal in five major ways: 1. Work with state/chapter leadership: I will expand the lines of communication between the CDA communications team and the leadership in the field. In particular, I will establish video chats and conference calls to discuss different communication strategies and tools. I will also encourage state and chapter leaders to reach out to the communications team for guidance and/or assistance with their particular messaging agendas. 2. Offer Messaging Guidance to States: As Deputy Communications Director, there were times when I found that it was difficult to formulate relevant and engaging posts. As such, I pledge to work with the Democratic National Committee to create and distribute weekly and rapid-response talking points on

the issues. I will also be available to discuss this content so as to be sure the message being put out is tight, direct, and engaging. 3. Expand Social Media Reach: Our social media pages are important tools for engaging college democrats across the country. A strong social media presence is a quick and inexpensive way to promote our great work. Although our readership is strong, Id like to grow it, by linking where appropriate, keeping content fresh, encouraging reader response, and reacting to it. Im always open to new ideas for putting out dynamic content. 4. Updating the Website: I will continue to provide routine and diverse blog posts and ensure that all of the website pages always reflect the most accurate and up to date information. In addition, I will revive and expand the State Spotlight section of the webpage. I would also expand the internship page by providing links to state specific resources for democratic opportunities for young people to get involved. 5. Listen: As communications director, I want to hear from you! I would welcome constant feed back and encourage recommendations at any point of how the communications team could better serve your states and chapters needs. John McDermott, Director of Development: I am John McDermott and I am running for The College Democrats of America Director of Development. I recently graduated from The Catholic University of America with a degree in Politics and will be attending The Georgetown University Law Center this fall. I had my start in College Democrats as a student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. There I served as Vice President oh my chapter and was responsible for all fundraising activities for the chapter in coordination with our treasurer. From 2010 to 2011 I served as Fundraising Chair for College Democrats of North Carolina, organizing the state federation's most successful fundraisers to date. At the end of the spring semester in 2011, I transferred to The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Here I joined the CUA College Democrats, began fundraising for local community organizations, and joined the College Democrats of America Finance Committee. During my time on CDA's Finance Committee, I have participated in numerous fundraising initiatives and compiled a nationally distributed fundraising guide for state federations. Serving on Finance Committee, under the purview of our current Director of Development, has also allowed me to garner an strong understanding of the responsibilities inherent in the office. I plan on taking these numerous years of CDA and fundraising experience to become a successful Director of Development and to ensure that CDA has the funds to be an impactful force in the 2014 elections. I will ensure that this happens through a number of means. I will work directly with state federations to ensure that their fundraising initiatives are both efficient and fruitful. This means tailoring a states fundraising initiatives to a its specific needs and abilities. I plan on implementing targeted, goals driven, fundraising campaigns on a national level, which will allow us to direct funds to where they are most needed. I intend to compile a strong, experienced, finance committee to aid in the completion of these tasks. I also plan on working to further strengthen the relations with our counterparts at the DNC, which I hope will lead to CDA having a stronger voice in our financial affairs. I hope that I am able to earn your support by election day. Thank you, John McDermott

Danny Khalil, Director of Membership: It is with great excitement and humility that I declare my candidacy for the office of Membership Director in College Democrats of America for the 2013-2014 term. Since my beginnings in college, I've been a proud member of College Democrats and an active Texas progressive. I'm happy to give back to an organization that has given so much to me. Throughout my time in College Dems, I've held a wide array of positions. I've served as president of my home chapter, Vice President of Texas College Democrats, and the Southwest Regional Director for College Democrats of America. These roles have helped me see the organization from a variety of standpoints. College Democrats of America is an amazing federation of the best and brightest progressive leaders of the future. Every member I've met within this fine organization has the potential to be the next great congressman, statesman or president. It's with these outstanding members in mind that I embark upon my mission to be CDA's next Membership Director. As a federation, we are at a crucial point in the growth of our membership. We must do more to expand our reach to states and colleges typically considered outside the realm of College Democrats. I believe that the progressive message rings true across the country -- in community and junior colleges as well as states without a strong federation presence . As an organization, we are sometimes confronted with internal miscommunication. We must reorganize our internal systems that track state and local membership, so that our website is always filled with the most up-to-date information for potential members. As a family, we are facing challenges that threaten our group cohesion. We must welcome new members into CDA with open arms -- holding regular phone and video chats with prospective and established College Democrats. If elected as your next Membership Director, I will not be a candidate that fades from the limelight once sworn into office. I'll be consistently active, reaching out to College Democrats from every corner of the country. I will start a new conversation with state leaders. As Membership Director, I'll be active on National Council calls with federation leaders and assist Regional Directors in establishing new state federations. I will open the doors of CDA to prospective College Democrats. As a leader in Texas' federation, I established a list of colleges slated for colonization. I would like to implement a similar colonization list in CDA and encourage states to bring chapters to potential host universities. I will ensure we have the most current and up-to-date information on our website. This means completely overhauling the chapter map and updating it with accurate contact information. Above all, I will be a Membership Director for you. If elected, I'll always be available, be it by phone, email or social networking, for members of College Democrats of America. I thank you for considering

my candidacy as you head to Washington D.C. on August 1st, and I respectfully ask for your vote in the upcoming election. Toora Arsala, Director of Political Affairs: Hi Everyone My Name is Toora Arsala, and I am Officially Declaring My Candidcy For CDA Political Director Because I Care Alot About The Community and I Want to Create Oppurtunities For College Students to Get More Involved,I Started My Career in Politics in 2005, When I Volunteered For The Chuck Caputo For House Of Delegates Campaign, and I Then Volunteered For His Campaign again in 2007 and 2009, I Also Volunteered in 2008 For President Obama's Campaign, in 2009 I Also Volunteered For a Number Of Governors Races in Virginia, also in 2009 I Won My First Volunteer Service Award For Volunteering In The Community, also in 2009 I Became an Intern For Organizing for America, In 2010 I Became an Intern For Congressman Gerry Connollys Campaign, also in 2010 I Won Another Award For All Of The Hard Work I Have Been Doing For The Party, In 2011 I Started My Freshmen Year Of College, and I Became The Chairman Of The College Democrats On My Campus, also in 2011 I Became an Intern For The Coordinated Campaign Which Included Dave Marsden and Chap Petersons Campaigns For Senate, and It Included Many House Of Delegates Races also in 2011 I Won Another Volunteer Service Award, and also in the summer of 2011 I Became a Summer Organizer For Organizing For America, and in 2012 I Was a Field Organizer For a Local Congressional Campaign, and also in 2012 at the Virginia State Convention, I Got Elected, to Be The Youngest Delegate in My Delegation to Represent the Virginia Democratic Party at the DNC Convention in Charlotte!!!!!! If I am Elected I Plan to Be The Peoples Voice in the College Democrats Of America, If You Have any Ideas or Thoughts, I Will Make Your Voice Be Heard, I am Also Running Because I am a Community Activist Who Really Cares Alot About My Community, So Folks I Encourage You All to Vote For Me, as I am an Inspiration the Community and I Plan to Inspire Young Voters to Get More Active In Their Communities, I also Would Like to Have Grassroots Workshops and Trainings For Chapters in Each State, So They Can Gain The Skills They Need to Become Successful Leaders, I Will Also Help Plan Awesome Events to Motivate Our Students to Get More Involved In Their Communities!!!!!!! Communication: As Political Director, my main focus will be to increase the level of communication between national, state, and chapter leaders in order to gain more visibility for events and issues while also gaining more attendance and therefore more grassroots organizing, as Communication is Very Vital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caucus Events- If Elected I Will Work With The Leadership to Plan Awesome Events For Folks to Come together, to Help Out The Cause and to Have Fun!!!!!!!!!! I Will Work With Leadership to Make Sure Chapter Leaders Have Successful Events, For Folks to Get Involved, and I Will Make Sure, From a Social Media Aspect That They Publicize it Well so Folks Can Learn About Whats Going On With Their Chapters, I Will Also Have Social Media Training and Messaging and Communications Training's in Each State so Folks Can Gain The Skills They Need to Get The Messege Out About Their Campaigns!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen: As Political Director,I Will Listen To Your Ideas and Make Sure Every Chapters Voices Are Heard, I Will Be The Peoples Voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sara Valentine, Director of Political Affairs: I would like to officially announce my candidacy for the position of Director of Political Affairs for College Democrats of America. I believe that my previous experience as a College Democrat at The Ohio State University, as the President of College Democrats of Ohio, and the positions that I have held within College Democrats of America have prepared me for this position. I hope that within the 2013-2014 year I can help better prepare candidates for the interim elections by better promoting issues and events, increasing visibility through the caucuses, and increasing communication from the national level to the state and local levels. A few points of my platform are as follows: More Communication: As Political Director, my main focus will be to increase the level of communication between national, state, and chapter leaders in order to gain more visibility for events and issues while also gaining more attendance and therefore more grassroots organizing. Increased Visibility: By combining certain issues from different caucuses into one larger, more visible event, the caucuses will experience a higher level of attendance for their events and a greater backing for their respective causes or issues. Higher Accountability: The caucus leadership will maintain a high level of communication with their respective communities on the national, state, and local level to help become better advocates. Social media sites will also be kept up to date to increase visibility. Listen: As Political Director, my job will be to help you with your issues! I will welcome any feedback on better ways to help you and your chapter succeed. Thank you, Sara Valentine Andrea Nemecek, Director of Programs: My name is Andrea Nemecek. Im a senior English major at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, and Im running to be the next Director of Programs for CDA as part of the CDA for All Team. I first got involved in politics at the age of 16, when I started volunteering for then-Senator Barack Obama in my hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Ive stayed involved ever since. Im currently the Vice President of the College and Young Democrats of Iowa and the Heartland Regional Director for the College Democrats of America. Additionally, I served as a co-chair of the Grinnell College Campus Democrats during the 2012 election cycle, where I played an important role in delivering Iowa for President Obama. I also attended the 2012 Democratic National Convention as a National Delegate, and I was selected as one of two people from Iowa to speak on behalf of the state during the roll call vote. Unfortunately, Iowa was hit hard by the 2010 midterm elections. Our incumbent Democratic governor was defeated and we lost our Democratic majority in the Iowa House of Representatives. But most importantly, we lost our opportunity to continue improving the lives of every Iowan and to continue bettering our state. Because I come from a state that was negatively impacted by 2010, my number one

priority is to make sure what happened in 2010 doesnt happen again in 2014not to Iowa, not to any other state. I believe that the work we do in the next year will play a huge part in determining this. In 2012, 18 to 24-year-olds made up 11% of the electorate, but in 2010, this number was only 6%. My goal is to make sure the 2014 voting electorate looks more like the 2012 electorate instead of the electorate from 2010, and I believe this can be done through engaging with states and chapters to develop effective programming that will help maintain and grow membership and bring new people into the political process. This is why Im running to be Programs Director for the 2013-2014 year. If elected as Programs Director, I will take a grassroots approach by working with states and chapters across the country to identify what they want to accomplish and how they can accomplish it through successful programming. I will work to increase collaboration between chapters and states to ensure that programming ideas have a larger impact. I will advocate for the establishment of regional conferences so state and chapter leaders can meet each other face-to-face, talk about region-specific issues and brainstorm potential ways to work together. Id like to identify and highlight successful programming done by states and chapters on the CDA blog and during CDAs monthly National Council Calls. Lastly, a goal of mine is to continue releasing seasonal programming guides for states and chapters like the Programs Director this past year has done. Rachel McGovern, National Council Chair: Hello College Democrats of America, my name is Rachel McGovern and I am running for National Council Chair. I am running with Brexton Isaacs for National Council Vice Chair and Nick Kitchel for National Council Secretary. I am a rising senior at the University of Florida studying Political Science and Geography. My involvement with the College Democrats began my freshman year of college. Most recently I served as the UF College Democrats Vice President and co-chair of Gators for Obama. Gators for Obama registered nearly 10,000 students to vote and turned out 94% of our voter universe. I am currently serving as the Southeast Regional Director for College Democrats of America aiding in communication and coordination among the states of the southeast. In April I was elected Vice President of the Florida College Democrats. In addition to my campaign work with Gators for Obama, I have interned and volunteered on a number of local elections. I am currently an intern in the Chairs Office of the Democratic National Committee. My various political experiences have provided me with the unique opportunity to work with diverse facets of the Democratic Party. I believe these experiences will only continue to aid me in my work and organizing. I am running for National Council Chair because I know that our generation will shape the future of our country. Through my previous experiences as Southeast Regional Director, I have seen the importance of having strong state federations to support chapters and surrounding states. The 2013-2014 school year is going to be an important building year as we gear up for the 2014-midterm elections. In addition to building up and supporting state federations and chapters, we hope to provide more networking opportunities for all of our College Democrats. College Democrats across the country will, one day, be leading the country, and cementing these connections now, will help all of us in the future. By creating and implementing a Red to Blue program like the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees program we will work to ensure chapters and state federations have the support necessary, including campaign invasions and on-line phone banks, to win those races.

Brexton, Nick, and I worked this summer to craft a platform we feel will enable the College Democrats of America to effectively build the framework needed to succeed in future elections. I am confident we will continue to build and grow chapters and state federations around the country. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to find me at convention. Brexton Isaacs, National Council Vice Chair: Hello, I am Brexton Isaacs, and I am running for College Democrats of America National Council Vice Chair. I am a rising junior at Illinois Wesleyan University and Im a political science and business administration (marketing concentration) double major. Hello, I am Brexton Isaacs, and I am running for College Democrats of America National Council Vice Chair. I am currently a rising junior at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL double majoring in political science and business administration, marketing concentration. I got my start on campaigns working on a handful of successful local races in 2011. In 2012 I interned and campaigned for both Cheri Bustos and David Gills congressional campaigns and then for Tari Renners successful Bloomington Mayoral campaign in 2013. I am currently a District Intern at Congresswoman Bustos District office. As Chapter President of the IWU College Democrats, I oversaw a successful voter registration and GOTV operation on IWUs campus for candidate Gill and then replicated and enhanced that for the 2013 municipal elections in Bloomington. In my role as Vice President of the College Democrats of Illinois, I worked with chapters across the state to get plugged into the six competitive congressional races in Illinois and worked to support the formation of four new chapters on campuses that hadnt previously been active. Additionally I serve as Social Media Coordinator for the College Democrats of America. In March 2013 I attended the 2013 American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) National Policy Conference with other members of the College Democrats of America. I, along with fellow National Council candidates Rachel McGovern and Nick Kitchel, have many goals for the upcoming year, but our goals are centered on 4 key pillars; our College Dems being ready and successful in 2014, setting up state federations and chapters in new areas that we havent had before, communicating more regularly with our chapters and state feds, and creating opportunities for our members to develop themselves as young professionals. We will work to create a program, based on the DCCCs Red to Blue list, that will ensure that schools in Red to Blue district have chapters chartered at them and that chapters not in a red to blue district have a competitive race to work on. In 2012, College Democrats sponsored highly successful phone banks for the Clair McCaskill and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Ed Markey in the 2013 special election. We want to expand this program so our members can work on competitive races, no matter where they are. Keeping our members active is key to ensuring that they are ready for 2014. College Democrats is not only an important organization that helps college students effect change in policy and electorally, but it also is valuable for our members as young professionals start to build their

careers and I would work to facilitate our members getting connected to other College Dems in other chapters and states to help build their network. Nicholas Kitchel, National Council Secretary: My name is Nick Kitchel and I'm running for National Council Secretary alongside Rachel McGovern for Chair and Brexton Isaacs for Vice Chair. I'm a lifelong Californian and a rising senior at UC Berkeley, studying Political Science and Public Policy. I've been highly involved with Cal Berkeley Democrats, California College Democrats (CCD), and College Democrats of America. As Chief of Staff of CCD in 2012-2013, I helped develop and carry out the most successful GOTV campaign in our history. We registered record-breaking numbers of college students to vote, distributed 30,000 voter guides, and reached over 1 million college students online. I've also worked closely with CDA, helping prepare for the 2012 convention in Charlotte and serving as a member of the Finance Committee. I have interned for Governor Jerry Brown, the Democratic National Committee, and Public Citizen. As an intern for Governor Brown, I led a project that saved the Governor's Office over $40,000 and oversaw over 10 staff members in daily operations. As a political intern for the DNC, I drafted endorsement letters for President Obama and reached out to elected officials nationwide for rapid response press releases in support of the president. Most recently, at Public Citizen I have conducted policy research on government ethics issues and helped release pertinent reports that allowed us to drive forth policies and actions that promote the public interest. I'm deeply committed to doing everything in my power to make this a more equitable country for all. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, I believe all Americans should have the opportunity to receive a quality education and pursue their dreams. This is why I'm running for CDA. I believe that College Democrats are truly the most effective architects of positive change. I want to help build stronger state federations, facilitate better communication among states, and ensure that CDA is there to provide resources and help along the way. As my running mates Rachel and Brexton have indicated in their candidacy declarations, our largest goal is to ensure that College Democrats state federations and chapters are well-prepared for the 2014 midterm elections. Effectively, this means promoting collaboration and communication between CDA and state federations, and among state federations in the same regions and across the nation. We plan to host virtual trainings with DNC staff that are geared toward the specific work folks are doing in their states. Further, in practice we believe that the best way to help turn the House blue in 2014 is to implement a Red-to-Blue program, specifically focusing on states and districts that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has targeted and ensuring that we have strong state federations and chapters in those areas. We have a lot of work to do to gear up for 2014, but I'm confident that together we can move this nation forward once again. I hope I can earn your support in my candidacy for CDA National Council Secretary. Thank you.

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