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SWOC Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Challenges) PREVENTION AND MITIGATION

Internal Analysis Assessment Areas (Inside the LDRRMC / LGU) Strength Organized LDRRMC Adm. Order No. 022012 Reorganizing the MDRRMC Weakness No regular meetings Limited Members Opportunities

External Analysis (Outside the LDRRMC / LGU) Challenges Availability of other LDRRMCs when needed

Other LDRRMCs for collaboration and assistance

Adm. Order No. ___creating the MDRRM Office Conduct of Disaster Management Training/Seminars

Capacity Building

No full time personnel-only designated officer and staff No follow-up training/seminar s No continuous IEC for MDRRMC and LGU employees Limited hazard maps

Other MDRRMOs for coordination and assistance BFP, PNP, OCD, Red Cross, PDRRMC to conduct training/seminars

Availability of other MDRRMOs when needed Availability of the said agencies

Presence of MGB for technical assistance

Few personnel of MGB

Human Resources Financial Resources

Some members attended GIS Mapping Some Members are trained on GIS Mapping Availability of MDRRM Fund

Not yet fully familiarized with the system Limited MDRRM Fund

Inadequate BFP Personnel Availability of LDRRM Fund from other LDRRMCs Financial allocations from other funding institutions Provision of technical and financial assistance by the partner-agencies Limited time frame of program/project implementation To train barangay fire brigade

Collaboration with funding institution

Partnership Building

Accommodation of partner-agencies like NGAs and NGOs Provision of counterpart to joint projects w/ line partner agencies



SWOC Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Challenges)

Thematic Area 2 : PREPAREDNESS

Internal Analysis Assessment Areas Individual, family and community preparedness measures: knowing what to do before, during and after a disaster. Disaster preparedness training Human Resources Financial Resources Partnership Building Management/ Leadership Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) in Preparedness Local DRRM Plan DRRM Operations Center Technological (Extl) Political/Economic/Social (Extl) Others (Inside the LDRRMC / LGU) Strength Weakness External Analysis (Outside the LDRRMC / LGU) Opportunities Challenges

SWOC Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Challenges)

Thematic Area 3 : RESPONSE

Internal Analysis Assessment Areas Functioning ICS and C3 Public Advisories in accordance with the protocols developed Human Resources Financial Resources Partnership Building Management/ Leadership Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) in Response Technological (Extl) Political/Economic/Social (Extl) Others (Inside the LDRRMC / LGU) Strength Weakness External Analysis (Outside the LDRRMC / LGU) Opportunities Challenges

SWOC Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Challenges)


Internal Analysis Assessment Areas Emergency Rehabilitation Projects Cleaning-up the debris Human Resources Financial Resources Partnership Building Management/ Leadership Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) in Prevention & Mitigation Formulation of LDRRMP DRR Policies Technological (Extl) Political/Economic/Social (Extl) Others (Inside the LDRRMC / LGU) Strength Weakness External Analysis (Outside the LDRRMC / LGU) Opportunities Challenges

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