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EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

Aria Nosratinia

Aria Nosratinia

EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

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Logistics Instructor: Web: Oce: Oce Hours:

Aria Nosratinia ECSN 4.208 Mon. -Wed. 2-3pm

Required Textbook: Yates and Goodman, Probability and Stochastic Processes, John Wiley, 2nd edition Grading: Midterm 1 (15%), Midterm 2 (25%) , Final (40%), Homeworks (10%), Class Participation (10%) Important Dates: Midterm 1 - Feb. 1 or 3 Midterm 2 - TBA Final Exam - for 10:30am class 8am Friday May 7 Final Exam - for 12:30pm class 11am Wednesday May 12

Aria Nosratinia

EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

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Studying and Succeeding in EE3341

Probability is a mathematically oriented course. To succeed in it, you need to solve problems. Having problems solved for you wont do it. The class is structured like a workshop where students solve problems with the assistance of the instructor. I encourage group work in small groups of two or three (no more). Homework problems and solved examples will nd their way, with modications, into the exams. It is very important to solve the problems yourself. This class requires several hours of studying per week. Plan for it. If you have a very heavy schedule this semester, come and talk with me.

Aria Nosratinia

EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

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Course Policies

Course material, including course notes, will be made available to you electronically. Students are responsible for maintaining their UTD email and reading announcements regarding this course. To show respect for your classmates, please be seated in the classroom at the start of the class to avoid disrupting the lecture. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Once lecture is started, please stay seated and do not bring assignments to the podium. Graded homeworks may be collected during TAs oce hours. Please turn o all mobile phones, pagers, laptops, etc during class

Aria Nosratinia

EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

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Goals and Objectives

Introduce the logic of probability theory

Denitions, axioms, and theorems The basic idea of chance Relation with counting and combinatorics Random variables and related topics How to do calculations with probabilities Tools (e.g. averages) Interesting results (e.g. law of large numbers) Applications in decision making and parameter estimation

Learn application of theory to simple practical situations

Aria Nosratinia

EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

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List of Topics

Probability basics Discrete random variables Continuous random variables Multiple random variables Sums and limit theorems Elements of statistics, decision, and parameter estimation

Aria Nosratinia

EE/TE 3341: Probability and Statistics

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Studying for This Course

Course notes are posted electronically Study course notes before class Bring notes with you to class. We solve examples together. Write your solutions in spaces provided. Review notes after class Allocate 4-7 hours per week outside class for studying Homeworks are key. Appropriately disguised, homework problems will appear in exams. Do NOT disadvantage yourself by copying homeworks. Join a study group Talk with your TA
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Aria Nosratinia

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