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Christ Versus Cosmos

Jesus Believes in Evolution, And He Hates It The driving force of evolution is survival of the fittest. The strong survive, but the weak die. For this reason, Jesus Christ hates evolution. The entire thrust of his moral teaching was wholly against survival of the fittest. Jesus healed the sick. Evolution kills them off. Jesus made the blind see. Evolution eats them alive. Most of Jesus Christ's time was spent serving the weak, the poor, the handicapped, and the social outcasts. According to Jesus, "The meek shall inherit the earth." But according to survival of the fittest, the meek shall inherit maggots and vultures. According to Jesus, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." But according to survival of the fittest, the first shall survive and the last shall be eaten. Some believe that the Christian God "created" different species by causing evolution to happen, or by guiding it somehow. This is not only improvable it is blasphemous, for it sets God up to be the promulgator of the very kind of selfish dog-eat-dog wickedness that Jesus was against. To say that God created species by means of evolution is to deny the most central essence of Jesus Christs social teaching. To a large degree, creationists oppose evolution for this very reason, because they cannot fathom a loving and caring Creator God who would create by means of survival of the fittest. But choosing not to believe in something doesnt make it go away, nor does it make it any less true. Evolution has stood the test of time and has been confirmed again and again by sound science. It is here to stay. Whether one likes it or not, survival of the fittest is the harsh reality of this dark and wicked cosmos.

Reciprocity Some reply, "But if we evolved from wicked blood-eating animals, how do you explain human love?" So goes a typical creationist argument. The evolutionist rebuttal is reciprocity. When cave-people were hunting wooly mammoths, one person could not bring down the beast alone. A whole tribe had to bring it down. To help the tribe, you had to care about the people in your tribe. So evolution weeded out the people who didn't care about the people in their tribe. That's why you feel love toward your spouse, children, parents, siblings, extended family, and to your friends, because these people are your tribe, and human love is part of the tribal instinct to help others. When all of the members of the tribe work together for the greater good, and reciprocate with each other, then the tribe survives. Then, your tribe can go find another tribe, bash their brains in, and hang their skulls from your wig-wams. In doing this, you give good gifts to your children; for when you expand

your territory at the expense of another tribe, you increase the size of your hunting grounds, which you pass along to future generations. Aren't family values wonderful? This kind of tribalism is the dark side of human love, and its wickedness is made manifest by the words of Jesus,

You, being evil, still know how to give good gifts to your children.

Tribalism still lives on today, in the form of national pride, patriotism, and racism of all types; for nations and ethnic groups are merely larger tribal structures whose social behaviors stem from selfish primal instincts. Thus, human love is not a gift of God. It's just selfish selfpreservation and survival of the fittest in disguise. It's quid pro quo. It's reciprocity. It's not true love.

True Love More difficult to explain is the type of love that cares for complete strangers and for enemies. This kind of love is the kind that Jesus wanted people to have, because it flies in the face of survival of the fittest, and thus defies the devilish demiurge who created this cosmos. As Jesus said,

If you love those who love you, what reward should you get? Don't swindlers do the same? And if you welcome only your relatives, how are you better than others? Don't sinners do that too? And if you practice reciprocity with those you expect to get something from, why commend it? Sinners give to sinners, and they reciprocate. So love your enemies, do good, give, and don't expect anything in return. Then, your reward will be great, and you shall be children of Elyon.

Can you imagine the dinosaurs practicing this kind of love? T-Rex would say to Iguanodon, "I'm really hungry, but I know I would hurt you if I ate you, so I won't." Then Iguanodon would reply, "Oh, but T-Rex, if you don't eat me, you will starve. Here, bite off a chunk of my rump roast." Needless to say, the dinosaurs did not eat dinner with such civility. But when Jesus ate dinner, it went like this:

When you host a dinner party, don't invite your friends and family and wealthy neighbors, because they might reciprocate. When you throw a party, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind; and you will be blessed, because they cannot reciprocate.

Jesus Christ's Family Values With regard to his own family, with whom a normal human being would have practiced reciprocity, Jesus had this to say,

Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? (Gesturing to his audience) Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother, my sister, and my mother.

Jesus was extraordinarily interested in showing genuine love to total strangers outside his family, many of whom had no way to pay him back. He lived in austerity. He was often homeless, and ate raw grain in the fields. Meanwhile, he gave to people who were even more poverty stricken than himself. The early Christians continued this. As James the brother of Jesus stated,

True and undefiled religion is this: to care for the widows and orphans in their time of need.

Back when cave-people roamed the earth, the mother who gathered food for her young did so at the expense of the orphan who had no mother. The mother's children survived while the orphan starved. A husband and wife team collected food more efficiently than a widow, so the husband and wife ate while the widow starved. The family that provided for its members did so at the expense of those who did not have families. Thus, if one is "focused on the family," it is not love, nor is it Christian; rather, the family is just a social tool by which one tribe can compete with other tribes for limited resources. It is from the apes. It is of the animal instinct, and in no way is born again of the Spirit. "Family values" are just a selfish and evil byproduct of survival of the fittest. It is a selfish evolution-induced desire to see your genetic soup survive and succeed in your children, at the expense of unrelated misfortunate souls who compete for the same resources. Concerning other aspects of family values, Jesus said much. Concerning his mother, Jesus said, "Woman, what have I to do with you?" Concerning his father, Jesus said nothing. Joseph is never mentioned in the oracles of Jesus. Concerning relatives who get in the way of the gospel, Jesus said,

Let the dead bury their own dead no one who sets their hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.

Your enemies will be those in your own family, and whoever loves their family more than me is not worthy of me.

From the data in the gospels, we must honestly deduce that Jesus Christ did not list strong family values among the defining characteristics of a good Christian. To him, family values were just an extension of a selfish biological inclination to assist one's own tribe, and as such, were hardly worthy of congratulations. How does this pertain to evolution? It pertains because it is the antithesis of the evolutionary principle of survival of the fittest. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten" flies in the face of the selfish system of survival of the fittest. It is a protest against the entire way we evolved. Within the framework of evolution and survival of the fittest, orphans get killed, widows get raped, and the handicapped get eaten for dinner. Jesus and his followers dreamed of a better world. They prophesied of "a new heavens and a new earth," where the old rules of natural selection and survival of the fittest will no longer apply. They dared to blaspheme the demiurge who created this cosmos. Jesus believed in evolution and he hated it!

The Challenge This, I believe, is the challenge that the Lord Christ gave to us: to work with him for the betterment of the cosmos, to fight against the wickedness of the perverted and violent gods, and to defy the governing principles of the universe. To do this, he builds an army of loyal followers, each of whom must be willing to lay down their life for the cause, each of whom must crucify the flesh because it is filled with animal instincts, and each of whom must be born again of the Spirit no longer being the spawn of Samael, but a child of Elyon no longer being the murdered offspring of Lilith's Sophia, but the living offspring of God's Sophia no longer dying by natural selection, but living by God's election no longer dwelling in the black empty space of this dark and wicked cosmos, but dwelling in the light of that Bright Morning Star whose words shall never pass away, "Surely I am coming quickly." Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

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