Transcript of Live Fan Chat With Ryan Winfield

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Fan Chat with Author Ryan Winfield

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

9:00 PM – 10:20 PM EST

LoverKaren: Hi Ryan

Ryan Winfield: Hi Karen!

Lover Michelle: Hey Ryan!!!!!

Ryan Winfield: Hidy Michelle!!

Robbie: Hello everyone!

Ryan Winfield: Hi there, Robbie!

Lover Michelle: So glad you could join us tonight. You'll see people coming and going
throughout the hour as it

Lover Michelle: is a completely open forum!

Ryan Winfield: Sweet. This takes me back to my Internet roots.

Lover Michelle: AOL at its finest, huh?

LoverKaren: Easy Peasy

Lover Michelle: For anyone joining us for the first time, please ask your questions. If your
question is missed, please ask it again.

Ryan Winfield: Definitely easier than Skype, especially since I don't even need to wear pants.

** Rosette**: Hello Ryan so glad you are here with us. We need wine

megan crisp: lmfao

Lover Michelle: Haha!

Robbie: I have wine, but no way to share!

Ryan Winfield: Hi Rosette!

** Rosette**:
Lover Michelle: Yeesh, maybe I'm sure if we announced that remark, we'd have ladies flocking
in here quicker than we could handle.

Carolyn: Hi Ryan! I have wine too!

Ryan Winfield: My experience with most book clubs is that they're really wine club with books.

** Rosette**: Robbie! Virtual wine glass baby, pass it around.


Maria: Did you say you're not wearing pants?!

Ryan Winfield: If any of you have read my first book, you'll understand why I won't be having a
glass with you.

Lover Michelle: Okay, fill us in!

Ryan Winfield: Opps, Maria. I just put them back on.

megan crisp: wow Ryan you’ve got the women crazy over no pants...lmfao

Lover Michelle: Give us some background.

Robbie: Yes I've read it...a devastating look at addition!

Maria: aww man!! Just kidding...why no wine?

Robbie: addiction

megan crisp: so south of bixby was a little insight in your past?

Ryan Winfield: My first book, South of Bixby Bridge, is about a young man struggling to find
sobriety in the exotic and rich underworld of California's wealthy. I researched it for years.

Robbie: Lots of difference between SOBB and Jane's Melody. Can you give us some insight into
where your head was?

Ryan Winfield: @Megan, yes. It started very autobiographical, but became its own story.

Maria: addiction is a terrible disease...sobriety is a struggle

megan crisp: good to know

Ryan Winfield: That's the truth, @Maria. Until it isn't and then it's wonderful. @Robbie, where
my head was when writing Jane's?
megan crisp: I was hoping to find that out

Robbie: Each book...they are so different.

Maria: I absolutely loved Jane's Melody. Such a beautiful story.

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie. You know, I wish I had more clarity on where these stories come
from, but I don't really understand it myself. I was definitely writing to understand my own past
when I penned Bixby, and maybe again some with Jane's. But really I just do the work and stick
with my writing exercises and the stories seem to arrive on their own.

LoverKaren: Hi Newcomers, this is a totally open forum, so jump in and ask Ryan a question.

Maria: Are we trying to chat spoiler free?

megan crisp: well you do a great job that’s for sure

Lover Michelle: no!

Ryan Winfield: Thanks!

Maria: Ryan, do the characters speak to you? I find that amazing

Carolyn: Had you planned on having Caleb be younger than Jane?

Robbie: I must say I loved Jane's Melody, but SOBB kept on edge so much, even though it was
well written...I just knew any minute something terrible was going to happen. No spoilers.

megan crisp: your welcome, I’m so excited to get my hands on janes and your other books,
better believe I’ll be giving you mini reviews lol

Ryan Winfield: They do. When I'm really in the zone and writing it flows pretty fast and I
sometimes don't know what I've written until I read it back.

Lover Michelle: How long did it take to write Jane's Melody?

Ryan Winfield: @Carolyn. I didn't plan it but when I was writing the cemetery scene and Jane
saw him for the first time so did I.

Maria: Wow that is so amazing to me...

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, yeah, Bixby was wild to write. I woke some mornings and had to
check myself to make sure it wasn't me who had been loaded the night before, but only Trevor.

Tassia: Hi Ryan. My first chat exciting! When can we expect your next masterpiece?
Lover Michelle: Welcome Tassia!

Robbie: I still can't believe Jane was able to send Caleb away. That scene broke my heart Ask
Michelle...I'm still grieving!

Carolyn: Trying not to spoil anything for others, but the gardening towards the end.... Had me

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle. I think the story had been in me for a long time, but it took about
two months to get it on paper.

Maria: oh Robbie, me too!!! Broke my heart!!!

Ryan Winfield: Hi Tassia. Welcome. I'm wrapping up the final book of TPS Trilogy now. Then
maybe something new in January.

Lover Michelle: Yes, Caleb on his knees sobbing...I think that's where I ate half the bag of
Hershey Kisses!

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, me too. I wasn't sure if she would go after him or not. I'm glad she
did in the end.

Robbie: I can still see it and I have to just sit down!

megan crisp: okay maybe after tonight I won’t need to read it lol just kidding

Autumnltd: I had to make sure to read it by myself so no one could see me ugly cry...

Ryan Winfield: @Carolyn, I cried a lot writing it, too. Sometimes in a public coffee shop right
onto a note pad.

Carolyn: Funny how different scenes touched us. The Mother / daughter moments got to me.

Robbie: That answers a question...we were wondering where your head was when you were
writing that scene!

Ryan Winfield: Haha. You know, Autumn, I have no idea what I look like when I cry. Might be
a fun exercise to video it.

Lover Michelle: Ryan, where did all of the in depth/analytical thinking come from, such as the
quotes in the book? Very inspirational and life changing in my opinion.

Ryan Winfield: @Carolyn, Jane sleeping on the air mattress in the empty house and
remembering is the one that got me the most.

Carolyn: Oops
Maria: I found the air mattress scene so emotional as well...

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, I think they come from some older place and my job as a writer is
just to tap into them. In short, I don't know. They just show up when I'm writing and I learn them
myself as the characters do. The lessons that is.

Ryan Winfield: @Maria, that scene was the one that I had to feel. That's the one that made me
write the book, I think.

Lover Michelle: Wow, Ryan, seriously, you have such a gift!

Carolyn: I had an amazing relationship with my Mom and my daughter is a joy. So those
moments were heartbreaking

megan crisp: okay burning question.. Any sexual scenes in Jane's Melody? As a mom of two I
have to live vicariously through my

Maria: I am so glad you did...incredible story

Tassia: Do you have a favorite? I know that's tough, like asking someone if they have a favorite

Ryan Winfield: Welcome, Carolyn. I had a terrible, or non-existent, relationship with my

mother and I think I was writing about Jane and her daughter to sort that out.

Maria: ummm the table scene?!?! Holy HOTNESS!!! Just saying

Ryan Winfield: Mega, there are a few...

megan crisp: oh do tell lol

Carolyn: Let’s just say Ryan's fiancée is a lucky girl Megan! Lol

Ryan Winfield: Haha. That's right. The table.

megan crisp: goodie

megan crisp: oh god y'all are making me want to kindle the book right

Ryan Winfield: Those scenes were my favorite to research.

Robbie: You won't be disappointed megan!

megan crisp: good

Maria: Megan, go right now and get it!!

megan crisp: I think I’m going to have to

Lover Michelle: Holy hotness, the table scene is completely highlighted in Kindle and has been

LoverKaren: @Ryan, what's it like to write in a genre where the majority of writers are female.
For a long while people thought Sylvain Reynard was a woman, but her you are writing a
powerfully romantic, deeply moving book and you are a man. Are fans surprised?

megan crisp: really? yumm

Lover Michelle: Megan, don't delay!

megan crisp: I won’t

Lover Michelle:

Carolyn: Ok, I'm leaving for the beach at 5am so off to bed I go. Ryan, there have been few
books that have touched me and made me want to share with everyone I know. Jane’s story is
one. Thank you!

Ryan Winfield: You know, Karen, it's been interesting since it's been published. I hadn't thought
about it before because I don't think about genre when writing. I just set out to tell Jane's story
and her need to open up to Caleb was a big part of her emotional journey so I wrote the love
scenes as I saw them and felt them. Now, of course, I hear from lots of readers that they were
surprised it was written by a man when they finish.

Autumnltd: Jane's Melody totally took me by surprise. I didn't expect to be so moved by it. I
normally will not read a book by a male author (and Sylvain Reynard is SO a woman!)

Tassia: OMGosh, these ladies are cracking me up with the table scene...they will never pass a
kitchen table and look at it the same.

Lover Michelle: Thank you for joining us Carolyn. Have fun at the beach!

Ryan Winfield: Thanks, Carolyn! Have fun at the beach.

Lover Michelle: Autumn haha!

Carolyn: Hope the condo has a sturdy kitchen table! ��

Lover Michelle: Tassia ~ that table scene was just....perfect. Yes, perfect.

megan crisp: I soo look forward to sex scenes in books, probably why I’ve read 50 shades 9x
and crossfire series 8x lol
Ryan Winfield: @Autumn, I'm happy that it moved you.

LoverKaren: I am not reading the chat as I am only 25 % in but the book has made my heart
hurt feeling Jane's pain. Okay I am trying not to read the chat

Tassia: I recall the table scene. It was very nice.

Ryan Winfield: Haha. Karen. I promise things will lighten a little for Jane soon.

Robbie: We haven't touched on what happened with Jane's friend Grace. I loved the
demonstration of friendship shown there.

Lover Michelle: Yes, Robbie, I loved their relationship. I loved that this book had so many
different "themes" going on.

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, Grace was my favorite. I'll try not to spoil it for Karen--who's
"trying" not to read the chat--but I had no idea what was going on with Grace until she made her
confession to Jane, and I realized that it was exactly what Jane needed to go through to learn how
to finally mourn her daughter. Grace's last lesson in a way.

Maria: I loved their friendship and Grace was an awesome friend

Ryan Winfield: We all need a little Grace in our lives.

Autumnltd: I love this book so much I actually let my Mum borrow my signed hard copy. She
read it in a night... Go Mum!

Ryan Winfield: Thanks for sharing it, Autumn.

Robbie: Yes we do Ryan...I think some of the best thoughts came from her.

megan crisp: ahhhh you have a signed copy? lucky you

Ryan Winfield: She turned out to be so wonderful. So human. I miss her if that makes any

Maria: it makes perfect sense

Lover Michelle: Are you surprised at the number of new fans you've picked up since writing
this book?

Robbie: Yes it does....I miss characters all the time. That's why I re-read books!

megan crisp: I love the fact that you can get so intuned with your characters
Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, yes. I'm surprised by how well it's been received. I never thought
about genre or market or really even the readership when I wrote it, so I'm just tickled that
people are loving it so much.

Robbie: I think this is certainly a book that can cross genre lines due to the variety of ages of the

Autumnltd: An author that can move a reader to tears with just their words - That's talent!
Congrats, Ryan...

Ryan Winfield: Megan, that's what it's all about for me. I can't write until I have the character
and sometimes I have to write endless exercises about a character before I know them enough to
write their story.

Robbie: The lines of music you wrote for you also write poetry?

Ryan Winfield: Thanks, @Autumn. I only take credit for doing the work. Everything else is a
gift from somewhere else.

Lover Michelle: Do you have synesthesia or do you know someone who does? If not, how did
you decide to incorporate this into your book?

megan crisp: that’s amazing, you’re very talented.. I’m trying to spread your name like wild
flowers, people need to read your books

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, yes, I do write poetry. Often only as an exercise to find the
character's emotional life. But I did discover Caleb and his back story through his poetry and

Robbie: Have you written music? Do you play an instrument?

megan crisp: when did you decide that writing was what you wanted to do?

megan crisp: sorry you

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, no I don't have synesthesia and I don't personally know anyone who
does. I'm fascinated by the senses, though, and how they interact with one another, maybe
because of the way language crosses into image for me, and so it was interesting to give him the
music version of what I sometimes feel toward writing.

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, I can pluck a little on the guitar, but I don't really play. Sometimes I
hum a melody to write music, other times, sadder times, I'll borrow one.

Ryan Winfield: @Megan, I've always written--Journals, poetry, letters--but I didn't decide to
write full time until I took up screenwriting about six years ago.
Robbie: Would we be familiar with some of your screenwriting work?

Lover Michelle: Have you published any of your poetry?

megan crisp: do you think you will ever gather so many fans you will no longer be able to
connect with them your self

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, no, I doubt it. I trained to do it and was just making some headway in
the industry when I discovered that I could write long form fiction and skip directly to a
completed story. South of Bixby Bridge was actually first written as a screenplay that I couldn't
sell so I tossed it out and began again as a novel. The book ended up being much better.

Robbie: Why no quotation marks for the dialogue?

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, no. I don't consider myself a good enough poet to charge for it. I
did add one of my favorites to the back of South of Bixby Bridge, just because it was Trevor's

Tassia: Awe! I miss Trevor. I think of him often.

Salboogie: Did I miss it!?

Ryan Winfield: @Megan. I don't know. I can tell you that I set aside a lot of time to interact
when a new story comes out--like all this last few weeks--and I love it, but in the end, I'm much
more writer and much less author.

Lover Michelle: No Salboogie, you are good!

Salboogie: First one of these I actually made it to!

Salboogie: Hi Michelle and hi Mr. Winfield

Lover Michelle: What are the chances that we could see Jane's Melody on the big screen? It
would be perfect!!!!

megan crisp: I can imagine it has to be very hard on you, trying to work and talk to your fans..
Just know it’s appreciated

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, I think because I wrote it all as a stream of consciousness directly
from Trevor's mind and so in the writing Trevor would say he said or she said and then when I
typed it up from the note pads it seemed strange to add them in. It was almost like taking
dictation and the entire 90,000 words could be in quotes as Trevor's voice.

Ryan Winfield: Hi Boogie!

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, of course I'd love to see it there. I think it would need to hit the
NYT first, so tell all your friends to go download a copy.

Salboogie: Hello! Yes, it is greatly appreciated that you reach out to your fans. I'm a huge fan of
novels that deal with an older woman dating a younger man. For reason it's seen as taboo when it
shouldn’t be.

Lover Michelle: I think that sounds like a great task for everyone!

Ryan Winfield: Thanks, Megan. I do really enjoy it. I'll never get over how fortunate I am that
so many people are spending time with my characters. It somehow feels like they're kept alive
that way.

Salboogie: Some* reason

Robbie: It would be a wonderful movie...we'd have to carry our Kleenex boxes!

Maria: I would love to see this on the big screen!!!

Ryan Winfield: @Boogie, no, it shouldn't be. I've always gravitated to women slightly older
than me and I think that may have played a part in me making Caleb so young.

Robbie: Do you have a schedule for writing or is it when the spirit or muse moves you?

megan crisp: I’ve been trying to tell people I have my mom waiting to listen to my audio
SOBB.. I can’t turn loose of it yet, i have a few more times to listen to it, I can’t help but to love
the emotions I hear while you’re reading it.

Ryan Winfield: I'd never be able to cast it because the characters are so real to me. However, I
am friends with Josie Bissett, who played Jane in Melrose Place and I think she'd be a great Jane
in the movie!

Lover Michelle: Yes, and she is just beautiful!

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, I make sure to write some every day. Even if it's only sketching ideas
or writing a poem. When I'm wrapped up writing a story I can't seem to do much else but write
and will sometimes neglect everything else and write around the clock.

Lover Michelle: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in
Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction >
Romance > Contemporary #1 in Books > Romance > Contemporary #2 in Books > Literature &
Fiction > Women's Fiction > Contemporary Women

Salboogie: I've read some books where references to the age difference are more than 50% of the
story. That wasn’t the case with Jane's Melody so it was easy for me to love it.
Lover Michelle: ^^^ Did y'all see this? This is huge and exciting!!!!

Ryan Winfield: It was interesting reading for that, Megan. I hadn't read Trevor's story almost
since writing it and to become him again when I read for the audio book was very surreal.

** Rosette**: how were you able to get inside Jane's head so well and write the way a woman
would think?

Robbie: Very exciting! I'm always happy to have an author I love achieve success!

megan crisp: I could tell

megan crisp: @robbie so very true

Ryan Winfield: That's great, Boogie. I was glad that it didn't turn into a bunch of drama with
Jane and her friends and neighbors. I think everyone was just happy to finally see her have some

Ryan Winfield: What is, Michelle?

Robbie: I'm fond of saying the older I get the more I appreciate younger men!

Salboogie: That's awesome Michelle! Congrats to Mr. Winfield! I can't imagine how great it
must feel to have your work accepted like this and enjoyed by so many..

Autumnltd: Have you been approached by publishers or do you plan on staying self-published?

Maria: I agree Robbie!

Lover Michelle: JM is currently #5 overall and number 1 in contemporary romance, romance,

and number 2 in contemporary woman! NYT Best Seller on the way!

Ryan Winfield: @Rosette, I don't think we're all that much different. At least not if the man is
mature and reflective. You know I've spent a great part of my life, and certainly all of my writing
career, wondering what it might be like to be other people, and wondering about being the
opposite sex has always been natural. I think I fell for Jane and Caleb at the same time in some
strange way. Oh, the life of a writer!

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, I like that.

Salboogie: LOL Robbie. I've shopped at that store and liked what I took home very much.

Lover Michelle: Robbie!!!! As long as they are legal, right?

Ryan Winfield: @Boogie, it does feel great. Mostly because finishing a book is like you now
have these new best friends and you want everyone else to know and love them, too.
Robbie: Yes....I think Caleb is just about right!

Ryan Winfield: @Autumn, yes, a few. I'm not set on anything, but am always trying to think
about what will help me reach the most readers the most effectively. I'd be happy to partner with
the right publisher if the timing were right.

Salboogie: I've been trying to finish one for almost a year now (Michelle knows what I'm talking
about but work and real life have made it difficult. I can't wait to know how it great it feels to
finish it.

megan crisp: I fell for Trevor... I so badly wanted to jump into the story and help hi, let him
know that everything is going to be

Robbie: I love reading a book when I recognize immediately that the author loves his or her
characters. It is always quite obvious.

Salboogie: how long did it take you to finish your first novel?

Ryan Winfield: @Boogie, best feeling ever. You must finish.

Ryan Winfield: @Megan, he's one of those guys you can't help but love even when you want to
smack some sense into him.

Lover Michelle: Is there sex in your previous books? (Sorry, I had to ask. Just my nature!)

Ryan Winfield: Me too, Robbie.

Salboogie: I'm all over the place. I know exactly what I want to write but can't get it all down
and brought together. My family is very supportive so I know once my mind is back to where it
needs to be, I will get it done.

megan crisp: exactly, I was so mad when she (you know who) turned her back on him.. Broke
my heart

Salboogie: lol Michelle

Ryan Winfield: @Boogie, my first novel was first a screenplay I couldn't sell. I tossed the
screenplay out and started fresh again writing with pen on paper. It took about three months to
have a completed draft.

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, Bixby has some wild sex club scenes and there are a few other sex
scenes, too, but much less a focus of the writing than in Jane's Melody. Mostly because there
were other things going on with Trevor that the reader understands near the end.

John Weaver: Do you think you will ever regret throwing out the screenplay?
megan crisp: yes but those sex scenes were so HOOOOOOT!!!!!!! lol

Maria: I'm going to have to read Bixby next!

Lover Michelle: I still think I need to read those! Thanks Megan ~ that's what I liked to hear! :")

megan crisp: your welcome, every girl needs some sex right? lol

Ryan Winfield: @John, I'm sure it's buried on a hard drive somewhere. Tossing the printed one
in the trash was largely symbolic. I did, however, pretend it was gone and write the story without
referencing it. Nice to see you on here, buddy.

Salboogie: That is really great Ryan. I will get there. With every new book I see released it
shows me that I can do it. Now back to Jane! It seemed like her mother was never going to happy
with Jane until she was happy with herself. Is that what happened to make her mother have a
change of heart towards her?

John Weaver: LOL, sorry I almost missed it!

Ryan Winfield: @Megan, I'm glad you think so.

megan crisp: oh yes

Salboogie: Putting Bixby on the TBR list tonight

John Weaver: So when and where is your next signing?

Ryan Winfield: @Boogie, the mother sure was something, wasn't she? You know, I think I'm
really working out my own family issues through characters, so I needed to get to know Jane's
mother. I think they just never really understood one another and even when they made a kind of
peace in the end it was clear that they wouldn't be staying in touch. I'd love to write more about
the mom. Maybe in some other story somewhere.

megan crisp: yes when you find out about your next signing you have to make sure they include
Ohio lol

Lover Michelle: Ryan is going to stick around and keep answering your questions as long as
you're asking!

Ryan Winfield: John, we have a big event here in Seattle on September 7. Lots of names I
recognize from Book Bash on the list. After that, I'm head down and back to writing.

Robbie: I felt some positive vibes between Jane and her mom when she took the rose bush to
Ryan Winfield: Of course, I'm looking forward to New Orleans in May. I hope you can make it,

John Weaver: I wish we could come up there for it but release date is fast approaching

John Weaver: I am planning on it. My 40th is just a couple weeks after so seems like I need the

Ryan Winfield: @Robbie, I did too. It was definitely a healing between them. A letting go. And
the rose symbolized that for sure.

Ryan Winfield: Sometimes losing the resentment frees you enough to move on. I think it's
possible to forgive a person and still not have them in your life.

Robbie: Exactly!

John Weaver: Is your next book anything to do with previous books?

Ryan Winfield: @John, most definitely. And congrats to Paige on the upcoming release.

Salboogie: I would love to read about her. I want to understand what made her that way. I think
her mom was relieved that she was moving on so she wouldn’t HAVE to keep in touch. On the
other hand, I loved Grace.

John Weaver: Thanks! She is most definitely stressed!

Maria: Absolutely, Ryan!! I think forgiving is just as much for you as the other person...if not

Salboogie: Grace was great. Every book needs a best friend and Grace was awesome.

Ryan Winfield: @John, I'm wrapping up the final book in my YA science fiction trilogy now. It
comes out in mid-October. After that, I'll have to see which of my ongoing projects writes itself.
Whatever it is, it will be a stand-alone work.

John Weaver: You think you will revisit dystopian genre soon?

Ryan Winfield: Boogie, Grace was the mother Jane should have had. But I guess we all get
what we really need in the end, and so Jane did with Grace.

John Weaver: yeah the multi book series are tough. I think you have to write the whole story
first then split.

John Weaver: that is my advice to Paige next time

Salboogie: Yes. Grace balanced out Jane's life.

Ryan Winfield: @Maria, I like to think that's it's none of my business what anyone thinks of me,
but it's all my business what I think of them. It's wonderfully powerful to love someone even
when they seem to hate you.

Lover Michelle: Ryan, there again you write something so profound in just a response. Where
does that come from? It's amazing.

Ryan Winfield: @John, I don't know. It's a strange and unplanned thing the way these stories
arrive. A knock on the door some stormy night and there they are all bundled up like and
abandoned baby wanting to be nursed. I'll see what shows up.

Maria: that's a great way to look at life!!

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, I have no idea. Now if I could only remember it.

Salboogie: Write it down Ryan!

John Weaver: I may never understand it but I think the world is much better for storytellers like
yourself. As an engineer, reading the worlds you create help us to be more creative in our
science. We feed off each other.

Lover Michelle: Haha, we'll have a transcript of this chat, so it will be documented.

Ryan Winfield: I should have thought of that, Boogie.

Salboogie: lol

Lover Michelle: Ryan, do you use Beta readers?

Ryan Winfield: @John, yes, but without minds like yours the airplanes fall out of the sky. I
sometimes wish I had the skills to do real work in the real world. But if you can entertain well
enough to be excised from chopping wood I guess it's good work.

John Weaver: Well congrats again on all your success. I hope to find some time to read the Park
Service books soon. Talk to you later!

Ryan Winfield: @Michelle, you know, I don't. Only because to use a beta reader suggests that I
would be willing to change the story based on how the story was received. I couldn't do it. I'd
rather be proud of the work knowing that I told my truth and have the book flop.

Lover Michelle: Thanks for joining us John!

Ryan Winfield: Thanks, John. We'll talk soon.

Lover Michelle: Really? That's an interesting perspective.

Lover Michelle: Does anyone else have any further questions for Ryan?

megan crisp: nothing interesting lol

Ryan Winfield: To me it's an art. Have you heard the story about Michelangelo and his David?

Salboogie: lol I have to go as well. Just want Mr. Winfield to know that I truly appreciate that he
is approachable and DEFINITELY appreciate the younger man older woman story line. I will
never get tired of saying thank you for that!

Lover Michelle: No, I can't say that I have heard it. Your homework tonight, if you choose to
accept the assignment, is to go out and tell all of your friends about Ryan's Melody. It's only .99
cents so you can gift a copy or two.

Salboogie: You're a great writer. I felt everything Jane felt and want my own Caleb.

Ryan Winfield: Thanks, Boogie!

Lover Michelle: But please, Ryan, share the story.

Robbie: Thank you for joining us Ryan.....keep writing for us1

Emarel: Hi Ryan

Ryan Winfield: That means the world to me, Boogie. It really does.

Ryan Winfield: You bet, Robbie.

Ryan Winfield: Okay, Michelle, I'll end with the story....

Salboogie: have a great evening everyone and thank you again Mr. Winfield. Nite all.

Lover Michelle: Night Sally!

megan crisp: good night everyone and Ryan.. Thanks for stopping what you’re doing to chat
with your fans


Ryan Winfield: When Michelangelo had finished the David, after years of carving in absolute
secrecy, the man who was paying him to carve it stood breathless at its feet with everyone else in
Florence at the time. Of course, he scratched his chin and said that it was perfect except that the
nose was a little too large for the head. So Michelangelo scooped up a little marble dust and
climbed the scaffolding to the nose and pretended to shorten it by dropping the dust he had
carried up and hammering at the scaffolding instead of the stone. Of course, when he came back
down all agreed that it was finally perfect. And so it is.
Ryan Winfield: Good night everyone!

Lover Michelle: Awesome. Love it! Thank you Ryan for joining us! I'm so glad to have met you
and "pimp" out your book!

Maria: good night and thank you for chatting and writing such a beautiful story! Looking
forward to reading more from you

Lover Michelle: Thank you all for joining us, and please share Ryan's book with your friends!

Maria: thanks Michelle and LLL for another great chat!!! Sweet dreams!

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