Case Study and Analysis

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TITLE OF THE CASE Andys Recipe POINT OF VIEW Andy Garafallo TIME FRAME Present AREAS OF CONSIDERATION A. Company Background Andy Garfallo an Italian restaurant owner and manager, whose restaurant is celebrating 25th anniversary and continuously offering his recipe for success since founded. Andy is a type of manager who is not only a boss but a manager and a teacher as well. But just like any other business Andy is also confronted with problems particularly his three managers. Kelly, manager in the kitchen, Danielle, who works out front in the restaurant and Patrick who works both front and kitchen, and had been in the restaurant since 4 yrs. These three managers have their own strengths to be proud of but also they have weaknesses that Andy would like to change. He wants his employees to be A players in all aspects of their work especially if they are no longer working with him. Andy provides coaching and mentoring for them to improve more on their chosen endeavors.


B. SWOT ANALYSIS STENGTHS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. People flock on the restaurants because of good foods offering Support system approach in his leadership with his employee Teacher and mentor approach to his employee for the improvement Dedicated to work (works 12 hrs. a day) Andys Italian restaurant nets 30% profit yr. in and out He has a signature food offering (specialty foods) The zeal of commitment and being what you should be in business

WEAKNESS 1. Personality of his three managers 2. Not trying different foods to get people come 3. He spent little times spending in numbers and less interest on profit margin OPPORTUNITIES 1. People notion on the food offering of Andys Restaurant THREAT 1. Competition, other restaurants


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM How to impart the necessary skills needed for success in business?


OBJECTIVES 1. To be an A player when they live the company 2. To become best managers as they can be 3. To teach skills necessary to become a successful manager


ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 1. Coaching and Mentoring to Help them Improve 2. Sending them on training, workshop and seminars 3. Sending them to school for short courses to learn more skills

VIII. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION a. Coaching and Mentoring to help them improve Advantages 1. Too personal in approach and closely monitored and supervised 2. Solicit an immediate result and output are faster to measure 3. Direct and specific transfer of learning

4. Cheaper cost

Disadvantages 1. Stubborn on the part of the trainees because of too much familiarity of the mentor. 2. Too subjective in approach b. Sending them on training, workshops and seminar Advantages 1. A holistic approach in various skills are learned 2. Update technology and new trends are learned Disadvantages 1. High cost 2. Hamper operation 3. Too wide in scope (too general) c. Sending them to school for short courses to learn more skills Advantages 1. More skills are acquired 2. Upgrade educational attainment Disadvantages 1. Exorbitant cost 2. It incur more time and business operation will be affected 3. Not focused on what are the only skills needed IX. RECOMMENDATION I choose ACA # 1 after the assessment and evaluation it gave more benefits than cost.


PLAN OF ACTION Steps 1 2 Month 3 4 5 6

Introductory Step Develop a Gantt chart Plan the Study Identify real and potential aim Gathering information about problem Write out real and potential problem Design the survey Prepare a reminder message for the trainees Create a mentoring and coaching tool Start mentoring and coaching to staff x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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