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Hydar Ally, the Pope and Being Gay is Not a Crime!

Hydar Ally, the Pope and Who am I to Judge? Dear Editor, I refer to the letter by Hydar Ally (SN 7/31/13) captioned Being gay is not a crime and would appreciate the opportunity to respond. Stabroek News caption is immediately seen to be unfortunate and irresponsible, representing one of the few times when the Editor actually uses words from contributors letters as caption (and in every such case when it visibly connotes or helps to promote a progay argument). By this time tomorrow, there will be a letter to the press advising that the "Hydar Ally" who composed the letter to Stabroek News was not the Hydar Ally we all know ... if only because of his loose usage and application of the actual words the Pope used. We all await the official transcript/explanation from the Vatican! Initially, however, the Pope's actual words were "... If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge? " ..." in response to questions about the existence or non-existence of a "gay lobby" in the Vatican. Clearly the Pope was trying to make a careful distinction about handling political issues within the Vatican. He clearly states that "... The problem is lobbying by this orientation ..." since, obviously, such lobbying and activism inevitably EXCLUDES God and the Bible, tolerates no opposition, and invariably is bereft of 'good will'. We learnt this in Melanie Phillips How Britain is Turning Christianity into a Crime ( ) and the incredible American tragedy being debated at this hour in San Antonio, Texas, USA as outlined in San Antonio Proposal Could Bar Christians City Council ( ). So do these comments mean that the Pope endorses homosexuality and transsexualism? Definitely not! These are the ONLY two psycho-sexual disorders so defined that set up as their non-negotiable goal the destruction of fundamental creation-structures in Christianity manhood, womanhood, marriage, sex, family, fact, truth, detail, evidence, logic and evidence! How significant is this? Does this mean that his comment will now be used and abused by the "gay rights" lobby? Absolutely! We addressed the possibilities in the online article " Alissa Trotz's Abuse ... and the Self Abuse ... of Desmond Tutu on gay rights " ( ). The Pope, like many other Catholics, would be aware of the extremely destructive (personal and societal) forces at play in same-sex-attraction-disorders, and will of course clarify this later with due regard to the Bible, and the problems many catholic priests have faced in the past with regard to molestation. We may suggest

at that time that he gives dutiful recognition to what Dr. Jeffrey Satinover says in his book "Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth" ... that homosexuality is yet another aspect of our broken and sinful natures as fallen creatures. Does this mean that sin must abound even more as grace and forgiveness does? Clearly not, since Dr. Satinover has pointed to the fact in Table 7 of his book that no less that 15 secular outcome-studies exist to show that there are medical/psychological/psychiatric ways of dealing with this psycho-sexual disorder with success rates as high as 82%. It is in this context of deliberately confronting and addressing one's faults, and changing our behaviours in repentance, we believe, that the Pope's advocacy in that same interview that "... gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten...." ought to be understood. It would be impossible to construe another meaning that the victims of the molestation cases would understand. And if Hydar Ally hasnt got it as yet, there is always the law review " Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement " ( ), the online article "Why Isn't Homosexuality Considered a Disorder On the Basis of Its Medical Consequences?" ( ) and the Centers for Disease Control's report Fastfacts on HIV/AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men 2010" ( ). These few references prove that there are good personal, societal and public-policy reasons why homosexuality has been condemned historically, and why its infrequent and misguided adoption has led to the collapse of pinnacle nations. A nave recklessness by its current Democrat/liberal leaders, grievous judicial and media complicity, and the inevitable inane parroting by support/followers such as Hydar Ally, now sees America lurching to a future that is uncertain. Hydar, and Christians generally, would be wise to read Greg Lauries commentary Why Bible Prophecy Makes No Mention of America ( ). The answer to Guyanas, and Americas, dilemma would be found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. The Pope will not disagree! Yours faithfully Roger Williams 7/31/13

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