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Facts About Us

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of
the foreskin from the penis. The foreskin di-
rectly enhances male sexual pleasure via
highly specialized nerve endings including
the frenulum and the ridged band.

Intact Penis Foreskin

(hidden) is a non-profit organization
based in San Diego, California, seeking to
Ridged band pass a law that will end the practice of
male genital mutilation (circumcision) in the A Bill to End Male
United States of America.
The male foreskin also protects the sensitivity Genital Mutilation
of the glans (the “head” of the penis), and
provides a gliding mechanism during inter-
Currently, U.S. federal law protects girls un-
der the age of 18 from all forms of medically
in the U.S.
course that reduces friction and locks in unnecessary genital cutting. Boys are not
moisture, acting as a natural lubricant to included in that legislation, however, and as
make sex more pleasurable for both the a result nearly 60% of American boys are
male and his partner. forcefully circumcised for cultural or religious
reasons. This is true despite the well docu-
When the foreskin is removed, the glans is mented lifelong damage that male circum-
exposed and it begins to undergo a pro- cision causes each of its victims. “We call on members of
gressive process of keratinization (buildup of
callus), which greatly diminishes sexual feel- Male genital mutilation is a practice that we
Congress to pass the MGM
ing. The gliding mechanism is also lost. need to end now. To get involved, visit the Bill into law without delay
Take Action page at
Circumcision Damage so that boys may enjoy the
Sexual nerves are Exposed glans same protection from
amputated keratinizes circumcision as girls.”
San Diego, California
Scar Email:

Copyright © 2003 - 2006 All Rights Reserved.

What people are saying about the MGM Bill proposal...
Victims Parents Legislators

“I was mutilated as an infant and because “Had I known the full extent of the proce- “I want to see genital mutilation and other
of that I want you to know that I am behind dure I never would have had it done. The forms of mutilation outlawed to the fullest
your bill to end the gender discrimination in first thing I said to my mother after we left the extent possible and will gladly show every
the current genital mutilation law that is doctor's office (in tears) is that I can't believe consideration to the Genital Mutilation Act
now on the books.” it's legal to have this done to a child.” of 2005 and other legislation that deals with
this topic.”
John Soemer Sandra Aldrich
Flanders, New Jersey Anchorage, Alaska Rep. Virgil Goode (R)
Virginia, 5th District

“I have suffered all of my 61 years because “I will never, as long as I live, forget the horror
of a botched infant circumcision. The physi- of pulling that diaper back and seeing what “Your level of commitment to changing cur-
cal and emotional pain have nearly ruined had been done to my innocent baby. rent policy is admirable; you have obviously
my life, yet there's been very little that any Twenty-nine years later I still am sickened at given this issue a great deal of thought. I
urologist has been able to do for me. the thought that, as a grandmother, I could believe the most important work occurs at
not convince my son not to have his son cut the grassroots level and your efforts are
Genital integrity is everybody's birthright. last year.” helping to reshape existing attitudes to-
Stop infant circumcision.” wards circumcision.”
Debra Rowlands
Denny Norton Sparta, Tennessee Rep. Susan A. Davis (D)
Portland, Oregon California, 53rd District

To read the full text of the MGM Bill, please visit

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