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El man - Gods Man

Action However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them The Dhammapada Anger who lives with anger, keep at arms length and ever shun Ramadas how hard it is to meditate if anger remains Dulandas Ask Ask and it shall be given you seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that asketh, receiveth, and he that seeketh, findeth; and to everyone that knocketh it shall be opened Matthew 7:7,8 Attachment The more we possess, the more we are possessed be dispossessed of all except Faith, Love and yearning for release through Holy Understanding. Mirdad

BELOVED Beloved this body is your living temple you meet me in your holy temple you are with me in joy sorrow pain eternally Beloved you glorify my soul in the earth my soul glorifies you in the earth Beloved when loved ones are taken remind me that all souls are immortal Beloved be my pattern loving, kind, gentle, caring so will this soul be to others Beloved embrace me bring me peace let your ways be my ways let joy-contentment be ever in my word-song let hopefulness-helpfulness ever be my guide thy will Beloved, not mine be done in-through me Beloved you are Love you heal the wounded bind the broken hearted make for understanding where differences arise only self may separate me from your Love Beloved Beloved

for an injury done me it is as being done unto you thus my surrender to your balancing of the scales Beloved give me the ability to laugh in sorrow and joy it is my only free will Beloved you say forgiveness cuts the karmic cord taking away the cause and effect Beloved fear is the first consciousness of lack of faith remind me that my inheritance is beyond all fears Beloveds will be done in my body let me bear health challenges, physical-mental to help me understanding the purposes for incarnation you are my life for in you Beloved this soul lives moves has being Beloved help me brighten some souls day by speaking with a smile, and eyes that care r Beloved remind me to live in the now to live each day as if is the first-last Beloved Radhasoami Love El man

Body This body is like a dream When the body itself is unreal then all things of this world are unreal"

Day Its good to leave each day behind, like flowing water , free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told . Today new seeds are growing . Death death draws near Swami Ji I said "I just want to know you and then disappear" She said "knowing me does not mean dying Rumi Duty Our principal duty is to seek release from this torture house of illusion. Baba Jaimal Singh Expectation I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine Yukteswar Eyes A lover conceals his Beloved in his eyes. He does not see any other person, nor does he permit the Beloved to see anyone else. He says: "O my Beloved come into my eyes. As soon as you come I shall immediately close them so that I may not see any other person and that you also may not see anyone else.." Kabir Freedom the love doves have flown to freedom the cage lies empty

their happy songs bring to me the scent of heaven please keep singing El man Friend
The one who cuts off your head is your friend the one who puts it back is a deceiver the one who weighs you with his troubles is your burden but the one who truly loves you will set you free Rumi

God God Keep walking, though theres no place to get to. the kingdom of God is within you, he cannot be seen-heard with physical eyes-ears Is the Spirit of Holy Understanding.- Mirdad Universal Consciousness - the Supreme Being - The Trinity - Primal Consciousness - The Word - Spirit of Understanding neither angels, animals or denizens of the astral can realise God Maharaji Charan Singh the gods yearn for a human incarnation for the Lord is realised in this body alone Kabir

Seek and bye shall find, knock and it will be opened to you Christ Jesus "wheresoever you look is the face of God" Rumi Heart human perfection resides in this, that the love of God should conquer a man's heart and possess it wholly, and even if it does not possess it wholly it should predominate in the heart over the love of all things". alGhazali 8 centuries ago the heart is like a candle longing to be lit torn from the Beloved it yearns to be whole again but you have to bear the pain, you cannot learn about Love Love appears on the wings of grace i want a kiss from you said my heart "yes but the price is your life" my heart leaped with joy and said who cares about the price Rumi Home Its late and its raining my friends lets go home. Lets leave these ruins we've haunted like owls. Even though these beautiful images beckon lets go home . And all the reasons offered by the sensible dull and sorrowful cant darken our heart now nor can all this phantom love play this imaginary paradise , hold us back Some see the grain but not the harvest dont ask too many hows or whys. let beasts graze Come home to the real celebration and music.

The Friend has built a house for the naked and the pure." Rumi Illusion All worldly activity is false. So perform your worldly duties knowing them as such Judgement I condemn thee not, go and sin no more Christ Jesus Karma A sword maker and repairer when given an old sword covered with rust, first rubs it hard with a pumice stone to remove the ugly stains, then holds it against a grind stone to scrap away the rust and sharpen the edge and finally polishes it to brilliance with emery to produce once again a potent weapon. Paltu Sahib it is appropriate that souls understand-respond to others circumstances with compassion we are all doing Gods work our only choice is to laugh or cry the conflicts of human life are directly proportional to the distance at which our energy-personality exists separately from the soul when a personality is in full balance one cannot see where it ends and the soul begins this is a whole soul-man-soul-woman a Hu man Be ing every action, thought and feeling is motivated by an intention that intention is a cause that exists as one with an effect

souls partake of the fruit of every intention for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction the law of karma is an impersonal energy dynamic the universe does not judge the law of karma balances energy within morality and relationships it serves as an impersonal teacher of responsibility in order to become whole the soul must balance its energy it must experience the effects it has caused in its interaction with other souls a soul engaged in violence is hurting deeply a balanced soul is incapable of harming another when we judge we create negative karma non judgemental justice is a perception that allows soul to see everything in life but does not engage souls negative emotions El man Life Know you are immortal spiritual beings having a transitory human experience-Babaji Gurunda Singh A hostage to the endless antics of Good - Evil.- Mirdad Duality is neither Good nor Evil.- Mirdad A body ark sailing the sea of duality in search of Gods safe haven. El man O God, pray save me from this whirlpool of life Rubai 137 The bubble of our life lasts only a breath Sarmad 51

The lover and Beloved, the rose and thorn are one. Sarmad 54 O rebellious bubble you seek separation from the ocean of Love, imprisoned and drifting for a moment, until you burst and merge again in Love El man God himself forces his creatures into destined paths of karmas Over which they have no control and which cannot be effaced Whatever is destined to take place must take place We have to meet certain people .We have to part from others This meeting and parting is also in conformity with the law of karma It is on this basis that function in and of this world are performed. El man The sky was lit by the splendor of the moon so powerful, I fell to the ground, your love has made me sure I am ready to forsake this worldly life, and surrender to the magnificence of your being. El man In love , nothing is eternal but drinking your wine, there is no reason for bringing my life to you, other than losing it Adi Granth Do not take lifes experiences too seriously,above all, do not let them hurt you, for in reality they are nothing but dream experiences. If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them part of yourself play your part in life, but never forget that it is only a role. Yogananda The human being is a guest house, every morning a new arrival A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture.


Still, treat each guest honorably.He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each guest has been sent as a guide from beyond Rumi

From the day when I came to love the life, From the day when my heart came to love the truth, I no longer have trust in anything in the world. In father, and mother I have no trust in the world. In brothers and sisters I have no trust in the world. In what is made and created I have no trust in the world In the whole world and its work I have no trust in the world. after my soul alone I go searching about, which to me is worth generations and worlds. I went and found my soul-what are all the worlds to me ? Ginza the holy book of the Mandeans of Iraq Lovers Oh Lovers its time to abandon the world The drum of departure reaches my spiritual ear from Heaven Behold the Driver has risen and made ready the file of camels and begged us to acquit him of blame


Why O Travellers are you asleep?. These sounds before and behind are the din of departure and of the camel bells: with each moment a soul and a spirit is setting off into the Void. From these stars like inverted candles, from these blue awnings of the sky there has come forth a wondrous people that the mysteries may be revealed O Soul, seek the Beloved, O Friend, seek the Friend O Watchman be wakeful: it behoves not a watchman to sleep On every side is clamour and tumult , in every street are torches and candles. For tonight the teeming world gives birth to the world everlasting Thou were dust and art a spirit, thou wert ignorant and art wise Rumi Everything we do in life, is it not a game ? Gururaj Ananda We are not here just to survive and live long we are here to live and know life in its multi-dimensions, to know life in its richness, in all its variety and when we live multi-dimensionally, we explore all possibilities available, Life goes, rushes to it, welcomes it, rises to the occasion, then life becomes a flame, life blooms Rajneesh Love Love is a mirror with love you dont bargain, the choice is not yours. Love is a mirror, it reflects only your essence, if you have the courage to look in its face. Intoxicated with the Spirit of Love soar on the wings of the snow white Dove El man There is no greater love than love with no object. Rumi


From all that was familiar, I broke away now I am lost without a place, wandering With no music, like a fool I dance and clap my hands. how am I to live without You? You are everywhere but I can't find You Rumi Meditation Put your heart and soul in meditation No practice equals true longing Nam alone is true, hold fast to it, When Nam is attained, everything is attained Baba Ji Gurunda Singh O kindred Dove zoom beyond the stars merge with the Ocean of Love O kindred dew drop evaporate into the sun merge with the ocean of Love O kindred Spark sparkle beyond the sun merge with the ineffable flame El man Lust if you desire to maintain yourself at a higher level of awareness you must abjure lust, for it blinds the inner eye, screens from sight the refulgence of heaven and plugs our ears against the inner music Maluna Rum Master with friends you grow wings


alone you are a single feather in disgrace with them you master the wind but alone you're blown in all directions El man

Since I began contemplating on the feet of the Master, All other knowledge and meditation have been given up The feet of the Master are like the honey-producing lotus The desires of the mind have been stilled, And I have reached the original Home Love, we have His love and we have ours. Oh God beautiful, Oh God beautiful! In the forest Thou art green, In the mountain Thou art high, In the river Thou art restless, In the ocean Thou art grave, To the serviceful Thou art service, To the lover Thou art Love, To the sorrowful Thou art sympathy, To the yogi Thou art bliss, O God beautiful, O God beautiful At Thy feet, O I do bow! Song by Guru Nanak


none will realize the Lord without the help of a guide, one who has been there Babaji Gurunda Singh for every science one needs a Teacherthe Science of the Soul is the most difficult so one needs the best Teacher Bubaji Consider the one who is alive, while you are alive, lest you die and then seek to behold that one and you will not be able to behold. Christ Jesus " The sea (human body) is overflowing with jewels, rubies and all objects of desires to have in the world; But, who clings to the Guru's Word Yea, they alone come by these!" Bhai Gurdas Kavit "From the time when the lotus feet begin to dwell in the heart The wandering mind does not go out any more The lotus feet produce freedom-giving nectar And one gains the immortal region and merges in it. Meditation devotional play joyfulness timelessness freedom be ing not do ing be ing a no body El man As our Soul hears the sound of the Bell and Conch it begins to drop off impurities, and the lotus that lays inverted turns right side up travelling rapidly flashes of light from the thousand petals lotusthis is the last stage for nearly all the religions but is only our first stage this regions ruler is the Lord of the three worlds the Prison Warder. Great Master


Mind O cruel mind you are a perfect devil Sarmad We are the mirror as well as the face in it . Opportunity How much longer will you go on letting your energy sleephow much longer are you going to stay oblivious of the immensity of yourself? dont lose time in conflict; lose no time in doubt- time can never be recovered and if you miss an opportunity it may take many lives before another comes your way again Rajneesh PainPain-Pleasure forsake this domain of pleasure and painrise to the skies and Sat Nam attain transient and short lived Relationships "I and you, mine and thine play Mayas role, and it is this ego that hath enfeebled the soul St Tulsidas Remember we souls are tiny bubbles of consciousness adrift on the turbulent ocean of the world like fish in the sea unaware that we exist in an ocean of air-ether one moment we are on the crest of a wave the next we are in the trough sun shines


then it is hidden by clouds in continual motion we will perish unless we still the mind in devotion to Beloved the rescuer from the terrible ocean of the world Remember we as soul are immortal loving without restriction accepting without judgement Remember prior to incarnation you aspired to attain the heights in this lifetime your sacred commitment awaits patiently Remember the optimal path of we souls is the vertical path of Awareness Remember rather than serve the fake gods of the mind serve soul the essence of Beloved the real God Remember form is the illusion death is the shift into life


sincerely seek death take pleasure in life live in regret Remember fear is of the personality it is of powerlessness love is of the soul non judgemental beauty compassion forgiveness humbleness perfection wisdom give love accept love Remember do not forsake Joy and worship sorrow sorrow is this earthly existence Joy is pure clear shabd causing souls to bloom Remember empowerment is alignment of the personality with soul personality exists in time soul exists out of time personality-body are artificial aspects which are released at the end of incarnation all of our incarnations are simultaneous


when viewed out of Kaltime personality is a product of vibrational aspects name planetary relationships at birth and energy environment Remember Forgiveness manifests the law of Grace El man Slander when God wills to dishonour a man, he tempts him to slander the virtuous Maulana Rum Society Banish your misery and leave all things of substance, for society is naught but clamour and woe, and strife Kahlil Gibran Alas, we are all lonely in this world, even in the midst of friends and the pomp and show of the world only we do not realise it. When we meet with failures and disappointments, then we realise our loneliness ... Maharaj Charan Singh I have seen all - the good and the bad and discovered their worth all are useless ... Rubai Solitude Mixing with people brings us down to the path of the mind Maharaj Jagat Singh Solitude, as much as is possible, is best for concentration on


the inward and upward path. In the social whirl the mind takes an outward and downward path. Sarmad Seclusion gives comfort to the heartIt is the hidden treasure buried in this life. You'll find this rare pearl of greatest price deep in the tumultuous ocean of the world . Sarmad 82 No peace can be found on this earth, but perhaps only in Solitude. Sarmad 56 Soul Humans falsely identify with the pseudo-soul or ego , when we transfer our sense of identity to our true being Yogananda Speaking Open your lips only when most necessary; and when you must speak , do so in the most kind and gentle manner Maharaj Jagat Singh The tongue is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Bible James 3:7,8 Understanding The key to life is the creative word The key to the creative word is Love The key to Love is understanding Surrender Oh Lord How long will it be that you keep me entangled in the world He said: Silence! You will go where I will Except what You wish me to know, what do I know?


Except what You show me, what can I see? I will live like this, if you wish it If you keep me in some other state, I will live like that. All that the Lord does with that I am pleased This is the wisdom I have received from the Saints. If you give me happiness I praise You If you give me sufferings, I contemplate on You. If you give me hunger, I am content In pain, I feel pleasure If you keep me close to you, I dwell upon you. If you beat and drive me out, I call on you If people praise me, It is your glory If they slander me, I do not leave you. M4 Sri Rag 40-18 to M4 Suhi 757 - 11 Virtues Turn the 5 evil passions into the 5 virtues, Lust into Continence Anger to Forgiveness Greed to Contentment Attachment to Discrimination and Egotism to Humility Babaji Gurunda Singh Wealth is this life leavest thou here after weary strife wealth and relations, so valued here avail us not when Will I say not that I desire pleasure or pain, rather do I Exult in the will of my love if my friend wills that troubles come to me ever I desire to be drowned in troubles.


According to his own worth doth every man ask favours of thee O Lord but my desire is to ask from thee thine own self - thats all I askMuinuid-din-Chisti World Live in the World but be not of the world Maharaji Charan Singh All this is illusion, a mirage that deceives by its false glitter; beholding its glamour, men believe it to be real the mirage glitters deceitfully ; men take it for water, the world dies of thirst as man and beast come to drink of it. Dadu Dayal know this world to be an absorbing dream; in a moment it will vanish, believe this. Teg Bahadur In the mill of illusion, is ground the whole world, lust-anger-vanityavarice are the ones with which its wheel is turned Paltu Sahib I am in another wakefulness in Thee I am awake in another world Once in a while I dream of this earth And the drama of the little body of mine in it I am awake in ceaseless blessedness And my diurnal dream of mundane life Is fragrant with the memory of-fragments Of my ever-bubbling joyous wakefulness I am moving through the panorama of dream-decked life Adorned with many scenic experiences And I carry the aromatic memory of my earth-dreams Into the awareness of the eternal spheres I weeded out the nightmares From the garden of my dreams And planted the roses of my inspirations There Thou must come Lured by my devotion's fragrances And take me back To Thy temple of everlasting, ever new Boundless blessedness


Parmahansa Yogananda The drum of departure reaches my spiritual ear from Heaven Behold the Driver has risen and made ready the file of camels and begged us to acquit him of blame Why O Travellers are you asleep? These sounds before and behind are the din of departure and of the camel bells, with each moment a soul and a spirit is setting off into the Void. From these stars like inverted candles, from these blue awnings of the sky there has come forth a wondrous people that the mysteries may be revealed O Soul, seek the Beloved, O Friend, seek the Friend O Watchman be wakeful: it behoves not a watchman to sleep On every side is clamour and tumult , in every street are torches and candles. For tonight the teeming world gives birth to the world everlasting. Thou were dust and art a spirit, thou wert ignorant and art wise. Shamsi Tabriz by Jalal'ud - Din- Rumi 1207-73 The way of the lover is that of the peaceful warrior, whose journey home is transformed by the glance of the Beloved From the gentlest and most cautious of beginnings we will one day be ready to drop everything and run towards the Master despite the lure of the world our confused egos, our failure and the blackest of separations Kabir says: Try hard to conceal love But it cannot be concealed once it has taken hold of a person Even if one does not talk about it The eyes disclose it" Dont try to see through the distances. Thats not for human beings. Move within, but dont move the way fear makes you move .


Beloved our deepest knowing is that we are a spark of the ineffable and that we will return to our original source of Love with Masters Grace and Guidance ...El man Rumi speaks of this preparation that the mystics themselves have gone through and that we too must go through the preparation that will enable us to face his light. Says Rumi, The bodies of holy men and women have the ability to endure the unconditional light that can tear mountain ranges to pieces. Joseph is taking a walk In the beginning his light is gentle we are drawn to the light of his eyes and our life is never the same . Then we begin to see our Master in our daily life As Rumi says so sweetly: The light of Josephs face, when he passed by a house would filter through the lattice and make a radiance on the wall. People would notice and say " Joseph must be taking a walk". All that is positive in us is a reflection of our Master. Each remembrance in simran, every moment we devote to hearing the Sound even the smallest memory of him even the tiniest desire to turn to him to see him tells us that our Master is taking a walk. He is passing by our window, his light has filtered through the lattice of our mind, and we are seeing its reflection. But Rumi, like all mystics doesn't stop with satisfaction in reflections. He continues:Its fortunate to have a window that faces that way! Open it up and stay at the opening so you can have more delight in Joseph! The window that faces the beloved


Of all of the millions of life forms in this creation in this particular life - no more than a six hour play we have been given the human form and initiation- the window of the eye centre that faces our Beloved Every being has this window but without the Master it is closed curtained and shuttered.To open it we must receive initiation and give our attention to it ; the hard incessant work of attention the love play of attention. Rumi tells us The work of love is to open that window and look incessantly on the beloved. You can do it . You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it. The saints keep no secrets. They tell us exactly how to make rapid spiritual progress, how to become a lover. Their desire is to take us out of this creation as quickly as possible. If they seem to work slowly we only need to look to ourselves and our own non-action. Let the four birds go On the path of love we move in one direction alone towards him. Right now we are like the four birds of earth water fire air , tied together and each one attempting to fly in its own direction, towards its own desired end. Meanwhile the soul with its nostalgia for the Lord is left pining. Says Rumi: Consider how the soul must be In the midst of these tensions Feeling its own exalted pole My longing is more profound These birds want the sweet green herbs and the water running by I want the infinite I want wisdom These birds want orchards and meadows I want a vast expansion They want profit and the security of having enough food


We understand that the bird of our earth element is interested in money and security. The bird of our water element focuses on lust and all its craving. The bird of our fire element goes to anger, rivalry and thoughts of violence The bird of our air element is possessive jealous and attached . These four birds are tied by the strong twine of ego. Rumi says God breaks the wings of our intention and then give you another, cuts the rope of contriving so you'll remember your dependence. But sometimes your plans works out you feel fulfilled and in control That is because if you were always failing you might give up. But remember it is by failures that loves stay aware of how they are loved. He says: A lover doest figure the odds A lover gambles everything, the self, the circle around the zero. A lover cuts and throws it all away Lovers run and they run Ours is the way of the peaceful warrior who action is to remember him with every breath, to our last breath "In these Sufi teachings - the human heart is not a fanciful metaphor but an objective organ of intuition and perception. It is able to perceive all that is beautiful and meaningful in life - to reflect these spiritual qualities in the world for the benefit of others. Every human heart has the capacity and the destiny to bring that world of divine reality into this world of appearances" - " to learn to listen to our deepest knowing. In cultivating a knowing heart we learn to experience a new sense of self, transform our relationships and enhance our creative capacities.


Most important we learn how to meet the spiritual challenge of our time:to realise our sacred humanness" Rumi All year round the Lover is mad unkempt, lovesick, and in disgrace without Love there is nothing but grief In Love ... what else matters ? it is good to leave each day behind like flowing water free of sadness yesterday is gone and its tale told today new seeds are growing the early breeze at dawn is the keeper of secrets dont go back to sleep it is time for prayer time to find what is your real need dont go back to sleep the door of the one is open always the birds have flown to freedom the cage lies empty your happy songs bring to me the scent of heaven please keep singing the heart is like a candle longing to be lit torn from the Beloved it yearns to be whole again but you have to bear the pain you cannot learn about Love Love appears on the wings of grace I want a kiss from you said my heart "yes but the price is your life"


my heart leaped with joy and said who cares about the price with a friend you grow wings alone you are a single feather in disgrace with them you master the wind but alone you're blown in all directions "The Soul is brought into mystic contact with the Creative Word and becomes a bride to Him forevermore. " The Lord is upon my head like a crown of flowers and I shall never be without him. A crown of truth has been plaited for me, and it has caused thy shoots to grow within me. For it is not like a withered crown, which blossoms not; but thou art alive upon my head , and thou has blossomed upon me. Thy fruits are full and perfect; they are full of they salvation. Ode of Solomon 1:1-5 OSD p .12 However much someone honours you or maligns you you should not be elated when praised and honoured, nor depressed when maligned Remain in the Will of the Lord and be happy wherever He places you. " "If you attend to the sound current regularly with love and devotion the mind will shed its evil tendencies Worldly desires which are the cause of birth and rebirth will disappear The mind will then be in love with the Master" Welcome the hour of pain as a blessing because both pain and pleasure come to us from Him


When it comes from HIm why resent it? The Lord is always with us and ever watches us. If pain is to our benefit He sends us pain if pleasure is to our benefit He sens us pleasure both come to us through His will" "The Perfect Master separates the loving disciple from him physically to enable him to settle his worldly accounts, but never from the sound current Pain and pleasure are the result of our own karmas Our destiny karmas are bound to ear fruit in this life do not lose your balance in suffering Keep yourself attached to shabd with love and devotion all the time "When the fruit is ripe it drops automatically from the tree While being in the human body if you meet a perfect Master you accomplish everything this is the fruit to live within the command of the master is the ripening of the fruit to attend to meditation every day to the best of ones capacity is watering the tree to merge in the sound current is the falling of the fruit after ripening." "Affairs of the world will take their own course


They just go on and never come to a stop". From Words Divine Baba Ji

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