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Amartya Sen Amartya Sen

? Amartya Sen book launch . "Is there a connection? ! Amartya Sen : ! , 80 , . . , . cunning Rakshas .

65 THE ARGUMENTATIVE INDIAN Intellectual pluralism? Indians just love to argue.

Amartya Sen . Food Security Bill . , , Amartya Sen . Amartya Sen

director producer ? . . Gatha#1 Nalanda University ?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, professor of economics and philosophy at Harvard and former master of Trinity College, Cambridge, was last year appointed as the first chancellor of the proposed Nalanda International University on the site of the ancient Buddhist institution. Former Indian president APJ Abdul Kalam revival of Nalanda University . (CORRELATION)? . , ! .

. . Nalanda University ? . , project . . Dr. Kalam is the best person for Nalanda University revival project. He has great vision to revive India. Amartya Sen : Gatha#2: Haath mein katora, sar pe topi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amartya Sen Welfare Economics IMF-World Bank-oriented " economic policy ? Welfare Economics ? Amartya Sen . : 1) ? ? ! 2) Corruption, Black Money, Underground Economy, Debt management, distribution .

. .

3) Food Security Bill . ? 900 , Food Security Bill ? IMF ? 4) . . Gatha#3: ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , 3 , 1933 ( , -) Nabanita Deb Sen, Amartya Sen'sfirst wife. She is an Indian writer and scholar, with whom he had two children: Antara, a journalist and publisher, and Nandana, a Bollywood actress.

Their marriage broke up shortly after they moved to London in 1971. In 1973, he married his second wife, Eva Colorni, who died from stomach cancer in 1985. They had two children, Indrani, a journalist in New York, and Kabir, who teaches music at Shady Hill School. Sen married Emma Georgina Rothschild in 1991. Amartya Sen has done India proud. - Nandana Sen. Noble Prize, Bharat Ratnya? Amartya Sen university , We are proud over Amartya Sen, Amartya Sen has done India proud. He has indeed restored the faith of the world in the intellectual abilities of Indians.

, , . . Bengalis are very proud of Amartya Sen, and the intellectuals revere him more than the great Saurav Ganguli. Whole world think that he is an intellectual and great economist.

Now Congressi are very proud of Amartya Sen as they are trying to shoot FSB gun from his shoulder. Sen today is a practitioner of charlatan economics that has very little to do with helping the poor. Commonsense should tell us that acute hunger is more or less gone except in some pockets of India. Amartya Sen, the intellectual patron of many of the UPAs economic follies, mindless schemes. Sen and his long-time collaborator Jean Drze are supporters of the entitlement-led public schemes launched by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government. Drze is a member of the powerful National Advisory Council that has the ear of Congress president Sonia Gandhi. Will Amartya Sen take moral responsibility of failure of #Narega #middaymeal #RTE and #FSB and return hos Noble prize on moral ground? Malnutrition, of course, is another matter, since it involves a whole lot of other inputs from maternal care and giving children enough nutrition once they are born. Neither of these problems is going to be solved by giving two-thirds of India (more than 800 million people) rice, wheat and coarse cereals at Rs 3, Rs 2 and Re 1 a kg. Cut the crap, Mr.Amartya Sen , Indians are NOT fools.

Sens charlatan economics have been repeatedly exposed by more sensible economists. Arvind Subramanian, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and Center for Global Development rubbishes Sens stand on food security. (Read Arvind Subramanians full Business Standard article Arvind Panagariya and Jagdish Bhagwati, professors of economics at Columbia University are packing a fair punch, Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen is ducking and dodging, but without ceding turf. Economics journalist Martin Wolf is blunt: Obviously, higher incomes are a necessary condition for better state-funded welfare, better jobs and so forth. This is simply not debatable. Indeed, only in India, do serious intellectuals dream of debating these issues. ----------------------------------------------------------------A billion dollar question is why even after so much criticism, Sen and Drze once again prescribe large-scale, state-run social programmes that are adequately monitored as the solution to Indias problems???

Gatha#4 , ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : A book on the Bihar model of development - titled 'New Bihar' - in which Sen is one of the contributors, is slated was released by president Pranab Mukherjee at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. : Nicholas Stern, Baron of Brentford and president of the British Academyn N. K. Singh, a technocrat and Janata Dal (United) member of the Rajya Sabha ( ) Montek Singh, Meghnad Dasai etc. etc. ! 25 , Credit . N. K. Singh , (West Bengal) (Urisa) . (

? ! ? ? ? JDU

. BJP : . N. K. Singh . ? Mid day meal tragedy across country suggests that this mindless distribution scheme could be so much dangerous to our next generations. . .

Gatha#5 !
--------------------------------------------------AMARTYA SEN GETS NOBEL PRIZE FOR WHITEWASHING CHURCHILL'S INDIAN HOLOCAUST ? ! . 1943 GREAT BENGAL FAMINE KILLS 5.2 MILLION, DELIBERATE STARVATION OF A GENTLE RACE AND ROTHSCHILD STOOGE AMARTYA SEN , ! ! As soon as Amartya Sen won the Nobel prize in 1998 for Economic sciences 10.4 lakh Bengalis delirious with joy had taken out a rally on the streets of Calcutta, dancing for hours. After a Bengali reads this post, Amartya Sen wil be taken down from his pedestal. Amartya Sen first caught the white man's eye when he did a Rudyard Kipling-- that the brown man of Asia is the European white man's burden. He focused on the gutters of India, self inflicted poverty, lack of free press in all his works, which the white man lapped up. And this was the hidden reason his nationalist first Hindu wife left him.

Amartya Sen was given the Nobel prize on Rothschild's recommendation ( for the economics of famine ) and also the Bharat Ratna by our Vatican powered Italian woman managed Indian Government. This woman has signed away India's nuclear rights too. What are you talking about? Have you gone mad?? I say OK, Now, read this boring history! but facts which Investigative Journalism of Arnab Goswaami will never expose (It is difficult to expose Intentions without evidences). To uncover Intentions you need to have Chanyakyas Intellectual mind like Dr. Swami or scientific and investigative eye like like Shri Rajiv Dixit. : . . . IMF Vetican Bank ? IMF ? British East India Company who ruled India and made us slaves was owned by Rothschild . Amartya Sen's third wife is Emma Rothschild, who is the direct blood sister of Amschel Mayor James Rothschild. Rothschild family owns 80% of Israel and also the US federal reserve

and almost all international banking institutions are run by them. They decide the bulls and the bears of the stock market. Amartya Sen is just one in the line of a list of Bengali brown sahib Rothschild loyalists, like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Debendra Nath Tagore ( Rabindranath's grandfather ) who had opium connections with Rothschild and became fabulously rich. East India Company deliberately build Calcutta at a convenient location to be the hub of a vast hinterland growing opium for export to China. All the past Freemasons were agents of this world wide opium trade. Rothschild funded TV channel CNN-IBN. This is a channel which gives anti-nationals to vent their thoughts and do India and Hindu bashing on prime time 9 PM, with full supported by UPA Sonia Gandhi govt. The Indian TV anchor employees do NOT have a choice, if they want to continue working there. Wiki leaks had recently revealed how Rahul Gandhi was worried about Hindu terrorism in India.

Gatha#6 Hindu terrorism? ---------------------------------------Secularism is fundamental the same tool of #divide and rule policy of Englishmen and now congress has copyright for it.

A true Hindu will not exploit vulnerability. This is why India has never attacked any other country in the past history, but has been invaded again and again and again. Openness is the essence of Hinduism. Gratitude is inherent, which makes this religion noble. India is the only place on this planet where Jews have never been persecuted. The Indian patriot must know that most of our TV channels are foreign funded, where disinformation is spread every day by the likes of Teetsa Setalvad , Shabana Azmi , the way Rothschild did before -DIVIDE AND RULE. It is so easy. All you need is to sow seeds of suspicion. This is why we have been reduced to -- the richest counrty in the world 800 years ago, is now in this sorry state. Let us imagine two brothers are very close and they boast that no wedge can ever be driven between them. Imagine the wife of one guy had blonde hair and the other had black hair. All you need to do to make the two kill each other, is to put a blonde hair on the wrong bed , and manipulate the blonde's husband to see it . He will now spend a sleepless night in wondering how his wife's hair landed up on the bed of his brother--the cold war will now start, before the inevitable hot war . The Indian DNA is unique, as we had the culture of joint families, where love was in abundance and shared. There was nothing like this is yours and that is mine, or we and they concept within the joint

family. When Ram went to the forest after being manipulated by Bharat's mother, Bharat refused to sit on the throne , and kept Ram's sandals on the throne till he returned after exile. This is our Dharma. Foreigners like Sonia Gandhi will never ever understand the Indian ethos. We need India to be ruled by a person with Indian DNA. When the white man came to our country we were wondering why they were in such a desperate hurry to translate all our ancient Vedic books on Maths and Science to English from Sanskrit. They had even taken away hundreds of Pundits fluent in Sanskrit to England , so that translations can be done from there. These pundits were literally held captive. The Pundits could NOT see each other, and were kept widely separated. Each Sankrit text went though three different translations. If any Pundit did NOT read between the lines, being a nationalist, retribution would be severe, and he would die in England. Like how the Mathematics genius Ramanujam was whisked away to England , and then discarded like a curry leaf, after they got the juice out of him . We were wondering what is the dire need to PATENT knowledge. Yes, the white man patented all our ancient knowledge and established Indians as a stupid race.

Gatha#7 Amartya Sen was given the Nobel prize for white washing the most terrible thing done in history-- deliberate starvation of 5.2 million Bengalis during the famine in 1943. -----------------------------------------------------------------------THE HERO OF BRITAIN AND HENCHMAN OF ROTHSCHILD GREATEST AND BRAVEST MAN IN EUROPE BY AGE 24-CREATOR OF MI-5 AND MI-6 TO SUBVERT ENGLISH POLITICS TO FAVOR JEWS. WHO ENGINEERED BOTH WORLD WARS ? -

The simple John Bull Englishman supercharged by zeal to queen and country, has NO idea that since Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo, Britain belonged to the Rothschild Jews-- till the end of 2nd World War. It was British hero Sir Winston Churchill who started the spark and fanned the flames of both world wars, which brought untold misery to this planet. He did it to further the financial greed of the Jewish Rothschild family yes the family who owned the British East Indian company, and made their fabulous wealth by being the first drug ( opium ) cartel of this world. The illuminati and the free masons were all drug runners, for the

Rothschilds. Churchills mother the attractive Jennie Jerome was a Rothschild. Jennies father financier Leonard Jerome ( Jacobsen ) was a race horse owner and the Rothschilds representative in USA. Rothschild drug money. Churchills father Randolph Churchill died of Syphillis, and Winston was born in a toilet on Nov 30th 1874, prematurely at 7 months, when his pregnant mother got labour pains, in the middle of a dance. Churchills own daughter-in-law Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill was the mistress of Baron Elie de Rothschild. Pamela was nicknamed as " The last courtesan " dues to he appetite for sex with powerful men. Bill Clinton made Pamela the US ambassador to France. Lord Mountbattens wife was Rothschild. (Nehroo connection!) Winston was NOT the only person to be groomed by Rothschild. Hitler, Pope Pacelli Pius XII, and President Roosvelt was also groomed by Rothschild. Rothschild used Winston to fan the flames of first world war. There were enormous profits to be made. They wanted to carve out a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Winston was told by Rothschild to create MI-5 and MI-6--the information and security services in 1909. He was famous for rigging horse races. US financier JP Morgan laundered the

Knowing more about WINSTON CHURCHILL You will be surprised as to how much history can be subverted by one single man. He deliberately starved and killed 5.2 million Indians ( Great Bengal Famine ) in 1943. This is deleted from history, by Rothschilds. Well this is the meaning of Rothschild Zionist power. And Amartya Sen is in the inner clique of Rothschild by blood line. Winston Churchill after getting the Nobel prize for literature, was nominated in later years for Nobel Prize for -- hold your breath-PEACE. Despite all lobbying done by Rothschild, it did NOT happen.

Gatha#8 Amartya Sen got his Nobel prize 2.5 years earlier than his marriage to Emma. -------------------------------------------------------------He started his close friendship with Emma when his second Jewish wife Italian Eva Colorni died in 1985. Amartya's first wife was a great Indian nationalist Nabaneeta Dev who could not tolerate his shameful sucking up to the white man to further his career prospects. After this divorce Amartya has proclaimed himself as agnostic. Hindu bashing is now his field. Before the second world war there was OPEN one-upmanship between Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose, causing a

great deal of distress to Mahatma Gandhi, who when forced to take sides leaned closer to Nehru. This made Bose very bitter. Bose was a great patriot and was passionate about Indian freedom from British tyranny. Lord Mountabatten was a Rothschild stooge just like Churchill-- both related by blood. Churchill's mother Jennie was a Rothschild. Mountbatten's wife Edwina was a Rothschild. Bose formed INA in great haste, causing a bizarre situation. Now Indian will have to shoot Indian. One from the British boat and the other from the Japanese boat. This will cause EVERY SINGLE Bengali a great deal of heartache, when they get to know how a great hero and intelligent man like Bose could be fooled so easily. The Brits hated belligerent Bose. He was incarcerated 11 times in 20 years , and they even tried to murder him. But they loved Gandhiji and Nehru, for being their type of peaceful Indian. Why: CHURCHILL DELIBERATELY STARVED 5.2 MILLION OF YOUR BENGALI BROTHERS AND SISTERS AS RETRIBUTION IN 1943 , FOR CHANGING BOATS FROM BRITISH TO JAPANESE , IN MIDWATER- DURING THE 2ND WORLD WAR?

None of you know that Subhash Chandra Bose had a Jewish wife, right? And that too when he was a staunch bed fellow of the Nazi Germans under Hilter. Netaji's wife was Emilie Schenkl. Bose married her in Dec 1937. Emilie bore him a daughter by the name of Anita in 1942 , who was a professor of Economics at the University of Augsburg. Bose's grandchildren's names are Arun, Krishna and Maya. Bose's constant passionate declarations to his army INA --that he does NOT have children and hence they are his children must be taken with a pinch of salt. Subhash Chandra Bose at Nehru's funeral-- came and left immediately. They came in 3 taxis, From the taxi, Netaji sent an envelope to Lal Bahadur Shastri , who came running to welcome him...Then Lal Bahadurji and Netaji went inside the Teenmurthy Bhawan...After sometime, Shastriji escorted Netaji back to the taxi... Netaji took out a package , arrived beside Nehru's body and offered a giant garland of roses as homage. Netaji also added a note to the garland in English...The note said,"Another name of Jawaharlal Nehru is courage.Let us confront the crisis of our nation for the future of India"...The note was undersigned as 'Subhas Chandra Bose' ... The young generation knows Diggi Vijay , Ambika Soni, Anand Sharma , Kapil Sibal , Salman Khurshid etc , right? Well what do we know?-

Raja ram mohan roy was the guest of rothschild in france -- he even met the French king . he got for himself the title of RAJA. Rabindranath tagore got for himself the nobel prize , from a grateful british ( rothschild ). General Tojo had written that India was to be conquered by Japan with the assistance of Subhash Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army, and after that was accomplished, Bose was to be exterminated by the Japanese. Winston Churchill was a manic depressive, prone to mood swings and he was drunk throughout the day. He used Opium suppositories , hardly anybody knew this--except his doctor. He was a vindictive man, rather a diabolical person clinically. All Churchill's popularity rating polls are rigged by Rothschild--the same way Amartya Sen gets so many accolades. As soon as Bose formed the INA every single Bengali gave immediate support. Now Churchill supported by Rothschild decides to teach them a severe lesson. Starve the bloody Bengalis--never mind if they are connected to the rest of well fed India by roads, railway lines, aircraft and ships. Much later Japan knew how vindictive a Rothschild lesson could be in the form of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Germans already knew it in the form of DRESDEN pulverised with bombs in a gruesome overkill.

Gatha #9 :
------------------------Japanese were now in Burma, and so the official Churchill line was that he was doing a SCORCHED EARTH policy. Japanese would be denied food and transport in the Bengal corridor. This was where all the opium fields and hinterland lay. The British secretly confiscated every single boat, every single vehicle, including -- hold your breath-bullock carts. As if the Japanese would ever require local boats and bullock carts. They confiscated elephants too for publicity--to make the scorched earth policy catch the world's eye. Bengalis depended on boats ( without fuel ) for their even transportation, to sell their goods. Nehru did nothing. Gandhi was so naive (like our present Anna Hazare) and out of touch with reality that he was staying in Opium runner Ghanshyam Birla's house. The Bengalis were NOT ALLOWED to cultivate rice-- or the Japanese would eat it, right?

This was NOT the first time , Bengalis were forbidden to plant rice. It happened in 1769, causing a great famine killing more than 10 million Bengalis. --and history was just repeating itself. Warren Hastings was

found guilty in 1770 and was censured verbally, to proclaim British Justice to the world. At that time it was vindictive retribution to the argumentative Bengali, who refused to cultivate Opium, Jute and Indigo on their rice growing lands. You cant eat opium, jute and indigo, right? Our man Amartya has even written a bullshit book by the name of "The argumentative Indian ". By the way he wrote a book after he got the Nobel prize " Development as freedom" . This low cost, shallow thinking book has NIL buyers. Only 2800 copies were consumed and that too what Rothschild made people lump abroad, free. Well , this deliberate scorched earth policy caused male members to join the military corps , where they get free rations. The British Govt could not care less about women, children and older people. They just starved. Rice was available in Calcutta. Starving skeletoned people in a terribly shocking condition started pouring into Calcutta, by the millions . They would forage , fight over scraps , and eat any sort of garbage .

The British parliament wanted to pass a resolution to send food to India immediately. This was stone walled by Churchill, who asked

sarcastically in British parliament " If there is famine in India, why is bloody Gandhi not dead yet?" Dozens of Australian ships loaded with grain enroute to Mediterranean, could have eased up the situation immediately. Churchill using his wartime powers and his powers given by Rothschild who was more important than the King of England , said NO! When Churchill was reminded that he would be judged in bad light by history for using starvation as a political tool , he said sarcastically "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write history" All this talk about Hitler killing 6 million Jews, is all Rothschild

propaganda. Vatican under Pope Pacelli Pius XII , killed more Serbian orthodox Christians for they refused to accept a middleman with a hot line between themselves and Jesus. This tally was put on Hitler's account.

Gatha #10: Business plan to cultivate Bio diesel ( fatty acid Methyl esters ) to run the white man's cars , by converting SELECTED fertile food growing lands to cultivate Bio diesel.

Bengal was the granary of India till the British in the form of Rothschild owned British East India Company, stepped in and started cultivating cash crops and Opium , in their effort to get rich. Bengal was lush green with clear ponds full of fish every where. To survive there was NO need for rice. Because of 70000 confiscated boats, the people starved, as the inland water navigation system collapsed. Calcutta was full of WW2 soldiers ( about 3.5 lakhs ) who retreated

from Burma, under Japanese assault. Churchill exported rice in this current dire situation , from Calcutta and other ports of India. The cost of food now increased and the poor man could NOT afford it. For military fortifications and needless airfields people were expelled from fertile lands.

It is a pity this great holocaust was never mentioned in any book or magazine and was bottled up till the Internet age. For every magazine, every TV channel and media is Rothschild controlled even today. With the advent of Internet, this truth started filtering out. SO THIS IS WHERE OUR BROWN SAHIB , HINDU BASHER AND ANTI-NATIONAL AMARTYA SEN COMES IN.

Amartya whitewashed the black deeds of Churchill and Rothschild. He was thus honoured with a Nobel prize.

Here is what bullshit Amartya Sen wrote in his books and told in all foreign TV channels till be frothed from his cancer affected mouth. 1) There was adequate food in Bengal at the time of the great famine in 1943. 2) There was NO need for Churchill to send rice to India . 3) Diverting grain ships from Australia passing India enroute to Suez Canal every few days, was NOT necessary 4) Bengalis did panic buying and greedy hoarding in a disgraceful manner. 5) The local administration consisting of mainly Bengalis were corrupt and inefficient in food distribution. 6) How incompetence and corruption can cause famine in a land of plenty. 7) Root cause of famine was inflation and speculative hoarding by Bengalis. It was NOT hoarded by British for the army. 8) Food was stocked 13% more in Bengal than in 1943 than in 1941. Hence it was OK for Churchill to export food from India. 9) Famine cannot exist in proper democracy. ( India under princely states never had famine ) 10) 1943 famine was a local Bengali man made thing. The incompetence was native NOT of the British. 11) Bengali producers exported food.

12) Wages of labourers was NOT in par with food prices. Enough food was there , believe me, I saw it in the local bania godowns .

Below is a quote from Amartya Sen's warped way of thinking. Mind you, he used great verbosity to baffle us with his bullshit , supporting Adam Smith. QUOTE-- But Smith's defense of private trade only took the form of disputing the belief that stopping trade in food would reduce the burden of hunger. That does not deny in any way the need for state action to supplement the operations of the market by creating jobs and incomes (e.g., through work programs). If unemployment were to increase sharply thanks to bad economic circumstances or bad public policy, the market would not, on its own, recreate the incomes of those who have lost their jobs. The new unemployed, Smith wrote, "would either starve, or be driven to seek a subsistence either by begging, or by the perpetration perhaps of the greatest enormities," and "want, famine, and mortality would immediately prevail...." UNQUOTE

Sorry, Mr Amartya Sen even a urchin child knows famine means , no food available.

So Amarya Sen gets famous and rich for giving his slanted and loaded views about human rights, poverty, inequality , welfare economics , social choice theory , democracy to prevent famine, food distribution systems , FAD, entitlement theory, third degree shortage in a under nourished society, misdirected policies, negative freedom, positive freedom ( sic!) , entitlement shifts -- BLAH BLAH. Cut the crap, Mr.Amartya Sen , Indians are NOT Bokachoda. Let us imagine a boy king of 12 is in charge of a kingdom threatened by famine -as it has happened so many times in our history. He knows that even Napoleon cannot eat thrice the amount of rice (or staple food like potato) he normally eats -- we are NOT talking about caviar here.

He will know that all available food has to be immediately secured or siezed , by strict monitoring. He will make hoarding a death penalty. For this he does NOT have to search the whole country, where 95% people are hand to mouth --"there goes one more day" pattern. He will prohibit any family from having more than a week of food stock in their houses. He will introduce a fair price rationing system for people below the poverty line. When it comes to the crunch he will give a royal order that only the king's depots can sell rice. He will make sure epidemics are controlled , by advocating alternate foods , instead of rice -- as usually 60% of famine deaths are by malnutrition related diseases. He will eliminate waste. He will d his level best to import food. He will leave no stone unturned to run survival kitchens.

He is not gonna be constrained by bullshit modern economist theories -- where just mere earthy commonsense is required. For all this you must LOVE your own people. This is why in India we like our ruler to have Indian DNA, -- NOT Italian or British or Portuguese.

Gatha #9: Sen declared in the late sixties - only Marxist communism can prevent poverty in India and then he recruited students for the Naxalite movement from Delhi University. Amartya is still a great underground sympathiser of Binayak sen , who is in jail for sedition ( Naxalite brain ). He even took the trouble to unwrap the book by Minnnie Vaid " The Binayak Sen Story" Now he does a volte face and jumps boats and how-- Communism to Capitalism, Tamas to Rajas come to this later) -----------------------------When Hitler first met Churchill, he was white faced and then he whispered " I have met with the anti-Christ today-- as told by Nostradamus. He is cruel and intrepid.. He frightens me !" Churchill and Pope Pius XII have killed more people than Hitler. Triple agent Amarya Sen frightens me even more. In the 1781 American war of Independence , Rothschild gave King George III, (who spoke German as his mother tongue and English as a second language) --without a Sattva in between. Now he joined Congres and Nitish. (What is so special about Bihar? We will

34000 German speaking Protestant Christian Hessian mercenaries of ancient Chatti tribe descent -- all paid handsomely with Opium money- to fight along with the British Red coats. The best part is they sold mercenaries to their overseas Freemason agents in charge of American Blue coats to fight on the opposite side too-- they were double agents. In India Rothschild has already armed Naxalites and ULFAs, with far superior weapons than what the CRPF and police has.. Have you see the thousands of Hummer and Land Rover type SUVs' used in Libya, fitted with heavy long range automatic machine guns, to be used against the tiny guns of Mohammad Gaddaffi?-- where do you think it came from, all of a sudden ?-- Same place from where Naxalites got their guns. Naxalites will one day spill over the red corridors and run over India-- if we are naive. Emma Georgina Rothschild is NOT a friend of India. Her role model is Adam Smith, who laid out the blue print for fooling naive Indians into the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, so that opium traders Rothschild can take over India, officially. It was Adam's idea that East India Company should rule India after the Battle of Plassey in 1757, when Robert Clive defeated to Siraj Ud Daula and ended the Mughal empire for good. East India company could have crushed Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan of Mysore any time they wanted.But they cleverly did some HINDU MUSLIM DIVIDE, and held on till Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan broke open the secret vaults and foundations all Kerala temples and Calicut King Zamorin's palace and stole Trillions of USD worth of gold, the fruit of 6 millenniums of spice trade.

Jewish Rothschilds could have never achieved this, as the spy network information provided by the local muslim Maplah half breed Malayalees were critical. And then in one foul swoop in 1799, Rothschild killed Tipu Sultan and took all this gold away to their underground vaults in Europe. In July 2011, 24 billion USD worth of gold was found in a minor Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple at Trivandrum, where there was no spice trade. The main vault has not been opened yet due to judicial orders quoting security problems. First of all the trigger of the Black hole of Calcutta was a big lie. It was tom tommed by East India Company that Nawab Siraj Ud Daula locked up 146 Britishers in a small dark ill ventilated room, out of which 123 died. The truth is only 58 people were in the room, out of which 19 died... Adam Smith used PEARL HARBOUR or LOUSITANIA type cause to

start the Battle of Plassey in 1757, for East India Company to take over India. The battle itself is a white lie. The battle never took place. Siraj Ud Daula was killed before even a single shot was fired by his brother-in-law and army Commander Mir Jaffar, who was bribed by Rothschild employee Robert Clive. Mir Jaffar was made a stooge Nawab and in return he gave a lot of Siraj Ud Daula's gold and diamonds for Robert Clive to take home personally in secrecy. Clive wanted to squeeze him more and

when unable to milk him further, shoved off Mir Jaffar and put his rival Mir Qasim as the Satrap. Adam Smith was responsible for the Chinese Opium misery. It was his idea. Adam Smith an East India Employee is considered by the West as the " Father of Capitalism " and he wrote the book "Wealth of Nations" --the Bible of the Capitalists. His theory was-- EVERY MAN IS ALLOWED TO PURSUE HIS HEDONISTIC DESIRES TO A LAWFUL CONCLUSION, AND THAT OPIUM IS A "LEGITIMATE PRODUCT" . ALL OBSTACLES TO BUYING CHEAP AND SELLING DEAR MUST BE REMOVED, WHICH IS THE CORE OF GLOBALISATION... IMF + World Bank = Hundred Rich Billions Poor. IMF has tradition of appointing a European as managing director. Sorry Mr. Amartya Sen we have no room in India, for Rothschild mistress Ann Rand and her bullshit character John Galt of the book ATLAS SHRUGGED, -or for the matter, your wife Emma Rothschild's white washing interpretation of hedonist and East India company employee, Adam Smith vide her book ECONOMIC SENTIMENTS. Who is real director and producer of Food Security Scheme? Rothschild controlled bankers using hunger as a weapon so huge bankers fund could be siphoned in developing countries like India and South Africa.

Currency Devaluation is part of game before India will borrow a huge debt from IMF. Devaluation of currencies is one of Conditionality of IMF of Structural adjustment. Food Security Scheme, . ? Some naive European Union countries have been pushed into giving up agriculture and to culivate biofuel fuel crops. It is good business plan to cultivate Bio diesel ( fatty acid Methyl esters ) to run the white man's cars , by converting SELECTED fertile food growing lands to cultivate Bio diesel. Everybody had been wondering why the current generation of Rothschild has stopped all their covert games. Oh no! They upstaged all their ancestors with the HOAX of the millennium. GLOBAL WARMING DUE TO GREEN HOUSE GASES. This would make poor countries rich in natural energy like coal and hydrocarbons buy biodiesel and alternate from Rothschild's companies in European countries who have NOTHING in their country just unfertile, no mineral, and no energy wasteland. Rothschild is using another Indian Dr. Rajendra Pachauri to spread the bullshit of greenhouse gases and global warming. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. We dont need amartya sen and his zionist wife emma georgina rothschild , to be india's messiah.

India has suffered enough! enough is enough!!

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